Murderer gets 20 years in jail

The People’s Court of the central Bình Thuận Province yesterday sentenced Nguyễn Thọ to 20 years in prison for a murder and robbery that he committed 18 years ago.

Thọ must also pay VNĐ 124 million (US$5,590) and a gold ring as compensation to the victim’s family.

Thọ’s case drew nationwide attention as it was related to the wrongful conviction of Huỳnh Văn Nén, who spent more than 17 years in jail before being declared innocent and freed from prison last December.

At the trial yesterday, Thọ, 40, pleaded guilty to the murder and robbery.

He admitted that on the evening of April 23, 1998, he and his accomplice Hồ Thanh Việt broke into the house of Lê Thị Bông, who lived in the same neighbourhood.  After being discovered by Bông, Thọ and Việt used a wire to strangle Bông to death and took her gold ring.

After the murder, Thọ and Việt fled the locality. Việt later died of illness in 2001, while Thọ changed his named and traveled from place to place in several southern provinces and Cambodia.

Thọ said at the trial he did not know that Nén had been sent to jail for the crime.

On October 10, 2015, Thọ gave himself up to the police and confessed his crime, which was considered as an extenuating circumstance at the trial.

Nén was arrested in May 1998 for the murder and robbery charge. In 2000, Bình Thuận Province People’s Court sentenced him to life imprisonment for murdering Bông and also condemned him to six years in jail for killing another woman in 1993, which was also proved to be an incorrect conviction later.

After Thọ’s confession, Nén was cleared of the crime and freed from prison. He received a public apology from the provincial People’s Court, the provincial Procuracy Office and the Police Department.

He and the Bình Thuận Province People’s Court have been negotiating to decide on a compensation claim of VNĐ 18 billion ($806,900) that Nén wants for his 17 years in jail. 

Vietnam to train 930 artists abroad

Vietnam could churn out hundreds of outstanding artists next decade as two plans to spot and train talent abroad were recently approved by the government.

The plans, to train “talented artists” by 2025 and “personnel in cultural and artistic fields” by 2030, will begin to be implemented by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism next year.

Under the first plan, painters, actors, writers, musicians, dancers, and circus performers will be trained.

Students from cultural and artistic schools around the country will be picked and 355 will be sent abroad for short-term courses, competitions, festivals, etc.

The second plan aims to train artists in areas that are weak or unavailable in Vietnam: like film direction, cinematography and antique restoration.

Students and artists with good school records, titles and awards will be chosen.

In all, 930 artists will be trained in countries including Russia, China, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.

They will have to return to work in Vietnam.

The ministry did not reveal the estimated cost.

Irrigation needs private sector

Agricultural irrigation systems in Việt Nam need to switch their operations from administrative subsidy mechanisms to market mechanisms in order to meet the goals of responding to climate change and the restructuring of the agricultural sector.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Hoàng Văn Thắng made the statement at a conference in Hà Nội yesterday to discuss the challenges arising from climate change and the requirements of agricultural restructuring.

Thắng said that the core of switching the operation of irrigation systems to a market mechanism was to mobilise the participation of citizens and businesses and turn water into an essential good that is associated with social security and food security

“The irrigation system across the country has not been invested in properly,” Thắng said, adding that many projects had been seriously degraded.

“To meet development requirements in the current context, the sector needs to improve its management and accelerate the application of scientific advances in construction,” he said

Thắng urged the sector to meet the requirements for adaptation and mitigation of climate change while implementing synchronised solutions for institution building, human resources and infrastructure to promote the participation of the private sector and the application of science and technology in forecasting and analysing activities.

“The goal is to mobilise resources, and the involvement of the economic and social sectors to create preconditions for sustainable development,” the agriculture official said.

“This mechanism will help the poor and areas affected by natural disasters will have the opportunity to access water resources and disaster response,” he added, noting that many irrigation works in reality were only designed to cater to small and individual agricultural production, which failed to meet the requirements of serving a diversified and modernised agricultural sector.

Deputy Director of the Water Resources Directorate, Nguyễn Văn Tỉnh, said that there was a need to improve the operational efficiency of irrigation systems as well as to promote the participation of the private sector to mobilise different resources into irrigation services.

"The implementation of the price mechanism will change many people’s perception of irrigation, help users understand the nature of the goods and raise the practice of water saving,” he said.

