Dak Lak’s policy bank changes life of poor ethnics

The Bank for Social Policies in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak has carried out a lot of measures to help ethnic people living under and near the poverty line gain access to preferential loans.

In the first five months of this year, the bank’s loans helped 15,668 households escape from poverty.

The bank has requested transaction points to intensify inspections and remove unnecessary procedures to support borrowers.

The rates of disbursement, and debt and interest collection at commune transaction points always reach over 90 percent.

During January-May, loans were totalled at 631.6 trillion VND (27.8 billion USD), reaching hands of 26,493 households.-

Da Nang increases transformer station’s capacity for APEC

An upgraded transformer of the Hoa Khanh 2 110kV transformer station in Hoa Khanh industrial park, Lien Chieu district, the central coastal city of Da Nang was put into operation to ensure sufficient power supply for the APEC Leaders’ Meeting and related events to be held in the city in November.

Vo Hoa, Deputy Director of the Da Nang Power Company Limited, said that the capacity of transformer T1 was upgraded to 63 MVA from the previous 40 MVA. 

The automation of the station will be completed before November 30, he added.

The upgrade of Hoa Khanh 2 transformer station aims to promote stable electricity supply for socio-economic development in Lien Chieu district while assuring adequate power for business and production in Hoa Khanh and Lien Chieu industrial zones.

In order to better serve APEC meetings, the company has put into operation the Hoa Lien and Hoa Xuan 110kV transformer stations while upgrading the An Don and Xuan Ha 110kV stations and the 22kV transmission line for Ba Na tourism site, according to Hoa.

In addition, the company also pays special attention to inspecting power grids during hot weather. It is currently operating a large number of remote controlled equipment to protect power grids, using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system.

Sun World Danang Wonders offers ticket price reduction

Sun Group slashed entrance ticket prices by half for all student groups of more than 40 visiting Sun World Danang Wonders at its Asia Park in central Đà Nẵng Province.

Accordingly, the entrance ticket price will be reduced from the current VNĐ300,000 to VNĐ150,000 for students from primary schools to high schools in the June 1 to December 31 period.

The preferential policy aimed to provide pupils with endless enjoyment of 20 outdoor modern games such as the Queen Cobra – Việt Nam’s largest roller coaster, Việt Nam Golden Sky Tower, the highest free fall tower in Việt Nam.

Every evening from 6.30pm to 9pm this month, artists from Ukraine would bring exciting performances, dances and comedies for tourists. Visitors would also have the opportunity to enjoy food courts at its newly opened restaurant with hundreds of dishes in the country.

The ticket promotion has been one of the programmes at the Sun World Danang Wonders to help students have a new experience at the entertainment complex in Đà Nẵng Province this summer. 

Toxic spill feared as chemical tanker stranded in Vietnam waters

A stranded vessel from the Cayman Islands carrying 30,000 tons of chemicals has been spotted off Vietnam's central coast and is likely to sink, officials said.

Binh Thuan Province's disaster response and rescue team said on June 11 that the Chemroad Journey was around 70 sea miles off Phan Thiet resort town.

The ship was tilting and could sink, the team said.

It is believed that there are 27 crew members onboard. Officials have not confirmed what chemical products the tanker, reportedly on its journey from Singapore to China, is carrying.

Binh Thuan authorities are preparing measures to deal with the risks of an oil spill and toxic spill.

Vinschool One Choir wins gold medals at International Choir Competition 2017

The Vinschool One Choir won two gold medals at the International Choir Competition 2017 held between 7th and 11th June in the ancient city of Hội An in the central province of Quảng Nam.

With the theme of “Music Beats as One,” the fifth year of the competition attracted over 1,000 artistes of 33 delegations from 10 countries around the world. In an atmosphere of friendship, the event presented a colourful and energetic ambiance.

As an enthusiastic participant, Vinschool One Choir comprising 60 students in the 8 to 16 age group from the Vinschool Education System won two gold medals. They confronted many strong participants from Russia, Philippines, Indonesia and China to win in the categories of Children’s Choirs and Folklore.

