Fire at chemical firm brought under control

Firefighters this morning brought under control a fire that had broken out on Sunday night in the chemical and paint storage area of a company in Binh Duong Province.

The fire broke out at 10pm on Sunday at Van Truc Commerce and Services Company in Thuan An Town, Binh Duong Province. The inflammable chemicals there helped the fire to spread quickly and destroy 1500sq.m of the storage area.

Firefighters deployed 20 fire trucks and were helped by hundreds of people. Some witnesses told local media that no one was injured because everyone was able to escape when the fire broke out.

Firefighters ensured that no one approached the scene, as burning chemicals spread toxic smoke in the area.

The cause of the fire is yet to be determined, but the damages are estimated at billions of dongs. 

Workshop marks April 30 Victory in Argentina

A workshop to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the South Liberation and National Reunification in Vietnam (April 30,1975- 2015) was held in Bragado district, Buenos Aires province, Argentina on April 24.

Addressing the event, president of the Argentina-Vietnam Culture Institute Poldi Sosa recalled the fierce fighting in the 1960s and 1970s in Vietnam’s resistance war against the US.

She asserted with the resilient fighting spirit and great patriotism, Vietnamese people succeeded in safeguarding the country’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. She stressed that more than 3.4 million Vietnamese people laid down their lives for national independence.

Speaking at the event, a representative from the Vietnamese Embassy praised the support of Argentinean people to the Vietnamese people’s liberation cause in the past and national construction at present.

Two movies titled “Mua Xuan nam 1975” (Spring 1975) and “Chao mung toi Vietnam” (Welcome to Vietnam) were screened at the event.

The same day, Chairman of Bragado district Aldo Omar San Pedro held a working session with a delegation from the Vietnamese Embassy. He expressed hope that his district can establish twin relations with a Vietnamese locality in a bid to strengthen solidarity, friendship and cooperation relation.

Clean water project launched in Tra Vinh

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Mekong Delta of Tra Vinh on April 25 began construction on a clean water factory with capacity of 50 cubic metres per hour in Dinh An town, Tra Cu district.

Covering an area of 1,500 square metres, the project has a total investment of 14 billion VND (650,000 USD), of which, 8.4 billion VND (390,000 USD) came from the National Target Programme for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation.

The factory includes two pump stations, two wells, a water filter, and a 300-cubic metre storage tank.

Once operational in December, the project will bring clean water to more than 2,000 households in the locality.

In 2015, Tra Vinh plans to invest 21 billion VND (1 million USD) to build and upgrade eight clean water facilities.

The province now has 165 clean water supply stations in rural areas, serving about 72,000 households.

American doctors to visit Hue for health check-ups

A group of American doctors and medical staff is going to visit the central Thua Thien-Hue Province to offer charity health check-ups and medicines to local residents.

The group, comprising 18 doctors and staff and 13 supporters, will examine an estimated 600 residents in the mountainous A Luoi District and Hue City. Its local coordinator, the province's Union of Friendship Organisations, will provide 16 interpreters to aid communication between the medical group and the local people.

The week-long visit from April 27 to May 5 is as part of a mission by American non-governmental organisation Vets With a Mission, which expects to spend 400 million VND (19,000 USD) on medical expenses.

Visits by Vets With a Mission's doctors have been an annual treat since 2012. The American organisation has offered free check-ups to 3,061 residents in the districts of Quang Dien, A Luoi, Huong Tra and Hue City.|

It has spent 1.3 billion VND (60,000 USD) on its trips in the last three years.

Local, foreign experts discuss Vietnam’s development

Vietnamese and foreign researchers presented reports on Vietnam’s development and integration at an international conference in the southern province of Binh Duong on April 25.

They also exchanged views on new approaches to Vietnam wars (1954-1975) as well as the country’s nation-building and safeguarding cause and its reform and international integration after 40 years of the country’s reunification.

In his speech, Professor Carlyle A. Thayer, from the University of New South Wales, said that Vietnam has succeeded in using diplomatic policies to safeguard its independence and sovereignty and develop the country and integrate into the international community.

To grow further, Professor Tsuboi Yoshiharu from Japan’s Waseda University suggested Vietnam focus on four main points, namely national reconciliation, young labour recruitment, reform of the political and economic systems and future vision.

Regarding the future vision, the professor stated that Vietnam should design a vision in the next 50 years towards becoming a nation holding great significance to ASEAN and an important position in the world.