Việt Nam now has thousands of irrigation works with more than 6,600 reservoirs, 10,000 electric pumping stations, 5,500 large irrigation drains, 234,000km of canals and nearly 26km of dikes. The irrigation system serves 7.5 million hectares of rice, 1.7 million hectares of crops, and supplies 1.6 billion cu.m of water for daily life and industry.

JICA urges Đồng Nai to hasten site clearance

The Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) has urged the southern province of Đồng Nai to hasten site clearance for two JICA-funded water projects to ensure timely completion.

The projects include a water drainage and wastewater treatment project in Biên Hòa city and the second phase of the Nhơn Trạch water plant.

Speaking to the Đồng Nai Province’s People’s Committee on Thursday, a JICA representative said the province should take drastic measures to implement the second phase.

The tardiness of site clearance for the first phase of the water plant has slowed down JICA’s capital disbursement.

JICA said it could consider providing capital only after the province completes site clearance and compensation payment for the affected households.

For the water drainage and wastewater treatment project in Biên Hoà city, JICA asked the provincial authorities to work closely with the Ministry of Planning and Investment. The ministry will send an official notice to JICA before the capital can be disbursed.

Speaking at the meeting, the chairman of the province’s People’s Committee, Đinh Quốc Thái, said that four more pipeline routes would be built in Long Thành and Nhơn Trạch districts as part of the second phase of the water plant.

The province is clearing the sites and will finish work on schedule, while site clearance for the water drainage project will be completed by the end of next year.

The province also plans to build an embankment from its own budget for the Biên Hoa-based project in early 2018.

The second phase of the Nhơn Trạch water plant project has a total investment capital of nearly VNĐ3.6 trillion ($161.4 million) and is expected to be completed in 2021.

The first phase of the factory, already operating, now supplies 100,000 cubic metres daily.

The water drainage and wastewater treatment project has a total cost of VNĐ8.5 trillion ($381 million).

Nghia wins top prize in photo contest

Photographer Huỳnh Công Nghĩa of Ninh Thuận Province has won first prize at the 24th Southeast Region Photo Contest.

The announcement ceremony was held in Phan Rang City in Ninh Thuận Province earlier this week. 

Competing with 269 photographers from eight provinces, Nghĩa won for his colour photograph, Khoảnh Khắc Tuổi Thơ (Moment of Childhood), which depicted a girl playing with a baby goat on a field in Ninh Thuận, a coastal province in the south.

Nghĩa, a member of the Ninh Thuận Photography Club, said that his “images come from genuine emotions and capture real human beauty. In my works, viewers can see my region’s developments," he added.

The second prize was shared by Trương Thị Hạnh of Lâm Đồng and Trần Đình Thương of Bình Thuận.

Their works feature landscapes and sport activities in their homeland.

“The winners captured the beauty of the region and local people in daily life and work,” said Vũ Quốc Khánh, chairman of the Việt Nam Photographers’ Association and a member of the jury.   

The competition received 1,922 colour- and black-and-white photos.   

The event was organised by the Việt Nam Photographers’ Association and Ninh Thuận Province’s Literature and Arts Association to feature the economic, political, cultural and social activities of the region.

Festival to boost tourism in north-western region

Tuyên Quang Province will host a cultural programme named “Travelling through heritage areas of Việt Bắc” and the 2016 Tuyên Quang City Festival from September 8-11.

The Việt Bắc region, which spreads over the north-western provinces of Hà Giang, Tuyên Quang, Cao Bằng, Bắc Kạn, Thái Nguyên and Lạng Sơn has great tourism potential with well-known destinations like Ba Bể Lake (Bắc Kạn), Đồng Văn Karst Plateau (Hà Giang), Bản Giốc Waterfall (Cao Bằng), and Na Hang hydropower reservoir (Tuyên Quang).

This region is also the seat of the revolutionary government during the anti-French war and houses many ethnic groups with diversified cultures making it a destination for anyone interested in culture and history.

The programme promoting the tourism potential of the Việt Bắc region was started in 2009. It has worked effectively as new tours connecting destinations in the region have been built and the number of tourists have increased, according to Nguyễn Hải Anh, vice chairman of the Tuyên Quang People’s Committee.

“Through developing tourism, we promote and preserve local culture, remind people of the glorious history of the former base during the anti-French war and call people to protect the environment,” he said.

 “Last year, similar events attracted 100,000 tourists. This year, with a larger scale and more activities, we expect to draw in even more guests,” he said.

