ADB approves loans totaling $299 million to promote inclusive growth in VN

The Asian Development Bank’s(ADB) Board of Directors has approved loans totaling US$299 million to help improve basic infrastructure services and promote inclusive growth in northeastern and north-central provinces of Việt Nam.

Loans of $149 million will finance the basic infrastructure development in the north-central provinces, which aims to upgrade roads, improve rural water supply as well as flood protection, irrigation and port services in the four provinces of Hà Tĩnh, Nghệ An, Quảng Bình and Quảng Trị.

The project is also expected to improve the capacity of provincial governments, particularly in public assets management.

The Government will contribute $54.52 million to the project.

A $150 million loan will fund to the construction and upgradation of basic infrastructure in the northeastern provinces, which aims to improve economic connectivity and raise living standards in the four provinces of Bắc Kạn, Cao Bằng, Hà Giang and Lạng Sơn by enhancing basic infrastructure and services.  The Government of Việt Nam will contribute $40.3 million to the project.

Specifically, the project will improve road connectivity among the provinces by upgrading about 121km  of provincial and 144km of district roads, supply water to 42,300 people, and improve agriculture value chain infrastructure in Lạng Sơn Province through farm-to-market connectivity and support for local businesses. It will also strengthen the capacity of the provincial governments in public asset management.

“Việt Nam has been experiencing remarkable growth over the last few years. However, the majority of economic gains have accrued in the urban areas, with rural areas, including provinces in the northeast, lagging behind,” said Eric Sidgwick, ADB’s Country Director for Việt Nam.

He said the ADB was confident the project will help realise the great growth and development potential of the northeastern part of Việt Nam, particularly in trade, agriculture, and tourism.

The four northeastern provinces —the project area—have significant potential to become trade hubs, given their strategic location and proximity to China, the capital Hà Nội, the Hải Phòng Port, and the ADB-supported Greater Mekong Subregion North-South Economic Corridor.

However, these potentials are yet to be fully realised, with gross domestic product per capita of the four provinces in 2015 remaining at $1,160, almost half the $2,036 national average.

New collaboration signed between UNFPA and the Government

A new collaboration on providing the UN Population Fund’s (UNFPA) support to the General Statistics Office (GSO) and other partners was signed on Tuesday in Hà Nội.

With a total budget of US$5.6 million for four years from 2017 to 2021, of which $4.3 million is funded by the UNFPA, the project aims to provide technical support to the Government of Việt Nam in collecting and utilising quality population-related data and evidence for development, amendment, implementation and monitoring of socio-economic policies, strategies and planning to achieve sustainable and harmonious development of the population, economy, society and the environment of Việt Nam.

The signing ceremony was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), GSO, the Parliamentary Committee for Social Affairs (PCSA) and Việt Nam’s Fatherland Front Central Committee (VFF), as well as representatives of the Central Committee on Popularisation and Education (CCPE), the UN agencies and development partners in Việt Nam.

Addressing the ceremony, Nguyễn Bích Lâm, GSO general director, said "In the past 40 years of cooporation between Việt Nam and the UNFPA, the GSO has shown its professional capacity in effectively receiving technical assistance from the UNFPA.”

“We commit to implementing the activities during the period 2017-21 at the highest capacity, especially towards the implementation of Việt Nam’s Statistical Strategy and the Sustainable Development Goals," he said.

Astrid Bant, UNFPA Representative in Việt Nam, said "We hope this project, through multi-sectoral coordination, will play a key role in strengthening the capacity of GSO and relevant partners in collecting, analysing, disseminating and utilising information on population, reproductive health and gender, contributing to the implementation and monitoring of socio-economic development policies and the Plan of Action of Sustainable Development Goals."

Labour minister sends condolences on workers killed in Taiwan fire

Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung has offered condolences to families of Vietnamese workers who were killed in a fire at the dormitory of a company in Taoyuan city of China’s Taiwan on December 14.

Shortly after receiving information about the incident, the ministry ordered its Department of Overseas Labour and the companies sending the workers to Taiwan to coordinate with relevant agencies to assist the bereaved families, ensure the victims’ benefits, and investigate the cause of the blaze.

Minister Dung also asked authorised agencies to do their best to help ease the pain suffered by the bereaved families.

On December 18, leaders of the Thuan Thao Joint Stock Company, which sent the workers aboard, and representatives of the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Ha Tinh province visited the family of Tran Hong Thuy, a victim of the fire, in Cam Hoa commune of Cam Xuyen district. 

