VietNamNet Bridge – The northern province of Quang Ninh has decided to crack down on shops that sell souvenirs at astronomical rates and tourist companies that offer substandard tours.


Since the end of March, Quang Ninh Province has suspended the operations of four travel agencies for breaking tourism management rules. 

At a meeting with Mong Cai City authorities on Monday, the province’s Party Secretary Nguyen Van Doc said that strict punishment must be imposed on tourist shops and companies that violate State management regulations on commercial activities.

“The province wants to create the most favourable conditions for companies to welcome international visitors, including Chinese tourists, but Quang Ninh will absolutely strictly handle those involved in unfair business activities or fraud,” Doc said.

The move is part of a campaign to clean up the province’s tourism business environment.

It was recently reported that some companies are offering very cheap tours to serve Chinese tourists. 

In order to make up for the cost and for higher profits, these travel agencies tie up with specific shops and units that sell souvenirs and items at exorbitant prices and take tourists to these shops.

Authorities said such actions negatively affect Quang Ninh’s tourism industry and must be stopped.

Doc has asked the local tourism department to take a close look at the operations of travel agencies and has ordered shops to publicly declare the price of their goods. 

Those violating these regulations will be fined and their operations suspended.

Since the end of March, Quang Ninh Province has suspended the operations of four travel agencies for breaking tourism management rules. 


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