Chinese Embassy in Hanoi marks Hong Kong’s return anniversary

Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Hong Xiaoyong held a reception in Hanoi on June 29 to mark the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China (July 1, 1997). 

Addressing the ceremony, Pham Minh Chinh, Politburo member and head of the Party Central Committee’s Organisation Commission, stressed that the return of Hong Kong to China is of historical significance to the Chinese Party, Government and people. 

The Party, State and people of Vietnam congratulate Hong Kong on its great socio-economic achievements over the past two decades and wish the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region more attainments, contributing to completing the goal of turning China into a modern socialist country, the official said. 

 Chinh affirmed that the Vietnamese Party, State and people attach importance to enhancing the traditional friendship with China and wish to join hands with the Chinese Party, State and people to promote the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries in a stable and sustainable manner.

He expressed his belief that the mutually beneficial cooperation between Vietnamese localities and Hong Kong will further advance, contributing to the development of the Vietnam-China neighbourly friendship and comprehensive cooperation.

Ambassador Hong Xiaoyong said Hong Kong’s return to China under the “one country, two systems” formula has significantly contributed to global peace, development and progress. 

The ambassador highlighted remarkable outcomes in the cooperation between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China and Vietnam over the past time, and expressed his hope that the cooperation will be further deepened, bringing pragmatic interests to both sides.

Vietnam reiterates commitment to implementing UPR recommendations

Vietnam had implemented 147 out of 182 recommendations it accepted at the second UN Human Right Council’s Universal Periodic Regulations (UPR) review, and partly realised four other recommendations between June 2014 to December 31, 2016, said a Foreign Ministry’s official at a conference on June 29.

Hoang Thi Thanh Nga, head of the Department for International Organisations under the Foreign Ministry disclosed the information at the conference held by the Foreign Ministry and the UNDP in Vietnam to publicise Vietnam’s implementation of recommendations under the second UPR review.

At the second UPR review of Vietnam held on February 5, 2014 at the UN Human Right Council’s headquarters, 106 countries put forward 227 recommendations, of which Vietnam accepted 182 as the rest were not suitable to the country’s specific situation and circumstances.

The 182 accepted recommendations are in seven areas: reform of the legal system relating to human rights; further consolidation and protection of human rights in economic, social, cultural, civil and political aspects; ensuring of human rights of vulnerable groups; education on human rights; continued participation in international standards on human rights; implementation of international obligations regarding human rights; and international cooperation on human rights.

Between 2014-2016, dozens of important legal documents related to human rights and citizen rights were approved to specify regulations of the 2013 Constitution and carry out international conventions that Vietnam has joined, she said.

Meanwhile, as a result of the implementation of recommendations on further consolidation and protection of human rights in economic, social, cultural, civil and political aspects, annual average per capita income in Vietnam rose from 1,900 USD in 2013 to 2,215 USD in 2016. The number of people enjoying monthly social allowance and health insurance has increased, while 25.05 percent of total communes nationwide have been recognised as new-styled rural areas.

Residents in areas affected by natural disasters as well as four localities suffering the sea environment incidents have received timely support, while the national strategy on natural disaster prevention and mitigation to 2020 has been sped up, said Nga. 
Social organisations and citizens have become more involved in the monitoring and supervision of the enforcement of laws and policies, while access to Internet is facilitated to allow citizens to exercise the right to freedom of speech, with about 50 million people in Vietnam using the Internet, accounting for 52 percent of the population. The State has created favourable conditions for religious organisations’ operation.

At the same time, Vietnam has effectively implemented many national programmes to support vulnerable groups, said Nga, listing as examples the national programme of action on gender equality for 2016-2020, the national programme of action for the elderly for 2012-2020; the national programme of action for children in 2012-2020, the special policy on supporting socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous regions in 2016-2020. 

The official underlined that public awareness of human rights has been greatly enhanced, especially among young people. 

On October 28, 2014, the parliament of Vietnam approved the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Vietnam has become official member of seven out of nine major UN conventions on human rights. 