Can Tho authorities work with Cambodian religious official

Authorities of the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho had a working session on December 18 with Secretary of State of the Cambodian Ministry of Cults and Religions Touch Sarom to talk about religious work. 

The event was within the framework of a conference to share experience in religious work between the Vietnamese Government Committee for Religious Affairs and the Cambodian Ministry of Cults and Religions. 

Permanent Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Le Van Tam said Can Tho is the centre of the Mekong Delta with a population of nearly 1.3 million people. It is home to 12 valid religions and beliefs with 380 worship places and over 485,000 followers. 

They have abided by State laws and policies, actively joined in charity activities and built rural infrastructure, contributing tens of billions of Vietnamese dong to the city’s social welfare services each year. 

Touch Sarom, for her part, said the Cambodian government attaches importance to religious work. 

Cambodia is now home to around 5,000 pagodas and 7,000 monks and nuns. 

The two sides have agreed to hold conferences to share State management experience in religious work since 2007.

Party General Secretary meets with ethnic minority exemplars

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong had a meeting in Hanoi on December 18 with 80 ethnic minority exemplars who are prestigious persons, intellectuals and entrepreneurs.

They are among 512 role models from the 53 ethnic minority groups in 52 provinces and cities nationwide who are honoured for their efforts and achievements.

The oldest is Mua A Pao of the Mong ethnic group, born in 1930, while the youngest is Khmer woman Thach Thi Kim Danh, born in 1992.

The delegates appreciated the Party, the State and all-level authorities’ attention to ethnic communities, affirming their absolute trust in the Party’s leadership.

They informed the Party leader about the works they have done such as encouraging local residents to keep solidarity and security, prevent social crimes, promote production, and protect the environment, helping children to go to school, building civilised lifestyle, and maintaining their ethnic groups’ cultural identities.

They asked the Party and State to continue supporting ethnic minority communities so as to improve their material and spiritual lives.

General Secretary Trong emphasised that the Party and State always pay attention to people of ethnic minorities and in mountainous and remote regions. Many programmes and policies targeting them have been issued and carried out effectively, especially those on poverty reduction, infrastructure building, and manpower training.

As a result, 98 percent of the communes in mountainous ethnic minority areas have been accessible by car while 98.5 percent have had medical stations and 94 percent have accessed electricity from the national power grid. All communes have had kindergartens as well as primary and junior high schools. The household poverty rate in ethnic minority areas has dropped to around 20 percent.

He partly attributed those attainments to efforts and wisdom of the prestigious persons, intellectuals and entrepreneurs.

He called on the honoured persons to continue encouraging their communities to uphold the patriotism tradition and solidarity to overcome difficulties, contribute to socio-economic development, and build a well-off and happy life.

NA Chairwoman holds working session with Hanoi Capital High Command

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan asked the Hanoi Capital High Command to build revolutionary, regular, seasoned and gradually modern armed forces during a working session in the capital city on December 18. 

The session took place on the occasion of the 73rd founding anniversary of Vietnam People’s Army and the 28th anniversary of All People’s Defence Festival Day (December 22). 

The NA leader lauded the Hanoi Capital High Command for contributing to common achievements of the Vietnam People’s Army, including ensuring absolute safety of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Week this year.

She asked for continuing to fully grasp the Party policies and State laws on national defence-security, especially the Resolution on national defence-security tasks adopted by the 12th National Party Congress, the Politburo (10th tenure)’s Resolution on continuing to build centrally-run cities and provinces into strong defensive areas in the new situation, and the Resolution on national protection strategy in the new situation by the eighth plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee. 

The Hanoi Capital High Command must improve the capacity of offering advices on building all people’s national defence, strengthen national defence-security and join in socio-economic development, she said. 

She suggested further training officials and cadres in political thoughts and Party guidelines, staying alert to every event, and working closely with security forces to maintain political stability and social safety and order. 

The top legislator requested that the Hanoi Capital High Command regularly pays attention to Party building, effectively implements the Resolution on Party building and rectification by the fourth plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee, drives back degradation in political thoughts, moral virtue and lifestyle and “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” behaviours in combination with spreading the campaign “Studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morals and lifestyle”. 

She expressed her belief that under the leadership of the Party, the Central Military Commission and the municipal Party Committee, the city’s armed forces will build themselves into a trustworthy political unit and fighting forces loyal to the Party, deserving the trust of the Party, authorities and people of the capital city and nationwide. 

Commander of the Hanoi Capital High Command Nguyen Doan Anh reported that the unit deployed 17,613 people and 1,176 vehicles to deal with 433 forest fires and disaster cases, fight dengue fever outbreaks and defuse bombs, mines and explosives left from the war this year, reported Commander of the Hanoi Capital High Command.

