Truck collides with motorbike, killing 2

Two people were killed on Friday when a truck collided with a motorbike on a stretch of National Highway No. 1 running through Xuân Tâm Commune in Đồng Nai Province.

The victims were a couple riding the motorbike. Following the collision with the bike, the truck then hit a container truck parked at a gas station nearby. The truck driver ran away from the scene following the accident.

The motorbike was destroyed and the top of the truck was damaged. The local police are investigating the incident.

Also on Friday, at least two people were injured after a Camry car slammed into six motorbikes on northern Thanh Hóa Province’s Nguyễn Trãi Street. The injured were taken to Thanh Hóa General Hospital for treatment.

Two cars and six motorbikes were damaged in the accident. The case is under investigation.

Prime Minister requests more care for workers

It is necessary to provide more care for workers, from meals with safe and nutritious foods to issues related to housing support and legal assistance, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has said.

The Government leader made the suggestion at a dialogue in Da Nang city on April 22 with over 2,000 workers from the central provinces of Thua Thien-Hue and Quang Nam and Da Nang. 

Labourers’ skills are a component factor of business, he stressed, expressing his belief that Vietnam’s working class always puts the nation’s interest first and enterprises will fully upholding Vietnamese labourers’ qualifications. 

He called on workers to exert more efforts in studying and working to become skilled workers and technicians for their families, businesses and the nation.

While underlining the importance of labour productivity to the society’s survival and development, PM Phuc said Vietnam proactively negotiated and signed economic agreements with many countries and regions, with the aim to attract more foreign investors and open more opportunities for Vietnamese employees to seek jobs. 

Replying to a query on social insurance, the PM stressed that social insurance is one of the three key pillars of social security in Vietnam, adding that trade unions in enterprises have the right to lodge lawsuits against individuals and businesses that avoid paying social issuance premiums for their employees. 

The PM said the amendment of the Law on Social Insurance and relevant legal sanctions is expected to help protect legitimate rights of workers.  

Regarding trade union institutions in enterprises, PM Phuc said the Government approved a plan on building houses, kindergartens and facilities for healthcare, and cultural and sport activities in industrial parks.  

He asked authorities of provinces and cities nationwide to work closely with trade unions in implementing the plan in a bid to improve living conditions of workers. 

At the dialogue, workers suggested enterprises to make it easier for workers to deploy technical innovation initiatives, thus increasing labour productivity. They also called on more attention from the Government to ensure social welfare and basic rights of labourers. 

On the occasion, a business announced to present 1 billion VND (44,000 USD) to the “Tam long vang” (golden heart) fund to give further care for workers. 

PM Phuc and Da Nang leaders also presented 30 houses built a total cost of 1.5 billion VND (66,000 USD) to disadvantaged workers, while  the telecom firm Mobifone also gave 40 billion VND (1.76 million) to the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour to implement its commitment to ensuring social welfare for trade union members.

Elderly without pension eligible for social benefits

From now until 2020, elderly people with no pension or State allowance, living in poor circumstances or in mountainous, island or ethnic minority areas will be entitled to social benefits.
This is one of the objectives of the project "Renovating and developing social benefits in 2017-2025 period, with a vision towards 2030,” which was recently approved by Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc. The ultimate goal during the entire implementation period of the project is to provide timely support for 100 per cent of disadvantaged people.
Also, according to this project, from this year until 2020, 50 per cent of the seriously disadvantaged population will be able to receive social welfare that suits their needs, with at least 10 per cent receiving comprehensive social services.
Moving on to the 2021-2025 period, the project aims to raise monthly social welfare allowance and provide support for children below 36 months old, pregnant women of poor or near-poor households, and households in mountainous, island or ethnic minority areas.
The coverage will be extended gradually, so that, by 2030, all elderly people without pension or State allowance, children below 36 months old and pregnant women from disadvantaged households will be entitled to social welfare. The level of support will be adjusted in line with the budget capacity and international trends.

Hoang Sa – Truong Sa exhibition comes to Hoi An

An exhibition displaying maps and documents about Vietnam’s Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos opened in Hoi An city, the central province of Quang Nam, on April 21.

On display are some 150 maps and photos as well as four atlas published in different years by Vietnam and other countries. 

The four-day event also features 19 imperial records by the Nguyen Dynasty, 23 ancient documents and publications as well other documents in foreign languages, affirming Vietnam’s sovereignty over the two archipelagos and other sea and island areas in the East Sea. 

