HCM City leader offers sympathy over Paris attack victims

Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Le Hoang Quan came to the French Consulate General in the city on November 16 to offer condolences for those killed in a series of terrorist attacks in Paris last week. 

In his notes in the funeral book, the municipal official expressed his deepest sympathies to the French authorities, people and families of the victims in the attacks, that killed 129 people and wounded 400 others

French Consul General Emmanuel Ly-Batallan showed his deep gratitude for the sympathy of the City’s authorities, people in general and Vietnamese people over the heavy casualties, saying that he felt very touched. 

Since the afternoon of November 14, crowds of French people working and living in HCM City and city dwellers have come to the Consulate General to share their pain.

First batch of Vietnamese workers return from Algeria

Thirteen of the 49 Vietnamese workers in Algeria, who wished to return following a dispute with their Chinese employer there, flew home yesterday.

The repatriation of the workers was made under an agreement signed on November 1 between Simco Song Da, the company that sent the workers to Algeria, and the Chinese employer in that country, Dongyi Jiangsu Co. Ltd.

The workers boarded their flight yesterday and are expected to arrive at Ha Noi's Noi Bai International Airport at 6.05pm today.

The remaining 36 workers will return in two batches on November 18 and 20.

Dongyi Jiangsu Co. Ltd said it has completed administrative procedures in Algeria to bring the Vietnamese workers back as scheduled.

The seven workers who wish to stay on in Algeria will sign contracts to which new norms have been appended.

Simco Song Da has to pay US$1,700 per worker to compensate the Chinese firm for the repatriation of the workers. The amount is equal to what each Vietnamese worker has to pay his employer to end his contract early.

Vietnamese workers, contracted to work for Dongyi Jiangsu Co. Ltd on a construction site in Khenchela Province, which is more than 460km east of Algiers, called for help in early October after being beaten by their employer.

Under the contract, the workers were to be paid based on the working days and on a monthly basis. However, when the workers arrived in Algeria, the Chinese employer wanted to change the terms to piecework payment. The Vietnamese workers were assaulted by the Chinese employer on September 16, when they objected to the change. Two workers, Dau Hoang Anh and Dao Ngoc Cuong, were injured in the assault. 

VUFO celebrates 65th anniversary of traditional day

The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) celebrated the 65th anniversary of its traditional day (November 17) in Hanoi on November 16. 

In his opening remarks, VUFO President Vu Xuan Hong recalled November 19, 1950, when the World Peace Protection Committee of Vietnam – the predecessor of the VUFO – was established at a Congress held in Diem Mac commune, Dinh Hoa district in the northern province of Thai Nguyen. 

The VUFO chose November 17, the day President Ho Chi Minh sent a letter to the Congress on the birth of the VUFO, as its traditional day. 

Under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, people-to-people diplomacy has played a breakthrough role and created social consensus for relations between Vietnam and countries worldwide, rallying support for national liberation, reunification and development. 

Vietnam has partnered with nearly 1,000 foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from more than 30 countries and territories. Over the course of the past 15 years, NGOs disbursed an excess of 3 billion USD for tens of thousands of projects involving poverty reduction, post-war recovery, public health care, epidemic prevention, environmental protection, social issues, infrastructure, education, climate change and sustainable development. 

Speaking at the event, Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Le Hong Anh asked the VUFO to actively launch comprehensive diplomatic strategies, including utilising external relation channels of the Party, State and the people, saying that peace, cooperation and development remain major trends amid complicated and uncertain developments in the world. 

It was urged to rally all possible resources for socio-economic development and the world struggle for peace, independence, democracy and social progress. 

Cuban Ambassador Lopez Diaz and Managing Co-Director of the NGO Resource Centre Marko Lovrekovic, on behalf of NGOs, extended congratulatory messages to the VUFO on the occasion.

Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia youths seek investment links

The Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Youth Exchange Meeting, entitled “From entrepreneurship to investment opportunities”, took place in Siem Riep, Cambodia from November 13-15. 

The event, organised by the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia (UYFC), was the second youth meeting between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Its first edition was held in Vietnam in 2014. 

Speaking at the meeting, UYFC President Hun Ma Ny said the meeting promoted the role and participation of the youth in fostering friendship between the three countries and provided a platform for young entrepreneurs to exchange ideas and seek investment opportunities. 