Experts said that the nation-building and development process should be in line with the safeguarding of sovereignty over the country’s land, sea and islands.

They also suggested Vietnam have a more comprehensive point of view on challenges of globalisation to design appropriate measures.

OVs in Canada celebrate reunification day

Vietnamese expatriates from Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal cities gathered at a get-together held in Ottawa, Canada on April 25 to celebrate the 40 th anniversary of National Reunification (April 30).

The event was hosted by the Vietnamese Embassy in Canada.

Ambassador To Anh Dung and the expatriates recalled the historical victory 40 years ago, which helped unify and bring independence and freedom to the homeland.

He praised Overseas Vietnamese for their significant contributions to promoting the Vietnam-Canada friendship as well as to the homeland’s development during recent decades.

Sharing their joy to witness the country’s developments in recent years, participating Overseas Vietnamese said they will continue their endeavours to tighten the relations between their host country and the homeland.

Sport exchange for ASEAN countries in Ukraine

A sport exchange was held for staff of the embassies of Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia in Ukraine to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Southern liberation and national reunification.

Hosted by the Vietnamese Embassy, it was attended by Malaysia’s Ambassador to Ukraine Chuah Teong Ban and Indonesia’s Ambassador to Ukraine Niniek Kun Naryatie Siswojo, and their employees.

Vietnam’s Ambassador to Ukraine Nguyen Minh Tri said Vietnam is always active and responsible in building a strong, united and closely-knitted ASEAN community since becoming a member of the bloc.

Strengthening and boosting coordination in action with other ASEAN countries has been part of Vietnam’s external policy of independence, self-reliance, diversification, multilateralisation and proactive integration, he said.

The ambassador hoped that the three embassies continue cooperation and assist each other to contribute to the formation of the ASEAN Community by this December.

Participants played bowling and enjoyed Vietnamese dishes.

HCM City holds rehearsal for victory anniversary

A rehearsal for activities celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Southern Liberation and National Reunification was organised in Ho Chi Minh City on April 26.

Hosted by the national organising committee for celebrating big events during 2014-2015, the event was overseen by Minister of Defence General Phung Quang Thanh, Minister of Public Security General Tran Dai Quang, Secretary of the HCM City Party Committee Le Thanh Hai and Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, among others.

Taking place at the intersection of Le Duan and Pasteur streets in District 1 were an opening art performance, parades, and marches by forces representing the army, police, fatherland front and mass organisations, intellects and artists.

An official celebration ceremony will start at 6:30 am on April 30 at the same venue.

A range of activities will take place in the City on the day.

Apart from parades and marches, which will be broadcast live on the Vietnam Television, Radio the Voice of Vietnam and city television and radio stations, a special art programme with 4,400 artists will be held.

Fireworks displays are also scheduled across eight spots throughout the City.

Advancing weather forecasted nationwide during upcoming holiday

The National Hydrology and Meteorology Forecast Centre yesterday reported a weather news for northern, central and southern region during the upcoming holidays.

Accordingly, in the Northern provinces will see showery weather, deep cloud and cool climate at weekends. By April 29- 30, because of the influence of a cold front, the temperature in the northern region is predicted to decrease sharply, causing showery weather and thunderstorm. By May 1, it will be sunny daytime.

In the central region, the temperature will increase sharply at 32- 34 degrees Celsius on April 29- 30. By May 1, the extreme hot weather is forecaste to hit the region.

Meanwhile, the weather will be sunny daytime and rains at night in the area of Ho Chi Minh City and the southern provinces on April 26- 27. During upcoming holidays, both Ho Chi Minh City and the southern provinces are predicted to experience the advancing weather. The daily temperature also will drop down at 33- 34 degrees Celsius.

2015 National Physics Olympiad opens

Ministry of Education and Training collaborated with Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations, Vietnamese Physical Association and Information and Communications University to hold the 18th National Physics Olympiad at Nha Trang city in Khanh Hoa province yesterday.

This year’s contest attracted 254 students from 43 institutes, universities and colleges nationwide, marking the highest number of contestants nationalwide since 1998.

All contestants have to pass three competitive parts, including multi- choice test, experimental test and doing exercises. The contestants will complete the multi- choice test online this year.

The annual Olympiad aims to find talents in science among learners and to encourage them to develop learning skills.

Vehicles to be banned from more streets

The HCMC Department of Transport has announced that vehicles will be banned from more streets for certain hours to make room for the rehearsal of a Reunification Day parade set for April 30.