The programme will start on September 8 with a photo exhibition held at the Tuyên Quang Provincial Museum featuring the nature, culture and people of the northern mountainous region.

The opening ceremony will officially take place on September 9 at Nguyễn Tất Thành Square, Tuyên Quang City.

It will be a night of folklore culture and art performed by artists and a mass of actors from the six provinces in the region and troupes from Russia, Belarus, Thailand, South Korea, China and Laos.

Tourists will have the chance to enjoy Then singing, an ancient music form of the Tày ethnic group which is looking for UNESCO recognition as part of the world intangible cultural heritage.

As part of tourism promotion activities on the occasion, a food fair featuring traditional dishes and agricultural products of ethnic groups in the region will be held.

Another highlight will be the Tuyên Quang City Festival Night with a parade of big lanterns created by local people, based on characters in folklore tales, historic characters and animals associated with Vietnamese culture such as mice and buffalo.

Adults created big lantern models covering a lorry. Then chilren are taken aboard to join a parade around Nguyễn Tất Thành Square and Tân Quang Lake. This year the parade will see nearly 100 lantern models.

“This is a unique festival only found in Tuyên Quang City and is initiated by the local people themselves,” said vice chairman Anh. “The children have a feeling that they’re a part of the lantern during the parade.”

Besides cultural and art activities, a tournament of traditional sports that local people often play on the occasion of festivities and New Year will be held. They are tug-of-war, ném còn (throwing a ball through a ring for good luck), đẩy gậy (pushing sticks) and shooting with a crossbow.

Dak Nong: firm fined for violation of environment regulations

Green Farm Asia Co., Ltd in Cu Knia commune, Cu Jut district in the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong, was fined 427.5 million VND (19,237 USD) for violating regulations on environmental protection.

The company was found to have yet to build environment treatment facilities, and discharge untreated waste water into the environment.

The provincial People’s Committee asked the company to immediately install environment treatment facilities in accordance with the report on environment impacts and focus on improving the environment in the area.

Nha Trang releases tourist code of conduct

In order to combat disinformation about its tourist attractions, the People’s Committee of Nha Trang City has released a code of conduct for tourists.

Nha Trang, the capital of the south-central province of Khanh Hoa, is a coastal city famous for its beaches and historical sites.

The city’s steady stream of local and international tourists has transformed it into one of Vietnam’s most popular tourist destinations, presenting the administration with a mix of new rewards and steep challenges.

On August 23, Nguyen Sy Khanh, vice-chairman of the People’s Committee of Nha Trang, stated that the code of conduct aims to transform the city into a “civilized tourist city.”

One of the key points in the code of conduct urges visitors to avoid “giving false information,” a clause attempting to quell rampant disinformation from Chinese tour guides who allegedly distort the history of Nha Trang and its historical sites.

“We are installing information bulletins in multiple languages at tourist attractions in order to give visitors a more comprehensive understanding of each site.

"Additionally, we plan to have tour guides at tourist attractions to explain the history and culture of those attractions without distortion,” Dinh Van Cuong, director of the Office of Information and Culture of Nha Trang, said.

The code of conduct also extends to social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, though Khanh admitted that enforcement of the set of principles on social media will be a challenge for authorities.

“We’re mainly just encouraging and promoting good behavior, but we will punish those who violate the code of conduct in accordance with the severity of their violation. These are not empty words,” Khanh said.

Before Nha Trang released its code of conduct, several other cities, including Danang, had published similar documents.

“It’s difficult to enforce sanctions for violations of the code of conduct, as many violations included are not infringements of state law.

"However, we still caution tourists so that we can create a more civilized tourist environment, limit violations, and raise tourist awareness.

"Violations in public will be fined, depending on each case,” said Tran Chi Cuong, vice-director of the Danang Department of Tourism, the agency tasked with creating Danang’s code of conduct.

“The code of conduct needs to be suitable to each local area and possible to implement," said Le Huu Minh, vice-director of Thua Thien-Hue Department of Tourism.

"There should not only be prohibitions, but also solutions to ensure that tourists follow the code of conduct without feeling uncomfortable.

"For example, if you require visitors to wear formal clothing at sacred places, then you should have that kind of clothing available for free at the tourist attraction."

Mindset change will be good for heritage conservation

Authorities at agencies managing heritage sites should change their mindset in order to better conserve relics recognised as heritage sites, experts have said.

Researcher Trần Đức Anh Sơn said at a seminar held in Huế yesterday that inconsistent management and a lack of expertise among managers has hindered the conservation of relics around the country.