The Choir confidently performed the chorus “Popular folk songs from three regions of Việt Nam,” in the Folklore category. In Children’s Choirs — one of Interkultur’s most difficult categories — they delivered a series of sacred songs in Capella groups.

This is the second time that Vinschool One Choir has participated in the Interkultur International Choir Competition. In 2015, it was honoured with a gold medal for its performance in the Folklore category.

Interkultur International Choir Competition has been held annually since 1988 by the Germany’s Culture Alliance “Intercultural.” Over the past 29 years, it has attracted more than 8,500 choirs with around 375,000 artistes from 103 countries, becoming one of the world’s most prominent cultural events. Not only does it present a music festival, but it also acts as a bridge connecting cultural understanding and solidarity with international co-operation among people around the globe. 

Company offers financial support, fishermen withdraw petitions

Representative of Nam Triệu Ltd Company have confirmed that they will be giving financial assistance valued at VNĐ2 billion (US$88,150) to fishermen in the central province of Bình Định during the time that the ships are repaired and maintained.

"The assistance would range from VNĐ50 million ($2,200) to VNĐ125 million ($5,500) depending on specific levels of failures,” company official Trần Văn Nguyện informed.

"We offered the money with a desire to alleviate the difficulties faced by fishermen. Our company and the fishermen reached an agreement on financial support and they voluntarily withdrew their petitions, which was their right. We just wanted to help them come back to the sea as soon as possible," Nguyện said.

Fishermen in the province, who received loans from commercial banks to buy steel ships, have reported the ship malfunctions over the past few weeks.

According to figures from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, there are 18 sub-standard steel fishing ships, of which 13 were built by Nam Triệu One Member Ltd Company and five were built by Đại Nguyên Dương Shipbuilding Company. 

According to a recent examination by the Bình Định Province’s agriculture department, the ships have been found to suffer from frequent breakdowns and degradation.

Under the contract between fishermen and Nam Triệu company, the broken ships must be repaired in the company’s shipbuilding factory in northern Hải Phòng City. However, moving the ship to the city is extremely expensive. Hence, the company had a discussion with the fishermen and arranged to have the ships repaired in another factory near the province.

Considering the due date of the bank loan payment, five ship owners in Hoài Nhơn District said that the assistance money should range between VNĐ250 and 300 million.

Lê Hoàng Thanh, a ship owner said that the company negotiated with owners and asked for an assurance that they would not take legal action. Meanwhile, Trần Đình Sơn, a ship owner in Phù Mỹ District, said the company asked him to withdraw his petition and offered VNĐ100 million as assistance. Sơn, however, thought the company had paid him to cover its deceitful business, and returned the money.

Trần Châu, deputy chairman of Bình Định People’s Committee, expressed his surprise at the withdrawal of the petition by seven ship owners as a few weeks ago the owners had requested the authority’s intervention. Following which, the authority had asked the police and the Agriculture and Rural Development Department to conduct an investigation.

"Although the ship owners withdrew their petitions, the evaluation teams continued to find the causes behind the failure of the ships," Châu said. 

Deputy PM reviews City admin

Deputy Prime Minister Vương Đình Huệ, who is also the head of the State Steering Committee on Renovating Public Administrative Units, paid a working visit to HCM City on Saturday to review the management and financial mechanisms of government offices and their reorganisation.

“The achievements of HCM City, the biggest economic hub, will have great significance on the policy to renovate public administrative units,” he told city leaders at a meeting.

“It will help the Steering Committee adopt new solutions to step up renovation of public administrative units.”

He called on the city to assess its capability to provide public services, consider measures to prune the government payroll and cut recurring expenses, and find new models for effective spending through bidding, efficient public services and management of government offices.

Deputy chairman of the city People’s Committee, Lê Thanh Liêm, reported that in the last five years the numbers of both public administrative units and government workers have increased from 1,765 to 1,871 units and from 107,188 to 118,609.

“It is because of the rapid increase in population. HCM City has to expand schools, build new hospitals, and establish new public administrative units.”

However, the city’s recurring expenses are expected to drop from 53 per cent of total expenditure last year to 48 per cent this year.