In addition, leaders of the three delegations discussed ways to create opportunities for the young entrepreneurs to strengthen ties and work together in joint projects. 

The delegates also visited world heritage Angkor Wat complex and took part in sport events.

Plan submitted to demolish building's illegally built floors

The Le Truc Garment Joint Stocks Company, the investor of the 8B Le Truc Building Project, yesterday submitted plans to demolish illegally built floors atop the building.

The plan was delivered to the People's Committee of Ha Noi's Dien Bien Ward.

The move came after the Ha Noi Construction Department ordered the investor to propose a solution that includes demolishing the floors before 5pm, November 15.

The committee will report to the People's Committee of Ba Dinh District and authorised agencies to verify the proposed plans before allowing the building demolition to assure they meet regulations.

Further, the People's Committee of Dien Bien Ward was assigned to co-operate with other agencies to supervise the demolition work and ensure investors obeyed all rules, including not polluting the nearby area during the work, while maintaining the safety of nearby residents, the department said.

In a related move, the Ha Noi Inspectorate Agency recently announced a decision to determine the responsibility of those individuals and organisations who were responsible for the illegal construction.

The 69m-tall building complex, which has a trade centre, offices for lease and high-end apartments for sale, rises 53m above the ground and has underground basements that measure 16m in height.

The building, located in No 8B Le Truc Street, is 16m higher than the height stipulated in the licence issued to the project by the Ha Noi Department of Construction in March 2014, and its gross floor area is 6,900m² more than permitted. 

Vietnam joins food and crafts bazaar in Egypt

Vietnam’s Embassy and Vietnamese community in Egypt on November 14 took part in the Asian Food and Crafts Bazaar, which was held by the Asian Diplomats ' Spouses Association ( ADSA ) in Cairo on November 14. 

The event is an annual activity to raise fund for poor people in Egypt, especially women and children. 

Besides Vietnam, 20 other countries also joined the event along with 13 non-governmental organisations and the European Union. 

Vietnam’s traditional dishes such as fried spring rolls and coffee impressed international friends just as did its traditional craft products lacquer products, pictures, conical hats, bamboo dragonfly and souvenirs. 

Vietnam also introduced to international friends well-known tourist destinations via a five-minute video clip.

Ceremony held in remembrance of traffic accident victims

Vietnam’s National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC) held a ceremony in Hanoi on November 15 to commemorate the victims of fatal road traffic accidents and call for people’s higher road sense. 

The event was organised in response to the World Day of Remembrance for Victims of Road Traffic Accidents, which falls on the third Sunday of November. This is the fourth year such a ceremony has been held so far in Vietnam. 

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, who is also the NTSC Chairman called on all people to obey traffic rules to ensure safety for others and for themselves. 

In the light of 600 candles, participants observed a one-minute silence in honour of those who had died of traffic accidents. 

Statistics of the committee reported that traffic accidents killed 1.2 million people every year worldwide. 

In Vietnam, in the first 10 months of this year, traffic accidents took the lives of more than 7,000 people, injured 15,000 others. 

In October, there were 1,978 traffic accidents reported from across the country, which killed 667 people and injured 1,826.

Traffic police handled 3.4 million cases of traffic violations, collecting administrative fines of VND2,261 billion (US$100.4 million), detaining 32,000 cars and 422,500 motorbikes, and revoking 290,800 driving licenses.

Better Rice initiative to help Mekong farmers 

About 3,000 farmers from three Mekong Delta provinces will benefit from a project called Better Rice Initiative Asia that has been launched in Can Tho City.

Carried out as part of the Integrated Coastal Management Programme, the project aims to promote private-public partnerships along the rice value chain through adoption of a sustainable rice cultivation model harnessing the latest technologies.

In the first phase, it will be carried out in the provinces of Dong Thap, Hau Giang, and Kien Giang. It will seek to improve farmers' knowledge of rice cultivation and promote the adoption of modern technologies in an environment-friendly and sustainable manner.

Its focus is also to improve the rice value chain as a whole, from input to output, to strengthen the connection between rice production and market consumption to ensure rice quality and market satisfaction, enabling farmers to increase their incomes.