“Unhealthy competition between localities with relics has caused delays in the recognition of national heritage items by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism,” he said.

Experts said every locality wants recognised items, which means a good tourism profile for the locality as well as funds for the conservation of the recognised buildings.

Sơn highlighted the case of the Huế complex of royal monuments in 1993. Many among the 81 items built by the Nguyễn Dynasty (1802-1945) recognised by UNESCO as world cultural heritage items had not been on the ministry’s list.

The cause of this was that Huế had already had so many items recognised, compared to other localities, he said.

Other speakers at the seminar also noted techniques and rules used for restoring the buildings.

Many buildings in Huế have been changed in style and colour due to the conservation work. Huế has a different carving style compared to the northern provinces, thus carved wooden structures in the former imperial city gained an abnormal facelift after being worked on by northern artisans.

Designers today use the metric system for measuring but every building in Huế was based on a measuring unit regulated by the dynasty, which has led to imprecise structures and connections between spare parts after restoration.

Sơn also spoke about the different mindset between conservationists and local government officials on conservation. “When they meet, it would be good for the relics. Vice versa, those building will get unexpected changes,” he said.

The seminar was held by the Ministry of Communications and Information on local tourism promotion for the relics, but it included speeches on conservation and the balance between conservation and tourism growth.

Bac Ninh pagoda welcomes world’s largest jade Buddha

The world’s largest jade Buddha statue is being exhibited in Dau pagoda in the northern province of Bac Ninh.

A ceremony was held in the pagoda on August 25 to welcome the statue, which will be displayed there until September 9.

During the exhibition, various ceremonies for revolutionary martyrs, global peace and lectures on Buddhism, and art performances will be held by the Bac Ninh chapter of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha. 

The “Jade Buddha for Peace” statue was carved from gemstone-quality jade called Polar Pride, discovered in Canada in 2000. Ian Green, an Australian Buddhist, invited artisans from Nepal, India and Thailand to carve the statue in Thailand. The carving was completed in 2008. 

The statue is modeled on the Siddhartha Gautama Buddha statue inside the Mahabodhi Stupa in India’s Bodh Gaya. It stands 2.54m tall and weighs over 4.5 tonnes.
The statue has toured more than 20 countries and 100 cities worldwide.

It was brought to Vietnam for the first time in 2009 and was displayed in various pagodas in the central city of Da Nang, Ba Ria Vung Tau, HCM City and Dong Thap in the south and the northern province of Bac Ninh. 

It was then moved to Australia before it toured the United States in 2010, Europe in 2011 and Asia in 2012. 

The statue is scheduled to be permanently installed in Australia after leaving Vietnam.

Quang Ninh prioritises science-technology development

The northern coastal province of Quang Ninh will continue spending between 4-5 percent of the locality’s budget on science and technology development, with priority given to those in service sector. 

The province has maintained the rate over the last four years, with the peak reported in 2015 with 5.55 percent of regular expenditure spent on science and technology. 

In 2012, the provincial Party Committee issued a Resolution on sci-technology development from 2011-2020. 

In the four years since the resolution, Quang Ninh poured 520 billion VND in 206 projects. 

To date, about 70 percent of the projects have been implemented, mainly in agriculture.

Quang Ninh has established science-technology development funds sourced from the local budget and individuals and enterprises in the locality, aiming to facilitate science-technology research projects. 

Thanks to investments in the field, many enterprises in Quang Ninh improved the competitiveness of their products. 

With a focus on sci-technology and infrastructure development, Quang Ninh aims to become a service - industry oriented locality by 2020.-

Obstetricians, pediatricians encouraged to go to remote areas

The Health Ministry will have mechanisms encouraging obstetricians and pediatricians to commit to long-term practice in mountainous and underprivileged areas as part of its 2016-2020 national action plan on health care for mothers and children. 

The move comes as the mortality rate of infants among ethnic groups in the far-flung areas remains high while due attention has yet been paid to caring for pregnant and post-natal women, newborns and children in these areas. 

A 2006-2007 survey showed that maternity-related deaths in mountainous localities accounted for 81.5 percent that of the entire nation. The figure was 81.2 percent in 2013 and 2014. 

The mortality rate among children under one and five years old in mountainous areas is also the highest in the country, with little progress made in recent years. 