“By the end of next year 55 hospitals and 50 per cent of administrative units can earn enough money themselves for regular expenditure,” Phan Thị Thanh, director of the city’s finance department, said.

“Public schools account for 76 per cent of all schools but only 0.7 per cent of them can manage their recurring expenses.”

In the upcoming school year more 60,000 children are expected to attend first grade.

However, the private services sector has developed strongly, met many social needs and created jobs, helping ease pressure on public units.

The chairman of the city People’s Committee, Nguyễn Thành Phong, said there is already a programme to promote private investment in healthcare and education.

HCM City has been the first to pilot a public-private partnership model at the level of ward healthcare centres.

Private companies have installed machines at a healthcare centre in District 3’s Ward 11.

“We do not separate the public and private segments but support each other,” the head of the healthcare centre told the deputy PM.

“The profits from medical services are reinvested in the centre.”

Huệ appreciated the model, saying it would benefit society. He stressed that local authorities should not discriminate between public and private agencies and said there should be transparency in public – private partnerships.

He called on the city to list the government agencies that require 100 per cent financial support from the Government and those that do not require any support.

Art performance celebrates Russia’s National Day in Hanoi

An art performance marking the 27th anniversary of the Russian Federation’s National Day was held in Hanoi on June 12.

The event, co-organised by the Russian Embassy in Vietnam and the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, was joined by Russia’s world-famous Ural State Folk Choir.

The ensemble performed popular pieces from their repertoire, including Ural romantic folk songs, dances and games.

Formed in 1943, the Ural State Russian Folk Choir, consisting of 80 members, has performed at numerous Russian and international competitions and music festivals. It also performed at the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games.

The Ural artists have performed at events across the globe, including the World Culture Festival in New Delhi in 2016.

Deputy PM hails UNESCO’s four-decade achievements

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh lauded achievements gained by the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO over the past four decades since its birth during a ceremony celebrating its 40th anniversary (June 15) in Hanoi on June 12. 

Minh expressed his delight at close liaison between Vietnam and UNESCO, as well as the success of numerous UNESCO-supported programmes in Vietnam. 

The commission has successfully fulfilled its mission as a bridge linking Vietnam, its history, culture and people, with the world, contributing to improving Vietnam’s stature in international arena as well as the country’s multilateral diplomacy, he said. 

He believed that with the 40-year entry to UNESCO and support of ministries, agencies, localities and people nationwide, the commission will continue building on the past achievements to make practical contributions to country development and UNESCO in particular. 

Deputy Foreign Minister and Chairman of the commission Le Hoai Trung lauded the agency’s effective contributions to country development over the past four decades, especially in culture, education, science, information and communications. 

He said the commission has received UNESCO’s assistance in access to know-how, technology and global funding to contribute to national construction, as well as fine-tuning laws, Party and State policies and guidelines. 

According to him, UNESCO has recognised 35 world heritage sites in Vietnam, including 8 world natural and cultural heritages, 11 world intangible heritages, 6 documentary heritages in the Global Memory of the World Programme, 9 global biosphere reserves and a global geological park.

Vietnam helps Lao journalists enhance writing skills

As many as 42 Lao reporters and editors are attending a training course jointly held by the Vietnamese Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) and the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism of Laos (MICT). 

The course, which opened on June 12 in Vientiane, is designed to help participants enhance their editing and information processing skills.

During the five-day programme, the 16th of its kind, trainees will also learn about data collection, in-depth interviews with experts, and verification of information collected from the Internet through lectures with experienced Vietnamese teachers.   

Lao journalists, who have attended these short-term training courses, have well applied the knowledge obtained during the courses to effectively transfer information to society, said Lao Deputy Minister Buangean Spahouvong at the opening ceremony.

He also thanked the Vietnamese MIC for its help in training Lao journalists in particular and developing journalism in Laos in general.

Hoa Hao Buddhism celebrates 78th founding anniversary

The Central Executive Committee of the Hoa Hao Buddhist Sangha marked the 78th founding anniversary of the Buddhist branch with a grand ceremony at An Hoa Pagoda in Phu Tan district, the Mekong Delta province of An Giang, on June 12.