Symposium celebrates 45 years of Dien Bien Phu in the Air victory

A scientific workshop was held in Hanoi on December 18 to celebrate 45 years of the victory of the Dien Bien Phu in the Air (December 1972).

Permanent Vice Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Ngo Thi Thanh Hang affirmed that the victory marked a glorious milestone in the revolutionary cause of Vietnamese army and people who defeated the largest strategic strike by air of the US.

The victory forced the US to sign the Paris Agreement in January 1973, putting an end to the war in Vietnam, making significant contributions to the Great 1975 Spring Victory as well as the liberation of the south and the national reunification.

It demonstrates the judicious leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and the Government and the close coordination between armed forces, military units, localities, Party Committee, authorities and people of Hanoi capital, she said.

Hanoi, Hai Phong and their vicinities were heavily bombarded in an aerial raids in December 1972, known in Vietnam as "Dien Bien Phu in the Air” and in the West as the 1972 Christmas bombing.

It was the last US military campaign during the war and lasted for 12 days from December 18 to 29.

Over 12 days and nights, the Hanoi air defence grids and all across the north of Vietnam shot down 4,181 airplanes, including 34 expensive B52s.

Photo books protect Son Tra Reserve

The Vietnam Association of River Basin and Coast Protection plans to publish 300 photo books of the Son Tra Nature Reserve in the central city of Da Nang to raise funds for protecting its biodiversity.

Vice Chairman of the association Ho Duy Diem said the book would include 120 photos from 100 Vietnamese and foreign photographers.

He said the association had called for voluntary contributions. All money from the book sale will go to the fund.

Last month, freelance photographer Le Phuoc Chin and writer Bui Cong Dung, both from Da Nang, displayed photos at an exhibition of red-shanked langurs (Pygathrix nemaeus), an endangered primates living in the Son Tra reserve, near HCM city.

Last week, a photo of the langur portrait was bought by a local resident at an auction to raise money for the fund.

The 4,400ha Son Tra reserve, 10km from Da Nang, is unique. Its biodiversity ranges from primary forests to oceans with more than 1,000 plants and 370 animal species.

The langurs in Son Tra Nature Reserve were declared endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2013, but the species has recently been classed Critically Endangered (CR) – nearly extinct.

More than 25,000 school students and more than 3,000 local residents have been educated on the importance of biodiversity in the Son Tra reserve on field trips between 2013-17.

Play on Mau Than Offensive to be staged in HCM City


A play on the Mau Than Offensive (or Tet Offensive) in Spring 1968 will be staged by Hong Van Drama Troupe, one of HCM City’s leading private drama troupes, this month.  

The play is part of a cultural programme celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Mau Than Offensive 1968. (Photo: the organiser)

The 60-minute play, Chau Ve Hop Pho (Reunion), features Vietnamese soldiers and their stories during and after the Mau Than Offensive, which occurred during the American war in Vietnam.

It portrays Chau and his wife, Pho, both Saigon residents. Chau moves to the north to join North Vietnam People’s Army (VPA), and Pho works as a secret agent in Saigon.
Both meet in the battle of Saigon in January, when VPA soldiers and members of the People’s Liberation Armed Forces of South Vietnam attacked the US Embassy in Saigon.

The play is also based on true stories that took place during the war.

“I asked my actors to research books and documents on the Mau Than Offensive,” said the play’s director, Meritorious Artist Tran Minh Ngoc.

Ngoc, who has more than 50 years in the industry, spent more than five months on the script.

“To prepare for my work, I watched documentaries on the offensive by both Vietnamese and foreign filmmakers. I wanted my production to be lively and to help young audiences learn valuable things about war and peace,” said the 80-year-old. 

Ngoc invited talented actors Thanh Thuy, Duc Thinh, Trinh Kim Chi and Hong Van, graduates of the HCM City University of Cinematography and Theatre, to play leading roles. 

"My colleagues and I have learned as much about the country’s history and how Vietnamese generations have fought for independence,” said actress Trinh Kim Chi, who plays Pho.

“For me, playing in a historical drama is about research also. During my performance, I discovered stories and facts about the war. Through my role, I hope my fans learn something about the value of the peaceful life we have today,” she added.

Chau Ve Hop Pho is part of a cultural programme celebrating the 50th anniversary of Mau Than Offensive 1968, funded by the HCM City government.

The play will be staged on December 27 at the Army Theatre in Tan Binh district.

It will also be staged for free for students in 20 universities and colleges next year.