Statistics released at a workshop in Hanoi on August 25 showed that in Vietnam, the maternal mortality rate decreased from 233 per 100,000 live births in 1990 to 69 per 100,000 in 2010. Meanwhile, the mortality rate of under-one-year-old children fell from 44.4 percent in 1990 to 14.9 percent in 2014. 

However, it is estimated that there are 580-600 maternal deaths and over 10,000 infant deaths in the nation each year. 

Therefore, in the time ahead, the health ministry will help women nationwide get easier access to quality reproductive health services, while improving the quality of emergency aid and treatment for women and children.

Tuyen Quang mid-autumn festival opens on September 9

Le hoi Thanh Tuyen” (Tuyen Quang City Festival) 2016, which is also known as Tuyen Quang Mid-Autumn Festival, will be held from September 9-11 with a mass parade of beautiful and giant lanterns made by locals.

Sixty most beautiful lanterns, which simulate characters in fairy tails, colloquial stories and famous beauty spots of the country, have been elected for the parade in Nguyen Tat Thanh square in Tuyen Quang city, the northern mountainous province of same name. 

Two of the lanterns are expected to be recognised as Vietnam’s records, said Nguyen Hai Anh, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee and head of the organising board during a press conference in Hanoi on August 26. 

This year, the annual event will be organise in parallel with a tourism development programme themed “Through Northern Mountainous Heritage Areas,” which has been jointly launched by six regional provinces: Bac Kan, Cao Bang, Ha Giang, Lang Son, Thai Nguyen and Tuyen Quang since 2009. 

An art performance featuring the cultural identity of ethnic minorities in northern mountainous region involving 400 artists will be held following an opening ceremony on September 9. 

Other festive activities in the framework of the programme include cuisine and Hanoi beer festivals, and a photography festival and a beauty contest. 

This year, the programme is expected to draw 50,000 visitors to Tuyen Quang. The city has encouraged locals to host visitors as part of efforts to meet their accommodation demand. 

Anh also revealed that through six years of the programme, the six localities attracted 32 million visitors. In Tuyen Quang, the number of tourist rose significantly to 1.32 million from only 500,000 in 2010. The province’s tourism revenue also has increased 12-18 percent annually.

Tuyen Quang, a place of revolutionary history, owns various beauty spots and historical sites, including Tan Trao, Kim Binh, Kim Quan, and Lang Ngoi-Da Ban.

Actor calls for community contribution for children right

Deputy head of the Vietnam Association for Protection of Child's Rights (VACR) actor Quyen Linh called for social joining hand in protecting children rights at a press brief on August 25 in Diamond Place Restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City.

VACR held the meeting to introduce the program “Chia Se yeu Thuong” (Sharing Love) which will be broadcast live on HTV9 on September 4. 

The TV program “ Sharing Love” aims to supply information of children right to people and raise people’s awareness and responsibility of families, schools and society in taking care of, protecting and educating children especially disadvantaged kids.

Actor Linh told he had ever witnessed that a kid was beaten by his father cruelly. Then, the actor asked the man why he beats the poor kid, the man said because he is the kid’s father, he has right to do that. Such cases still happen in Vietnam.

The actor concluded that everybody should protect children, sharing more that he partakes in the program for two reasons; one of reasons is to call for adults to change their behaviors to children.

On this occasion, the VACR is organized a musical performance for 300 disadvantaged kids from residential blocks, social center, open houses and those who are suffering fatal diseases. The program offers also them gifts with the expectation that they can feel the love from the community. 

Additionally, the program also presented 50 scholarships to needy children who dropped out of school due to their difficult family condition and gave additional five  special scholarships to 5 disadvantaged students having good achievements in study.

Deputy Head of VACR  Mrs. To Thi Kim Hoa said that HCMC has approximately 26,000 disadvantaged kids who have not fully enjoy their rights. Many of them are orphans, homeless, sexually abused and some of the must drop schooling because their divorced parents are irresponsible.

Last time, through hot line, the municipal Association received 116 cases and handled 112 cases. It also liaised with relevant agencies and social organizations to present gifts to 1,650 kids as well as provide scholarships to 110 students totally worth over VND1.2 billion (US$53,809)

VACR was set up as per the municipal People’s Committee on August 4, 2014 comprising of 6 sub-departments in districts 7, Cu Chi, Law Association, Charity Association, Thien Than Nho Kindergarten Association and Education Center, aiming to unite individuals and organizations in HCMC protecting children as per Vietnam’s law and international convention.