At the event, an official of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs said Hoa Hao Buddhism was founded by Prophet Huynh Phu So on the 18th day of the fifth lunar month (which falls on June 12 this year) in 1939. 

Since then, the Hoa Hao Buddhist Sangha has popularised the principle of “following the Buddha and making self-improvement” to millions of people and maintained close connection with people in the southern region, including An Giang. Hoa Hao followers have adhered to the traditional teachings and ethical values, helping to promote patriotism and solidarity.

That has helped the Hoa Hao Buddhist Sangha to develop stably and join people nationwide in the national development and protection, the official added.

In 2016, Hoa Hoa Buddhist followers donated more than 363 billion VND (16 million USD), over 91 billion VND (4 million USD) of which came from followers in An Giang, to charity and social works.

Also on June 12, the representative board of Hoa Hao Buddhism in the Mekong Delta province of Hau Giang held a ceremony to mark the religion’s 78th founding anniversary.

There are 397 local executive committees of Hoa Hao Buddhism in 17 provinces and cities at present, according to the Hoa Hao Buddhist Sangha.

Fine art exhibition marks Vietnam-Laos diplomatic ties

A fine art exhibition was kicked off in Vientiane on June 12 to celebrate the 55th anniversary of Vietnam-Laos diplomatic ties (Sept. 5).

It also marks the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Vietnam-Laos Treaty on Amity and Cooperation (July 18). 

The opening ceremony was attended by Lao Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Bosengkham Vongdala and Minister at the Vietnamese Embassy in Laos Hoang Xuan Hai, among others.

On display are 70 new painting, graphic and sculpture works by Vietnamese and Lao artists.

The exhibits feature the love for the countryside and people, culture, heritage, national building and defense, and spiritual beliefs.

Jointly organized by the Vietnamese and Lao Fine Art Associations, the exhibition will run until June 16.

Green, charitable activities during Nha Trang Sea Festival

Numerous activities to recreate marine resources and protect the environment were organised during the ongoing Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa Sea Festival 2017.

Up to 700 people joined a cleaning campaign to collect garbage on beaches in Vinh Hoa and Vinh Hai wards to ensure the clean environment for the festival.

The event, jointly launched by the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment and Telecommunications University, aims to respond to the Vietnam Sea and Island Week 2017 and World Ocean Day (June 8).

Over 500 locals from Nha Trang city also joined a similar campaign to clean the Tran Phu and Xom Bong bridges as well as the beach park in Nha Trang bay.

The Khanh Hoa Salanganes Nest Company released more than 10,0000 fries into the sea in Dong Tam salangane island in Nha Trang bay, to enrich the marine resources as well as raise public awareness of environmental protection.

Besides, the Me Trang Coffee JS Company presented 20 scholarships, each worth two million VND (880 USD) to outstanding students, who are children of local fishermen. 

Fifteen bikes, each worth one million VND (440 USD) were given to disadvantaged students from Hoa Dong commune, Tay Hoa district, in southern Phu Yen province.

Free health check-ups for children in Tuyen Quang province

Free medical check-ups and surgeries were provided for hundreds of children in the northern mountainous province of Tuyen Quang from June 10-12.

The programme was jointly carried out by the Vietnam Association of Paediatric Surgeons (VNAPS), the Nhip Cau Yeu Thuong (spans of love) Group, and the provincial General Hospital.

Following the check-ups, 40 children were found with defects and were offered operations at the hospital to save travel cost for their families.

VNAPS President Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Liem said the programme was joined by 40 doctors, nurses and volunteers from the association and local hospitals.

The programme will also train and transfer the latest technologies for the Tuyen Quang General Hospital’s staff, Liem said.

Besides, 40 gift packages, each worth 500,000 VND (22 USD), were also given to the patients after their operations.

Poverty reduction project improves livelihoods in Kon Tum

Dak Glei, a poor district in the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum, has got a facelift thanks to a project on poverty reduction in the region.

Home to over 10,000 households with one third being the poor, Dak Glei is one of the six districts in the province to implement the Central Highlands Poverty Reduction Project.

It has carried out models to help residents escape from poverty, including vocational training, science and technique transfer, developing production models in companion with ensuring security and defence.

