Deputy PM gives instructions on hi-end complex construction     

Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung has asked the People’s Committee of Hai Phong Port City to study and collect opinions from relevant ministries regarding the construction of FLC Do Son complex.

He asked the committee to adjust the planning and investment in accordance with the legal regulations.

On May 3, the People’s Committee submitted a document to the Prime Minister, asking his permission to expand the west Do Son Tourism Area by 500ha on which the FLC Do Son complex will be built.

In addition to these, the People’s Committee also asked the PM to approve the FLC’s 19-hole golf course in Do Son District for the Viet Nam Golf Course Planning by 2020.

Earlier, FLC Group, the project’s investor, proposed to build a complex, including the four main functional areas of tourism urban area, golf course, ecotourism area and sight-seeing area on a total estimated investment of VND5.3 trillion (US$235.5 million).

The complex would have a 1,500-seat international convention, five-star and six-star hotels, villas, parks and golf courses.

Most of the construction would use green architect and renewable energies to ensure sustainable development.

The Hai Phong People’s Committee said the complex was important to promote the tourism sector in particular and socio-economic development in general. 

Energy-savings exhibition opens in HCM City     

Some 170 companies from Viet Nam and other countries are showcasing their latest technologies and products at around 300 booths at the 10th International Exhibition on Electrical Technology and Equipment (Viet Nam ETE 2017) and the 7th International Exhibition on Products, Technologies of Energy Savings and Green Power (Enertec Expo 2017) in HCM City.

The two annual exhibitions, which will be held for four days, were organised by the city’s Department of Industry and Trade under the direction of the People’s Committee.

The participants are leading companies in energy savings and green power from many countries and territories, including Russia, France, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, with famous brand names such as HCM City Power Corporation, Dien Quang, Rang Dong, Redsun and Megasun.

At the events, the companies are exhibiting energy-saving and green energy products that allow consumers to access and select energy-saving products, high-tech energy-savings electrical equipment, energy-saving solutions and green energy.

The two exhibitions are also an opportunity for domestic enterprises to increase co-operation and attract international investment, and exchange science and technology, expand joint ventures, and strengthen trade promotion as well as access the latest global technological trends.

Bui Thi Thanh An, deputy head of the trade promotion department under the Department of Industry and Trade, said at the opening ceremony: “Although enterprises in Viet Nam’s mechanical engineering industry have produced about 90 per cent of the accessories and major equipment used for the grid, their production capacity is not commensurate with the development potential of the electrical technology and equipment sector.”

During the events, many seminars will be held to discuss issues in the energy-savings and green energy sector. Business matching and on-site surveys to connect trade promotion will also be held.

“For the coming period, the use of energy in an efficient way and the promotion of applications, as well as the development of new and renewable energy sources, has become an urgent requirement and a top priority in the implementation of the National Energy Strategy,” said Nguyen Phuong Dong, deputy director of the Department of Industry and Trade.

“The exhibitions encourage domestic enterprises to promote production of energy-saving products,” he said.

Over the past few years, the demand of electricity for living and production has increased.

The National Power Development Plan for the 2011-20 period towards 2030 calls for developing electricity one step ahead in order to supply sufficient power and meet the requirements to develop the socio-economy and demand for public consumption.

The plan also mentions increasing the proportion of power from renewable energy sources as a priority and establishing a flexible electricity grid system with advanced automation capabilities, from electricity transmission to electricity delivery.

The two exhibitions are being held at the Sai Gon Exhibition and Convention Centre in District 7 in HCM City.

Rong Viet Securities switches stock listing to HCM City     

The Rong Viet Securities Company (VDS) on Wednesday listed 70 million shares on the HCM City stock exchange.

Since 2010 its shares were listed on the Ha Noi Stock Exchange, and it said it is switching to the HCM Stock Exchange to improve the liquidity of its shares.

VDS was incorporated in December 2006 with a registered capital of VND100 billion (US$4.3 million).

Currently its chartered capital is VND700 billion ($31 million) and it has offices in HCM City, Ha Noi, Can Tho, and Nha Trang that provide services to over 68,000 investors.

