VietNamNet Bridge – A subsidence case occurred at 0h30 on August 26 in Cam Dong Ward, Cam Pha City of Quang Ninh Province, making a woman fall into a nearly 5 meters deep pit. A lot of furniture was also “swallowed” by the “pit of death.”

A series of “pit of death” appears in Quang Ninh


Thuy was sleeping when she fell in the death pit.

The victim is Ms. Bui Thi Thuy, who was brought to the Cam Pha Hospital for emergency. It is reported the entire bedroom of Thuy fell into the hole at night when she was sleeping.

Local people said that while sleeping, they heard a big sound and felt the earth shaking. They got up and ran outside. Noticing of the subsidence, they returned home to evacuate valuable assets.

Mr. Vi Van Tien, a local official, said that his family has lived here for decades but this is the first time he witnessed the phenomenon of subsidence. At least two households had to move from the area for safety.












Cam Pha City Chairman Nguyen Trong Minh saidsince 2012, Cam Pha has recorded many land subsidence cases. In early August, the city invited experts of the Geophysical Technology JSC of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to inspect and examine this phenomenon.

Results showed that the subsidence area is located on groundwater. This phenomenon takes place locally and is not affected by tectonic phenomena and faults and is not due to mining activities in coal mines in the area.

"We will ask the company to continue survey to zone the areas of subsidence to proactively mitigate the effects of subsidence phenomenon in the wards of Cam Tay, Cam Dong, Cam Son and widely report survey results to people," he said.

Earlier, on August 21, a series of "pits of death" due to land subsidence appeared in Cam Son Ward.

Na Son