Da Nang: French students call for environmental protection

“Do not take plastic bags to Son Tra” is the message sent by 1,000 French students and interns in collaboration with Da Nang local students to preserve the cityscape.
On May 19th at Tien Sa port, Da Nang, more than 1,000 students of the East Asia University participated in an environmental protection activity called “Do not take plastic bags to Son Tra.” This meaningful program was actively joined by a group of French trainees and graduate students currently studying in Da Nang City.

The French interns and students of the East Asia University managed to clean and sort garbage into biodegradable bags. They also took part in a competition about environmental protection.

The flashmob performance of over 500 students with the impressive display of “Love a lot Son Tra” words at the end of the event was a promise to accompany the Green Sunday program at Son Tra Peninsula.

It also illustrated the hope of the French students and local students in Da Nang to contribute to spreading the action to help Son Tra reduce waste to become a friendlier place in the heart of people and tourists.

Recently, a lot of people including businesses, especially students of Da Nang City have actively promoted and participated in meaningful activities to protect the green environment of Son Tra, where exists the extreme rare primate Pygathrix nemaeus (Endangered langur) – the symbol of Da Nang City – mascot of the APEC Year 2017.

Every Saturday and Sunday, thousands of students from Da Nang universities and high schools attend the Green Sunday and join the green volunteer network in Son Tra.

First language assessment symposium opens in HCM City

Vietnam’s first Language Assessment Symposium opened on May 23 in Ho Chi Minh City, bringing together the best UK and Vietnamese testing and assessment experts.

Organised by the British Council and the National Foreign Languages 2020 Project, the Vietnam Language Assessment Symposium (VLAS) is the direct result of the New Directions conference on English Language and Assessment, which attracted more than four hundred international and regional language experts to Hanoi last year. If New Directions presented international perspectives and insights, the symposium gives a stronger focus on Vietnam with presentations by speakers from ten national testing centres.

Dr Vu Thi Phuong Anh, Vice Director of the Educational Quality Training and Support Centre, Association for Vietnamese University and Colleges, presented findings of her most recent study on classroom based assessment in Vietnam. Classroom based assessment includes informal day-to-day teacher-student interactions and formal tests of students’ progress.

Classroom assessment is universally viewed as a crucial part in improving students’ learning; however, the research reveals that formative assessment is overlooked by many teachers due to class size and their heavy workload. Further outcomes of her study include recommendations on how to address those challenges and to better use assessment to effectively improve the quality of English teaching and learning in Vietnam.

Dr Jamie Dunlea, Senior Researcher inLanguage Assessment from the British Council talked about using test specifications to help design better classroom tasks. A test specification is a design template which makes clear the purpose of the task, and criteria for input texts and expected responses.

Specifications designed based on the socio-cognitive model, link to different levels of proficiency. Test tasks which use these specifications are useful as they facilitate the teaching and learning of abilities relevant to a level rather than teaching to the test itself.

Jamie highlights Aptis, the modern, flexible English language proficiency test designed by the British Council, as a good example of how a test can guide teachers in designing classroom activities towards two prime purposes: preparing students for an exam and, more importantly, preparing them for their real-life purposes.

Nguyen Thi Mai Huu, Director of the National Foreign Languages 2020 Project, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, talked about the lack of standard procedures that can guide institutions and academics through the process of conducting assessment. She introduced a manual which was written to address the issue. 

The manual includes five major assessment development stages: 1. Planning and designing, 2. Development, 3. Delivery, 4. Marking and reporting results, 5. Review and monitoring. The manual suggests procedures for quality control and assurance, and ways to solve technical issues at each stage.

Other presentations touch on various topics such as assessing primary learners, ways to assess writing performance, or utilizing teamwork to enhance ongoing assessment of productive skills.

Cherry Gough, Director, British Council Vietnam said, ‘Through the Vietnam’s Language Assessment Symposium, the UK reiterates its support for the Ministry of Education and Training’s aims to improve learning and teaching of English in Vietnam, as well as its direct support to teachers and learners of English through the British Council.

Knowledge of English language creates opportunities for international education, better jobs, and connections with people and organisations across the world.

Tests such as Aptis and IELTS encourage teachers to teach students to use language for real-life purposes, rather than just prepare them for the test itself, and this symposium will help classroom teachers to develop their own tests and classroom activities to do the same..’