In the first half VDS posted revenues of VND167 billion ($7.3 million) and pre-tax profits of VND71 billion ($3.1 million), a 2.6-fold jump year-on-year.

The company targets becoming one of the top 10 securities companies in Viet Nam.

Mitsubishi to establish electric cars factory in VN     

Mitsubishi Motors plans to produce electric cars using advanced technology in Viet Nam, Osamu Masuko, its CEO, said to Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on Tuesday.

Masuko said the car would be suitable for the Vietnamese market as its goal was efficient use of energy and environment protection.

The group wants to make more investments and expand in Viet Nam, which has a population of more than 90 million people, an attractive investment environment, and is part of the ASEAN.

The Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance is scouting for a location in Viet Nam to set up an automobile manufacturing factory, Masuko said.

Speaking at the meeting in Ha Noi, Phuc said Viet Nam would create favourable conditions for auto manufacturers to establish and operate their business, as per the automobile industry development strategy.

Phuc said he hopes Mitsubishi Motors, already a big investor in the ASEAN and Viet Nam, would make more investments in the country and introduce highly competitive products such as the electric car so that both locals and the company gain from it and it meets the country’s demand for environment protection.

Viet Nam expects automakers, including Mitsubishi Motors, to invest in modern manufacturing technologies, the PM said.

He emphasised that the partnership between Viet Nam and Japan is important to both nations, and that Mitsubishi Motors’ investment is seen as progress concretised by the agreements signed between the two countries. 

Customers thrilled to get crystal gifts from Co.opmart, Co.opXtra     

hoppers are quite familiar with gifts like key chains, umbrellas, raincoats, and water bottles.

But Co.opmart has been offering its customers around the country free crystal products imported directly from Germany to their great joy and thrill.

This is a significant additional benefit since shoppers can also accumulate points as usual in their Co.opmart cards to enjoy the standard benefits while getting stamps to exchange for the high-value gifts imported from Germany under the “Accumulating Stamps to Exchange for High-class Gift for Free” programme.

The gifts under the programme are exclusive and not available anywhere else in the Vietnamese market.

The programme will run until July 30.

Customers with Co.opmart cards of all categories will get a stamp for every VND200,000 (US$8.7) they spend at Co.opmart, Co.opXtra or Co.op Food.

When they collect enough stamps, they can exchange them for Spiegelau brand crystal products for free.

There are various crystal items on offer: sets of two red wine glasses, two white wine glasses, two tall glasses, two short glasses, water bottles, and small and large bowls.

They are harder to break than normal products and also safe because they contain absolutely no lead and are made from pure materials that do not harm the environment.

Phu My Hung Sports Day on Saturday     

Phu My Hung Development Corporation on Tuesday announced that its annual Phu My Hung Sports Day will be held on 22 July at its City Centre in HCM City’s District 7.

Organised jointly with Golf Pro Event and Paul Sadler Swimland, this year’s event is expected to attract 300 participants, all residents of Phu My Hung City Centre.

The one-day event will feature golf, tennis and swimming competitions for adults and children aged from seven years.

Organisers said the total prize for the event would be nearly VND2.8 billion.

Besides the competitions, golf and swimming training for children will also be a feature.

Sports Day is one of many cultural and sports programmes that Phu My Hung City Centre regularly organises for locals.

Vietnam promotes ASEAN’s role in Italy

The Embassy of Vietnam has fulfilled its missions of increasing the role and position of ASEAN in Italy while chairing the ASEAN Committee in Rome (ACR) in the first half of 2017.

This is the evaluation of the Ambassadors from the ASEAN member countries at a meeting in Rome on July 21 for Vietnam to hand over the ACR Chair to Ambassador of Thailand to Italy Tana Weskosith.

During its term, the Vietnamese Embassy focused on forging relations between ACR and the Italian government, legislature, and localities.

The Southeast Asian country also shared its experience in expanding inter-regional cooperation via working trips to Ancona city and Marche region.

Ambassador Cao Chinh Thien said the Vietnamese Embassy will continue actively coordinating with the new Chair to host activities to strengthen friendship and solidarity of the bloc and among the embassies of the ASEAN member countries in Rome.

