Seoul hospital helps advance medical system in Vietnam

The Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH) unveiled its plan to help Vietnam establish an advanced healthcare system within the next five years, reported the Korea Times on November 18.

According to Professor Oh Ju-hwan at the JW LEE Centre for Global Medicine, who is managing the project, it will elevate staff quality at Vietnamese community health centres, which is expected to improve public confidence in these small-scale facilities.

Representatives of the SNUH and Vietnam’s Ministry of Health are scheduled to sign a Memorandum of Understanding in Hanoi on November 23. Under the pact, the Republic of Korea’s top hospital will transfer technologies on the management of medical schools and hospitals to health officials and experts in Vietnam.

SNUH experts will carry out an on-site inspection in Vietnam to understand local needs before the construction of relevant medical infrastructure.

They will also visit Hanoi Medical University and Ho Chi Minh City’s University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Based on their talks, SNUH and Hanoi Medical University will consider jointly building a hospital in Vietnam.

Heroin smugglers arrested


Police in the southern Tay Ninh Province and HCM City said yesterday that they had smashed a heroin smuggling ring extending from Cambodia to Viet Nam.

Seventeen cakes (equivalent to around 6 kilos) of heroin, several thousand American dollars, VND5 billion (US$222,000) and other items were seized by the police.

According to the investigation agency, the ringleader was 51-year-old Nguyen Van Phu, also known as Cau Tam, a resident of District 10 in HCM City.

Other suspects who have been arrested include Nguyen Kim Phuong, 35; Nguyen Thi Diem, 30; Tran Thanh Cuong, 34; and Dang Hoang Lam, 30.

The case is under further investigation.

Over 1.8 million deprived households access preferential loans

Government-enacted credit policies dedicated to impoverished families nationwide had given preferential loans worth over 38.4 trillion VND (1.71 billion USD) to more than 1.8 million needy households by the end of October, according to the Vietnam Bank for Social Policy (VBSP).

Under the programme, more than 1.77 million business households in disadvantaged areas received loans worth 37.4 trillion VND (1.66 billion USD).

Decision No.31/2007/QD-TTg regulates that the VBSP can provide businesses and productive households with a maximum loan of 30 million VND (1,335 USD) at a lending interest rate of 0.9 percent per month. However, based on funding resources, investment demand and the borrowers’ ability to repay, the VBSP can decide the specific loan size. But it should not exceed 100 million VND (4,450 USD).

Meanwhile, nearly 30,000 traders doing business in difficult areas were able to borrow over 1 trillion VND (44.5 million VND) from the VBSP. According to Decision No.92/2009/QD-TTg, individual customers with collateral can borrow up to 100 million VND (4,450 USD) while the number for business organisations is 500 million VND (22.250 USD).

The implementation of the Government’s credit policies in deprived areas has helped household businesses and organisations develop their production and business, making contributions to local socio-economic development.

EU furthers support for Vietnam to cope with climate change

The European Union (EU) is committed to collaborating with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and other sponsors to assist Vietnam in climate change adaptation, Head of the EU Delegation to Vietnam, Ambassador Bruno Angelet, said at a workshop in Hanoi on November 20.

He noted that Vietnam is vulnerable to environmental changes, which could have negative impacts on national socio-economic development efforts. Thereby, the EU wants to continue helping the country develop an environmentally friendly society, he added.

The union has pledged 400 million EUR (428.72 million USD) in aid, including over 300 million EUR (321.54 million USD) for sustainable energy development projects in rural areas, he said.

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha hailed the workshop held by the EU delegation and embassies of member countries as a significant event. It would add extra impetus to push ahead with building the post-2020 global deal on climate change, which will be adopted at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris in late November.

He said Vietnam has actively built policies to cope with the issue, especially the Party Central Committee’s Resolution on responding to climate change and enhancing management of natural resources and environmental protection in 2013; the national strategy on climate change in 2011; the national strategy on green growth in 2012; and the national target programme on climate change resilience.

Vietnam highly valued assistance from foreign partners in the field, particularly those from EU members such as Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and France. The country hopes to receive more financial and technological support from the EU in order to implement policies on climate change adaptation, sustainable development and environmental protection.

The EU and its member nations have assisted Vietnam in socio-economic development since 1990. In the 2007-2013 period, the EU provided nearly 300 million EUR (321.54 million USD) in aid for Vietnam to develop its healthcare, trade and tourism.