The project aims at increasing farmers' incomes by at least 30 per cent through increasing yields and/or reducing input costs by adopting innovative rice cultivation methods. Furthermore, it said, rice harvested from this project would meet EU quality standards.

"The focus of the project is innovative and synchronised technology solutions, including the use of good seeds, integrated crop management, water and nutrient management, integrated pest management … to utilize effectively rice input, increasing yields and quality, reducing losses and costs, and at the same time increasing labour productivity and farmers' incomes," Phan Huy Thong, Director of the Viet Nam National Agricultural Extension Centre, said.

"The project can contribute greatly to the adaptation and mitigation of climate change for sustainable rice production in Viet Nam.

"The project supports the stakeholders in the rice value chain in applying the large field model. This is a key measure to restructure Viet Nam's agriculture by increasing added value and farmers' incomes and boosting sustainable rice production."

The other key stakeholders involved in the project are the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development of Dong Thap, Hau Giang and Kien Giang provinces, the International Rice Research Institute, and the Mekong Delta Rice Research Institute. 

Vietnam offers free treatment to 378 kids found with lead poisoning

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has pledged to offer free treatment for 378 children in a northern village who were diagnosed with lead poisoning.

“In mid-December, the children will be treated with Pectin complex made in Ukraine,” said the agency director Doan Ngoc Hai.

“This is the first batch of drug treating lead and heavy metal poisoning imported into Vietnam.”

Earlier, health authorities have diagnosed hundreds of children at Dong Mai Village in Hung Yen Province with lead poisoning.

Tests in mid-2015 found serious lead contamination in air, water, soil and crops at the village, with the highest levels of more than 1,000 times the level deemed safe being found in surface water.

Local residents of the village, about 27 km (17 miles) east of Hanoi, began to recycle lead from used batteries in the 1970s. 

A file photo shows Dong Mai villagers recycling lead from used batteries. These facilities have been relocated outside the village but lead pollution remains in the northern village. Photo: Ha An

More than 400 households have been involved in the business and most of them have been relocated to a nearby industrial zone in recent years.

According to Hung Yen Health Department, the last 13 households involving the business has been relocated out of the village.

“However, lead pollution remains at alarming levels,” the department director Nguyen Van Dong said.

The provincial authorities said they are facing financial difficulty for removing garbage out of a dumped site in the village.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), lead is a cumulative toxicant that affects multiple body systems and is particularly harmful to young children. 

Lead in the body is distributed to the brain, liver, kidney and bones and is stored in the teeth and bones, where it accumulates over time.

Globally, lead exposure is estimated to account for 143,000 deaths per year with the highest burden in developing regions.

Childhood lead exposure is estimated to contribute to about 600,000 new cases of children developing intellectual disabilities every year, according to WHO.

Indonesian expert hails Vietnam’s nuclear power development

Vietnam has made great strides in nuclear power development, thanks to support from the State, Indonesia Nuclear Society Chairman Arnold Soetrisnanto told Vietnam News Agency’s reporters on the sidelines of a workshop in central Ninh Thuan province on November 13.

Though Vietnam is several decades behind Indonesia in building nuclear power development policies, the country has seen significant achievements in the field, he said, pointing to State assistance as an advantage that helps Vietnam settle relevant matters swiftly.

He shared that he once had an opportunity to work with experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who said Vietnam had obtained 12 out of the 19 IAEA in nuclear power development standards.

Arnold also revealed Indonesia’s nuclear power development plan, which has been built over the past 60 years, including training workers and selecting construction sites.

Indonesia is now home to three nuclear research reactors, with the first erected in 1964 and the following two in 1979 and 1987, he said, adding that no serious incidents have been recorded.

The country also meets 16 out of the 19 IAEA criteria for nuclear power development standards, he said.

He noted that Indonesia planned to build its first nuclear power facility on Muria Peninsula in Java, but the project did not get support from the locals.

From this fact, Indonesia has realised the significance of public acceptance in implementing nuclear power projects, he said, stressing that when developing nuclear power, a country must ensure efficiency, security and safety.

Hanoi strives to give 85 percent of pregnant women prenatal screenings

Hanoi is making efforts to deliver prenatal diagnoses to 85 percent of expectant mothers by the end of 2020, up from 70 percent at the end of 2015, according to the municipal Department of Population and Family Planning.

