According to Vo Thanh, director of the Hydro Meteorological Forecasting Center in An Giang Province, though flood levels are much lower this year in the Mekong Delta, they are rising by 5-10cms a day and will continue to surge for the next few days.

On Thursday morning, flood levels measured 2.1 meters and 2.5 meters on Hau River in Chau Doc Town and on Tien River in Tan Chau Town, about 1.16-1.38 meters lower than in previous years.

The flood level is expected to peak at 3.5 meters in Chau Doc and 3.9-4.2 meters in Tan Chau by the end of September.

Although flooding has so far not reached as high as last year, the center still warns localities to remain vigilant and prepare measures to cope with unexpected bad situations.
Doan Ngoc Pha, deputy director of the Agriculture and Rural Development Department in An Giang, said that the province plans to produce 15,000 hectares of autumn winter rice crop in areas protected by strong dyke systems.

The provincial Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention is now working with military forces, the local Red Cross and related departments to provide training courses on search and rescue operations.

Dong Thap Province will have 350 community child-minding places during the flood season. An Giang Province will also organize 50 such places in worst flood areas.

The Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention in Can Tho City has instructed districts to examine landslide prone areas and fortify them to ensure safety for residents’ lives and property.

They should issue warnings in places of high danger of landslides so that residents can timely evacuate to safer locations.