He noted that 2017 is an important year for ASEAN as it marks the 50th founding anniversary of the bloc.

Therefore, ACR activities will have significant meaning in disseminating knowledge about ASEAN, which is considered a community of dynamic countries and playing a crucial role in the Asian-Pacific region, in Italy, he added.

Established in August 2011, ACR includes Ambassadors from six ASEAN countries in Italy, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. 

The ACR Chair’s term lasts for six months, held rotationally by the ASEAN Ambassadors in Italy.

Embassy marks War Invalids and Martyrs Day in Ukraine

The Vietnamese Embassy in Ukraine marked 70 years of the War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947) with a celebration held at the Concert Hall in Odessa city on July 21.

The ceremony was attended by Vietnamese martyrs’ relatives and war invalids, Ukrainian veterans who used to work in Vietnam, along with representatives of the Vietnamese people from across Ukraine.

In his speech, Ambassador Nguyen Minh Tri expressed his deep gratitude to war veterans, martyrs’ families and revolutionary contributors. 

He also appreciated activities by the Vietnamese community in Ukraine to care for policy beneficiaries and revolutionary contributors.

At the event, representatives of the Vietnamese associations in Ukraine, Ukrainian veterans, and young Vietnamese people also showed their gratefulness to persons dedicating to the homeland’s independence.

They promised efforts to deserve the heroes and martyrs’ great sacrifices and to strengthen the traditional friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Ukraine.

PM wants more good deeds for revolutionary contributors

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on July 22 attended a meeting reviewing the 20-year implementation of policies towards revolutionary contributors in the central province of Quang Nam, home to the biggest number of contributors in Vietnam.

The event, held on the threshold of the 70th anniversary of the War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947), also saw the presence of more than 400 people who are holders of the “Vietnamese Heroic Mother” and “Hero of the People’s Armed Forces” titles, revolutionary veterans, war invalids, and martyrs’ families.

In Quang Nam, more than 65,400 martyrs have been recognised. The locality is also home to more than 30,500 war invalids, 45,300 people assisting the revolution, and 11,700 others directly involved in revolutionary activities.

There have been 14,795 women bestowed or posthumously bestowed with the title “Vietnamese Heroic Mother”, and 914 of them are still alive.

Quang Nam has reportedly made great efforts to carry out policies targeting local martyrs’ families, war invalids and revolutionary contributors.

Ahead of this year’s War Invalids and Martyrs Day, the province has raised more than 4.5 billion VND (198,000 USD) to make saving books for the 914 Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, and an additional 3.5 billion VND (154,000 USD) for other gratitude activities.

Localities across the province have also raised fund for upgrading martyrs’ cemeteries, building war memorials, and restoring martyrs’ tombs.

Addressing the meeting, PM Phuc, whose hometown is in Quang Nam, highly valued numerous practical activities done by authorities at all levels in the province to acknowledge persons with credit to the fight for Vietnam’s independence and freedom.

He told Quang Nam not to be complacent about what it has achieved in caring for revolutionary contributors since there remains much to be done in both short and long terms, including the search of martyrs’ remains, the verification of revolutionary contributors, and health care for the targeted group.

The Government leader also showed his respect for enormous efforts by war invalids and revolutionary contributors, adding that they have continued dedicating to the development of their hometown.

He asked the administration of Quang Nam to better implement policies targeting revolutionary contributors, and especially educate younger generations, on the patriotism and the gratitude tradition.

Also on July 22, PM Phuc and over 400 participants, including Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, war veterans and martyrs’ relatives, attended a ceremony in Tam Ky city in tribute to revolutionary contributors.

Sport event celebrates ASEAN’s founding anniversary

A sport event entitled “ASEAN Golden Game” was held by the Foreign Ministry of Vietnam in Hanoi on July 22 as part of activities to mark the 50th founding anniversary of ASEAN (1967-2017).

The event saw the participation of more than 300 amateur athletes from Vietnam’s agencies and embassies of ASEAN countries in Vietnam, who competed in football, table tennis, badminton and tennis.

Addressing the event, Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Quoc Dung stressed that ASEAN has become a dynamic community for common peace and prosperity of people and a model of regional multilateral cooperation after five decades since its establishment.