Some 10,000 farm households will benefit from the initiative.

Vietnam and Canada set up diplomatic ties in 1973. In September, 2014, the two countries signed a letter of intent to deepen people-to-people ties, and partnerships in education, trade, investment, human rights, security, among others.

Vietnam shares experience in preparing for AEC in Laos

Vietnam shared its experience in preparing for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in two speeches delivered to a scientific seminar in Vientiane, Laos on November 19.

The Vietnamese delegation was led by Associate Professor Nguyen Duy Dung, Director of the Vietnam Institute for Southeast Asian Studies under the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences.

The speeches feature challenges and recommendations to less-developed countries in anticipation of the AEC establishment slated for later this year.

Other 13 speeches highlighted flaws that Laos needs to fix before joining the AEC, including the shortage of workers who are skilled and proficient in foreign languages.

Speakers called for more communication campaigns to educate on the AEC and ASEAN while increasing vocational, language and management training in Laos, saying that this would help Laos keep pace with other ASEAN member states.

The event, hosted by the Lao National Social Sciences Institute, is closed on November 20.

Mekong Delta seeks to help vulnerable groups adapt to climate change

Representatives from ministries, localities and organisations gathered at a conference in Can Tho city on November 19 to discuss measures to help vulnerable groups in the Mekong Delta adapt to climate change.

The event, held by the Steering Committee for Southwestern Region, aimed to seek ways to build livelihood models adaptable to climate change, reducing impacts and enhancing the locals’ response capacity. Participants also shared effective models and initiatives to help vulnerable groups.

According to Ky Quang Binh, head of the Can Tho Office for Climate Change, residents in the region, especially the poor, women and children, are facing risks of rising temperature, extraordinary rain and drought and depression.

The risks are likely to affect regional community in many ways, including livelihood. Besides a reduction in agricultural productivity as well as serious effects on processing industry, service and trade in the region, the risks will also influence the locals’ income, especially the poor, making it difficult for the region to fulfil the target of improving living conditions in line with responding to climate change, Binh said.

Meanwhile, Nguyen Quoc Viet, deputy head of the Steering Committee for Southwestern Region, noted that over the past years, the committee has coordinated closely with ministries and localities in the region to implement policies and measures to cope with climate change.

A number of positive changes have been seen, especially the enhanced public awareness of adapting and dealing with climate change phenomena, he said.

He expressed his hope that through the conference, involved departments and agencies will take practical actions to address climate change-related issues.

Nearly 5 billion USD for Central Highlands transport infrastructure

The Government will invest around 109.7 trillion VND (4.8 billion USD) into transport infrastructure in the Central Highlands from now to 2020, according to the region’s steering committee.

Of the amount, 66.253 trillion VND comes from the State budget, government bonds and official development assistance (ODA) and the remaining will be sourced from resources in society.

The Government will use 53.362 trillion VND from the amount to implement 12 projects that upgrade and build some sections of national highways.

The Day Giay - Lien Khuong Highway will be invested in the form of Build-Operation-Transfer (BOT) with an estimated total investment of 37.5 trillion VND.

A 65-km railway is going to be built in the region to serve the aluminum production and connect the Central Highlands to sea ports with a cost of 5.7 trillion VND.

For local transport system, the Government will invest more than 25 trillion VND to build and upgrade trans-regional roads and roads connecting with other provincial and rural roads.

According the steering committee, the Government has mobilised 62.637 trillion VND during 2010-2015 to upgrade the road network in the Central Highlands, in which 18.722 trillion VND for provinces to improve their local roads, 10.332 trillion VND for rural roads and 4,403 billion VND for provincial roads.

The provinces themselves also invested 1.043 trillion VND to build 493 bridges for remote or disadvantaged areas.

Besides that, airports in the region such as Pleiku in Gia Lai province, Buon Ma Thuot in Dak Lak province and Lien Khuong in Lam Dong province were upgraded as well.

The Central Highlands currently has 35,639 kilometres of roads, in which the total length of national highways is 3,128 kilometres, the provincial roads 2,302 kilometres, rural roads 27,721 kilometres, specialised roads 648 kilometres and urban roads 1,840 kilometres.

Conference seeks to promote women’s participation in politics

A conference to enhance the involvement of women in National Assembly (NA) and people’s council at levels was held Phan Thiet city, the southern central province of Binh Thuan, on November 19.