According to the department, vehicles will not be allowed on the streets in the area bordered by Cach Mang Thang Tam, Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Nguyen Binh Khiem, Nguyen Huu Canh, Ton Duc Thang, Ham Nghi, Le Lai and Pham Hong Thai streets from 7 p.m. to midnight on April 24, and from 4 a.m. to noon on April 26 and 30.

The area is much larger than that covering the sections of Le Duan, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia and Pasteur streets in front of the Reunification Palace in District 1 previously announced by the department.

However, traffic is still permitted on Cach Mang Thang Tam, Ham Nghi, Le Lai and Pham Hong Thai streets during the rehearsal and celebration hours.

Earlier, the department said the government of HCMC would not prohibit traffic on certain streets in the downtown area in the daytime on weekdays to avoid traffic chaos, especially in peak hours.     

New dyke fights high tides in HCM City

HCM City's District 8 has completed two flood-prevention works that will save more than 42,000 people in Wards 7 and 16 and a part of District 6 from regular flooding caused by high tides.

One of them, in Ward 7, includes an eight-kilometre embankment between Ba Tang and Ba To Bridges, a one-way floodgate and a drainage system.

In Ward 16 there are two embankments against high tides and a sluice gate. The dykes run along Phu Dinh Street from Phu Dinh Bridge to An Duong Vuong Street and along Ruot Ngua Canal. There are pumps that can get rid of 23.33cu.m of water per second during downpours and high tides.

It is expected to prevent flooding caused by high tides on an area of around 500ha populated by more than 18,000 people in Kinh Duong Vuong, Ly Chieu Hoang, and Nguyen Van Luong streets in District 6.

The two works cost District 8 more than VND380 billion (US$18 million).

Speaking at a ceremony to inaugurate them on Thursday, Le Huynh Dai, deputy chairman of the district People's Committee, said District 8 was often flooded by high tides because its terrain was low and it had 28 canals.

Wards 7 and 16 were surrounded by the Can Giuoc River and Tau Hu, Ba Tang, and Ruot Ngua canals, which flooded them during high tides and caused sufferings for locals, he said.

The two projects would save 24,000 people in the two wards from flooding, he added.

Nguyen Huu Tin, deputy chairman of the municipal People's Committee, instructed the city Department of Transport to assess the two projects and develop a model based on them for other areas.

Dong Nai inaugurates PPP hospital

Dong Nai General Hospital, the country’s first public private partnership (PPP) model, was inaugurated on April 25 in the southern province of Dong Nai.

Covering an area of 70,000 square metres, the hospital has a total investment capital of 3.37 trillion VND (156 million USD), 60 percent of which came from the private sector.

It comprises two treatment buildings, a 4-5 star service facility, and a helicopter park.

At the inauguration ceremony, Deputy Health Minister Pham Le Tuan lauded the efforts the provincial health sector has undertaken to ensure health care services for people.

He also highlighted the significance of the PPP model applied in the hospital in raising healthcare quality and easing overload at public hospitals.-

Fishermen saved from sinking boat

Border soldiers in southern Ben Tre Province yesterday rescued six fishermen whose boat was stranded at sea.

The soldiers said the boat was eight nautical miles away from Ham Luong Seaport early yesterday.

The vessel, which belonged to a woman in southernmost Ca Mau Province, was towed to the mainland.

Authorities seize poultry smuggled from China

Mobile teams, in co-operation with police and market watch inspectors from northern Bac Giang Province, have seized 1,000 live poultry smuggled from China.

The birds were found in Yen Dung District on Saturday when a truck carrying live poultry for examination was stopped.

The driver, Luong Dinh Quang, had no documents saying where they came from and was fined VND2 million (US$92).

On Thursday, teams caught three more poultry smugglers from China and fined them a total of VND6 million ($276). Nearly 3,000 birds were also culled.

Border guards arrest gunpowder smuggler

Border guards in central Quang Binh Province apprehended a local man attempting to smuggle 50kg of gunpowder into the country on Saturday.

The guards in the province's Cha Lo Border Gate stopped three men travelling by bicycle from the Lao border and found them in possession of gunpowder.

While two of the suspects escaped, Dinh Van Ben, who was captured by the guards, admitted that he and the other villagers had purchased the gunpowder to sell it in their locality.

Ben is a resident of Minh Hoa District, where the border gate is based.

