Firework teams from the United Kingdom, Australia and Italy will compete on June 24 to vie for the champions' title at the Da Nang International Firework Festival 2017 (DIFF 2017).

The theme for the competition is 'Night of Wood'

During this year’s firework festival, eight teams enthralled the audiences with spectacular performances by painting a colourful, magical picture of light on the night sky of Da Nang City.


Before the final round, let’s look back at the most fantastic fireworks during the four nights themed Fire, Land, Metal and Water.

Warm fires

Vietnamese and Austrian teams burned colourful fires in the sky of Da Nang on the opening night themed 'Fire'.

The city of Han River had a sleepless night with oriental-style colourful but elegant performances by the Vietnamese team and inspiring performances with the message "Protect the world, bring a safer world" by the Austrian team.


"I am really impressed and totally convinced. No word can express my feelings,” Sy Tien, a tourist from Da Lat said.

Immense land

Firework performances during the Night of Land by the Japanese and Swiss teams painted a picture of the immense universe.

The Japanese team told the audiences a story about their country’s history using the original soundtrack of the famous Japanese cartoon film Attack on Titan.

The Swiss team led audiences through various tones of emotions from happiness to excitement.

Shining metal

Despite the unfavourable weather conditions, performances by the Chinese and the UK teams impressed the audiences.


The romantic love story of Titanic was recalled through the firework performances by the Chinese team with lively music in the background, moving the audience.

The UK team with more than 35 years of experiences led the audience through different tones using the mixed-style of music from rock, pop, and classical to modern.

Peaceful water

The two teams from Italy and Australia, both with nearly a hundred years of experience, sent messages about a better life for all and the harmonisation of human and nature.

The Night of Wood promises to bring wonderful firework performances. It is difficult to determine who would be the winner, but one thing is for sure, this will be the most splendid night of DIFF 2017.


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