Deputy Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Nguyen Trong Dam said increasing the rate of women in people-elected agencies is an important target in the national strategy on gender equality in 2011-2020.

This will create opportunities for women to raise their voices in making laws and policies related to human right, gender quality, culture, education, environment among others, Dam stressed.

At the event, participants highlighted difficulties to increase the rate of women joining in decision-making agencies in general and in NA and all-level people’s council in particular, such as conceptions on tradition, culture and gender equality.

They also proposed several solutions to help women promote their capacity with focus on training, and communication work to raise public awareness of gender equality.

The rate of women joining Party organisations, State agencies and local authorities at all levels is on the rise. The rate of female NA members increased from only three percent in the first NA to 24.4 percent in the 13th NA – 5.4 percent higher than those recorded in Asia and 3.4 in the globe.

Statistics from Party congresses at all levels nationwide in the 2015-2020 tenure, the rate of women participating in Party organisations’ executive board at provincial, district and communal levels reached 13.3 percent, 14.3 percent and 19.69 percent, respectively.

The conference was organised by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the National Committee for Women’s Advancement in collaboration with the Australian Embassy in Vietnam.

Dong Thap, Dutch Emmen city partner in education, floriculture

The Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap and the Dutch city of Emmen signed memoranda of understanding on cooperation during a visit by the Emmen delegation to the locality on November 19.

The Dutch business and university delegation was led by Mayor Cees Biij.

Under a five-year memorandum of understanding (MoU) on education cooperation signed between Dong Thap University and Stenden University of Applied Sciences, both sides will share teaching experience; discuss the exchanges of students, training courses and materials; scientific research and publications, building curricula and short-term courses.

In another MoU, Emmen city will help turn Sa Dec city into a flower city by providing all possible technical and technological support, and linking up with flower cultivation firms to extend markets.

Earlier, the delegation also signed a number of memoranda of understanding with Ho Chi Minh City and the southern province of Binh Duong to foster ties.

Artists herald Vietnam-US diplomatic ties

Vietnamese and American artists came together at a concert in Ho Chi Minh City on November 19 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

American maestro David Itkin along with Vietnamese violinist Vu Viet Chuong and musician Vu Viet Anh performed works by American composers such as Samuel Osmond Barber and Howard Harold Hanson.

Visitors were also treated to domestic popular pieces such as “Vang son” (Golden) and “Lang man” (Romantic).

The art performances aim to convey a message of peace and friendship to the audience, said Chairwoman of the Vietnam-US friendship association in the city Nguyen Thi Ngoc Phuong.

Organised by the Vietnam-US friendship association in HCM City and the HCM City Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Opera (HBSO) symphony orchestra, the concert is a special gift for disadvantaged children across the city.

Workshop talks boosting ASEAN cooperation on gender equality

A regional workshop is being held in Ho Chi Minh City from November 19-20 on boosting regional cooperation to ensure gender equality in the workplace.

The event, hosted by Vietnam’s Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, brings together representatives from relevant international organisations and ASEAN members, including Myanmar, Brunei, the Philippines and Indonesia.

At the workshop, participating experts share their countries’ experience in making gender equality part of labour laws. They examine job opportunities available for women across the region and their average earnings. Thus, measures to promote female role in socio-economic development and to boost collaboration within the bloc on these issues are expected to put forward.

Mega Irena, Head of the ASEAN Secretariat’s Social Welfare, Women, Labour and Migrant Workers Division, said all the bloc’s members have approved the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and other treaties initiated by the International Labour Organisation on the issue. She added that more experience sharing is needed to better ensure gender equality in the labour field.

According to Deputy Minister of Labours, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Hong Lan, Vietnam’s Law on Gender Equality regulates that ensuring equality between men and women must be included in all legal documents.

Vietnam, Spain share regional integration process experience

A scientific workshop on sharing regional integration process experiences of Vietnam and Spain opened in Hanoi on November 19.

The event was jointly held by the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration, the Spain Embassy in Hanoi and the Fundacion Alternativas Institute.

The workshop received more than 20 reports from international experts which focused on regional integration and changes of a country; economic and political impacts of regional integration; and the future global vision, based on comparing the specific situations in Vietnam and Spain, Asia and Europe, and the ASEAN and the European Union.