The sport event fosters the solidarity, friendship, mutual understanding and connection between ASEAN diplomats, as well as encourages a healthy life of ASEAN people, he added.

Preserving traditional family values among OVs in Czech Republic

Though living in the Czech Republic, many Vietnamese families there have retained traditional customs.

VOV’s correspondent in the Czech Republic visited a Vietnamese family in Sokolov City to get to learn how they preserve Vietnamese traditional values. 

Le Van Thuy of Hai Duong province began doing business in the Czech Republic in 1995. His hardworking nature helped to establish him in the host country and he soon brought his parents and brothers to Sokolov City to help with the business.

Thuy is proud that his family still preserves traditional Vietnamese customs, culture, and practices.

He said the most difficult thing is handling the conflicts that arise every day. Over the past 20 years, his family has maintained one principle: all problems must be resolved immediately to preserve trust among family members. Respect and love between family members, he said, remedied all conflicts.

“In my family, 3 generations live together, and daily conflicts are inevitable. But no matter how serious the conflict is, the key is that everyone respects each other. All conflicts are considered normal debates and life is made more comfortable,” said Thuy.

Like many other overseas Vietnamese, Thuy and his family work from early till late to earn their living. Rain or shine the grandparents take the children to school, bring them back home, feed them, put them to bed, tell them fairy tales, and teach them Vietnamese.

Ha Thi Thanh Tram, Thuy’s wife, said she is grateful to her mother-in-law for helping. 

“I consider my parents-in-law like my own parents. My mom lives far from me. I feel comfortable going to work because I have my mother-in-law’s help. She loves my children and is happy to take care of them. I don’t know how to express my gratitude. I never think of her as just a mother-in-law,” said Mr Tram. 

Although Thuy and his wife are busy earning money, they make sure their children know the importance of remembering their origin. Outside working hours, Thuy and his wife take the time to talk in Vietnamese with their children, explaining things they want them to know about their homeland. 

Thuy’s eldest son is 11. He speaks fluently both Vietnamese and Czech and is fond of learning about Vietnamese customs and culture. The smaller child is 5 and loves Vietnamese fairy tales.

75-year-old Pham Thi Cuc, Thuy’s mother, told VOV that their secret is that the older people in the family play an important role.

“In my opinion, older people like me should set an example for the children to follow if we want to keep a happy and harmonious family. Older people should teach the children to preserve Vietnamese customs,” Cuc said.

Le Van Vuong, Thuy’s father, said he hopes his children and grandchildren will remember their motherland.

“Every few months, I return to Vietnam because it is my birthplace where my grandparents and parents live. East or West, home is best,” Vuong shared his thought.

Two dead, 10 injured in multiple-vehicle crash in HCM City

At least two people have been killed and 10 others injured after a pile-up involving a dozen cars and motorcycles in Ho Chi Minh City.

A seven-seater car crashed into three other cars and nine motorbikes near the intersection of Ha Huy Giap with To Ngoc Van Streets in District 12 on July 22 night, resulting in two people dying and 10 others wounded.

The deceased were identified as Le Cong Dung, 63, who hailed from the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho, and Doan Tuan A., 15, a resident of District 12.

The four automobiles and nine motorcycles were seen being badly damaged at the scene.

According to initial information, the seven-seater car was traveling on Ha Huy Giap Street toward the To Ngoc Van-Ha Huy Giap intersection at around 8:00 pm when it rammed the nine motorbikes and three cars running on the two-way street.

“We are still trying to figure out the exact cause of the accident,” said Senior Lieutenant Colonel Tran Van Tam, deputy chief of the police department in District 12.

Some witnesses presumed that the driver of the seven-seater car had mistakenly hit the gas pedal instead of the brake one, VnExpress reported.

Free cleft palate surgery for poor ethnic minorities in Central Highlands

The Children’s Fund in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak on July 23 coordinated with the Operation Smile Vietnam to provide free examination and surgery for 140 needy people who suffer from cleft lip and cleft palate.

The beneficiaries are mainly from remote and ethnic minority regions in Dak Nong, Dak Lak, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, and Lam Dong.