The exhibition is hoped to help locals and visitors get deeper understanding of the country’s indisputable sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, thus raising their awareness, solidarity and responsibility of protecting the national sea and island sovereignty, said Nguyen Van Son, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hoi An City.

On this occasion, thousands of books under various categories ranging from literature to the economy and publications are on displayed at the Vietnam Book Day corner.

It aims to encourage and develop reading culture in the community while appreciating efforts of those who are involved in book publishing such as book collectors, writers, publishers and distributors.

The same day, an exhibition on historical and legal evidence affirming Vietnam’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos began in the northern province of Hung Yen.

Besides, the province organised Vietnam Book Day with the display of 200 publications, magazines and documents on Hoang Sa and Truong Sa.

HCM City helps Vientiane fight crimes

Ho Chi Minh City police have handed over professional equipment to Vientiane police to help enhance the capability of the Lao capital’s police in fighting against crimes.

The minutes on the handing-over of the equipment was signed at a ceremony in Vientiane on April 21, which saw head of the Representative Office of Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security in Laos Nguyen Van Huyen, Director of Ho Chi Minh City Police Le Dong Phong, Deputy Director of Vientiane Police Khamphone Thepphavong, and local officers.

The handing-over is part of activities to implement the cooperation agreement signed by the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and the Lao Ministry of Security on May 11, 2001; the minutes to extend the agreement for the third time for 2016-2020 inked on December 24, 2015; and the memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the two cities’ police forces signed on August 23, 2016.

Addressing the event, Phong said Ho Chi Minh City Police not only provided equipment to help enhance the capacity of the Vientiane Police to fight against crimes, but also organised a two-month training course for six Vientiane officers on how to use the equipment.

Ho Chi Minh City police is willing to support and share experience with their Vientiane counterpart in using the equipment, Phong added.

For his part, Khamphone Thepphavong expressed his thanks to Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security, Ho Chi Minh City authorities and police for providing the equipment for Vientiane, contributing to ensuring security and social order in the capital city.

Dong Nai prioritises social housing construction until 2020

The southern province of Dong Nai will prioritise resources for social housing construction between now and 2020, said Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Tran Van Vinh. 

During a local working session on April 21 with a delegation from the Construction Ministry led by Deputy Minister Le Quang Hung, Vinh said the province will build 20,000 social houses for local workers and officers by 2020. 

Dong Nai covers an area of nearly 600,000ha and has a population of nearly 3.3 million people. With major urban areas of Bien Hoa, Long Khanh, Nhon Trach and Long Thanh, the province currently records around 300 real estate projects, including 38 large scale ones. 

According to Vinh, Long Thanh district is being zoned off for the construction of 5,000ha Long Thanh international airport, apart from 21,000ha reserved for urban areas and services around the airport. 

He asked for the ministry’s permission to swap 20 percent of land area in 10ha-plus projects for cash, and auction 20 percent of land area handed over by commercial housing projects in locations inappropriate for social housing construction. The proceeds will be added to the provincial housing development fund. 

A ministry’s representative advised the provincial authorities to submit the above proposal to the Prime Minister for approval. 

Deputy Minister Hung said Dong Nai needs to pay attention to the quality of planning and management as well as housing construction for workers in industrial areas.

Policies to support people with disabilities

Vietnam has taken measures to help people with disabilities integrate into the community.

The Vietnamese State has adopted incentives and encouraged organizations and individuals to provide financial and technical support to the disabled.  

People with disabilities are allowed to be enrolled to school at an older age than others, exempt from several subjects and school fees, and provided with scholarships and learning kits. 

The State ensures that people with disabilities are given free vocational training counseling and freely chose vocational subjects. Vocational education institutions enjoy preferences in accordance with law. 

Luong Phan Cu, Deputy Chairman of the Association to Support Vietnamese Handicapped and Orphans, said, “We are implementing 6 key programs and other activities to help the disabled enjoy equal opportunities. We have provided them with wheelchairs, built ramps for them, and organized exchanges in the community. We also help people with disabilities improve their livelihoods and earn incomes, so that they feel they are useful to the community.”

Self-employed people with disabilities and households employing people with disabilities are given loans at preferential interest rates, production know-how, technology transfers, and support in selling their products. 

The State encourages agencies, organizations, and businesses to employ disabled people. 

Truong Thi Hoa, Director of the Center for Provision of Social Services in Da Nang city, said, “We have been providing services to the disabled, helping them make use of their own abilities to give them more confidence and help them integrate into the community. Our center also utilizes resources from the city, social organizations, and private individuals to ease the burden of people with disabilities.”