Delegates discussed in depth the current situation and prospects of economic and investment relations between Vietnam and Spain as well as proposed solutions to expand the two countries’ economic relations.

Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration asserted the event was a good opportunity for specialists and scientist of both countries to learn and exchange issues relating regional integration.

The event also helped to bolster cooperation relations on fields of science research and training between Vietnam and Spain, he added.-

Traffic safety conference to include air, inland water travel

The third annual traffic safety conference 2015 will take air and inland water traffic safety into consideration for the first time, according to a press conference on the event held in Hanoi on November 19.

Khuat Viet Hung, Vice Chairman of the National Traffic Safety Committee, said in addition to topics on traffic safety management, infrastructure and traffic organisation, traffic vehicles, traffic participants and post-accident reactions, the conference takes in two new topics that are air traffic safety and inland water traffic safety.

The conference will be a forum for scientists, experts, and managers to share knowledge, experience and exchange new ideas on transportation, said Hung.

It is an opportunity to make connections and cooperation in research for the development of the transportation sector, he added.

The event will take place from November 26-27 in Hanoi with an estimated number of 500 local and international delegates participated.

Belgian region assists Vietnam to carry out social projects

Wallonie-Bruxelles will support Vietnam with more than 2 million EUR (2.14 million USD) to implement 18 projects within the competence of the Belgian region’s French-speaking community between 2016 and 2018.

The decision was made at the ninth meeting of the Vietnam – Wallonie-Bruxelles Joint Committee in Hanoi on November 19.

Accordingly, the two sides will give priority to cooperation in social issues (including health care), people (including communications and information), and culture in the next three years.

They will also focus on tertiary education and industrial research and development.

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung said since Vietnam and Wallonie-Bruxelles’s French-speaking community set up cooperation in 2002, the two sides have actively cooperated and tapped their potential in the spirit of friendship, mutual understanding and trust.

He highlighted the effectiveness of their collaboration in education, health care and environment which has helped with community development and sustainable growth.

Pascale Delcomminette, Administrator General of Wallonie-Bruxelles International, said Belgium boasts cultural, scientific and educational advantages and is willing to share its experience and work with Vietnamese partners to boost social development that focuses on people towards sustainable growth.

The two sides are pleased with their recent affiliation and will further coordination in the years ahead, she added.

Since 2013, Wallonie-Bruxelles has granted 100 scholarships to Vietnamese students and sent 200 experts to research, lecture and transfer technology in the Southeast Asian country.

Charity fundraising fashion show for children

The Rambutan Fashion Show presenting the latest collection of American teenage designer Zeke Edwards will be held on November 20 at Art Vietnam Gallery.

Edwards, who currently is living in Hanoi with his parents, unveiled his debut collection in 2013, when he was 13 years old.

Since then, he has introduced annually his fashion creations, which are for youngsters.

This year's collection focuses on sophistication and elegance while incorporating current trends to create exciting eveningwear looks.

The fashion show also is a charity fund-raising event for the "My Sweet Dream" fund, which aims to support children living with HIV/AIDS at the Ba Vi Orphanage.

The fund is founded and managed by Safe Living – an evolving company with a global development vision and locally customised solutions.

The free-entry event will start at 6.30pm. Art Vietnam Gallery is at 24 Ly Quoc Su street.-

VN, Japan celebrate cultural ties

An event for cultural and commercial exchange between Viet Nam and Japan kicked off yesterday in the Mekong City of Can Tho's Ninh Kieu District.

Activities of the Viet Nam – Japan Cultural and Commercial Festival include musical shows, performances of martial arts, and exhibitions of Japanese and Vietnamese goods. The festival also offers an occasion for exchange between Japanese and Vietnamese enterprises.

The event includes an exhibition of 70 booths showcasing goods and services of various sectors including agricultural and industrial production, aqua-culture, tourism, trade and service, food processing, textiles and garments, and cultural and educational products and services.

High on the agenda is the 3rd annual conference on "Investment in the Mekong Delta 2015" which starts today at Muong Thanh – Can Tho Hotel for 200 delegates from the US, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan of China, the EU and Viet Nam.

The three-day festival has been organised by the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) Can Tho branch and the Japanese Consulate in HCM City.

According to Nguyen Phuong Lam, deputy director of VCCI Can Tho, the festival is the first of its kind held in the Mekong Delta. It is expected to attract 50,000 visitors, and will be held annually.

