Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people in Vietnam can marry and co-habitat without being interfered or fined beginning from January 1.


A same-sex wedding party.

Bui Minh Hong, an official from the Ministry of Justice’s Department of Economic and Civil Legislation, said the regulation is under the amended Law on Marriage and Family which takes effect from January 1. As a result, the government no longer either ban same-sex marriage or harass them but will still not recognise such kind of marriage. 

"Tthey can organise wedding parties and live together but their marriage is not legally recognised by a certificate of marriage," Hong explained.

According to her, during the compiling of the amended law, lawmakers took into account a regulation deaing with dispute over assets and children of these couples; however, the final version submited to the National Assembly did not include such regulations.

“Some have proposed that the government include this issue in amended Civil Law with due attention to the right of women in such situations,” he noted.

There have still remained several disagreements over this issue. Some say that such couples should have an agreement and any arising conflicts should be dealt with based on their agreement. Meanwhile, others said if they do not have any agreements, their disputes should be resolved in accordance with the Civil Law, he added.