Former vice chairman of Hanoi faces mismanagement charges over ruptured water pipeline

The Ministry of Public Security's Police Investigation Agency on May 22 ratified charges against Phi Thai Binh, former vice chairman of Hanoi, for mismanagement during his time as chairman of Vinaconex Corporation's board of directors.

Vinaconex is the state-owned construction company responsible for the Song Da water pipeline, which has infamously ruptured more than a dozen times in the last few years.

Former CEO of Vinaconex Nguyen Van Tuan and five other executives also face charges for violating construction and investment regulations.

All seven have been released from custody due to old age and poor health, and having fully cooperated with investigators.

An investigation in July 2016 found that Vinaconex had hired a Chinese contractor to build the pipeline. Construction started in 2004 and the pipeline was finished and put into use in 2009.

However, between 2012 and 2015, the pipeline ruptured 14 times, costing the operating company more than VND13 billion (US$573,000) in repairs.

The ruptures caused 177,000 houses to lose access to clean water for nearly 350 hours and wasted 1.5 million cubic meters (400 million gallons) of water.

The investigation revealed that members of the corporation's board of directors, including Chairman Binh and CEO Tuan, allegedly violated construction and investment regulations by changing the construction material to low-quality, untested fiberglass composite and selecting a contractor that lacked the necessary ability and experience for the project. Low-quality fiberglass that failed to meet the design requirements was cited as the main reason behind the ruptures.

Investigators initially decided not to prosecute the executives because they were first time offenders with good personal records and had contributed to the construction industry. However, following a public backlash, they reversed the decision.

In June 2016, nine other officials were also charged with violation of construction and investment regulations, including members of the project's management team, consultants and the company that provided the fiberglass.

Last week, Hanoi's construction department warned that it will be "hard" to deliver enough tap water to four downtown districts as demand increases over the hot summer. The situation could become much worse if the notorious Song Da pipeline ruptures again.

The Song Da water pipeline, which cost US$70 million to install, has broken at least 20 times since 2009, most recently in October last year.

Vinaconex signed a contract to use pipes from another Chinese company to fix the unreliable system but backed out of the deal in August last year after the government raised concerns over quality standards.

Vietnam attends culinary charity bazaar in Egypt

vietnam attends culinary charity bazaar in egypt hinh 0

Staff of the Vietnamese embassy in Egypt have participated in the international culinary charity bazaar hosted by Lady Ambassadors, Ambassadors’ Spouses, Athens (LAASA).

The annual event in Athens which aims to raise funds for charity activities, has attracted many Egyptians and international visitors. 

Apart from the food festival, diverse activities have been held including art performances by art troupes from different nations. This year’s event attracted the participation of 34 embassies and several organizations in Egypt.

This was the fifth time the Vietnamese embassy has taken part in the event. The embassy staff introduced to visitors Vietnam’s traditional dishes such as Pho ga (chicken noodle), Nem (spring rolls), and Mien Xao Thap Cam (Mixture Fried Cassava Vermicelli). A photo exhibition featuring Vietnam, its land and people was also held during the event, attracting hundreds of visitors.

Offices of Vietnam, Laos Party Central Committees reinforce cooperation

Officials from the offices of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee highlighted the increasingly practical cooperation during their talks in Vientiane on May 23.

The Lao side was led by deputy chief of the LPRP Central Committee Office Chanthaboun Rattanavong while his counterpart Bui Van Thach led the Vietnamese delegation, who is on a visit to Laos on the occasion of the Vietnam-Laos and Laos-Vietnam Solidarity and Friendship Year 2017.

The two sides briefed each other about their respective country’s socio-economic development, review their cooperation plan in 2011-2016 and discussed another plan for 2017-2020. They also looked into coordination to prepare for an exhibition on the countries’ traditional friendship and special solidarity which will be held in Hanoi and Vientiane.

The officials said both sides have paid attention to delegation exchanges to learn from each other’s experience in advising and serving the two Party Central Committees. They have also regularly shared experience in making agenda; assessing, implementing and evaluating plans and resolutions of the Party Central Committees; and building the offices’ apparatus, working regulations and personnel issues.