Health care and rehabilitation activities have been organized for the disabled in addition to culture, sports, entertainment, and tourism programs. 

Can Tho doctors provide Cambodians free medical care

Volunteer doctors and health workers from the Mekong Delta City of Can Tho have once again provided free medical exams, treatment and medicine for needy residents of the Cambodian province of Kom Phong Spu.

This is an activity that has taken place annually for the past 15 years, benefiting more than 11,000 needy Cambodians.

During the event, provincial leaders, expressed their appreciation to the city of Can Tho for their invaluable assistance, which they say evidences the strong ties of friendship and mutual support between the localities.

Three Chinese men caught 'recruiting' wives in southern Vietnam

Police in Vietnam's southern province of Tay Ninh said they have fined two Vietnamese for illegally brokering marriage for foreigners.

Nguyen Thi Thuy, 28, and Khong Anh Viet, 30, were caught arranging for three Chinese men to meet two Vietnamese women on April 20 in Thuy's guest house in Tan Bien District bordering Cambodia, 120 kilometers (75 miles) northwest of Ho Chi Minh City.

Each Chinese man would have to pay Viet 30,000 Chinese yuan (US$4,400), of which VND30 million would go to the chosen woman's family and VND10 million paid to Thuy. Viet would then help complete paperwork for the marriage.

An offender of illegal brokering marriage is subject to fines for administrative violations of between VND10 million and VND20 million in Vietnam. 

China suffers from one of the worst gender imbalances in the world as families prefer boys to girls. As a result, millions of men now cannot find Chinese brides. Many of them resort to looking for foreign women, including Vietnamese. There are also many women in China's southern neighbor country who wish to marry a foreign husband in hopes for a better life, resulting in thousands of marriages between Vietnamese women and foreign men every year.

While legal centers for marriage brokering with foreigners exist, most such marriages are arranged through illegal channels, according to Phu Nu newspaper. Many Vietnamese have ended up with abusive husbands, or fell victim to human trafficking.

Vietnamese join Lao celebrating Bunpimay

If March marks the end of traditional festivals of the Vietnamese, April is when people from Laos are preparing to welcome their annual traditional festival, Bunpimay. It is an occasion for Vietnamese to congratulate and join in the feast with the neighboring country.

Locals in Sop Bau district, Houaphan province of Laos are celebrating their traditional New Year, Bunpimay.

Houaphan is a contiguous province with the north central coast Thanh Hoa province of Vietnam. For years, the presence of Vietnamese friends in Laos’ important festivals has become familiar to generations of Lao people

Hua Phan and Thanh Hoa provinces are twin provinces, sharing nearly 200 km of border lines. Sob Bau district of Hua Phan province and Muong Lat district of Thanh Hoa province have a long and special bond.

Festivals and special events which see the presence of both sides are chances to nurture the traditional friendship between the Vietnamese and Lao people. The depth of the relations has been proved from generation to generation.

To Nguyen Huu Vinh and Nguyen Thi Loi, Laos has become their second fatherland.

The agreement on dealing with free migration in the contiguous region between the two countries signed by the Vietnamese and Lao governments in 2013 has created favourable condition for Vinh’s family to stabilise their lives and integrate with the locality’s economy, culture and society.

It’s the fifth time Vinh’s family has celebrated Bunpimay festival with their neighbors.

Bunpimay mean splashing water festival, Lao people believe that pure water will bring freshness, prosperity for all things, health, and happiness while chasing away bad luck and disease in the year ahead.

A special ceremony during Bunpimay which Vinh’s family and every Lao person enjoy is the procession of pageant queen spring gasoline Khan, one of the seven daughters of the Divine Quadrilateral God, a guardian God who is believed to brings happiness, health, and wealth for Lao people.

The participation of Vinh and other Vietnamese at the festival helps tighten the friendship which has been built up by many former leaders and people of the two nations.

The sound of Lam Vong rhythm and Vietnamese songs echo merrily in the mountainous area. People of the two nations join in songs and dances, together they are nurturing the special relations of the two nations, which are as strong as the mighty Truong Son Mountain, standing forever.

HCM City vows to create optimal conditions for Indian investors

Ho Chi Minh City will create favourable conditions and a better business climate for foreign investors, including Indian entrepreneurs, said Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong on April 22.