New road opens to luxury hill resort

The central city has opened the Ba Na Suoi Mo Road connecting the city and the Ba Na Hills Mountain Resort after 21 months' work.

The 10.46km road, which was built as a building-transfer project, includes a six-lane road with designated driving speeds of up to 60km per hour.

The road will help boost development in the west and southwest regions of the city.

Also on Saturday, the Ba Na Cable Car joint-stock company opened French Village in the 1.500m Ba Na Hill Mountain Resort, after two years of construction.

The project, which includes 32 buildings, will provide 484 hotel rooms with three and five star standards.

Funds for HIV/AIDS fight start to dry up

Organisations involved in HIV/AIDS prevention and control need to chase funding as sources are drying up, a workshop in Ha Noi on Friday was told.

The two-day workshop was titled Reviewing Financial Mechanisms and Building New Ones organised by the Viet Nam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA).

The workshop discussed a reduction in funding from international sources and the State budget. There is now just enough to meet 50 per cent of HIV/AIDS project needs at a time when activities are increasing.

The workshop focused on reviewing all laws and Government documents for financial mechanisms and policies related to HIV/AIDS prevention and control.

Dr Pham Van Tan, VUSTA vice president, said that based on what was found, new solutions would have to be sought.

Hoang Thi Hien, a member on the National Committe for HIV/AIDS, Drugs and Prostitution Prevention and Control, said that the State-funded National Target Programme on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control for 2012-15 would end this year.

"This poses a challenge", Hien said. She added that although the HIV/AIDS Law encouraged businesses to engage in HIV/AIDS prevention and control activities, many showed little or no interest or their efforts were half-hearted.

The workshop was told that 80 per cent of the funds available for HIV/AIDS prevention and control in Viet Nam had come from international sources.

The money has been used to fund communications, consultation, testing, for emergency treatment and monitoring.

Around 3,000 people join ‘Health Run Day’

Around 3,000 people joined the “Health Run Day 2015’ held this morning in Hoan Kiem Lake, Hanoi.

The event was organised by Nutrilite, Amway’s brand of vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements, in partnership with Hanoi’s Department of  

Culture, Sports and Tourism to raise funds in support of the “Bridge of Humanity” Charity Programme by Ha Noi Moi Newspaper.

The programme took place in Hoan Kiem Lake, Hanoi from 6 - 9am with the participation of amateur runners in Hanoi. VND 200 million was raised from the sale of running kits sent to Ha Noi Moi Newspaper to help disadvantaged people in the city.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Leo Boon Wang, General Director of Amway Vietnam said: “Besides celebrating the country’s reunification anniversary, the event aims to share Amway’s vision in Vietnam which involves working together for the development of society”.

Director of Hanoi Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism To Van Dong said: “As a charitable activity, the run aims to call on people to participate in sports, contributing to health and the improvement of living standards.”

The event was also a part of Nutrilite’s 80th Anniversary activities worldwide after its success in Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines.

Vietnam youth union established in Switzerland

A Vietnam Youth Union was set up in Lausanne, Switzerland, on April 26 with the support of the Vietnamese Embassy in Bern and the Vietnam Permanent Mission to the UN, WTO and international organisations in Geneva.

Head of the mission Ambassador Nguyen Trung Thanh lauded the establishment, which connects young Vietnamese in the country and help link the Vietnamese in the Western Europe country with their home country as well as the rest of the world.

According to Luong Vinh Toan, a representative of the youth union, in recent years, young Vietnamese expatriates living in Switzerland have launched a range of practical activities from charity to cultural events.

The newly established organisation will consolidate their work for best results, he said.

On the occasion, friendly matches were held between Vietnamese football teams from Geneva, Zurich and Lausanne.

Tokyo meeting marks southern Vietnam liberation anniversary

Vietnam’s arduous but glorious struggle against aggressors for national independence with the peak being the victory of Ho Chi Minh Campaign on April 30, 1975 was highlighted at a meeting in Tokyo on April 26.

Speaking in front of representatives of the Vietnamese community in Japan, Ambassador Doan Xuan Hung affirmed that the triumph of the Ho Chi Minh Campaign and the reunification of Vietnam 40 years ago were brought about by the sound leadership of President Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party.

Forty years after the victory, Vietnam has developed from a poor and underdeveloped country to a dynamic economy with annual per capita income averaging US$2,000 in 2014. The country has expanded its external relations and its position in the international arena has been improved.

