Google’s share in Vietnam's search market has dropped to a record low of 89.9% in August 2020 from 94.4% a year earlier as a locally-developed search engine gains a larger piece, according to the latest report by Statcounter, a web traffic analysis website.

Source: Statcounter. Chart: Nhat Minh

According to the report, Google is closely followed by the Vietnamese engine Coc Coc (with a 6.52% share), Microsoft-owned Bing (1.5%), Yahoo! (1.4%), Chinese engine Baidu (0.2%) and South Korea’s Naver (0.1%). 

In August, the market share of Coc Coc doubled that of the same period in 2019 and is expected to rise to  10% by the end of 2020.

Coc Coc aims to reach 30 million mobile users in 2020, from 24 million in 2019. It will focus on the mobile platform and partner with the government and local publishers, the company’s CEO Jean-Paul Schmetz told a media gathering last year in Hanoi.

Meanwhile, statistics from Statista shows the same result as Statcounter’s in terms of search engine market share in Vietnam. 

 Source: Statista's search engine market share in Vietnam, 2010-2019. Screenshot: NM

The German online portal for statistics showed Google led the search engine market in Vietnam with a share of 94.13% and 94.36% in 2010 and 2019, respectively. Meanwhile, from a zero market share in 2010, the Vietnamese browser and search engine company Coc Coc ranked second after 10 years. 

Others such as Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Yandex Ru, Naver, Ask Jeeves,, etc kept slight change in terms of market share during 2010-2019, according to Statcounter and Statista. Hanoitimes

Nhat Minh

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