In addition, social services have been offered to deprived people. The district has granted health insurance cards to all poor people, children under six years old, ethnic minority people, policy beneficiary families and near-poor households.

Communication works have been carried out effectively, ensuring all of the impoverished have thorough understand of support policies for the poor.

Thanks to the project, the household poverty rate in the district has declined by 4-6 percent per year.

Dak Glei is continuing its work to alleviate poverty. For 2016-2020 period, the district needs 2.94 billion VND (130,000 USD) from the State budget to carry out necessary activities. 

Vietnam, Cambodia should strengthen relations to ensure mutual benefit

A good neighbourly relationship will create favourable conditions for Vietnam and Cambodia to increase their mutual benefits and firm foundation for security in each country and in the region as well as the world, scholars said at an international seminar on bilateral ties in Phnom Penh on June 12.

Addressing the seminar, Professor-Academician Som Somoni, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities under the Royal Academy of Cambodia, said the half-a-century relationship between the two countries has gone through both good and bad times, but the two countries are inseparable.

He stressed that Cambodian people always remember the sacrifice that Vietnamese people have made to save Cambodia from the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime.

Therefore, the two nations should continue to strengthen mutual trust and strive for sustainable, equal and peaceful development along their border, in order to reduce and minimise any risks to bilateral ties, the professor said.

In her opening speech, Secretary of State at the Cambodian Ministry of Interior Chou Bun Eng stressed that during the past 50 years, both nations have shared the will to build a good neighbourly relationship, without which it would be difficult for the two countries to compete against other countries in the world in the context of globalisation.

She said the seminar, which was jointly held by the Asia research centre and the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities under the Royal Academy of Cambodia in coordination with the Institute for Southeast Asia Studies under the Vietnam Academy for Social Sciences, is significant in collecting experts’ opinions on the importance of Vietnam-Cambodia ties and solutions to further enhance the relations.

Professor Nguyen Sy Tuan, former Director of the Institute for Southeast Asia Studies, was of the view that the Vietnam-Cambodia ties have entered a new stage with qualitative changes to meet the needs of each country as well as to suit the new situation in the region and the world.

He suggested that besides state diplomacy, the two countries should promote relations through other channels such as Party-to-Party ties, people-to-people exchange, and economic-cultural-educational cooperation, thus bringing about stability and development for both nations.

The seminar, one of a string of activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Cambodia, attracted nearly 100 social science researchers and dozens of press and media agencies in Cambodia.-

Vietnamese intellectuals in Switzerland enhance bilateral cooperation

Some 40 Vietnamese intellectuals and specialists living in Switzerland have gathered in a seminar to discuss their role in enhancing cooperation in education and scientific research between the two countries.

Held at the Embassy of Vietnam in Berne on June 10, the event was a follow-up of the seminar in Geneva in April that brought together young Vietnamese intellectuals into providing suggestions for the homeland’s national development.

Opening the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to Switzerland Pham Hai Bang spoke highly of the enthusiasm of the intellectuals and specialists in the second seminar and affirmed the role of the embassy and the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva in connecting them with the home country.

For his part, Ambassador Duong Chi Dung, head of the Permanent Mission of Vietnam in Geneva outlined what the mission in coordination with Vietnamese specialists have done since the first seminar to bring the homeland knowledge and experience learnt in Switzerland.

During the event, Vietnamese speakers shared experience they have gained from their jobs to contribute to the country and younger generation.

The attendees also discussed a mechanism for future operation of the association of Vietnamese intellectuals and specialists in Switzerland.

Outstanding commander in Truong Sa

Lieutenant Colonel Hoang Minh Son, Commander of Nam Yet island in Truong Sa (Spratly ) archipelago, is one of 40 individuals honored this week for excellence in defending national maritime sovereignty.

Lieutenant Colonel Hoang Minh Son has been in the Naval Service for 25 years, mainly working on islands. 

He said, “I have been stationed on Nam Yet island since 2015. I have many beautiful memories. Though soldiers on the island come from different localities, we have a special comradeship and brotherhood.”