After three years implementing prenatal and new-born screening projects, nearly 50 percent of pregnant women have received prenatal diagnoses. In 2015 alone, the medical sector has made ultrasound diagnoses for 2,000 mothers. Of the total, doctors recommended abortion in 347 cases, intervened with amniocentesis for 733 mothers and detected 25 cases of abnormal chromosomes.

An effective prenatal diagnosis programme was carried out from 2013 to 2015 in Quoc Oai, Chuong My, Tay Ho, Long Bien and Ba Vi districts.

In addition, by the end of this year the newborn screening rate is expected to stand at 80 percent, up from 30.98 percent in 2013. In three years, G6DP (Glucose-6- phosphate dehydrogenase) deficiency has been detected among 1,307 children and congenital hypothyroidism has been suspected in 43.

Increasing prenatal and newborn screenings will help improve population quality through early detection of infirmity, metabolic disorders and hereditary issues.

The city will work to bring prenatal and newborn screenings to the free medical healthcare insurance programme while fine-tuning technology to meet increasing demand.

Party chief attends national great unity festival in Hanoi

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on November 15 shared joy over the national great unity festival with locals in Thap Thuong Village, Dan Phuong district, one of the most outstanding examples of a new-style rural area in Hanoi.

Home to 280 households, the village in Song Phuong Commune has strengthened solidarity among residents to reap significant achievements across fields.

The proportion of medium- and high-income families is over 80 percent. Five households are still under the poverty line.

The local per-capita income goes up to nearly 29 million VND (1,305 USD) per annum.

More than 93 percent of households were recognised as cultural families for their contributions to environmental hygiene, social order and safety.

The Party leader attributed the outcome to local solidarity and implementation of the Party and State’s policies.

He highlighted the crucial role the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) played in upholding national unity and promoting public engagement in the causes of national construction and defence.

He urged the village to further promote the national spirit, especially the capital’s heroic and civilised traditions, to make more remarkable achievements in the context of market mechanisms and integration.

On the occasion, the Party chief presented gifts to local families who performed well in national unity movements. He also offered incense and planted a commemorative tree at Dan Phuong’s Monument to Fallen Soldiers.

Homemade herbal wine causes liver, kidney failure

Homemade herbal wine and animal bone glue wine, which are favorite alcoholic drinks in Vietnam, can cause problems in people’s liver and kidneys.

Doctor Nguyen Bach, head of the kidney and blood dialysis department of Thong Nhat Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, told Tuoi Tre(Youth) newspaper that his agency frequently treats patients suffering liver and kidney problems after drinking those kinds of wine.

Despite not revealing treatments, he warned that the habit of drinking home-made herbal wine can cause poisoning and lead to kidney failure and pernicious decay of the body tissue of the kidney duct.  

The non-standard production and preservation of the alcoholic beverage may result in the creation of poisonous substances harmful to human health, Dr. Bach explained.

The poisons will generally cause either chronic symptoms or disease in the liver and kidney.

Often patients will display no abnormal symptoms and therefore have no adequate or timely diagnoses before it develops into diseases including cancer, Dr. Bach said.

In short, the doctor advised people not to consume herbal wine or other kinds of drink produced with animal bone glue.

It is estimated that around six million Vietnamese people, or nearly seven percent of the nation’s population, contract chronic kidney disease, according to the doctor.

It mainly results from two things, diabetes and the inflammation of the kidney.

Many young patients do not detect symptoms in their kidney at an early enough stage and so have not been diagnosed appropriately.

They only come to the hospital once it has developed to the point of chronic kidney disease, the doctor added.

The rate of patients suffering from kidney problems has resulted from the increased rate of diabetes.

In addition, climate change, environmental pollution, and food contamination also contribute to the increase in pernicious and chronic kidney diseases.

Russian visitors to Vietnam rise in October

The number of Russian visitors to Vietnam increased 1.5 times in October despite a continuous decrease to most of major destinations, according to the RBK-Russian news channel. 

The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism said the number of Russian tourists to Vietnam in October rose 60% to 24,000 against the same period last year.

Vitaliy V. Chizhikov, general director of Paks-Inter LLC attributed the increase to the launch of flights from Moscow to Vietnam and connecting regional destinations.