The country has also showed strong performance as a member of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for the 2016-2018 term, the Executive Council of the UN Organisation for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) in the 2015-2019 tenure, while working as a responsible member of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR), said Nga.

Addressing the event, Pham Sanh Chau, Assistant to the Foreign Minister, said that as a proactive and responsible member of the international community, Vietnam always attaches great important to and fully implements its commitments in the UPR mechanism, especially recommendations in the second UPR review that Vietnam has accepted.

Lauding Vietnam’s coordination with UN human rights agencies in implement the UPR, Kamal Malhotra, UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam and head of the UNDP in Vietnam said that the formation of an effective supervision system over the UPR is significance in tracking progress of the work. 

He also stressed the importance of the engagement of social organisations in the UPR implementation, contributing to protecting human rights of individuals, helping all people to better exercise their rights.

Health care programme marks War Invalids and Martyrs' Day

A humanitarian health care programme will be held from July 1-31 across the nation, aiming to provide free check-ups and treatment for at least 1 million people. 

This is part of activities to mark the 70th anniversary of War Invalids and Soldiers' Day (July 27), heard a press conference in Hanoi on June 29. 

During the month, humanitarian medical examination and treatment will be arranged simultaneously in all the 63 provinces and cities throughout the country. 

The programme is jointly organised by the Vietnam Red Cross, the Ministry of Public Heath, the General Political Department of the Vietnam People’s Army, and the Vietnam Young Doctors' Association.

The annual activity has contributed to encouraging the involvement of various sectors in the work, helping bring health care services to poor people, and those from families of martyrs. 

Over the past three years, the programme has benefited over 6.3 million people, with over 4.4 million of them provided with free medical check-ups and medicines, and about 1.9 million getting medical advices. 

It attracted the participation of over 2 million medical workers, including physicians, pharmacists, nurses and technicians. 

WB aids poverty alleviation programme for ethnic groups

The Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank (WB) on June 29 has approved a preferential credit package worth 153 million USD for Vietnam’s national programme on poverty reduction and rural development.

The package seeks to improve rural infrastructure, generate jobs, as well as increase planning and service capacity for ethnic people. 

It will be launched in 18 provinces of Cao Bang, Ha Giang, Lao Cai, Bac Kan, Dien Bien, Lai Chau, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien – Hue, Quang Ngai, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, Binh Dinh, Kon Tum, Dak Lak, Soc Trang and Tra Vinh, aiming to enhance institutional reform and efficient implementation of the national programme.

Ousmane Dione, Country Director of the WB in Vietnam, said Vietnam has reaped many achievements in poverty alleviation. However, most people living in mountainous and rural areas remain poor.

The WB will continue its cooperation with Vietnam for comprehensive growth by providing support for vulnerable groups, raising productivity of agricultural sector and creating more job opportunities, he added.

The package is in line with the new Country Partnership Strategy framework for Vietnam in 2017-2022. Along with other prioritised development goals, it will support the growth of rural businesses and investment activities for rural manufacturers, especially for ethnic people.

Infamous 'beauty vs businessman’ case declared a mistrial by Vietnam court

Former Miss Vietnam Russia has been putting up a staunch defense against those accusing her of swindling US$725,000.

A court in Ho Chi Minh City released a former beauty queen on June 29 after holding her in jail for two years under fraud charges, and ordered a fresh investigation into the case following new developments.

Truong Ho Phuong Nga, 30, was released under house arrest after the court found the new developments challenged the initial indictment against her.

The announcement was received with applause by those present in court.

Nga, who won Miss Vietnam Russia in 2007, was arrested in March 2015 following a criminal investigation that accused her of swindling VND16.5 billion ($725,000) from a Vietnamese businessman in an alleged housing scam.

She was charged in early September last year.

Later that same month, the case went to trial for the first time, when Nga retracted the confession she gave to police, saying it had been coerced and that she and the plaintiff were having an affair.

The trial ended after just a day when the judges ordered a fresh investigation.

The second trial started on June 22 and has been closely followed by the public and the media.

The outcome of the third hearing remains to be seen.