While hosting a reception for General Vijay Kumar Singh, Indian Minister of State for External Affairs, Phong hailed the Indian guest’s visit to Vietnam, describing it as a practical activity to celebrate the 45th founding anniversary of Vietnam-India diplomatic relations and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the strategic partnership.

Vietnam and India have strengthened cooperation in the fields of politics, economy, trade and investment and culture, he added, saying that cultural exchanges and cooperation in human resources development have greatly benefited their people.

However, Phong said the flow of Indian investments into HCM City has failed to match with the potential and desires of both sides. India now ranks 26th out of 80 countries and territories investing in the city with 55.7 million USD poured into 55 valid projects.

For his part, Singh expressed his delight at the progress of Vietnam-India relations as well as HCM City- India ties.

Leaders of the two countries have a common view in which they want bilateral economic cooperation to become a driving factor of the two countries’ relations, he said.

Singh affirmed that India would work hard to raise the two-way trade value to 20 billion USD by 2020 and encourage India enterprises to invest in HCM City and neighouring areas.

India looks forward to implementing joint projects and bilateral agreements with the city in the fields of trade, investment, tourism, education and information technology, he noted.

Earlier, Singh attended a show of Indian classic dances in Hanoi on April 21 night where he and Vietnamese officials together performed India’s light-up rituals.

Meeting marks Vietnam’s national reunification in Cuba

A meeting to celebrate the 42nd anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification (April 30) has been jointly held by the Organisation of Solidarity with the People of Africa, Asia and Latin America (OSPAAAL) and the Vietnamese Embassy in Cuba.

The event brought together representatives from Cuban ministries, sectors and organisations as well as ambassadors and representatives of 20 other countries in  Cuba. 

In his speech, Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Trung Thanh highlighted Vietnam’s great victory in the protracted resistance war in the past, during which Vietnam received valuable support and strong solidarity of progressive forces worldwide, especially assistance of friends from Asia, Africa and Latin America, including the Cuban people. 

The ambassador expressed his hope that the Vietnam-Cuba relationship would be deepened, thus promoting the development of each nation as the wishes of President Ho Chi Minh and Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castrol.

Thanh also underlined the need to continue sustaining and strengthening the traditional relations between the two countries, and proposed concrete activities to mark 45 years since Cuban leader Fidel Castro became the first foreign leader to set foot in the liberated area in central Quang Tri province in 1973. 

Journalist Santiago Feliu, head of the OSPAAAL’s Culture and Popularisation Department, recalled activities of progressive movements in the world, which ebulliently followed Vietnam’s struggle for independence and national reunification. 

The Vietnamese people made the world admire for not only the indomitable heroism in their struggle to defend the country but also in their reform (Doi moi) and national construction process, he stressed.

Participants at the meeting had a chance to view videos, photos and posters on Vietnam in the past, the solidarity between Vietnam and Cuba, and Vietnam’s achievements as well as efforts to reach stronger development in the reform period.

Tâm wins 12th stage of HCMC cycling tourney

With a strong sprint, Nguyễn Thành Tâm won the 12th stage of the HCM City Television Cycling Tournament yesterday.

Tâm of Gạo Hạt Ngọc Trời-An Giang won in a time of 1:03.29 in the 45km race around Nguyễn Tất Thành Boulevard in Quy Nhơn City.

Lê Nguyệt Minh of HCM City and Lê Văn Duẩn of VUS-HCM City finished second and third, respectively.

Nguyễn Văn Dương of Bike Life ĐN retained his yellow jersey for best overall time with a time of 27:21.35, followed by Nguyễn Minh Việt of BTV Đại Nam-BD and Trần Lê 
Minh Tuấn of the Military Zone 7.

The green jersey for best sprinter is led by Minh of HCM City with 85 points. Huỳnh Thanh Tùng of the Military Zone 7 and Duẩn of VUS-HCM City are behind with 75 
points and 60 points.

After 12 stages, Military Zone 7 top the team rankings with an overall time of 82:09.03. Domesco Pharmacy Đồng Tháp  and Gạo Hạt Ngọc Trời-An Giang are second and 

Tomorrow morning, cyclists will compete in the 116km stage from Quy Nhơn to Tuy Hòa City.

Huy tops men’s event at national chess meet

International Master (IM) Nguyễn Văn Huy jumped to the top of the men’s category of the National Chess Championship after yesterday’s eighth round match in Hà Nội.

