EU offers 87 million euros to combat climate change


French development agency AFD and the European Union (EU) will lend Vietnam 87 million euros to combat climate change, heard a seminar on coastal erosion.

The seminar discussing three scientific studies on coastal erosion in Ca Mau, Tien Giang and Quang Nam provinces was just held in Hoi An City, said the EU delegation to Vietnam.

The investment will help Vietnam examine and determine the cause of coastal erosion heavily damaging the region and residents’ livelihoods.

The three studies will show the erosion tendency in coastal areas and help establish a solid scientific basis for Vietnamese coastal zone management and propose soft and hard measures for protecting these coastal areas from erosion.

The studies were jointly implemented by the Southern Institute for Water Resources Research, the Central Region College of Technology, Economics and Water Resources, and AFD.

Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation to Vietnam Bruno Angelet said at the seminar that the EU has actualized commitments made in Paris during COP 21 through these studies to support Vietnam to adapt to climate change.

According to the World Bank, Vietnam is one of the country’s most vulnerable to climate change. The Mekong Delta is one of the deltas in the world most susceptible and vulnerable to sea level rises.

Absence of common voice

The tug of war between environment advocacy groups seeking to protect Son Tra Peninsula in the central coast city of Danang on one side and tourism authorities insisting on observing the tourism development master plan on the other is becoming all the tougher. For months on end, a war of words has dragged on, and both sides wield very strong weapons to defend their positions.

As covered in local media these days, right after the announcement of the zoning plan for Son Tra Peninsula in February, environment advocacy groups with the  Danang Tourism Association driving the bandwagon have pressed on with a campaign to protect the peninsula so as to keep it from being spoiled by irresponsible tourism development. They demand that the status quo be maintained, and petition central authorities to amend the zoning plan to this effect. And they have very good reasons to do so.

Meanwhile, the Vietnam National Administration for Tourism (VNAT) asserts that the zoning plan for the peninsula has been carefully prepared, and there is no reason whatsoever to make new changes. Dialogues, petitions, and exchange of correspondences fail to establish common ground for both sides.

The peninsula has a natural area of 4,400 hectares and boasts a strong diversity of fauna and flora, including the valuable Red Shanked Douc Langur, a species of the primate family endemic of the peninsula. Under the master zoning plan approved by the Government last November and announced by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in February, Son Tra Nature Reserve will have its area reduced to slightly over 1,800 hectares. Before the master plan was approved, Danang authorities had already licensed 14 projects to develop resorts, villas and other tourism facilities with over 5,000 rooms on a combined area of over 1,200 hectares, according to Sai Gon Giai Phong newspaper. 

However, VNAT in drafting the master plan had agreed with Danang authorities to reduce the number of hotel rooms on the peninsula to around 1,600, meaning some projects are put on hold while others get the go-ahead.

Huynh Tan Vinh, chairman of the Danang Tourism Association, criticizes the master plan as a shield for greedy investors to damage the peninsula, which is a priceless pearl of the city, according to the news site

Speaking to reporters after a meeting in Hanoi between VNAT and the Danang Tourism Association, Vinh said Danang City is now has an abundance of hotel rooms, so there is no need to develop more tourist facilities in Son Tra.

“Danang City is now home to 600 hotels with 22,000 rooms, sufficient to cater to 15 million tourists a year compared to just 5.5 million in 2016,” Vinh is quoted as saying in Nguoi Lao Dong newspaper. Therefore, Son Tra should be zoned for sightseeing tours under stringent conditions, and no construction should be allowed there, he remarks.

The Danang Tourism Association recently has also forwarded a petition to the Government, requesting that the master zoning plan for Son Tra be amended to disallow construction projects there.

Meanwhile, a campaign to protect the peninsula within weeks has received over 12,000 signatures from the public, those who want to maintain the status quo on Son Tra. In addition, the Danang Young Business Association and the Danang Businesswomen Association have also voiced their backing for the campaign, according to Phap Luat newspaper.

However, the proposal by the Danang Tourism Association as well as the public has been grossly rejected by tourism authorities who want that projects under the zoning plan be allowed to continue.

At a recent closed-door meeting between the Danang Tourism Association and VNAT, tourism officials pointed out that no changes would be made to the master zoning plan as all legal steps in compiling the plan had been closely adhered to, Phap Luat reports. Given the lack of common ground, at the end of the discussion, Danang Tourism Association representatives refused to sign the minutes of the meeting.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism also protects VNAT’s standpoint. At a press conference this Tuesday, the ministry asserted that the master zoning plan had been prepared in strict compliance with legal regulations, and is in harmony with the Tourism Law, so there is no reason to make changes.