Son is close to soldiers, supporting them both in their work and in their personal lives. Under his command, Nam Yet island was honored by the Naval Service and the Ministry of Defense. 

Son is a role model for young soldiers, said soldier Nguyen Thanh Phong, who has been on Nam Yet island for four months: “The commander is very kind and gentle. He gives us detailed instructions. It’s a great honor for us to work with him. He is a good commander.”

Having worked in harsh condition on the island for several years, Son has developed a scientific working style. He has introduced a number of training initiatives to help his unit fulfill its tasks. 

Colonel Dao Giang Hai, Deputy Political Commissar of Navy Region 4 Brigade, said, “We highly value Lieutenant Colonel Hoang Minh Son’s leadership ability, especially in combat training and dealing with difficult situations. He is the most outstanding island chief on the Truong Sa archipelago. Despite the difficulties involved in working on an island, he has encouraged and shared with his soldiers to help them accomplish their mission of defending national sea and island sovereignty.”

Before Nam Yet, Son was stationed on Da Lon and Da Dong island. He said “Having held different positions, I have learned from my predecessors and soldiers to improve my political stance in order to accomplish my duties.”

Vietnam forms special police force for Phu Quoc Island

The High Command of Mobile Police Force under Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security has formed a new special police force tasked with ensuring security on Phu Quoc Island, off the southern province of Kien Giang.

The Special Police No.2 (E21), under the command of the Mobile Police’s Southwestern Regiment, is an elite force with high alertness, ready to respond to protect the island from terrorists, hijackers, kidnappers and other dangerous criminals.

“Phu Quoc is considered a special administrative-economic unit so ensuring political security for the island is a crucial task,” Lieutenant-General Pham Quoc Cuong, chief of the High Command of Mobile Police Force, said at the unit establishment ceremony on May 26.

“This is why Minister of Public Security To Lam has decided to establish the E21 on Phu Quoc.”

Lt. Gen. Cuong expressed his belief that the young officers under the E21 force will fulfill all assigned tasks with the best results.

Phu Quoc chairman Dinh Khoa Toan also hailed the special police establishment as a timely decision, at a time when crimes are on the rise on the island.

“Phu Quoc authorities and residents are all happy to see the Minister of Public Security taking action to help ensure security for the island,” he said.

Addressing the E21 officers, who are newcomers on the island, Toan said Phu Quoc authorities will create conditions to them to feel like home and effectively fulfill their duty.

Thanh Hoa prevents forest fires during hot weather

The north central province of Thanh Hoa is taking measures to prevent forest fires during hot weather.

The locality is home to 32,680 hectares of forest in 162 communes, with high risks of wildfires in the mountainous districts of Muong Lat, Quan Son, and Quan Hoa, and delta areas of Ha Trung, Hoang Hoa and Hau Loc districts.

Deputy head of the provincial forest protection department Mai Huu Phuc said the districts have prepared hundreds of fire fighting and prevention measures. 
The department has also regularly examined fire fighting equipment and is piloting software to early detect forest fires. 

Forest rangers also worked with local authorities to increase around-the-clock inspection at fire hotspots.

Muong Lat, Quan Son and Quan Hoa districts strengthened cooperation with Laos to build remote fire prevention solutions.

Since the beginning of this year, Thanh Hoa has held nearly 500 conferences to raise public awareness of forest protection and wildfire prevention at the communal level, with more than 24,300 people participating.

Dak Nong works to prevent drowning among children

Promoting communication and improving reservoir management are part of the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong’s efforts to stop children drowning.

According to a report from the provincial Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, 15 children drowned in the locality from the outset of the year.

Recently, the province was saddened by news that during just two days-May30-31, four children, aging from one years old to 11, drowned in Duc Xuyen commune (Krong No district), Quang Son commune (Dak G’Long district) and Dak Buk commune (Tuy Duc district).

Drowning cases in the province have increased, with most of the victims primary and secondary students.

Child drowning is of grave concern to local parents and provincial authorities, especially with the school summer holiday having begun with some localities short of playgrounds for children.

The provincial People’s Committee said a lack of adult supervision is one of the main causes of drowning among children.