Young talented gymnast Nguyễn Minh Triết suffered life-changing injuries after a fall in training. Photos of Việt Nam Gymnastics Federation

Nguyễn Minh Triết, 17, is currently being treated in hospital after dislocating his C5 and C6 vertebrae at the top of his spine.

This has caused paralysis of the limbs and strongly affecting his respiratory system. After emergency surgery, doctors have given Triết just a 10 per cent chance of making a full recovery.

Although currently awake at Bạch Mai General Hospital, he has no feelings whatsoever in his limbs.

In a recent training session at the National Sports Training Centre 1 in Hà Nội, Triết tried to make a double salto but landed on his head.

Coach Hầu Trung Linh immediately called for help from the centre's doctors.

He was given first aid, immobilized the neck and sent straight to hospital for further treatment.

Although the National Sports Training Centre 1 is taking care of surgery costs, a call has been made for more donations to help with aftercare.

Officials and staff of the National Sports Training Centre 1 visit Triết at the Bạch Mai General Hospital. 

Phan Thùy Linh, vice chairwoman of the gymnastics federation, said: "We are calling for support and hope to receive generous contributions as he faces a long road ahead.

"All contributions through the federation account is published on our Facebook page and delivered directly to Triết's family."

Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng, director of the Sports Centre 1, said that Triết's family is living in incredibly tough conditions in a small rented house.

His parents are old and retired. His mother had cancer and his older brother could not work as he was heavily electrocuted as a boy. Triết also has a little five-year-old sister.

"Triết was the hope to be the main breadwinner of the family as all of his salary is sent home to support them," said Hùng.

"He was a talented and hardworking athlete, dreaming to be a national gymnastic star in the near future. This unlucky injury seems to have put an end to his dream and has strongly affected his family and Vietnamese sport. 

"We hope to continue receiving people's support in both terms of spirit and  cash so that Triết and his family can get through this difficult time."

Triết's father Nguyễn Hữu Minh said: “My son is still young but he has to shoulder heavy duty of taking care of our family. Unfortunately, he got an accident. All we want now is to see him getting well soon and be an ordinary person".

Triết is an athlete of the Military and Việt Nam teams. He has been a gymnast for more than 10 years and won gold medals at the national youth championships in horizontal bar and floor events.

Make a donation

Any financial donations can be sent direct to the Việt Nam Gymnastics Federation's account number 289354638 at Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank (VP Bank).

People making donations should add a note stating their full number and the message: 'Supporting athlete Nguyen Minh Triet'.

Alternatively, donations can me made direct to Minh at account number 22010003221663, Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV). VNS