In compiling the zoning plan, the ministry has closely coordinated with all relevant agencies and bodies, including Danang authorities and 11 ministries, and “all such bodies basically agreed the zoning plan,” the ministry representative is quoted as saying in Kinh te-Do Thi.

Vinh of the Danang Tourism Association rejects the point, saying his agency was not consulted during the process of making the zoning plan.

The heated debate has drawn the attention of top leaders. The National Assembly has recently asked relevant agencies to report on all details for consideration, while Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has urged the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to reconsider the issue. The ministry is told to “listen to all arguments relating to Son Tra Peninsula in earnest, and reconsider the issue in a scientific and objective manner,” according to the news site VnMedia.

In this protracted sizzling issue, it seems that tourism authorities in rejecting changes to the zoning plan want to speak out that they have done a good job when making the zoning plan. They do not want to see their time, effort and money spent on making the zoning plan to be wasted, let alone the huge costs that have been disbursed by tourism investors into projects on the peninsula.

Meanwhile, environment advocates and the general public cannot accept such a valuable treasure like Son Tra to be damaged by money-minded investors. In this controversy, business money and nature values are put on the direct collision course.

Tuoi Tre says that in this tradeoff, the choice between preservation and development is an old question that surfaces every time a nature reserve or a national park is encroached upon. To have a common voice for controversies at Son Tra, and others like Phong Nha-Ke Bang, Ba Vi, Con Dao, Phu Quoc, Tam Dao and Cat Ba, the approach should be to seek an agreeable harmony between preservation and development.

Vietnam Japan Exchange Program 2017 kicked off

The Vietnam Japan Exchange Program (VJYE) giving opportunity for students to learn about cultures of the two countries has been launched.

VJYE is a cooperation between the Asia Association of Education and Exchange (AAEE) and Vietnamese counterparts, including the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City – UEH, Nguyen Huu Huan High School and Binh Phuoc provincial Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

The event themed “Sustainable development” and “Cultural exchange” is expected to build a solid relationship between Vietnamese and Japanese young people and the two countries.

15 typical young people who will be selected from best 70 students will be chosen for the program.

Candidates can contact the email: for further information.

Fire destroys store and pharmacy in Binh Phuoc Province

Firefighters have been tackling a large blaze at a store and pharmacy since early this morning (May 27) in the town of Dong Xoai in the province of Binh Phuoc, reports the Vietnam News Agency.

About 28 firefighters in four fire engines were sent to the fire on Phu Tan Street in the Tan Phu Ward at about 4am after witnesses reported hearing a large explosion followed by the building erupting into a massive ball of fire.

The fire has destroyed the building housing the store and pharmacy including all the inventory and severely impaired nearby structures with damages estimated at US$44,000 (VND1 billion).

Local police are appealing for more witnesses following the fire, which they are treating as suspicious.

Vietnam’s laws comply with international conventions

Vietnamese agencies have detained some people for spreading propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, an act prohibited by Vietnam’s Criminal Code.

Temporarily detaining suspects for further investigation to determine whether they have broken the law is the right of every sovereign country. 

But certain non-governmental organizations who maliciously oppose the legitimate government of Vietnam are falsely claiming that Vietnam has violated the suspects’ freedom of speech. 

They have demanded that Vietnam abide by international commitments and obligations release the detainees. Their arguments have grossly distorted the facts and concocted a version of the situation that doesn’t correctly reflect Vietnamese law.

Vietnam’s laws, including its Criminal Code, were approved by the National Assembly under strictly legal legislative procedures which have involved public feedback. They reflect and ensure the values of democracy and social consensus.

During the legislative process, Vietnam respects and acknowledges international law. Article 2 of the 1948 International Declaration on Human Rights states: “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration”. 

Article 29 on freedom of speech specifies: “In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare of a democratic society.”

Vietnam reflects these principles in its laws, so every Vietnamese citizen, when exercising his freedom, must comply with the law, refrain from infringing the rights of others, and avoid harming the interests of the community and nation.

Article 19 of the International Convention of Civil and Political Rights approved by the UN General Assembly in 1966 states that all people are entitled to freedom of speech. 

The exercise of this freedom, however, is subject to certain duties, responsibilities, and limitations. These limitations are stipulated by law and are necessary to guarantee the rights of others and protect national security, public order, and social health and morality.