Eighty children and adults are expected to receive free-of-charge surgery under this programme, which runs from July 23-27.

This is the fourth time the Operation Smile Vietnam and the Dak Lak Children’s Fund launched the event for the Central Highlands.

Over the past three years, nearly 700 local patients with cleft lip and cleft palate received free check-ups, while over 300 others were assisted to get their smiles back.

Forest protection and afforestation

Vietnam aims to increase forest coverage to 42% of its land area in 2020.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development reaffirmed the goal at a conference to launch the Target Program on Sustainable Forestry Development from 2016 to 2020 and review the National Forest Inventory from 2013 to 2016.

Vietnam now has 14.3 million ha of forest, covering 41.19% of its land area. To achieve its target of 42% forest coverage by 2020, it must fine tune mechanisms and laws to ensure a firm legal foundation for forest protection and development. 

The revised law on Forest Protection and Development should be approved soon and financial initiatives should be carried out to generate resources for forestry development.

The agro-sector should review the areas of different types of forests such as protective forests, special forests, and plantation forests.  

Pham Sinh, Vice Chairman of Lam Dong Province’s People’s Committee, said, “In addition to plantation forests, Lam Dong and other Central Highlands provinces have asked for permission to combine agro-forestry plantation to restore forests, improve biodiversity, and maintain the current areas of agricultural and forest land.”

Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung said, “Forest planning and development should be associated with restructuring of the forestry sector. Provinces should identify and invest in their staple forestry products. Forest protection should match climate change adaptation, tourism development, cultural protection, resettlement of residents, and living conditions. We don’t trade-off economic development and deforestation.”

The National Target Program on Sustainable Forestry Development until 2020 aims to raise the annual average forestry production to 5.5 or 6% and forest coverage to 42%, and earn US$8.5 billion from wood furniture and forestry product export. 

The program hopes to generate 25 million jobs, and improve the lives of people depend on forests.

Disabled kids in Lang Son receive free surgery

As many as 209 children with disabilities in the northern mountainous province of Lang Son are expected to benefit from a six–day free operation programme that runs through July 29.

The programme is jointly organised by the Centre II of the Vietnam Relief Association for Handicapped Children, the provincial Department of Labours, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Lang Son General Hospital.

Director of the Lang Son General Hospital Phan Thanh Huy said the programme aims to help local people with disabilities, mostly children, get surgery without moving to central-level hospitals.

It also provides opportunities for local doctors to learn from orthopaedic surgery technology and skills of experts from renowned Bach Mai Hospital, Vietnam – Germany Hospital, and National Institute of Ophthalmology, among others.

The programme is sponsored by the Vietnam Relief Association for Handicapped Children, the Social Insurance and donators.

PM asks Ha Tinh to become major industrial centre

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc held a working session with authorities of Ha Tinh on July 24 to discuss ways to build the central province into one of the major industrial hubs in the country. 

Speaking at the event, the PM underscored the importance of Vung Ang Economic Zone, which he said, should be developed into an industrial centre for not only Ha Tinh but also the central region in the near future. 

He suggested supplementing the provincial master plan, with a focus on Vung Ang Economic Zone, while continuing to improve business climate, facilitate businesses’ land access and save their time and costs. 

The Government leader called for further attention to support industry, engineering and chemical industries, tourism, disaster and climate change response. 

He asked Ha Tinh to continue monitoring two furnaces at the Taiwanese-invested Formosa steel plant and working closely with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, ministries and agencies concerned to deal with environment protection violations at the company. 

Commenting on future tasks, he said the province needs to continue refining mechanisms, grasp opportunities and make breakthroughs to improve local livelihoods. 

Last year, the province’s gross regional domestic product grew 5.16 percent, including agriculture (down 3.4 percent), industry and construction (up 10.07 percent), and services (up 5.8 percent). The total State collections hit over 3.7 trillion VND (163.6 million USD), or 49 percent of the estimate. 

The industrial production was estimated at 13.5 trillion VND (589.1 million USD), up 40.2 percent annually, mostly contributed by manufacturing-engineering and power supply. Several key industries such as electricity, steel, fiber enjoyed higher year-on-year growth. 