They also spoke highly of the completion and operation of a project on IT application at agencies of the LPRP Central Committee and another project on building Kaysone Phomvihane Culture Centre in Laos’s Savannakhet province. Those projects are considered symbols of the close amity between the two Parties and countries.

The above-mentioned cooperation outcomes have helped improve the offices’ specialised works and enhance the countries’ time-honoured friendship and special solidarity, they noted.

The offices agreed to promote cooperation and support each other to fulfill important tasks, thus continuing to foster bilateral relations.

The Vietnamese delegation is scheduled to meet with Politburo member, head of the LPRP Central Committee Office Khamphan Phommathat later the same day.

Dien Bien: 8,000 employment opportunities on offer

As many as 8,000 opportunities are available for job seekers at the second job fair in the northern mountainous province of Dien Bien on May 23.

The event, held by the provincial People’s Committee, drew the participation of 22 domestic businesses and more than 1,000 students and labourers.

Business activities, number of vacancies and job requirements were introduced at the fair. The recruiters also received applications and conducted interviews with job seekers.

The Dien Bien Job Placement Centre held consultations and provided jobs for labourers under contracts previously inked with enterprises. It also informed demands of the labour market and job placement plans in the coming time.

Meanwhile, vocational training establishments presented their training scale, facilities, lecturers, training quality and enrollment demands while promoting cooperation with enterprises in the field.

The job fair aimed to help students and labourers find suitable jobs while assisting enterprises in recruiting young and quality human resources to meet their development goals. In addition, it also contributed to boosting the labour market as well as reducing unemployment rate in the locality.

Vitamin A for kids, mothers on Micronutrient Day

Children between six and 36 months of age and new mothers will get free vitamin A supplements in a campaign on the occasion of Micronutrient Day (June 1 and 2).

The National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) said it has distributed around 7.6 million doses of vitamin A capsules to serve nearly five million children and 500,000 new mothers.

In addition, vitamin A capsules will also be given to 1.1 million children who are between 37 and 60 months old; while children from 24 to 60 months in 22 provinces and cities that have a high rate of stunted growth among children will be dewormed.

Speaking at a press conference in Hà Nội on Monday, NIN deputy director Trương Tuyết Mai said that preventing micronutrient deficiencies is one of the six important goals of the National Strategy on Nutrition for the period 2011-20.

“Providing micronutrient supplements to high-risk groups such as children and new mothers is a fast and timely measure to handle the situation of micronutrient deficiency,” Mai said.

In addition, medium-term measures such as adding micronutrient supplements to essential foods, and long-term, sustainable measures such as adding diverse food products to daily meals are being taken to solve the problem of micronutrient deficiency in Việt Nam, Mai said. “Adding micronutrient supplements to essential foods is a simple, effective way of improving daily meals, health, and quality of life.”

Communication and education will strengthen awareness about nutrition and nutritional requirements, and encourage good eating practices among people, Mai said.

People should incorporate a variety of food sources in their daily meals, especially food rich in micronutrients. New mothers are encouraged to breastfeed their newborns within the first one hour of birth, and give their babies no food or drink other than breast milk for the first six months.

Micronutrient deficiency is a persistent health problem in Việt Nam, and requires proper attention and more investment from the Government.

On Micronutrient Day, dissemination and educational activities will be held nationwide to raise public awareness about good nutrition and promote food hygiene and safety.

A 2015 NIN survey revealed that 13 per cent of the children in the country have vitamin A deficiency, and 32.8 per cent of pregnant women are anaemic. Its statistics show that the country’s malnutrition rate is 14.1 per cent of children under the age of five, and 24.6 per cent of children have stunted growth.