In no country in the world do people have complete freedom to say whatever they want. Freedom of speech is limited by certain rules. In Vietnam all citizens have the right to express their opinion, but may not violate the rights of others or harm national interests. 

Article 258 of the Criminal Code specifies crimes related to abusing freedom of speech, press, religion, belief, assembly, association, or any other democratic freedom in order to infringe the rights or interests of the state, social organizations, or another citizen.

The detainees have been accused of breaking the law. Their activities in the name of environmental protection caused social disorder and threatened national interests. 

They have flouted Vietnamese law, Article 29 of the International Declaration on Human Rights, and Article 19 of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights.

Vietnamese law respects and protects citizens’ rights, including freedom of speech. Vietnam is also strict with law breakers who take advantage their own rights to violate the legitimate rights and interests of other people or the nation.

June is National Child Abuse Awareness Month

June is recognized as National Child Abuse Awareness Month in Vietnam and over the next few weeks the Vietnam government will undertake many initiatives publicising its dangers.

When it comes to cases of abuse of children, silence is not an option, said Vice State President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh at a pre-launch ceremony on May 27 in Hanoi.

It is the responsibility of all citizens to learn about how to create safe environments for children, model right relationships, and increase their awareness of warning signs, and formulate a plan for how to respond if they encountered a child at risk.

Sadly, much too often children are mistreated by parents, guardians, relatives, or caregivers and that abuse threatens the child’s ability to flourish and achieve their maximum potential in life.

As we observe National Child Abuse Prevention Month, said the Vice State President, all citizens should renew their commitment to stop child abuse before it begins. 

Dang Ngoc Dung, Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, in turn said the best child abuse prevention program is a strong family with well-equipped, mature, and child-focused parents.

Mr Dung called upon all Vietnamese parents to be alert to the safety and well-being of children and to support efforts that promote their physical, emotional, and developmental health.

VN to deepen friendship, cooperation with Argentina

Despite their geographical distance, Việt Nam and Argentina share historical similarities and enjoy lasting friendship and solidarity, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Hà Kim Ngọc affirmed.

Famous Argentinean duo Julieta Biscione and Roberto Castillo perform the tango on Thursday at a reception to celebrate the 207th anniversary of the 1810 May Revolution of Argentina. 

The deputy minister attended a reception on Thursday to celebrate the 207th anniversary of the May Revolution of 1810 of Argentina.

Argentina and Việt Nam established diplomatic relations in 1973 and have enjoyed a solid relationship based on friendship, mutual respect, co-operation, shared values and common interests.

The deputy minister said Việt Nam wishes to express its gratitude to the Government of Argentina for providing training and sharing experience in the areas of anthropology and forensic science to identify missing Vietnamese soldiers.

“In the hearts and minds of every Vietnamese, Argentina is a beautiful, hospitable and freedom-loving nation,” he said.

The two countries have enjoyed the dynamism and intensity of the relationship in all areas.

“The celebration of our National Day is a special occasion, particularly this year, because we commemorate 20 years of the establishment of our embassy in Việt Nam (February 1997). And when we look back on these 20 years of a permanent presence in Hà Nội and our longstanding mutual collaboration, I can only vow to strengthen the achievements and to work harder in areas that have not been explored to their full potential,” Argentina’s Ambassador Joan Carlos Valle Raleigh said.

At the event, the ambassador said Argentina looked forward to the possibility of Vietnamese investment in Argentina, as well as Argentinean investment in Việt Nam in fields such as communications and energy.

Tourism, culture and sport, in particular, have brought the two countries increasingly closer.

“Việt Nam has become one of Argentina’s favorite tourist destinations, attracted by its natural beauty, the kindness of its people and the combination of a millennial tradition with modern development of a thriving society,” the ambassador said.

He added that Việt Nam has also always been extremely receptive to the cultural expressions of Argentina and the Latin American Region. Through events such as Latin American cinema festivals, tango festivals, academic activities and gastronomic events, and more recently, the visit of Argentina’s U-20 football team, Argentina intends to share its culture and traditions with friends from Việt Nam.

“In this regard, we welcome and will provide full support to Vietnamese cultural activities in our country,” the ambassador said.

Meanwhile, at the event on Thursday night, invitees had the opportunity to enjoy a tango performance by famous Argentinean duo Julieta Biscione and Roberto Castillo. Tonight (Friday night), as part of events being held to celebrate Argentina’s National Day, this famous Argentinean dance duo, along with Hanoian artists, will perform free of charge for the public at the intersection of the Hàng Dầu and Đinh Tiên Hoàng streets near Hoàn Kiếm Lake in Hà Nội from 8pm.

