VietNamNet Bridge – A government decree today announced an eight per cent increase in wages for government officials, public servants and members of the armed forces with a salary coefficient lower than 2.34.


The increase in wages has been calculated from January 1. — Photo tuyengiao




The decision is in accordance with the government plan to implement the country's pay increase schedule, which is intended to benefit millions of government employees.

The wage increase will be funded by saving money from regular office expenses, as well as from their own funds left over from the previous years.

The increase in wages has been calculated from January 1, while the decree will take effect in April.

Allowances increased for revolutionary contributors

The level of allowance for those who rendered services to the revolution has been increased to 1.318 million VND (61.87 USD) from 1.220 million VND, according to a new government decree.

The new decree also stipulates monthly allowances and subsidies for martyrs’ relatives and Vietnamese heroic mothers, those who care for Vietnamese heroic mothers and those who hold the titles People’s Armed Forces Heroes and Labour Hero in the wartime period.

The decree is to replace the Decree No. 101/2014/NĐ-CP dated September 4, 2013.