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2017 FDI attraction: improvement in quantity, quality

Vietnam has remained an attractive destination for foreign investors in 2017 with total foreign direct investment (FDI) capital hitting $36 billion, a record over the past 10 years. 

Social News 10/1

 EPI to focus on increasing vaccination rate, quality, HCM City confers Environment Awards on individuals, organisations, EVN to stop sending bill collectors to homes, Large suspected rhino horns being smuggled at airport

VN needs more true professors

 Referring to the Ton Duc Thang's plan, I should say the university does not intend to award the title of professor to its lecturers. It only plans to bestow professional titles with attached specific procedures for each title.

Many provinces fail to monitor small hydropower projects

 VietNamNet Bridge – Hydropower projects with capacity of less than 50 MW are put under the jurisdiction of provinces for assessment and licensing but the capacity of provincial officials is still weak,

Drivers wearing fake helmets to be fined $10

VietNamNet Bridge – Motorcycle and bicycle drivers who wear helmets that do not meet the technical standards will be fined as those who do not wear helmets or do not fasten the strap properly.

Vietnamese TV serials declines in quality

VietNamNet Bridge - Except for a few serials on hot issues that are polished carefully in terms of contents and technical quality, the general quality of Vietnamese TV series is going down.

Scientists warn against alien animals breeding movement

It is now a growing tendency among the youth to breed original reptiles. Meanwhile, scientists have warned that these are hazardous alien animals.

Despite students’ protests, MOET still vows to tighten inter-school education

The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has its reason to tighten the control over the quality of the inter-school education, the type of education which allows students to pass credits to continue the study at higher levels.

Vietnamese businesses debouch into the world market, on their lonesome

Vietnamese enterprises all nurture the ambitious plans to reach out to the world market. But they just plan to do this alone and don’t think of uniting with one another to get stronger.

Transport Minister to punish bad road builders

VietNamNet Bridge - "Quality is the honor of the transport sector. We have to feel shame when we see bad roads. Those who built bad roads must be seriously handled," Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang emphasized.

EVN’s power factories make fat profit, but still insist on power price hike

Power companies all have reported big profits for 2012 with the profits up by 1.5-4 times in comparison with the last year. Meanwhile, the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) expects the profit of VND3.5-4 trillion.

MOET determined to stop “university bubble”

The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has stated that it would restructure the training establishment network and stop the “university bubble.”

Rice trade becomes conditional business, what will be next?

More and more business fields have been set as the types of conditional business. This would do more harm than good.