Green One UN House awarded Platinum LOTUS Certification

Green One United Nations House (GOUNH) in Hanoi has been awarded Platinum LOTUS Certification by the Vietnam Green Building Council (VGBC), the highest level in the market-based green building ratings system.
The certification is in recognition of GOUNH as a high performance green building enhancing the efficient use of resources through smart ecological design and management.
The Platinum LOTUS certification follows the building’s previous accreditation as one of the first buildings in Vietnam to be awarded a provisional Gold LOTUS Rating from the VGBC.
VCBG’s Platinum Certification is currently the highest level in the LOTUS ratings system for designing and constructing Vietnam’s greenest, most energy-efficient, and high performing buildings.
The LOTUS ratings system promotes the construction of environmentally-sustainable buildings with the aim of ultimately bringing about the efficient use of all forms of resources, protecting occupants’ health and productivity and reducing all forms of environmental degradation.
As a key milestone in the UN Reform process in Vietnam and the Delivering as One initiative, GOUNH is testament to the UN’s commitment to “Deliver Green”. Being a success, the building has become a role model for sustainable green buildings in Vietnam, signifying the importance and urgency of environmental sustainability and climate change.
Advocating climate change mitigation and adaptation, the GOUNH is constructed of ecologically-friendly materials such as lead-free paint and furniture low in harmful Volatile Organic Compounds. Efficiency in heating, cooling and energy systems is maximized through photovoltaic panels harnessing solar energy and generating at least 10 per cent of the building’s annual electricity consumption. Additionally, through the application of an innovative Green Office Guide, UN staff have adopted green behaviors such as the reduction of paper, plastic and energy use as well as carbon-free transportation.
Accepting the certificate on behalf of the UN, Mr. Kamal Malhotra, UN Vietnam Resident Coordinator and Chair of the GOUNH Management Board, congratulated and acknowledged the collective efforts of the Vietnamese Government, donors, UN agencies, and development partners. He reiterated the UN’s readiness to reinforce partnerships, emphasizing the “critical objective to provide a model building that demonstrates the viability of innovative sustainable buildings in Vietnam.”
The Green One UN House project is a joint endeavor between the Vietnamese Government, donors, and the UN Country Team. The government contributed a high value site, the existing United Nations Apartment Building at 304 Kim Ma Street in Hanoi, and support through other material sources. Alongside participating UN agencies and UNEP contributions, donors - including Australia, Finland, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland and the UK - have also provided generous contributions to the renovation of the building.

Eight prosecuted for illegal sand mining

Police in northern Quảng Ninh Province have prosecuted eight people for illegal sand mining in the province.

Nguyễn Thị Hương, director of Dương Dũng Co., Ltd, and her husband Lương Văn Bình, deputy director of the company, were prosecuted for violating regulations in connection with natural resources exploitation.

The six other people are Vũ Văn Lật, Vũ Đức Loan, Nguyễn Văn Tuấn and Lương Văn Ty, as well as Nguyễn Văn Đức, and Trần Thị Nhường.

On May 12, police of the provincial Economic Police worked with police in Hoành Bồ District to catch red-handed Vũ Văn Lật, Vũ Đức Loan, Nguyễn Văn Tuấn and Lương Văn Ty while using some machines to exploit sand in a forest area owned by Lương Văn Bình.
Upon further inspection, the police discovered Nguyễn Văn Đức and Trần Thị Nhường also took part in the illegal activities.

Đức and Nhường admitted they were hired to exploit sand and were paid VNĐ13,000-16,000 per cu.m. The sand was later sold to brick factories in the province.

On average, they exploited between 1,000 and 1,400cu.m.of sand per month.

All eight failed to show required papers licensing the exploitation activities.
The police have seized all machines at the scene.

Six years ago, Bình and Hương purchased 6ha of forest from a man in Hoành Bồ District’s Bằng Xăm Village for conducting illegal sand exploitation. In March, Bình was fined VNĐ4 million ($176) for illegal sand mining.

The case is under further investigation.

Hà Nội police detain 10 people carrying out illegal sand mining

On Sunday Hà Nội police also transferred 10 suspects and five vessels transporting 533cu.m of sand to Phúc Thọ District’s Police Department for further investigation.

The 10 people were caught red handed on May 19 by the police while they were carrying out illegal sand exploitation in the river in Phúc Thọ District’s Vân Hà Commune.

The police seized the vessels and detained the crewmembers. 

Café with Google program launched in Vietnam

Google on Tuesday launched the first “Cafe with Google” program for Vietnamese parents at Tran Van On High-school in HCMC’s District 1 after the successful implementation of the program in many Asian countries.

Google in collaboration with primary schools and high schools in HCMC will organize talk shows to share with parents on knowledge and skills to use technology, which is aimed at helping parents to protect their children in the digital age.

At the workshops of the program, Google experts will instruct parents how to have easier access to useful applications of Google for their effective time management, and learn about the principles of online safety and protection of personal information.

In addition, parents need to learn to exchange with online content developers for kids to gain a deep understanding on learning and entertainment needs of children in the digital age.