Police find thousands of fake gas cylinders in Tây Ninh

Economic police in the southern province of Tây Ninh have discovered a company illegally reprocessing and utilising thousands of fake cylinders to extract gas for sale in domestic markets.

Economic police have found about 6,000 gas cylinders illegally reprocessed by Thái Dương manufacturing and trading company in Tây Ninh Province. 

The Thái Dương manufacturing and trading company, based in Gia Bình Commune, Trảng Bàng District, was caught on Thursday reprocessing a total of about 6,000 gas containers of between 12kg and 45kg with different labels including TT Gas, Total, Shell, V-Gas and SIAM Gas.

When the police burst into one of the company’s workshops in An Hòa Commune, they found workers cutting hand grips, replacing stands, chiseling old labels, repainting, welding and changing product numbers and brands.

Workers said that after reprocessing, containers would be labeled with the Thái Dương brand name then moved to the final gas extraction for domestic consumption, particularly in provincial markets.

In particular, while being asked about the products’ market documents, the company could not show any accreditation certificates, trading licence or quality guarantee papers.

Police confirmed the company had violated trading and manufacturing regulations.

Its violations included acts of fraud, appropriation of designs and trademarks, trading of fake and unqualified product, all of which may endanger customers.

Currently, the Tây Ninh Department of Economic Police is continuing to work with the leadership of Thái Dương company to decide on punishments. 

Natural cosmetics not always safe for skin

Handmade cosmetics containing natural ingredients are often bought online by women who love nature-based products, but consumers are often unaware of their potential long-term risks, the Tuổi Trẻ (Youth) newspaper reports.

Handmade cosmetics producers said that their products, varying from soaps, facial masks to facial cleanser, lotion, are extracted from natural ingredients such as essential coconut oil, green tea, gấc fruit (scientifically known as Momordica cochinchinensis) or rice bran. 

“I took the ingredients from a friend of mine and mixed them by my own method. I bought bottles, containers and design products’ name tags by myself,” a female seller from Đồng Nai Province told the newspaper. 

However, Associate Professor Nguyễn Hữu Đức from HCM City-based University of Medicine and Pharmacy advised customers not to use any kinds of cosmetics sold online or advertised among people. 

The majority of these cosmetics do not have tags or are not verified by authorised agencies. The supposed ingredients and quality might be fabricated, he said. 

Other experts also say that without verification, antibiotics and corticoids are added secretly to cosmetic ingredients. The substances help to smoothen skin in a very short time of three to seven days; but, for the long term, its side effects cause atrophia cutis, cracked skin, skin infection and pimples. 

Đức said that the use of corticoid over a long time might result in female pre-pubescent hair development disorders. 

Associate Professor Lê Ngọc Diệp, head of skin treatment clinic of HCM City’s Hospital of University of Medicine and Pharmacy, said that cosmetic containers’ hygienic conditions are not ensured. The containers, put under different temperatures, can have mildew. Ingredients such as honey, rice bran oil, olive oil make a good environment for bacteria to grow. 

Skin illness doctor Huỳnh Huy Hoàng said that there is not any evidence of the safety of handmade cosmetics. It may cause skin allergy when mixed with an incorrect concentration. For example, AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) and BHA (beta hydroxy acid) functions to exfoliate skin but can peel skin. 

He said that despite natural ingredients, handmade cosmetics might cause skin allergy, rash, red pimples and most seriously, skin peeling. 

Hoàng advised customers to take a look carefully at manufacturing addresses, ingredients, expiry dates and production licences. In addition, consumers should check whether the inside texture has mildew or discolouration. 

“If the skin turns red or itchy, stop using it and go to see dermatologist,” Đức said. 

Đức advised women to be careful when using skin care products, just as they would when taking medicine. Those infected with skin diseases such as bruises, burns, pimples or wrinkles should go to a dermatologist for proper treatment. 

Hydropower plant drowns kids

A hydropower plant in the central province of Phú Yên that opened its floodgates without warning caused the death of four students in the downstream area earlier this week, officials reported.

The man-made flood in the current dry season was characterised as “unseen in 40 years” by Cao Minh Hoà, deputy secretary of Sơn Hoà District’s Party Committee.

The remark was made in a meeting with inspection group sent by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) to hydropower plant Ba Hạ River, a member of the state-owned Việt Nam Electricity (EVN), following the May 24 incident.

As there was unexpected rain, plant operators decided to discharge its reservoir to generate electricity; however, it failed to notify people in the downstream areas, as is required when its floodgates are opened when there’s perceived threat of the spillway overflowing.