Meanwhile, revenues from lodging, restaurant and tourism services reached 2.23 billion VND, up 1.72 percent. The total tourist arrivals to Ha Tinh numbered 820,000, marking a 15.4 percent increase compared to the same period last year. They included 14,500 foreigners, up 11.5 percent annually.

NA, State leaders present gifts to policy beneficiaries

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan visited and presented gifts to policies beneficiaries in the northern province of Hai Duong on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27).

The NA leader visited a number of heroic mothers, martyrs’ families and invalids in Sao Do ward, Chi Linh town; and Phu Dien commune, Nam Sach district.

The NA leader expressed her deep gratitude to heroic martyrs, invalids and people who rendered services to the nation for their great contributions to the national liberation and development.

She affirmed that the Party and State will pay more attention to supporting the national contributors.

Earlier the same day, the top legislator laid a wreath at the Monument to Martyrs in Sao Do ward, Chi Linh town.

The same day, Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh visited and presented gifts to heroic mothers and families of martyrs in the Mekong Delta province of Long An.

Lao ministry hosts talk with students about Vietnam-Laos ties

The Lao Ministry of Education and Sports hosted a talk with students of its schools and the National University of Laos about the special ties between Laos and Vietnam on July 24. 

The event was meant to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the signing of Treaty of Amity and Cooperation and the 55th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties. 

Speaking at the event, former Lao Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lengsavath reviewed milestones in bilateral ties and support that Vietnam has provided for Laos in the fields of politics, education, economy, transport, national defence and security. 

He lauded the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation for bringing benefits to Laos, helping the country stay on track of stability and development until now. 

The former leader asked students and lecturers to bear in mind the tradition of Laos-Vietnam special ties and continue fostering bilateral relationship. 

Lao Deputy Minister of Education and Sports Kongsy Sengmany said the Laos – Vietnam, Vietnam - Laos special relationship is a decisive factor for the victory of the two countries’ revolutions and a foundation for their strong development at present. 

In an interview granted to Vietnam News Agency correspondents in Laos, Sengmany said over the past years, the Lao and Vietnamese Party and government have stepped up popularising the tradition of bilateral special ties among Party members and walks of life, particularly young generations. 

In the near future, the Lao Ministry of Education and Sports will continue partnering with educational establishments nationwide to hold similar talks and exchanges with students on the occasion of Year of Laos – Vietnam Solidarity and Friendship 2017.

Disabled kids in Lang Son receive free surgery

As many as 209 children with disabilities in the northern mountainous province of Lang Son are expected to benefit from a six–day free operation programme that runs through July 29. 

The programme is jointly organised by the Centre II of the Vietnam Relief Association for Handicapped Children, the provincial Department of Labours, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Lang Son General Hospital.

Director of the Lang Son General Hospital Phan Thanh Huy said the programme aims to help local people with disabilities, mostly children, get surgery without moving to central-level hospitals.

It also provides opportunities for local doctors to learn from orthopaedic surgery technology and skills of experts from renowned Bach Mai Hospital, Vietnam – Germany Hospital, and National Institute of Ophthalmology, among others.

The programme is sponsored by the Vietnam Relief Association for Handicapped Children, the Social Insurance and donators.

Nearly 9 mln USD donated ahead of War Invalids & Martyrs Day

More than 197 billion VND (8.7 million USD) has been donated to the Gratitude Fund, which is an outcome of a movement beginning in late April to call on all people to express gratitude to revolutionary contributors.

The movement is to mark 70 years of the War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947).

The Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee said on July 24 that 18,958 houses have been built or repaired for contributors to the revolution at a total cost of 736 billion VND (32.4 million USD).

About 207,980 gift packages worth over 121 billion VND (5.3 million USD) have also been presented to policy beneficiary families and revolutionary contributors nationwide.

The VFF and its member organisations have actively coordinated with other agencies and organisations to carry out gratitude activities which have also received strong support from the public, the VFF Central Committee noted.

Addressing the meeting to review the movement, President of the VFF Central Committee Tran Thanh Man said the drive is to show latter generations’ sentiment and responsibility towards revolutionary contributors. It is also an occasion to promote patriotism, national pride and the gratitude-showing tradition.