Swiss firm claims to cut Saigon’s daily water loss by 500,000m³

A Swiss company is applying an advanced control and monitoring system to the water distribution network in Ho Chi Minh City, claiming the technology will cut daily water loss by up to half a million cubic meters.

Saigon Water Corporation (SAWACO), the municipal utility, is carrying out a major project to reduce water leakage in the Vietnamese megacity to only 10 percent by 2020.

As of June 2016, the water loss ratio in Ho Chi Minh City was lowered to 27.83 percent, according to SAWACO. 

The rate remains high compared to the five to seven percent in most developed countries.

ABB, a Zurich-based firm operating in the fields of robotics, power and automation technology, is cooperating with SAWACO to attain the water loss reduction goal with a strategic system known as the ABB Ability Symphony Plus.

Boasting a sophisticated leakage-detection and management system, the ABB technology will deploy several data collection points, including sensors and meters for flow and pressure monitoring, to the water network, ABB said in a press release on June 28.

“This will allow SAWACO to digitally monitor the network conditions in nearly real time,” the company said.

The Ho Chi Minh City utility will be able to continually detect, analyze and manage network events, transforming that information into immediate actions to reduce the water loss.

ABB’s scope of supply for the SAWACO project includes field instrumentation and sensors that are critical components to deliver high quality data to the control system.

"Projects like Ho Chi Minh City water network show the full potential of advanced automation for all municipalities dealing with rapid expansions or aging infrastructures," Kevin Kosisko, managing director of ABB’s power generation and water business, commented.

“Furthermore, the smart collection of digital data from the field will offer real-time insights on the network status, allowing for increased revenues.”

With the real-time knowledge of network conditions and the accurate detection of leaks provided by the ABB tech, SAWACO will be able to increase the amount of water delivered to households and industries, the Swiss company said.

“[ABB] technology will minimize the estimated 500,000 cubic meters of non-revenue water lost per day, roughly the daily capacity of a medium-sized water plant in the city,” the company asserted.

The Vietnamese city wasted more than 150 million cubic meters of water last year.

The massive water loss is attributed to the local aging water distribution network, which currently stretches around 33,000 kilometers, serving more than eight million residents.

Many parts of the water distribution infrastructure are old, with some sections built more than 30 years ago, while others even date back to the French colonial era.

Besides the SAWACO project, ABB said its Ability Symphony Plus has also been chosen for other major projects in Vietnam such as the original commissioning and further extension of the Vinh Tan 4 super critical power plant, located 250 kilometers east of Ho Chi Minh City.

Upon completion, the complex will provide an additional 5,600 megawatts of electricity for the Vietnamese national grid.

Vietnam promotes public awareness of human rights
The Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 29 hosted a workshop in Hanoi on the implementation of recommendations following the second cycle of the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review.

During the UPR’s 2nd review in 2014, Vietnam received 227 recommendations and accepted 182 of them, including those on legislative improvement and protection for vulnerable groups, acceding to international standards on human rights and international cooperation. 

Assistant to the Foreign Minister, Pham Sanh Chau said, “Most recommendations approved by Vietnam have been implemented in earnest with practical outcomes, including the endorsement of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Convention against Torture. 

Vietnam has issued a series of documents on human and civil rights following the 2013 Constitution while improving public awareness on human rights in civil, political, economic, social and gender equality areas.”

Hoang Thi Thanh Nga, Head of the Department for International Organisations under the Foreign Ministry said Vietnam has effectively implemented numerous national programmes to support vulnerable groups, said Nga, listing as examples the national programme of action on gender equality for 2016-2020, the national programme of action for the elderly for 2012-2020; the national programme of action for children in 2012-2020, the special policy on supporting socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous regions in 2016-2020. 

She underlined that public awareness of human rights has been greatly enhanced, especially among young people. 

Bạc Liêu locals moved after landslides

Households in the Mekong Delta province of Bạc Liêu facing risks of landslide have been relocated to safer ground, local authorities have announced.