According to Tô Xuân Bảo, Deputy Director of MoIT’s Industry Safety Techniques and Environment Agency, the plant’s electricity generating activity was conducted “according to existing protocols,” except for the failure to send an advanced warning.

“Therefore, a forewarning system must be installed, to prevent similar unfortunate incidents from taking place,” Bảo said.

On May 24, at about 8am, a group of seven 6th-grade students from Củng Sơn Secondary School in Sơn Hoà District swam in the Thá waterfall downstream of the Ba River. The first four students to swim were swept away by the sudden rush of water, the remaining three called rescue forces to the scene.

According to the survivors, seeing the approaching waters, the four panicked and tried to make it to the riverbank but failed.

The hydropower plant was asked to immediately close its floodgates for rescue forces to salvage the bodies. By yesterday morning, all four bodies were found.

Ba Hạ River Hydropower Plant’s report said that at the time of the incident, the volume of discharged water from the plant reached up to 360 cubic metres a second.

The drowning was just the latest example of a series of incidents of hydropower plants releasing water in an irresponsible manner, causing devastation in downstream areas and raising public concerns on the safety of these plants.

Use Japan-trained workers: Ambassador

Việt Nam must take urgent measures to solve the problem of skill mismatch between Vietnamese graduates who’ve returned from Japan and the needs of the country’s industrial sector, experts said.

Speaking at a conference on strengthening Japan-Việt Nam Human Resource Exchange on Thursday, Japanese Ambassador to Việt Nam Umeda Kunio said the initiative for technically trained Vietnamese returnees boosts industrial human resource co-operation between the two countries and must ensure that skilled labour is not wasted.

The programme, which was launched in 2010, offers benefits and transfers skills in services, construction, agriculture, food manufacturing machinery and metals to technically trained Vietnamese interns who have played their part in Việt Nam’s economic development.

The number of Vietnamese technical trainees in Japan has increased dramatically in recent years. In 2016, the number of Vietnamese trainees in Japan was around 40,000, putting the total figure at 90,000 by the end of 2016, Kunio said.

However, the demand for skilled labourers from local enterprises does not match the qualification and expectation of trainees who have returned, which has led to a mismatch in labour market.

Dr Nguyễn Đức Thành, director of the Việt Nam Institute for Economic and Policy Research, said the institute’s latest research (between December 2016 and June 2017) shows that 61 per cent of technical returnees admitted that they have opted for a job that has no relation to their previous job and training in Japan, while 11 per cent refused to share their occupational job.

The reason, the research says, is lack of transparency and information about the programme. This raised the costs for finding a suitable internship in Japan, and trainees – mostly fresh graduates and those looking for jobs – have to take loans, which puts pressure on them to earn quickly and affects their motivation to learn, especially in the first seven months of their stay in Japan.

Moreover, many companies that send trainees to Japan do not conduct pre-departure and orientation sessions, so trainees struggle to adapt to a different working environment.

In addition, trainees have difficulty identifying reliable companies to send them to Japan, and support them before and after their studies and during their internship.

Though the Vietnam Association of Manpower Supply (VAMAS) has launched its ranking system for companies that send people to Japan, the situation has not really improved, according to Thành.

At the conference, experts said it was necessary to provide information to technical trainees, and that the VAMAS must play a stronger role in implementing the code of conduct and operations through the ranking system, and push companies to enhance their recruitment system.

A website,, is under construction to support trainees during their time in Japan and after their return to Việt Nam. It will become operational next month.

Cuba’s Giron victory marked in Tuyen Quang

The Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association and Tuyen Quang province’s People’s Committee jointly held a friendship exchange on May 25-26 to mark the 56th anniversary of Cuba’s Giron victory (April 19, 1961). 

Addressing the event, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Hai Anh highlighted the solidarity between Vietnamese and Cuba people during national liberation movements in each country in the past as well as their present cause of national construction. 

Cuban people’s deep sentiment towards Vietnam has been demonstrated through Fidel Castro’s saying “For Vietnam, Cuba is ready to shed its blood,” he said. 

Noting his pleasure at socio-economic achievements that the Cuban people have attained under the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba in recent years, Anh said he believes Cuba will achieve socio-economic targets, protect national independence and territorial sovereignty and integrity, and materialise the socialist economic model the country is pursuing. 

Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam Herminio Lopez Diaz said Vietnam’s experience in reform will serve as reference helping Cuba carry forward its strength. 

He pledged to serve as a bridge for the friendship between Cuba and Vietnam and Tuyen Quang province as well. 