The host master beat HCM City’s Grandmaster (GM) Đào Thiên Hải, who stole the first place only on Wednesday, to claim it back for the Hà Nội team.

Huy who has six points currently will play his teammate GM Trần Tuấn Minh, No 1 seed, in the next round. Third-placed Minh yesterday tied with IM Bảo Khoa of Lâm Đồng.

Khoa is sitting in second place and will meet IM Võ Thành Ninh of Kiên Giang.

On the women’s side, Women’s GM Hoàng Thị Bảo Trâm maintains the lead with seven points.

She is followed by Hanoian Lương Phương Hạnh and WIM Võ Thị Kim Phụng of Bắc Giang, respectively. 

Many private clinics run afoul of health regulation

Vietnamese Health Minister and her team yesterday paid unscheduled visits to private medical clinics in Hanoi, discovering violations of health regulations.

Inspection team found out Thien Tam Clinic at 212 Nguyen Luong Bang in Hanoi’s District Nguyen Luong Bang have no machine as per the licence. Patient records are 
written not fully and without prescription.

Moreover, Chinese doctors work in the clinic yet patients’ records and prescription are written in Vietnamese g. worse, the clinic provides some illegal services such as treatment for male diseases without the Department of Health’s permission. Furthermore, the clinic has put on service advertisement in internet without related agencies’ 

Nguyen Viet Cuong, chief inspector of Hanoi Health Department, said that last year the health inspectors discovered violations in the clinic while inspecting it. 

Consequently, inspectors asked the clinic to stop operation in 4.5 months as well as issued administrative fine of VND120 million ($5,298).

Health Minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien ordered the clinic to delete illegal services as per guideline. The Department of Health was asked to closer supervise the clinic.

Health Minister and the inspection team headed to the General Clinic at 298 Kim Ma where 13 foreign doctors with different nationalities work. The clinic strictly adheres to 
the Ministry’s regulation and its facilities is fully equipped for treatment.

After visits, Health Minister had a meeting with Hanoi People’s Committee upon management of medical infirmaries. Director of Health Department Hoang Duc Hanh 
admitted there have been violation in private clinics with foreign doctors. Penalties have not deterred them from committing mistakes.

In 2016  and the first quarter, 2017, the Department of Health has paid visits to 170 private clinics and imposed administrative fines to 102 ones collecting nearly VND2.6 

billion. Inspectors suspended operation of five clinics and revoked the permit of two ones. Additionally, inspectors withdrew the practice permits of five doctors and 
operation license of three infirmaries.

Since the beginning of the year, 26 clinics where foreign doctors work received inspector and three of them were withdrawn the operation licenses and four were fined. 

One of them was asked to suspend the operation, one Chinese doctor was revoked the practice certificate.

Free street dance performance to open in Hanoi

Dance Dance Asia - Crossing the Movements 2017, a free street dance performance, will take place on April 22-23 at Tuoi Tre (Youth) Theater in Hanoi, according to a 
source from the Japan Foundation Center for Cultural Exchange in Vietnam.

The event will introduce the public to some dance works of three choreographers/directors including Japan’s Munetaka Maki, Vince Mendoza of the Philippines and Lion T 
of Vietnam, the Vietnam News Agency reports.

These works have the presence of young talented dancers from different countries and territories in Asia such as A-Yao Ninja (Taiwan), Khenobu (Malaysia), Naoko 
Matsuda (Japan), and Michael Sim (Singapore).

Free tickets can be collected at the center at No. 27 Quang Trung Street, Hoan Kiem District in Hanoi.

The event has been launched since 2015, which is aimed at connecting street dance groups and artists in the Asian region.

U.S. announces Fall 2017 fellowship for Asian talents

The U.S. Mission to Vietnam is seeking candidates for the fall 2017 Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellows Program on civic engagement, 
environmental issues, and social entrepreneurship and economic development.

Vietnamese citizens aged between 18 and 25, full-time undergraduate students or those who have graduated from colleges, universities, or other institutions of higher 

learning, who demonstrate excellent leadership qualities and potential in their university or place of work, have interest in community service and volunteerism, and have a 

good command of English, can apply for the program. The application deadline is at 5 p.m. on May 22.

All participant costs, including program administration, international and domestic travel and ground transportation, book, cultural, mailing and incidental allowances, 
housing and subsistence expenses will be paid for by the U.S. Department of State.

Application screening and interviews of shortlisted candidates will take place in June 2017 and final selection results are available in July 2017.