Ha Lam Tu Quynh, communications and PR head of Google Vietnam, said the program will give assistance to parents in using technology in daily life so as to gain easy access to their children on the social networking site. If parents are well-informed about technology and principles on online safety, they will become more confident while exchanging with their children.

Binh Phuoc fulfills universal education for five-year-olds

 The southern province of Binh Phuoc has met national standards for universal preschool education for five-year-old children in 2011-2016, according to the Ministry of Education and Training. 

Statistics showed that 98.38 percent of preschoolers attended school in the period, 3.38 percent higher than the required standard. Meanwhile, 99 percent of five-year-olds completed preschool education, 14 percent above requirements.

All communes and wards across 11 districts and towns of Binh Phuoc, which previously lacked schools and teachers, now have educational institutions and pre-schools. 

Representatives from the ministry suggested local authorities improve the quality of the work and invest in building infrastructure facilities for pre-school education, encourage private involvement and revamp management in the field.

In recent years, the provincial Steering Committee for illiteracy elimination and education universalisation has focused on children at the age of five, especially those from low-income households, disadvantaged, remote and border areas and those from ethnic minorities. 

However, Vice Chairman of the peovincial People’s Committee Nguyen Tien Dung pointed out difficulties facing the locality in generalising education for five-year-olds including overloading at preschools and in encouraging children to attend school. 

He said relevant sectors, especially the education and training sector, need to raise public awareness of the scheme, make it easy for enterprises to invest in private preschool development and improve the quality of teachers.

The project on universalising pre-school education for five-year-old children was approved in 2010. 

The project set the goal of having the majority of five-year-old children throughout the country attend two classes a day for a full school-year in order to be fully prepared for the first grade.
Photo contest raises awareness of environment protection

A photo contest on the environment in Vietnam was launched in the northern province of Hung Yen on May 20.

The event, themed “Living in harmony with the environment” was held by the Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) under the Ministry of Environment and Natural Development and the Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists (VAPA).

According to VAPA President Vu Quoc Khanh, as the contest aims to raise public awareness of environmental protection, entries should focus on reflecting nature’s beauty, biodiversity, people living in harmony with the environment and efforts to protect the environment and respond to climate change.

The impacts of environmental pollution on people’s health and actions harming the environment should be also reflected through the entries, he said.

The contest held for both Vietnamese people and foreigners who live in Vietnam. Photos should be submitted to the VEA, No.556, Nguyen Van Cu Street, Long Bien district, Hanoi or the contest’s fanpage www.facebook.com/ongkinh.moitruong by October 20.

One gold, two silver and three bronze medals will be up for grabs at the contest. In addition, the organising board will present several consolation awards and other auxiliary prizes.

Ministry requires online payment of vehicle registration fee

The Ministry of Finance has required the State Treasury of Vietnam to prepare equipment for receiving online payment of registration fees for residents and businesses’ motorbikes and automobiles.

According to the requirement, all district treasuries will receive the payment with credit cards instead of by cash. They have been asked to coordinate with commercial banks to open their accounts in districts for residents to make the online payment.
The Ministry of Finance has also required the General Department of Taxation and the State Treasury to build a circular on information connectivity among registration, police and tax agencies and treasuries to implement the program.

Project to give books to primary schools launched

A program to give 10,000 good books to 100 primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City will be organized by Hansae Yes24 and Youth Publishing House.

10, 000 books have been buying to schools as a part of the project “ Mot van cuon sach hay- Trieu tinh yeu thuong” ( Ten thousands of good books- one million loves).

The project aims to not only inspire enthusiasm of reading books amongst kids but also cultivate students’ good spirits contributing to raise Vietnamese people’s knowledge.

The project will help to improve the quality of library in schools; accordingly students can read good and new books.

It planned to be carried out in five years.

Health Ministry inspects 15 importers, shops selling food for children

Inspectors will pay visits to importer -exporters and shops selling nutritional supplements for kids in Hanoi (photo: VNA)

Inspectors from the Ministry of Health yesterday set up inspection teams to pay visits to importers, shops which sell food for kids in Hanoi.

Inspectors will check food safety in 15 companies and stores, which import and produce nutritional supplements for kids in Hanoi.