Moreover, Aeroflot Russian Airlines has offered an attractive discount on a round-trip ticket from Moscow to HCM City from late August to early September,

The discount offer will last till October. 

1,000 people walk on World Diabetes Day in HCM City


Around 1,000 people took part in a walk on November 14 in District 7 as part of an event called "10 trieu buoc chan cung phong chong benh Dai thao duong" (10 million footsteps together to prevent diabetes) to mark World Diabetes Day.

Organised by the HCM City Association of Diabetes and Endocrinology and Nestle Viet Nam, the event also featured diet counselling by experts, free blood tests, consultation on healthcare and diabetes prevention from medical experts, and yoga.

It was meant to enhance awareness of diabetes among the public and encourage them to make positive changes to their lifestyle, diet, and daily activities to reduce the risk of diabetes.

According to the World Health Organization, globally nearly 400 million people suffered from type 2 diabetes as of last year, and the figure is expected to increase to 600 million this year.

In Viet Nam the number of diabetics is increasing rapidly, with about five million people suffering from the killer disease, according to the Ministry of Health. 

Vinh Phuc gets rid of dirty brick kilns

All of 300 old-style brick kilns in Thanh Tru Commune in northern Vinh Phuc province have been eliminated six years after initially planned, thanks to the relentless effort of communal authorities.

Although the ban came into effect in 2008 and planned to be completed by 2009, the elimination of old kilns had been delayed many times as kiln owners said that they had to take advantage of the remaining materials.

Until last year, there were still 30 per cent to 40 per cent of kilns still working with the same excuse by the kiln operators.

Local authorities had to take stronger measures by blocking trucks from transporting bricks across the commune, and persuade local labours to switch to other works by organising vocational courses and even exported them to foreign countries.

However, the campaign was not implemented easily as six out of seven villages of the commune had been living mainly by this job for over 15 years.

The communal brick production grew rapidly in the 2000 to 2005 period, when the price of bricks hiked.

Despite bringing high income to the locals, brick kilns had caused serious pollution.

The manufacturing activities led to the rapid growth of logistics and land exploitation services. Hundreds of trucks carrying bricks and land had damaged the road surface and left a cloud of smoke and dust.

Cultivated crops had been dug for land exploitation, breaking the canal system and led to water shortages in many areas. Production activities also emitted greenhouse gas and contaminated water. Many locals have been diagnosed with respiratory and eye diseases.

Many other provinces such as Hoa Binh, Bac Kan, Nghe An, Quang Ngai are making efforts to dismantle brick kilns.

However, the biggest barrier is to find suitable jobs for local people after they are forced to get rid of this harmful work. 

Vietnamese education highlighted in Western Australia

A recent workshop was held in Perth city in the state of Western Australia on November 15 with a focus on the education system of Vietnam.

The event was jointly organised by the Consulate General of Vietnam in Perth and the Edith Cowan University (ECU) on the occasion of Vietnam’s Teachers’ Day (November 20).

It saw the participation of crowds of professors, lecturers, managerial staff and Vietnamese and international students from local universities.

Consul General Le Viet Duyen highlighted the Vietnamese love for study and the development of the education system of Vietnam.

He noted that more than 30,000 Vietnamese students are pursuing education in Australia, with nearly 2,000 of them studying in Western Australia, who will play an important role in Vietnam’s development as well as in fostering the friendship and the comprehensive relation between the two nations.

The diplomat expressed his hope that universities in Western Australia will offer more exchange programmes for students, teachers and researchers with Vietnam in the future.

On the occasion, the Viet Education Link Association made debut with the aim of connecting educational institutions of the two nations and promoting Vietnamese culture and Vietnamese language teaching programmes in Australia.-

Vietnam Airlines launches Nha Trang – Hai Phong air route

The national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines opened a new air route from Nha Trang city in the central coastal province of Khanh Hoa to the northern port city of Hai Phong on November 15. 

With direct flights between Cam Ranh International Airport and Hai Phong’s Cat Bi Airport and vice versa, the new route connects the two major tourist destinations in the northern and central regions. 

According to Vietnam Airlines, initially there will be four flights each week between the two cities and the frequency will increase to seven flights soon. 