The diplomat also stressed that every Vietnamese citizen living in Japan should take responsible for nurturing and developing the Vietnam-Japan relations in order to contribute further to the nation-building and safeguarding cause.

On the occasion, participants paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh and watched documentaries on the liberation war and national construction and development process.

Ha Nam responds to national clean water week

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Vietnam Farmers Union (VFU) have launched nationwide activities in response to the National Week Clean Water and Environmental Hygiene 2015 (April 29-May 6).

At the launch ceremony held in the northern province of Ha Nam, Dr. Nguyen Duy Luong, Vice Chairman of VFU’s Central Committee said clean water and environmental sanitation not only relate to the living conditions of each person but also impact the development of any country.

He affirmed that the VFU will intensify communication effort to popularise the Party and State’s policies concerning the issue, in order to raise public awareness of economical use of water resources and rural environment protection.

Implementing the National Target Programme on Rural Clean Water and Environmental Hygiene during 2012-1015, b y the end of 2014, up to 84.5 percent of rural population across the country areas have access to hygienic water, while 63 percent of rural households have sanitary latrines. Over 91 percent of schools and 93 percent of medical stations nationwide have hygienic water supply facilities and latrines.

The Programme contributed to realising one of the 19 criteria set for t he national programme on building new-style rural areas.

At the ceremony, Ha Nam authorities inaugurated a clean water supply system funded by the World Bank. With a total of capacity of 4,500cu.m/day, the work helps bring clean water to 12,700 residents in Liem Tuyen and Liem Tiet communes in Phu Ly city.

Free heart disease screening for Dak Lak poor children

Over 300 disadvantaged children from 1-16 years old across the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak have received free screening check-up to detect congenital heart diseases under a programme conducted at the provincial General Hospital in late April.

The programme, named “Trai tim Hang Huu”, was funded by the Dai Nam Joint Stock Company and carried out by the provincial Children Sponsoring Fund in conjunction with the Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital.

Besides disease screening, the programme has financed surgery for over 200 poor children with heart-related diseases from Binh Dinh, Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc, Can Tho, An Giang and Hau Giang provinces as of April this year.

In Dak Lak alone, 19 child patients of heart diseases have received free surgery under the programme.

According to Lam Dinh Nhiem, Director of the provincial Children Sponsoring Fund, the programme has committed 3 billion VND in 2014 and 2015 to fund examination and operations for children with congenital heart disease.

Since 2005, the Fund implemented a programme to support families whose children suffer from heart-related diseases. As a result, thousands of local children received screening examination, while 449 of them were provided with heart surgeries at a total cost of 26 billion VND.

Ministry asks hospitals to arrange medical workers on duty in holidays

The Department of Medical Examination and Treatment under the Ministry of Health, ordered hospitals in the country to arrange medical workers to work in upcoming holidays including the Southern Liberation & National Reunification Day (April 30) and May Day.

Accordingly, hospital management boards must arrange managers, specialty managers, administrative medical workers, and safe guards and medical workers on duty to work in the holidays.

Besides, the list of medical workers must be placed in divisions openly to avoid the shortage of medical workers who will examine and treat patients in these holidays.

Hospitals are ready to provide treatment to emergency cases including victims of flames, accidents, poisoning and disasters. Medical experts must be ready to give consultation to their counterparts in small medical clinics in rural areas on difficult cases.

The Ministry also asked hospitals to prepare equipments, drugs, blood supply for treating severe cases as well as prevent seasonal diseases including dengue fever in the South and encephalitis in the North.

Airfare on HCM City-Chu Lai route costs VND250, 000

Low-cost carrier Jetstar Pacific Airlines is offering a discount program on the route between Ho Chi Minh City and Chu Lai in Quang Nam Province.

Accordingly, a one-way ticket on this route will be VND250,000. The price will be applied for flights departing from May 19-28 and September 7-22.

The new service will be operational with three flights per week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday using 180-seat Airbus 320 starting May 19.The flight from Ho Chi Minh City will take off at 11.20 am; while the return flight from Chu Lai at 13.10 pm. Travel time is approximately 1 hour 15 minutes.

The carrier will add more flights on Ho Chi Minh City-Tuy Hoa in Phu Yen Province route. It will run five round flights per week.The flights are scheduled to take off at 4:40 pm from Tan Son Nhat airport and 4:15 pm from Tuy Hoa airport. The flying time is one hour.

Jetstar Pacific is also launching a similar program to some local routes with costing from VND250, 000-850,000 for one way tickets.