Companies which will be inspected include Pharmaceutical Company Vietnam, Minh Quan Importer-Exporter, Van An Commercial Company, Vita Dairy Company, Nhat Phuong Investment and Importer-Exporter, An Phu Khanh Commercial and Service Company, Bac Viet Company, Eneright Company, Dam Dang Vinh Company, Han Viet Commercial and Service, Phuc Loc Company, Nutricare Company, SNB Distributor, HP Vietnam Company and Tap Pham Importer-Exporter.

Inspectors will work on management loophole and have proposal to authorities for restructuring. Moreover, inspectors must arrive at detailed conclusion of inspection and violation if having along with verifying responsibility of organization and individuals.
Additionally, they will propose penalties as per the current law and measures in a bid to increase control over food for kids.

Heart-broken man saved in district infirmary

A hospital in Ho Chi Minh City’s Thu Duc District yesterday saved a man with broken heart due to traffic accident.
l to save a 26 year old man in Binh Thanh district who had broken heart because of traffic accident.

Before, the man was rush in the hospital for emergency treatment when he had multi- injuries, shock, and his blood pressure could not be measured.

Doctors were quick to prove intensive treatment and scan in bed. Scan results showed that his heart membrane had much blood; additionally, through examination, doctors thought his heart was broke. Soon the hospital sounded the red alarm and performed a surgery after it has prepared blood supply.

After opening his heart, surgeons soon stopped bleeding in the heart and stuck up the wound in the heart. The 60 minute operation was successful; the man’s blood pressure was stable. Scan showed no wound in heart. 

The man was transfused four units of blood during the operation.

The man is now off the danger list yet he was treated intensively in the hospital.

Saigon’s electrical ‘spider webs’ to become thing of the past

Ho Chi Minh City puts as much as 400 kilometers of electrical wiring underground every year, with the goal of clearing the downtown area of its infamous wire ‘spider webs’ by 2020.

By 2020, the entire electrical and telecom wire network of District 1 and District 3 will be underground, while in other districts the aim is to complete between 50 and 80 percent.

Chaotically intertwined electrical wires and telecom cables, locally referred to as ‘spider webs’, have been a characteristic of Ho Chi Minh City for years, providing a sight that awes and terrifies visitors in equal measure.

Since 2015, an ambitious project has been implemented by the city’s administration to get rid of these ‘spider webs’, with the citywide subterranean installment of electrical and telecom wires.

The plan, carried out by state-owned power supply firm Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVNHCMC) in cooperation with major telecom companies including Viettel, VNPT, SCTV and others, looks to install about 1,800 kilometers of the city’s wires and 2,000 kilometers of cable underground by 2020.

Less than three years out from the project’s deadline, many streets and alleys in Ho Chi Minh City have already been freed from the eyesore.

Hoang Oanh, a store owner on Vo Thi Sau Street in District 3, said that the bundle of telecom cables that used to exist in front of her store would sag under their own weight, obstructing the view and leaving locals living in fear of their collapse at any time.

Now that the cables had been cleared, Oanh said that the atmosphere in her neighborhood felt much less claustrophobic.

Hoang Thuong, a resident on Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street in District 3, said he had long been an admirer of the streets in District 7 and District 2, where there were no ‘spider webs’ compared to downtown areas.

“Many areas of the city center remain haunted by these spider webs, making the public space feel cramped and stuffy,” Thuong said. “I hope they will put the electrical wires underground in other streets too.”

According to Nguyen Van Hieu, an official at Saigon Power Company (SPC), a member of EVNHCMC, the electrical wire and telecom cable lines on Vo Thi Sau, Nguyen Dinh Chieu and Dien Bien Phu in District 3 are expected to be fully transferred underground by June.

SPC’s deputy director Tran Van Toan said the company had already put power grids underground in over 40 streets in District 1 and District 3 since the beginning of the project.

The company expects to complete the subterranean installment of wires on over 20 downtown streets this year, including Le Thi Hong Gam, Nguyen Thai Binh, Nguyen Cong Tru, Le Cong Kieu, Pho Duc Chinh, Ky Con and Yersin.

Pham Quoc Bao, deputy director of EVNHCMC, said the corporation was looking to transfer 650 kilometers of medium-voltage power grid underground along with 1,150 kilometers of low-voltage power grid between 2016 and 2020.