YSEALI is President Obama's initiative to strengthen leadership development and networking in ASEAN, deepen engagement with young leaders on key regional and global 

challenges, and advance people-to-people ties between the U.S. and young and emerging Southeast Asian leaders. YSEALI focuses on critical topics identified by youth in 

the region: civic engagement, environment and natural resources management, and entrepreneurship and economic development.

Further info about the program can be found at:

Prime Minister receives CEO of Taiwan’s Pou Chen Group

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc received the CEO of Pou Chen Group from China’s Taiwan, Tsai Pei-Chun, in Hanoi on April 21, noting that he believes the firm will reap more successes while operating in Vietnam.

He applauded the group’s manufacturing of export products and charitable activities in Vietnam, especially those targeting the poor and natural disaster victims.

He also spoke highly of Pou Chen’s attention to training Vietnamese personnel so that they can hold important positions in the group’s branch in the country.

Pou Chen should continue improving both material and spiritual life of its Vietnamese employees, PM Phuc noted.

He affirmed that the Vietnamese Government is committed to ensuring a stable macro-economy and providing the best possible conditions for all economic sectors to do business.

The Government leader asked Pou Chen to expand operations in Vietnam, suggesting the firm to consider investing in agriculture, especially hi-tech agriculture, since Vietnam has great potential in this field.

Tsai said her group employs more than 460,000 workers around the world, including over 160,000 in Vietnam. 

She affirmed that aside from production activities, it has always paid heed to employees’ life and social welfare, showing its responsibility towards the society. Pou Chen will set up a social fund to promote charitable activities in Vietnam, she noted.

She said the group is committed to long-term operations in Vietnam and complying with regulations on environmental protection. In the time ahead, Pou Chen will make upgrades to improve production activities and continue training Vietnamese employees to take charge of the firm’s important positions here.

Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association set up in Vinh Long

The Vietnam–Laos Friendship Association of the Mekong Delta province of Vinh Long will focus on organising exchange and cooperation activities to strengthen the traditional friendship and mutual understanding between the Lao people and locals in Vinh Long.

The target was set at the association’s first congress on April 21, during which it pledged to support cooperation activities in economy, trade, science-technology, education-training, culture, sports and tourism between organisations, individuals and businesses of the two sides.

The association will also coordinate with relevant agencies of both nations to assist expats in Laos who came from Vinh Long.

Addressing the event, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Lu Quang Ngoi suggested that the association pay more attention to promoting people-to-people exchanges between Vinh Long and Laos, while helping bolster bilateral socio-economic partnership and connect businesses, students, labourers of the two sides. 

Since Vietnam and Laos set up bilateral ties in 1962 and signed the Treaty on Amity and Cooperation (TAC) in 1997, the two nations have exerted great efforts to foster their friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation in various fields from politics, diplomacy, economy, culture and society.

Meanwhile, Vinh Long inked a cooperation agreement on socio-economic development with Xiengkhuang province of Laos in 2011. So far, Vinh Long has donated nearly 4.5 billion VND to build a kindergarten and irrigation works in Xiengkhouang. Currently, the province is hosting 18 students from Xiengkhouang province.

At the congress, a 14-member executive committee of the association for the 2017-2022 tenure was elected, with Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Council as its president.

Ho Chi Minh City keen on increased trade with Iran

Ho Chi Minh City wants to boost trade and investment connectivity with Iran, Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong told Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture of Iran Gholam Hossein Shafei during a reception in Hanoi on April 21. 

Phong lauded the growing Vietnam – Iran ties via visits by the two countries’ State leaders and trade facilitation towards achieving a two-way trade of 2 billion USD in the coming years. 

The city commits all possible support for foreign businesses, including those from Iran to seek effective and long-term business opportunities here, especially in fields of the city’s interest and Iran’s strengths such as industry, construction materials, and high-tech agriculture, he said. 

Shafei, for his part, hailed Vietnam as an important destination for Iranian enterprises and the 2-billion-USD two-way trade goal as feasible. 

He said intensifying economic-trade ties will bring practical economic benefits for each country when Vietnam serves as a gateway for Iran to access ASEAN market and Iran bridges Vietnam and the Middle East countries. 

Expressing impression on Ho Chi Minh City’s vibrant development, he stressed that Iranian firms always consider the city as a major economic hub of Vietnam. 

The Iranian government will encourage domestic firms to increase investment in Ho Chi Minh City, contributing to lifting Vietnam-Iran economic and trade ties to match their political-diplomatic relations.