National TV festival ends successfully

Golden and silver awards were presented to the best television programmes at the 37th national TV festival, which closed on Saturday in the central province of Thanh Hóa.

Attending the event, held in the province for the first time, were Deputy Prime Minister Vũ Đức Đam, representatives of relevant organisations, together with nearly 1,000 representatives from television and radio stations nationwide.

This year’s festival received 491 entries competing in nine categories, including documentaries, reportage, talk shows, science education and ethnic minority television shows. The 37th national TV festival was an opportunity for those working in television to share their experiences and get updated on the latest trends to serve viewers better within one week of its organisation.

At the closing ceremony, the organisation board awarded 27 gold and 50 silver prizes, however, no stage programmes received a gold this year.

According to Trần Bình Minh, general director of Vietnam Television and also chairman of the festival, the close to 500 entries were the fruit of dedication and efforts of many television teams in recent years.

The jury highly appreciated the entries in nine categories, which reflected the thorough investment in topics, structures, image quality and harmonious combination among elements such as graphics, music, sounds and interaction. All the entries portrayed a vivid picture of information across the country in all the fields in the past year.

Also, according to the jury, there was not much difference in the quality of the entries by different television stations nationwide like the previous years.

Best photo entries of the photo contest Những Người Làm Truyền Hình (People Working in Television) were also awarded at the closing ceremony.

“The 37th national TV festival has ended successfully both in terms of content and organisation,” Nguyễn Hà Nam, permanent deputy head of the organisation board on evaluating this year’s event, said. “This TV festival has the best conditions and professionalism.”

The 38th national TV festival will be held next year in Đà Lạt City in the central province of Lâm Đồng and hosted by Lâm Đồng Radion Television. 

Drug smugglers arrested

Quảng Bình Province Border Guard and Laos’ Khammouan Province Public Security Department on Saturday arrested a Laos national for allegedly smuggling 32,000 tablets of synthetic drug into Việt Nam.

The suspect, Vanphila Chan Thaviphon, 28 years old, from Khammouan Province, admitted that he bought the drug and was heading to the Cha Lo Border gate in the central province of Quảng Bình to sell in Việt Nam when he was caught.

Last September, the border guard and Khammounan Province security force also detected five Laos nationals involved in trafficking 12,000 drug pills into Việt Nam.

Meanwhile, in the northern province of Sơn La, last Saturday, police arrested two suspects for carrying 20 kilos of opium and 3,000 tablets of synthetic drug in Mai Sơn District.

The suspects – Tráng A Dình, 37, and Sồng A Chính, 28, both from Yên Bái Province – admitted they bought the drug from an unknown man at the border area in Chiềng Khương Commune, Sông Mã District, in Sơn La Province.

Police are investigating the cases further.

Natural disaster causes bridge collapse in Yên Bái

The Ministry of Transport has blamed an abnormal natural disaster for the collapse of Thia Bridge in northern Yên Bái Province on October 11, which swept away eight people.

Four are confirmed to have died while the others are still missing. One of the victims is a Việt Nam News Agency reporter – Đinh Hữu Dư – who was reporting about the floods at the scene.

Giao thông (Transport) newspaper reported on Monday that investigation by the Road Technology Centre under the Directorate for Roads of Việt Nam and Transport Science and Technology Institute showed that torrential rains and flash floods in Yên Bái from October 5 to October 11, together with topographic and geomorphologic changes.

The changes made one of the bridge pillars tilt and part of the bridge collapsed.

According to the ministry, the topographic and geomorphologic changes in the upper part of the river were uncontrollable.

To mitigate the impact of the changes, the ministry asked Yên Bái Province’s People’s Committee to co-operate with relevant agencies to review the hydrology around Thia Bridge and take measures to adjust the water flow to curb erosion speed, especially around the bridge pillars.

The province was also asked to propose a plan to restore the bridge to meet transport demand of residents.

Traffic police to ensure safety during holidays

The Traffic Police General Department launched a campaign from Saturday to ensure traffic safety and social order during the holidays and festivals.

The campaign, lasting through February 28, is aimed at preventing traffic congestion and accidents, particularly prolonged traffic jams and serious accidents, during Christmas, the calendar New Year holiday, Tết (Lunar New Year festival) and spring festivals in early 2018.

The traffic police will mobilise available forces, vehicles and equipment to patrol, inspect, supervise and handle violations, particularly violations that are considered the major causes of traffic accidents and congestions, such as speeding, drunk driving, driving in the wrong direction and driving in the wrong lane, as well as talking on the phone while driving, overloading, driving without a licence and using expired vehicles.  