This translates to 100 to 150 kilometers of medium-voltage grid and 200-250 kilometers of low-voltage grid being brought below surface every year.

The total cost is estimated to be approximately VND4.300 trillion (US$191.3 million).

As of today, over 60 percent of the goal has been met, Bao stated.

The project has not been going without criticism however, with locals voicing their concerns about the safety and esthetic of electrical enclosures that have sprung up on streets where electrical wires have been put underground.

The enclosures carry warning labels that read “Do not approach; deadly electric current," prompting locals to question whether placing such ‘dangerous’ objects near their homes is a good idea, not to mention the fact that they also block the pavement.

According to Pham Quoc Bao, these electrical enclosures serve to connect the underground power grid to households on the surface and are therefore an essential part of the network.

As the electrical enclosures are designed to improve safety, in the future the warning labels may be replaced with posters encouraging households to use electricity sparingly, Bao said.

According to Tran Van Toan, aside from major streets, the subterranean installment of the power grid in Ho Chi Minh City will also be extended to the city’s back alleys.

Eight alleys will benefit from the change in 2017, he said, while another 29 alleys in downtown areas are expected be free from visible electrical wires in 2018.

HCM City 1 win to top national champs

Defending champions HCM City 1 proved their power with a 2-0 win over Phong Phú Hà Nam in the fifth round match of the National Women’s Football Championship.

The match was played on Wednesday in HCM City.

Lê Hoài Lương opened the score in the 29th minute and Huỳnh Như scored the final goal with a straight shot in the 79th.

The win pushed HCM City to the top position for the first time this season with the maximum 12 points. Phong Phú Hà Nam dropped one step to No 3 with 10 points.

They will be the leader at least for a day. If Hà Nội 1 beat bottom-placed Sơn La today at the Thống Nhất Stadium, they will return to the top spot.

In the second match of the day, Việt Nam Coal and Minerals were tied 1-1 with TNG Thái Nguyên.

Hương Giang of Thái Nguyên netted the opener just 12 minutes into the game and Trần Thị Thu of Việt Nam Coal and Minerals equalised 26 minutes after the interval.

The draw result did not change their position as Việt Nam Coal and Minerals are at fourth while Thái Nguyên are sixth.

In other action today, HCM City 2 will play Hà Nội 2.

Bulgarian Education, Culture Day marked in Hanoi, HCM City

The Vietnam–Bulgaria Friendship Association (VBFA) hosted a ceremony to mark Bulgarian Education, Culture and Slavonic Literature Day in Hanoi yesterday.

The event was attended by Bulgarian Ambassador to Vietnam Evgheni Stoychev, his wife and VBFA President Nguyen Van Tuan, among others.

Addressing the event, Tuan congratulated the Bulgarian people on the occasion that honours the Kyril and Mephodi brothers who invented the first Slavonic letters.

Bulgaria has trained more than 2,200 Vietnamese graduates and post-graduates, and 6,200 Vietnamese apprentices. The country has also helped improve occupational skills for more than 20,000 Vietnamese workers.

For his part, the Bulgarian Ambassador said the annual event contributes to friendship and cooperation between the people of the two nations.

The same day, the Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organisations held a function, gathering Slavonic language users in the city.

It aims to promote cultural exchanges, mutual understanding and solidarity between people in Ho Chi Minh City and the Slavonic language–speaking community.

President of the VBFA’s HCM City Chapter Hoang Thai Lan underlined the contributions Vietnamese people who studied Slovanic culture have made to the nation’s cultural development. 

The celebration of the Bulgarian Education and Culture, and Slavonic Literature Day in Ho Chi Minh City contributes to developing friendship between Vietnam and Bulgaria, Lan said.

Festival honours hundreds of southern specialities

The 2017 Southern Culinary Festival officially opened yesterday in Ho Chi Minh City, honouring over 250 foods and 100 sweet soups and cakes from the southern provinces and cities.

The festival brought together nearly 40 units and enterprises showcasing food and beverages at 70 booths.

The specialities were divided into three unique culinary styles: the central – Central Highland cuisine, Saigon’s cuisine and Southern eastern and western cuisine.

Visitors to this year’s event could also taste and learn how to cook various kinds of traditional Vietnamese food as well as join in numerous talks held by culinary experts.