Residents reported that at least six houses located along riverbanks in Giá Rai District’s Ward No 1 were victims of landslides in the last three days.

Subsidences and cracks have occurred in these houses’ walls, they said.

Early morning on Tuesday, local residents reported that they were awoken by a cacophony of noise coming from the back of their homes. They got out of bed and found that their houses were slowly sinking into the river.

Prolonged heavy rain over the past days has weakened ground, causing landslides in some areas of the region.

Phạm Thị Diệu, the Ward No 1’s Party secretary, said local authorities have joined hands to help residents move their belongings and evacuate them to safe places.

Households living in dangerous areas have been encouraged to dismantle their houses and move their properties to safety. Many are temporarily staying in relatives’ homes. Some have temporarily slept in schools, Diệu said.

Local authorities are continuing to prepare preventive measures, she said.

Locals have been asked to limit building houses near riverbanks and canals and to actively monitor signs of pending landslides.

In the long term, the localities will implement specific solutions such as building embankments to prevent landslides or relocating people to other places with supportive funds to build new houses.

From now to the end of the year, it is estimated that the province will face a high risk of landslide due to the coming rainy season. Locals must be vigilant in order to avoid damage to people and property, the authorities said.

VNRC launches community health checkup and examination programme

The Việt Nam Red Cross (VNRC) plans to provide free checkups, treatment, health consultations and medicines to at least 300,000 people, especially the poor, elderly and war invalids.

This is part of a humanitarian programme’s Action Month, which starts from the beginning of July.

The action month is under the framework of a collaboration programme implemented by the Việt Nam Red Cross Society, the Ministry of Defence’s Political Department and the Việt Nam Young Physician Association.

During the month, the programme will focus on providing health checkups, treatment, medicines and consultations on disease, accidents and injury prevention.

“This year, the programme targets at least one million people nationwide with a focus on health checkup and treatment drives, providing free medicine and healthcare consultation. Patients with serious diseases will be sent to hospital for a higher level of treatment,” VNRC vice president Trần Thị Hồng An said at a press conference on Thursday.

“We also organise education and communication programmes on disease prevention, disasters, accidents and injury prevention for the community,” An said.

Started in 2014, the programme has provided free checkups and treatment to more than 4.4 million people nationwide, consultations to 1.9 million and handed over 2.5 million gifts worth a total of more than VNĐ908 billion (US$39.5 million). 

The programme has attracted more than 235,000 participants, including nearly 53,000 doctors, pharmacists and health workers and nearly 95,000 volunteers.

Gala celebrates 41st anniversary of change of name to HCM City

An outdoor music gala will open on July 1 in HCM City on the 41st anniversary of the day that Sài Gòn- Gia Định was renamed after President Hồ Chí Minh on July 2, 1976.

The event, called Thành Phố Tôi Yêu (I Love HCM City), will feature dozens of young and veteran singers and bands, including Đức Tuấn, Hà Anh Tuấn, Hà Okio and Ái Phương, and Vietnamese-Australian singer and composer Thanh Bùi.

Revolutionary songs in praise of country, soldiers and President Hồ Chí Minh, composed by both veteran and young musicians like Phan Huỳnh Điểu and Phạm Tuyên, will be included.

Pop bands and dancers will perform new songs in pop, dance and electronic music on themes related to youth, love and life.

Featured songs include Hồ Chí Minh Đẹp Nhất Tên Người (The Most Beautiful Name-Hồ Chí Minh), Lời Ru Đất Nước (Lullabies of the Country) and Tình Ca Thành Phố (City Love Song).

“Through my performance, I wanted to show my love for HCM City, my native city. I also wanted to show my respect for Uncle Hồ, a national hero who devoted his life to the country and people,” said dancer Thu Thảo, who will appear with 30 dancers from traditional art troupes on Saturday.  

The event is part of many cultural activities launched by the city’s People’s Committee in co-operation with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism on the occasion.

Performances will be held on two nights, July 1 and 2, on Nguyễn Huệ Pedestrian Street in District 1.

Both performances will take place at 8pm, and are expected to attract more than 5,000 people.