First fisherman builds two steel ships worth VND 30bln

Mr.Nguyen Van Hanh at Dinh An town, Tra Cu district in Tra Vinh province is the first fisherman in the province invested VND 30billion by the bank to build two steel fishing ships with an 800CV diesel engine for making deep sea fishing catch.

He received a low interest rate loan of 7 percent per year. Of these, he will pay 1 percent per year, the rest will be paid by state budget.

According to department of agriculture & rural development in Tra Vinh, the bank's support will help the provincial's fishermen and enterprises to invest in building more deep-sea fishing ships improving the quality of fishing.

Israel sponsors water management workshop in Hanoi

Prominent Israeli scientists and water practitioners chaired a workshop on August 28 in Hanoi discussing water evaluation and planning, sponsored by the Embassy of Israel in Vietnam.

israel sponsors water management workshop in hanoi hinh 0 The main purpose of the workshop was to build capacity and proficiency in water evaluation and planning by attendees, particularly in the use of the microcomputer, a useful tool for integrated water resources management that goes a step beyond conventional supply-oriented water simulation models. 

The primary lecturer was Asher Shmuel Azenkot from the Israel Ministry of Agriculture, whose research focuses on developing decision support tools for evaluating various operational strategies in managed water resources systems.

He has participated extensively in the development and application of databases and tools used for water resources analysis in a variety of domestic and international settings in all parts of the globe.

On the occasion a speaker from Alphabooks introduced the book ‘Let There Be Water’ by Seth Mitchell Siegel, first published in late 2015, which outlines Israel’s Solution for a Water-Starved World.

One dead, ten injured as passenger bus climbs up bridge

A passenger bus with 20 people onboard has crashed into the fence of a bridge in the central province of Quang Binh, leaving one dead and ten others injured.

The vehicle on August 24 was seen with its rear wheels stuck in the bridge, while the upper part of its body heads down to the stream beneath as police came.

Police said the accident occurred at around 2:30 am the same day, with the passenger bus, operated by Tu Lan Co., suspected of losing control at a sharp bend.

The vehicle was carrying 15 passengers and five members of the operating firm on a north-to-south route when it crashed into the bridge, standing about ten meters above the waters, according to officers.

Panicked passengers shouted for help, and were quickly rescued and taken to hospital by locals.
The deceased passenger was identified as 30-year-old Tran Thuyen, hailing from the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak.

The injured are being treated at different hospitals in Quang Binh.

Bac Ninh to recall more than VND13 billion from corruption

The northern province of Bac Ninh is strengthening its efforts in the fight against corruption, with an initial aim to collect losses from corruption worth VND13 billion for the State budget.

The data was presented at a conference to deploy the Bac Ninh anti-corruption plan for 2016 between the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption with the local authorities on August 23. The central working mission was led by head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Internal Affairs Phan Dinh Trac.

As reported by the Bac Ninh authorities, the locality has inspected and settled 176 economic corruption cases, with nine cases currently being investigated.

Total assets from corruption recovery through investigation, prosecution and trial are set at more than VND13 billion, of which authorities have recalled over VND5.5 billion.

Speaking at the conference, head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Internal Affairs Phan Dinh Trac urged Bac Ninh to coordinate closely with the Anti-Corruption Central Steering Committee to carry out inspection and surveillance over units in the province to clearly define results, experience, and limitations during investing and handling corruption.

The same day, other working teams from the Steering Committee also began their inspection of anti-corruption work in Hau Giang and Phu Yen provinces.

The team to the southern province of Hau Giang is led by Chief Judge of the Supreme People’s Court Nguyen Hoa Binh, while the team to the south central province of Phu Yen is led by Prosecutor General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy Le Minh Tri.

The teams are among the seven working groups established in late May by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who is also head of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption, to inspect the investigation and judgment of serious corruption and economic cases of public concern.

FLC Golf Champs set to tee off on Sept 30

More than 800 top professional and amateur golfers from around the globe have registered to compete at the FLC Golf Championship 2016 (Sept 30-Oct 2) in Quy Nhon.

This year’s competitors will be swinging for total cash and prizes worth more than US$2.7 million, FLC Group, the sponsor of the event, unveiled at a recent press conference.

FLC Group has sponsored four golf tournaments at its FLC Quy Nhon Resort to date, attended by 140, 200, 300 and 800 golfers for the years 2012-2015, inclusive, respectively.

In addition, at the conference FLC announced next year’s tournament will be held at FLC Ha Long.