The highlight of the festival will be the space introducing street food in Saigon from the past and present. In addition to popular food reminiscent of the childhood of local people, numerous dishes associated with the busy and integrated life, including specialities of foreign countries, are being promoted.

A market of clean agricultural products, performances of Cham traditional arts, and folk games such as sack races, blind-man's-bluff, and tug of war, will also be held during the five-day event.

During the festival there will be a cooking contest for participating units, a fruit sculpture competition and a contest on designing the mostbeautiful and impressive booths.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Tran Vinh Tien emphasised that the annual event aims to promote the flavour of Vietnamese food, particularly the flavours found in the southern region, to both domestic and foreign visitors.

LG Display Vietnam proposes the building of worker hostels

LG Display Vietnam Haiphong has proposed to increase its investment from US$1.5 billion to US$1.59 billion to construct 13 hostel buildings and social welfare projects for 10,000-12,000 workers, said the company representative.

Construction work has been in progress on an area of 12.6ha from the first quarter of this year. Two hostels and some social welfare projects will be completed in the third quarter and the whole dormitory buildings will be finished by 2020.

LG Display Vietnam, covering 40 hectares at Trang Due Industrial Zone in Haiphong, produces organic light emitting diode (OLED) display products. It is expected to be operational in the third quarter of this year.

Most of the OLED display products manufactured here will be for the world market, though about 20% of the products were aimed to serve domestic consumption.

Newly-built road already a safety risk for users

A key road connecting the two southern provinces of Bình Phước and Bình Dương with the Central Highlands has been downgraded after a short time in use.

Construction on the 20-kilometre-long ĐT 741 road had been finished and it opened for traffic early this year. However, its surface has been downgraded with holes and subsidence causing difficulties for vehicles travelling on the road.

Nguyễn Văn Tiến, a resident in Đồng Phú District’s Tân Lập Commune said that the road had been seriously damaged after five months in use.

He blamed Sông Bé Rubber One Member Ltd Co, the project investor, for carelessly pouring hot asphalt on the old road. Thus, the road had no adhesion and deteriorated quickly.

Phan Thị Chắc, another resident in Tân Phú Town said that she witnessed many accidents due to potholes on the road surface.

Chairman of Đồng Phú District’s People’s Committee Trần Văn Vinh said that the ĐT 741 was under the management of the provincial authority and invested by Sông Bé Rubber One Member Ltd Co.

He admitted that potholes with different sizes had developed recently. The reason, Vinh said, was a shortage of a water drainage system along the two sides of the road. Many parts of the road were submerged in the rain.

The committee has proposed to the provincial authority that they invest quickly in the water drainage system along the road.

The investor has been repairing the road, especially seriously-damaged parts from Tân Lập fee toll to the centre of Đồng Phú District.

The road connects Bàu Trư Hamlet of Bình Dương Province with Đồng Xoài Township in Bình Phước Province. The road was upgraded with a total investment of over VNĐ400 billion (US$17.6 million).

In the first phase, 5-centimetre-thick asphalt was poured on the old road surface at the cost of VNĐ170 billion. In the second phase, the two lanes of the road were enlarged another 3.5 metres each with 1.5 metre-pavements and water drainage systems.

The road was designed for a speed of 80 kilometres per hour under the BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) model. 

Vietnamese youngsters in Thailand learn about President Ho Chi Minh

Vietnamese youngsters in Thailand have learnt about late President Ho Chi Minh through a contest launched between March 2 and May 19.

The contest was launched by the Vietnam Embassy in Thailand, the Vietnamese Consulate General in Khon Kaen, the State Committee on Overseas Vietnamese and the Vietnamese Association in the country.

The contest, the first of its kind in Thailand occasioned President Ho Chi Minh’s 127th birthday, received a large number of entries, written in Vietnamese and Thai.

The organising board presented two first prizes with a certificate of merit from Deputy Foreign Minister and head of the State Committee on Overseas Vietnamese Vu Hong Nam, and an invitation to attend a summer camp in Vietnam or join an Overseas Vietnamese children delegation in a Vietnam tour. 

The contest was part of efforts to encourage youngsters to learn and follow the moral example of President Ho Chi Minh and the late leaders’ teachings.

It also contributed to preserving and promoting Vietnamese cultural identity, and encouraging the teaching and learning of Vietnamese language in Thailand.