He asked ministries, sectors, organisations and VFF committees at all levels to continue with the movement and consider it a regular task.

He also urged them to push ahead with fine-tuning and implementing relevant policies, ensure all revolutionary contributors receive regulated benefits, and encourage war invalids, martyrs’ relatives and contributors to take part in social and economic activities.

Int’l seminar on information safety slated for November

An international seminar on information safety is scheduled to take place in Ho Chi Minh City on November 17 and in Hanoi on December 1 on the occasion of Vietnam Information Safety Day, announced the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA). 

Apart from a major session themed “Smart safety in the new connected world”, two seminars entitled “Information safety for smart city” and “Ensuring information safety at different levels” will be held, according to the organising board. 

Within the framework of Vietnam Information Safety Day, a national competition on students with information safety, a training course for information technology managers and a technology exhibition will also be organised. 

The VNISA will also announce the results of information safety products and services reviewed by domestic firms. 

The annual Vietnam Information Safety Day has been held by the VNISA for the past nearly 10 years under the auspices of the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Education and Training.

Paintings on Vietnam’s new roads open in Hanoi

A painting exhibition featuring transport works of Vietnam opened in Hanoi on July 24.

Sixty paintings of different materials by 58 artists, portray the nation’s transport network, including roads, waterways, railways, airways across the nation.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Tran Khanh Chuong, President of the Vietnam Fine Art Association, highlighted the development of the transport sector during Doi moi (Reform) and international integration.

The sector has contributed to reinforcing security, national defence, and economic development, he added

Such art works as “Ngay dong ve” (The winter day has comes) by Le Anh; “Ngay moi” (A new day) by Do Nam Cuong; “Them nhung nhip cau” (More bridge spans) by Pham Ngoc Doanh, and three paintings by Tran Khanh Chuong are among the highlights at the exhibition.-

Patients pay high price for ‘Facebook medicine’ in Vietnam

To many people, buying medicines from shops on Facebook is never a good idea, but others in Vietnam who believe in the ‘panacea’ offered on the social media platform have learnt the lesson the hard way.

It is common for Facebook users in Vietnam to see advertisements of rapid remedies to all kinds of disease, from diabetes, kidney failure, hemorrhoid, kidney stone, to skin conditions and even impotence.

Buyers of these so-called medications have ended up wasting a big amount of money only to develop more serious complications.

S., a resident of the northern province of Phu Tho, recalled spending nearly VND30 million (US$1,320) on medicines sold online in the hope of curing his kidney failure.

Although the advertisement claimed that their effects could be noticed after six months, S.’s condition remained the same after he had used the medications for two years.

“It really upsets me that they are still on sale on Facebook. The sellers even claimed to be experts to give advice to their customers,” S. complained.

According to Nguyen Huu Dung, head of the artificial kidney department at the Hanoi-based Bach Mai Hospital, several patients have suffered a more serious stage of their kidney conditions after buying non-prescription medicine on the Internet.

Earlier this year, the infirmary recorded a patient suffering from paralysis after consuming medicines with a high lead content.

Doctors at the General Hospital in the northern province of Tuyen Quang also treated a victim whose open wound was infected with myiasis after being self-treated with herbs sold online.

Dang Van Chinh, chief inspector of the Ministry of Health, stated the agency had disciplined a number of facilities which exaggerated the effects of their supplements in online advertisements.    

The effort did not seem to be effective as there are countless of such deceptive ads on social media, Chinh continued.

Lax management over the sale of medicine and dietary supplements can lead to dangerous consequences, the official asserted.

According to Doan Cao Son, head of the National Institute of Drug Quality Control, several types of online herbal medicine have been found containing substances often used in western medication.

The additional ingredients were to help enhance the effects of the products but are also harmful to certain patients due to side effects, Son elaborated.

He cited a type of herbal supplement that was said to improve men’s performance in bed.

Experts discovered that the product consists of some active ingredients used in Viagra, which can be dangerous for people with heart diseases.

It is recommended that people only buy medications with legitimate registration and quality control, Son said, advising against products without clear origin or sold on Facebook alongside exaggerating advertisements.