Within the framework of the exchange, the delegates offered incense at a temple dedicated to President Ho Chi Minh in Tuyen Quang and visited a number of national relic sites in the locality.

Danish Film Week kicks off in Da Nang

The first-ever Danish Film Week kicked off in the central city of Da Nang on May 26, providing the local audiences a chance to contemplate well-known Danish movies.

Recently produced films, including “A Royal Affair”, “The Hunt” and “A Hijacking” are screened during the week. Many of them won awards or were nominated at international film festivals, including Oscar Academy Awards and Cannes Film Festival.

Danish Ambassador to Vietnam Charlotte Laursen said the event aims to introduce Denmark’s filming industry with internationally-acclaimed producers, actors and actresses as well as its society to Vietnamese viewers.

She expressed her belief that the film week will be one of cultural programmes that help enhance the partnership and mutual understanding between the two nations.

According to the diplomat, the Danish Embassy has funded a cultural support programme to the tune of over 3 million USD in order to promote cultural exchanges between Vietnam and Denmark.

Since 2006, hundreds of cultural projects and artists have benefited from the programme.

Networks for community share operation experience

Almost 10 reports on operations of networks for community like Civil Society Inclusion in Food Security and Poverty Elimination Network (CIFPEN) and Vietnam’s non-government organisations (NGOs) were presented at a conference held in Hanoi on May 26.

The event, jointly held by the Non-Government Organisation-Information Centre (NGO-IC) and the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD), drew the participation of over 50 representatives from the NGO-IC, SRD, domestic networks and the Vietnam Association of Corporate Directors (VACD).

According to chairman of the NGO-IC management council Associate Prof. Dr. Ho Uy Liem, the conference was an opportunity for social organisations to share experience and solutions for sustainable development of social organisations and networks in partcicular.

Challenges in networks’ operations were also touched on at the conference, including the loose coordination between social organisations, poor professional capacity and shortage of funds.

Participants wanted state management agencies to complete mechanisms and policies as well as promote cooperation between state organisations and NGOs to bolster the development of networks.

They should pay due attention to creating fair competition and providing assistance to enhance the networks’ capacity, the attendants said.

The Vietnamese Government always recognises active contributions of the networks, Liem said, highlighting that policies have been finalised to facilitate operations of social networks.

Exhibition introducing key achievements of 10 outstanding networks in Vietnam was held within the framework of the conference.

Cham ethnic minorities in An Giang begin Ramadan month

Ceremonies were held at 28 mosques across the Mekong Delta province of An Giang on May 26 to mark the beginning of Ramadan, the month of fasting for Muslims.

On this occasion, representatives of the Government’s Committee for Religious Affairs, Steering Committee for the South-western Region, Military Region 9 High Command, and local authorities visited and congratulated Cham ethnic minority people in An Giang.

Go Sa Ly, chief of the office of the province’s Muslim community representative board, said Ramadan is the most important event of Muslims. During the month, adult Islamic followers (from the age of 15) will fast in the daytime to understand hunger and misery so as to make self-improvement and support the poor.

The Ramadan 2017, the 1438th year in the Islamic calendar, lasts from May 27 to June 27. 

After that, the festival of Roya Aidilfitri will mark the end of this holy month. This is an occasion to visit relatives, aid the poor, leave behind all hostility and give each other the best wishes. 

Jacky, head of the Muslim community representative board in An Giang, said local Cham people have always lived in harmony with other ethnic groups. The representative board has worked as a bridge connecting the Party and State with local Muslim Cham people.

He called on Muslims to continue upholding the solidarity with followers of other religions and ethnic groups, actively engage in patriotic emulation movements, comply with the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws, adhere to Islamic teachings, and preserved cultural traditions.

There are more than 15,000 Muslim Cham people in An Giang, making up nearly 0.7 percent of the province’s population. Most of them are residing in the districts of Phu Tan, Chau Phu, Chau Thanh and An Phu, and Tan Chau town.

Hoang Sa – Truong Sa exhibition goes to Bac Kan

A three-day exhibition on historical and legal evidence affirming Vietnam’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes opened in the northern mountainous province of Bac Kan on May 26.

The exhibition showcased a large number of documents, items and publications along with nearly 100 maps published in different periods by international and domestic researchers.

The event is among the important publicity campaigns to raise the awareness of the nation’s sovereignty over sea and islands.

Hoang Van Binh from Bang Lung town, Cho Don district, said the event helps locals understand the importance of the sea and islands and nurtures the patriotic tradition, spirit of solidarity, and responsibility of the people, thus contributing to protecting of the nation’s sovereignty over the sea and islands.