HIWC Bazaar 2015 is on its way

The Ha Noi International Women's Club (HIWC) will host their 24th annual charity bazaar on Saturday, November 28.

Aiming to raise funds for women's and children's health, education and community projects in Viet Nam, the bazzar is a family fun day and a Christmas shopping opportunity.

The event will feature plenty of kids entertainment, from bouncy castles to Brazilian football, ice cream and popcorn. International food from 45 countries and communities will be introduced as well.

Visitors can enjoy the talented youngsters taking part in "HIWC's Got Talent" in the morning and in the afternoon, relax, eat and chat with friends while enjoying music and dance on the main stage. Yury RockIt, Ha Noi Brass Band, Apaxionado and The Electric Yard Dogs are this year's performers.

Commercial companies and local charities will showcase their goods and services.

The event will take place from 10am to 4pm, at St Paul's American School in Splendora City in Hoai Duc District. Tickets cost VND150,000 for adult and VND50,000 for children. For more information, visit

Ha Noi artist debuts work in City

Ha Noi-based artist Ngo Van Sac is showing new work at his solo exhibition In Opposite, containing collage and mixed media paintings on canvas, at the Craig Thomas Gallery in HCM City.

Best known for his distinctive wood burn paintings which often feature multiple self-portraits, Sac has taken a somewhat surprising but ultimately successful turn in a series of ethereal and arresting works that show the artist turning his gaze outwards, according to a press release from the gallery.

Of his latest collection, Sac said: "In creating this series, I wanted to highlight the interesting contrasts between the existence of people and nature. Rather than focus on high concepts, I paint the simple things happening around me with events that I and everyone else face each day."

Sac is a graduate of the Viet Nam Fine Arts University. This is his second solo exhibition at Craig Thomas Gallery, 27i Tran Nhat Duat St, District 1, HCM City. It can be seen from November 20 – December 8.

International Conference of EAS Congress wraps up

The International Conference of the 5th East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress closed in the central city of Da Nang in the morning of November 20 after three days of working.

The closing ceremony saw chairs of the sessions presenting workshop conclusions and recommendations regarding the management, exploitation and use of natural resources, and the protection of the marine environment, ecological systems, biodiversity, coastal areas and islands for further study and expanded application.

Vietnamese Vice Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Chu Pham Ngoc Hien, who chaired Session 1 on “A decade of partnerships in sustainable development of the seas of East Asia: Synergies and achievements”, said the UN conventions on the law of the sea and protection of the marine environment and other documents served as major principles in guiding the implementation of ocean-related policies at national and regional levels.

According to the Vice Minister and many delegates, expanding integrated coastal management (ICM) and improving coastal and ocean governance are essential ways to respond to climate change and mitigate disaster risks.

The Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia 2015 provides a proper framework and infrastructure to implement regional and international commitments and strengthen internal resources in coordinating national and regional programmes.

The delegates also emphasised the need to enhance partnerships, including inter-sector links, in response to climate change and mitigation of disaster risks.

Based on the conclusions, Vice Minister Hien put forth recommendations, including the early approval and implementation of international tools such as the UN Convention on Climate Change, and the institutionalisation of international commitments, regional strategies and programmes, and national action plans.

He called on countries strengthen cooperation in large-scale marine ecological programmes and continue perfecting laws, polices and mechanisms in the field.

Prof. Wong Poh Poh , Chair of Session 2 and Dr. Zhanhai Zhang, Chair of Session 3, and presented their session conclusions and recommendations, confirming that ICM is an effective coastal management mechanism to mitigate environmental pollution and protect biodiversity.

However, to effectively apply this mechanism, nations should have their own visions and draw the participation of all related parties, their governments and private sectors, particularly communities, they stressed.

Besides, nations and regions should publish handbooks to guide public actions, establish mechanisms to manage funds and incorporate ICM into the management of water resources and river valleys.

Following the presentations of the session chairs, leaders of the Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines and related parties attended discussions on building a sustainable sea- and coast-based economy, sustainable use of natural resources and coasts, and challenges posed by marine pollution to the building of blue economy.

Vietnam handed over the flag of the EAS Congress to Cambodia – the host of the 6th EAS Congress and Ministerial Forum in 2018.

The 5th EAS Congress will continue with the 5th Ministerial Forum in the afternoon of November 20 and a field-trip to Da Nang city’s coastal areas on November 21.