Pham Ngoc Minh, Vietnam Airlines CEO, said the new service is the 95th in the company’s network of domestic and international air routes. 

Vasco, an affiliate of Vietnam Airlines, will charter flights on the Nha Trang – Can Tho route as from December 10. 

Low cost airline Jetstar Pacific will open a new route from Nha Trang to Vinh city in the central province of Nghe An as from December 15.

Vietnamese in Czech advised to be cautious about visiting Paris

Vietnamese Ambassador to the Czech Republic ​Truong Manh Son said he would not urged Vietnamese in the Eastern European country to cancel their plans to visit Paris either for leisure or business purposes but they should think twice before deciding to go.

The diplomat told a Czech-based correspondent of the Vietnam News Agency on November 14, one day after a series of bloody attacks rocked the French capital city, that the French Government has imposed strict security measures after the deadly attacks and tourist sites are still opened as usual.

The Ambassador said while it is relatively safe in the Czech Republic, the community should be vigilant at this sensitive time, noting safety should be the top priority and people should avoid places of gathering except when it is really necessary.

Hoang Dinh Thang, President of the Vietnamese People Association in the Czech Republic, said his association has warned its chapters to pay attention to security when organising year-end activities.

He asked the organising board of a gala which will be held on the occasion of the 16 th founding anniversary of the association to intensify security measures.-VNA

Vietnam Fatherland Front marks 85th traditional day

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh applauded the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF)’s great contributions to the nation through historical periods, especially during the present renewal process and national construction and defence.

Speaking at a meeting to mark the VFF’s 85th founding anniversary (November 18, 1930) in Hanoi on November 15, the Deputy PM highlighted the front’s crucial role in building and mobilising the national great unity via patriotic movements.

He expressed his hope that the front, as a political alliance and an orgnisation of the people, will better perform its supervision and social criticism functions, enhance the strength of the national great unity bloc and contributing to building a socialist rule-of-law State, of the people, by the people and for the people.

Vice President and General Secretary of the VFF Central Committee Vu Trong Kim urged the VFF at all levels and its member organisations to diversify their methods to mobilize and unite the people towards strong national unity and social consensus.

In the time ahead, VFF chapters at all levels and member organisations should focus on the preparations for the 12 th Party Congress slated for early next year and for the popularization and implementation of the resolution adopted at the Congress.

The VFF should also take an active part in the preparations for elections of the 14 th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2016-2020 term.

On this occasion, VFF Central Committee President Nguyen Thien Nhan launched a drive themed “ All people unite to build new -style rural areas and civilised urban areas”.

He said the drive is the core activity of the VFF system in the new period, which inherits and builds on the outcomes of earlier movements, including the “All people unite to build cultural life in residential areas ,” “the Day for the Poor ,” and “All people join hands build new - style rural areas ” campaigns.

On this occasion, the VFF honoured 37 units and individuals who have significantly contributed to the “ Day for the Poor ” and “All people join hands to build new - style rural areas” campaigns.

Buffalo Tours win travel awards

Buffalo Tours has received awards from three prestigious names in the travel industry, World Travel Awards, TTG Travel Awards and the Megellan Awards.

Buffalo Tours was named "Vietnam's Leading Tour Operator" by the World Travel Awards, an award considered the "Oscars of the travel industry" and based upon individual reviews of consumers worldwide.

The company was also named "Best Travel Agency-Vietnam" by TTG Travel Awards and "2015 Tour Operator Winner" by the Megellan Awards.

Both are based upon votes from readers of these highly regarded travel publications.

"I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of our customers, as they have trusted Buffalo Tours to arrange their travel over the past 21 years – and now support us in these awards," said Matt Masson, managing director of Buffalo Tours.

Buffalo Tours also celebrated receiving a 2015 Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor. It ranks first in the Day Tours category for Ha Noi. 

French zombie series returns

The second season of the French series The Returned (originally titled Les Revenants), that kicked off on September 28 in France and on October 16 in the UK, will air exclusively on the K+1 channel in Viet Nam every Tuesday from November 24.

The series is a supernatural crime thriller TV series that follows a small community of people living in an Alpine village, where a group of people, presumed dead, all at once, emerge at their homes.

Set six months after the conclusion of the first run, the second season sees matters become even more complicated and a new wave of resurrections could be about to occur.