The exhibition runs until May 28.

Conference reviews housing assistance for revolutionary contributors

The Ministry of Construction held a national conference in Hanoi on May 26 to review the implementation of the Prime Minister’s Decision No.22/2013/QD-TTg on housing support for those who made contributions to the national liberation revolution.

According to statistics as of September 2016, the country had 363,437 households eligible for the support under Decision 22, with 169,203 families needing new houses and 194,234 needing help to repair their houses. 

However, Hanoi later reduced its data by 2,350 households while 13 other localities added 18,833 ones.

As a result, the total number of households that need assistance under the Decision has now come to 379,920, of whom 177,313 need new houses. 

Deputy PM Trinh Dinh Dung said the sharp increase in the number of households needing support will significantly affect the building of support plans.

Additionally, most localities only rely on the central budget for the work, he said, urging local authorities to actively seek funding from other sources.

The Deputy PM also requested localities to ensure transparency and fairness when listing beneficiaries of the policy. 

Minister of Construction Pham Hong Ha suggested finalizing the number of beneficiary households at the end of May. 

The arranged capital should be disbursed flexibly to complete this programme within two years or in 2017, he said .

Firms pledge 17 billion VND to Nha Trang-Khanh Hoa Sea Festival

Enterprises have pledged to donate 17.3 billion VND (over 761,000 USD) for the organisation of the upcoming 8th Nha Trang-Khanh Hoa Sea Festival in the central coastal province of Khanh Hoa, accounting for over 60 percent of the total expenses.

According to the provincial People’s Committee, the festival was estimated to cost about 28.5 billion VND (over 1.25 million USD), covering over 50 activities ranging from culture, art, sports to trade seminars, with more than half of them will be funded by donors. 

Highlights of the event will be a salangane nest festival, an international cuisine contest, a show of old Vespa-brand motorbikes, and a drawing contest for children. 

An international seminar on sustainable development of Vietnam’s salangane nest industry, hosted by Khanh Hoa Salangane Company, will also take place during the festival.

The event will welcome five international art troupes from Spain, France, the Republic of Korea, Australia and Russia, along those from the Central Highland province of Dak Lak, central Thua Thien-Hue province, and the Mekong Delta province of Bac Lieu.

The festival, slated for June 10-13, is expected to greet about 150,000 domestic and foreign tourists.

EU-funded project enhances Vietnam's students’ access to labour market

A workshop was recently held in Bologna, the capital city of the Emilia Romagna region in northern Italy, to increase opportunities for Vietnamese students to get access to the labour market.

The event formed part of activities of the Voyage project funded by the "European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students" (ERASMUS) programme from 2015 - 2018.

The project aims to connect Vietnamese students with foreign and domestic enterprises, thus helping them to find jobs in Vietnam and Europe while improving tertiary training programmes.

The event was attended by representatives from Vietnam’s establishments benefiting from the project, namely Hanoi University (HANU), the National University of Art Education, the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, as well as management boards of industrial parks and processing zones in Hanoi, the Vietnamese Embassy in Italy, and local enterprises.

Participants discussed measures to help Vietnamese graduates better meet the requirements of domestic and foreign recruiters.

Pham Ngoc Thach from HANU pointed to the shortages of skills among Vietnamese graduates, saying that they have knowledge, yet fail to satisfy the expectations of employers.

Narcis Bosch from the Chamber of Commerce in Catalonia, Spain, underlined the need for educational institutions to ensure their training programmes are more relevant to the labour market.

Meanwhile, Silvia Galeazzi, a project manager highlighted huge room for educational cooperation and student exchanges between Vietnam and Italy.

In 2016, the Italian Foreign Ministry offered numerous scholarships for Vietnamese students to study in the country, she said.

Children of fallen Vietnamese, US soldiers meet in Washington

Children of fallen Vietnamese soldiers participated in a meeting in Washington on May 26 with their peers of American soldiers who had been killed or wounded in battles during the Vietnam war.

The visit is being made at the invitation of Margot Delogne, founder and executive director of the “2 Sides Project” (2SP), which is aimed at connecting sons and daughters who lost fathers on both sides of the Vietnam-US war.

Welcoming the Vietnamese delegation to the US, Delogne said children of fallen Vietnamese and US soldiers have little chance to meet and learn about each other even though Vietnam-US relations have taken giant steps after 20 years of normalization of diplomatic ties.

