Rare storks appear in northern Dien Bien province hinh anh 1

Co nhan, a kind of rare stork, in fields of Dien Bien province 




The stork is a rare bird listedin Vietnam’s Red Data Book–a list of rare and endangered species of fauna and flora native to the country.

The provincial Sub-department of Forest Management said theappearance of the birds showed the province had a diversified environment foranimals and it was suitable for the valuable birds.

The birds were seen in dozensof fields in the area.

Experts from the Dien Bien Sub-department of Forest Management said thatit was not the first time co nhanhad appeared. This year, the birds migrated to the area a bit later thannormal.

Pham Van Khien, deputy director of the department,said the department, in coordination with the provincial Department ofAgriculture and Rural Development and the people’s committee to develop a planto protect the birds.

This type of stork isoften seen in South and Southeast Asia. It weighs between 1-1.5kg and is about50cm in height./.VNA