VietNamNet Bridge – An unexpected hailstorm accompanied by a whirlwind occurred over the weekend in the central province of Thanh Hoa, causing devastating damage in its wake, the online newspaper Vietnamplus reported. Fortunately, no casualties were reported.


The pellets of the hailstorm taking place in northern province of Dien Bien over the weekend. — Photo

Hundreds of houses in the mountainous districts of Nhu Xuan and Nhu Thanh had their roofs ripped off.

On the section of provincial road 506 that runs through Mau Lam Commune of Nhu Xuan, trees and electrical poles were variously snapped or toppled, taking down numerous power lines with them, resulting in local power outage.

Hundreds of hectares of crops sustained considerable damage, battered by strong gusts and heavy rain.

Locals claimed they had never before witnessed such a powerful hailstorm in the middle of March, saying each pellet ranging from the size of a corn kernel to a finger.

According to Nhu Thanh District authorities, the four communes that have been affected saw a total of 235ha of rice and 93ha of corn and other crops ruined. Seven electrical poles felled and over 2km of power lines brought down.

Thach Thanh District also reported several hectares of crops affected and 100 houses wrecked.

Local authorities have deployed competent forces to help people cope with the situation and clear up the hailstorm-hit area. Those with damaged houses are eligible for financial support to repair their homes. Depending on the severity, food and other necessities will also be provided to the affected population. 

Also during the weekend, several localities of the northern mountainous province of Dien Bien witnessed a strong hailstorm and whirlwind lasting half an hour.

Vu Xuan Linh, vice chairman of the Muong Lay Town, one of the affected area, said the gusts have torn the roofs of several buildings, including a stadium. However, since farmers have just finished their crops so there were barely any damages to agricultural production, he said.

This has been the second strong hailstorm taking place in the province in 2017, with the last one occurring less than a week from the latest one. 


Trees were snapped during the unexpected hailstorm in Thanh Hoa. — Photo


The surprise hailstorm ripped the roofs off hundreds of houses in mountainous districts of central Thanh Hoa Province. — Photo


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