Therefore, the 2SP wants to encourage exchanges between them to share losses and difficulties, she added.

Secretary General of the Vietnam-USA Society Bui Van Nghi, who led the Vietnamese delegation, thanked Delogne and 2SP staff for their warm welcome, saying the visit is meaningful to the development of Vietnam-US ties. 

It will act as another channel for exchanges and dialogues between people of the two countries, particularly young generations, he added.

During the visit, the Vietnamese delegation also attended the screening of “2 Sides Project”, a feature documentary that follows the journey of six American sons and daughters as they bridge the cultural, geographical and emotional divide between themselves and Vietnamese sons and daughters whose fathers died fighting for the other side.

The 2SP was launched by Margot Delogne in 2015.

Preparations for Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia front conference discussed

A meeting was held in Hanoi on May 26 to discuss preparations for the upcoming third Front Presidium Conference of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, which was slated for June 25 in Hanoi.

The meeting was jointly chaired by Vice President and Secretary General of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Tran Thanh Man, Acting Secretary General of the Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodian Motherland (SFDCM) National Council Nhem Valy, and Vice President of the Lao Front for National Construction (LFNC) Central Committee Khanmchan Phom Sengsavanh

Man stressed that Vietnam always attaches importance to enhancing cooperative ties with the SFDCM and the LFNC, which were strengthened constantly in recent years.   

He highlighted the significance of the ongoing visits made by the Cambodian and Lao front officials to Vietnam, affirming that those showed the high determination of the three countries’ front leaders to continue reinforcing and developing the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation among the nations. 

At the meeting, participants agreed on the preparation plan for the third Front Presidium Conference of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia; and conferences on borderline of peace, friendship, and cooperation between Vietnam and Laos and between Vietnam and Cambodia. 

They also gave opinions to the draft memorandum of understanding on cooperation among the three front organisations in 2017-2020.

The same day, the delegation of the VFF Central Committee held separate talks with counterparts from LFNC Central Committee and the SFDCM National Council, during which they discussed plans to organise the conference on borderline of peace, friendship, and cooperation between Vietnam and Laos from July 13-16, 2017 in Vietnam’s central Quang Binh province, and a similar event between Vietnam and Cambodia from August 10-15, 2017 in the Cambodian province of Kompot.

HCM City tightens relations with Lao province of Xiengkhouang

Ho Chi Minh City will coordinate with Lao localities, including Xiengkhouang province, to well organise events celebrating the 55th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties and 40 years since the signing of the Vietnam-Laos Treaty on Amity and Cooperation, a local official said.

Vice Secretary of the HCM city Party Committee Vo Thi Dung made the affirmation during her reception for Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiengkhouang province Uthen Masisonsay the city on May 26.

Dung said she was delighted to see that projects built with funding donated by HCM City have been used effectively by Xiengkhouang, contributing to the enhancement of the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two nations, including long-lasting relations between the two localities. 

She also asked Xiengkhouang province’s administration to work closely with HCM City to well deploy communication campaigns, exchange programmes and exhibitions, among others the upcoming major events.

Meanwhile, Uthen Masisonsay thanked HCM City for its support in infrastructure development, agricultural production, and personnel training, saying that valuable assistance from the city has helped Xiengkhouang fulfil its socio-economic and cultural development. 

She took this occasion to invite HCM City officials to attend friendship exchanges and other activities hosted by Xiengkhouang to celebrate the 55th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties and the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Vietnam-Laos Treaty on Amity and Cooperation.

HCM City: Work starts on metro line 1 tunnel

A Japanese-made tunnel boring machine (TBM) began carving out a tunnel for the metro line 1- Ben Thanh-Suoi Tien section in Ho Chi Minh City on May 26.

The TBM will drill the eastern part of the tunnel from Ba Son terminal and is expected to arrive at the city Opera House terminal in December.

It then will be dismounted and transported back to Ba Son terminal to carve out the western part of the tunnel. The work is expected to be completed in June 2018.

Le Minh Quang, head of the Ho Chi Minh City urban railway management board, said that the use of TBM will help well control subsidence, reduce bad impacts on the environment and traffic, thus contributing to speeding up the construction.

Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong said the metro line 1 is one of the city’s key infrastructure projects that helps tackle traffic congestion and improve the city’s urban infrastructure.

He asked for more efforts to complete and put the metro line into operation in 2020.

The Ben Thanh-Suoi Tien section is 19.7 kilometres long, in which the tunnel’s length is 2.6 kilometres. The project has a total investment of nearly 2.5 billion USD. Its construction began in August 2012.