Dr. Nguyen Van Khai
VietNamNet Bridge – Doctor of physics Nguyen Van Khai says that there is human energy, but there is not the so-called ‘telepathy’.

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In the talk with VietNamNet about the boom of telepathy centers that specialize in searching for lost tombs of war martyrs, Dr. Khai said that he was a soldier and he witnessed many of his comrades laid down during the war but he believed that it is very difficult or impossible to find their remains.

In a battle in 1972, most of his company sacrificed but he confirmed that it is unable to find their remains because their bodies were destroyed and buried by bombs. Their remains were mixed together and it is unable to identify them.

“There is human energy but the so-called telepathy does not exist. Personally, I never believe in it. It is absurd!” Dr. Khai told VietNamNet.

He said many telepathy centers take advantage of the desperation of martyr families to find out remains of their relative to make money.

Khai said in 1996, a woman sued a telepath to the court for cheating her by animal bones. This woman then suffered from mental disease.

Khai questioned why telepaths always ask relatives of missing people to show off documents related to the dead and provide them will all information about the dead and make an appointment.

According to the doctor of physics, the time between the first meeting and the second appointment is the time fake telepaths to seek more information about the dead and presume the possible places where their remains are to cheat the dead’s family.

“I never believe in séance, where the dead can manifest in the body of others to tell stories, or the use of modern technology to listen to the voice of the dead. I’ve attended séances and they all spoke nonsensical things,” Dr. Khai said.

“I worked with telepaths and the Center for Research of Human Potentials but they were all mistaken,” he added.

Dr. Khai said that when he was invited to join experts of the Center for Research of Human Potentials to study why the hairs of a 15-year-old girl in Nam Dinh province suddenly smoked, he realized wrong comments of these experts.

The center’s expert Nguyen Phuc Giac Hai said that the above phenomenon is rare and perhaps it originated from a special ability inside the girl’s body.

But Dr. Khai said that this is not a rare phenomenon. He called it the phenomenon of “chemical sublimation”. He said the reason could not come from the girl’s inside body because if her blood had sufficient chemical to sublimate to make the smoke phenomenon, the girl could not live with that amount of chemical. The only way to stop the girl’s hairs from fuming is washing her hairs. Actually, after washing hairs, the hairs did not smoke or fire.

He said as a physicist who has 30 years of experience, who learnt at the age of 14 that “energy does not disappear or is created physically. It only transforms from this form to another form, from this object to another object.”

“Therefore, the so-called mysterious energy is absurd and statements made by that center (Center for Research of Human Potentials) are unreliable,” Dr. Khai said.

As a renowned scientist, Dr. Khai has traveled to many countries in the world and met with many military officers of Hungary, Poland, Germany, Russia and China but all of them said that lost remains are not searched by telepaths in their countries.

Explaining the mushrooming of telepathy centers in Vietnam, Dr. Khai says “there is demand, there is supply”. Vietnamese families always try to find the lost remains of their relatives at any cost and it is the opportunity to make money for fake telepaths.

Dr. Khai advises families to always make DNA tests of the remains which they find by any method.

Man Chi