Along railway routes, traffic police will co-ordinate with local authorities, police and the railway sector to check the adoption of railway traffic regulations to ensure safety, particularly along routes with a high number of illegal crossings.  

Along inland water routes, traffic police will work with relevant agencies and local authorities to take measures to ensure traffic safety and social order. They will suspend the operation of vehicles that fail to meet safety requirements. Vehicles found to be overloaded, not meeting technical standards, unregistered and sailors without licences and driving certificates will be strictly handled.

During the three-day calendar New Year 2017 holiday, the country saw 93 traffic accidents, which killed 79 people and injured 54 others. 

Efforts made to help the disabled access integration education

The Ministry of Education and Training in collaboration with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Vietnam held a conference to gather feedback on a draft circular on integration education for people with disabilities.

Addressing the event, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Thi Nghia said that on May 22, 2006, the ministry issued Decision 23/2006/QD-BGDDT on integration education for handicapped people. 

So far, the National Assembly and Government have approved many relevant legal documents and projects, including the Law on Persons with Disabilities and a project to support people with disabilities in the 2012-2020 period. The NA also ratified the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2014, she added.

The circular aims to replace the Decision in order to suit the Law on Persons with Disabilities and other guiding documents.

Commenting on outcomes of integration education for people with disabilities in Vietnam, Julie Keane, chief representative of the CRS Vietnam, recognised the country’s considerable achievements in promoting the rights of the disabled as well as the growth of networks for handicapped people and their parents.

She held that the draft circular has many new contents, including regulations on capacity of lecturers and teachers at education facilities and tools on integration education.

Keane suggested that the ministry consider some requirements related to support the system on integration education for the disabled such as assistants for teachers and information technology for studying and teaching activities.

The document aims to promote the rights to high quality education suitable to their conditions and capacity, ensuring their opportunities to develop their skills and ability to integrate into society.

It details regulations on education for the disabled, including the organisation of education for people with disability, tasks and capacity of teachers, the obligation and rights of the disabled, and the coordination between education facilities, families and the society in the work.

After being completed and issued, the circular will be applicable to all education levels from pre-school to tertiary education, as well as at teacher training facilities, support centre for integration education, and organisations and individuals supplying integration education services for the disabled.

Electricity lights up rural areas in Lang Son

One more rural village in Bac Son district, the northern mountainous province of Lang Son has access to the national power grid, helping local residents enjoy the upcoming traditional Lunar New Year (Tet) festival.

The work was inaugurated in Lan Hat village, Bac Son commune on December 18.

The facility includes over 4.75 kilometres of medium voltage line, 3.9 kilometres of low voltage line, and one 50kVA transformer station.

The work forms part of the components under a project to connect rural areas in Lang Son province to the national grid for 2015-2020.

Nguyen Cong Truong, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, said the work provides electricity for over 50 households in the village, thus improving their living conditions and the local economic development.

The project was approved under Decision 11815/QD-BCT dated October 30, 2015 to supply power for around 4,348 rural households in 210 villages of 55 communes in 10 districts.

Exhibition highlights Vietnam-Cambodia ties

An exhibition themed “Vietnam - Destination of Cambodia in 2017” opened in Cambodiana hotel of Cambodia’s capital city of Phnom Penh on December 18 as part of activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam-Cambodia diplomatic ties.

The two-day event drew Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Hoang Vinh Bao, Cambodian Minister of Culture and Fine Art Khim Sarith, Vietnamese appointed Ambassador to Cambodia Vu Quang Minh, representatives from embassies of countries in Cambodia and the Vietnamese community in the country.

Addressing the opening of the exhibition, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Hoang Vinh Bao said that the event aims to give visitors an overall view on the political, cultural, economic and diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Cambodia.

Nearly 300 photos and over 100 documents also introduced the culture, landscape and people of Vietnam in the integration and reform period, he said, adding that the organisation board hopes to bring Vietnam closer to Cambodian people, thus fostering the traditional friendship and all-round cooperation between the two nations.

Vietnam-Cambodia cooperation achievements and experience are also highlighted at the exhibition.

For his part, Khim Sarith said that this year, the exhibition is among major activities jointly held by both countries to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic ties, which helps forge connectivity and exchange between the two peoples.

ADB helps improve lives in Vietnam’s northeastern provinces

The Board of Directors of the Asia Development Bank (ADB) has approved a 150 million USD loan to improve economic connectivity and living standards in four northeastern provinces of Vietnam via upgrading basic infrastructure and services. 

The project will benefit over 212,000 people in Bac Kan, Cao Bang, Ha Giang and Lang Son provinces. 

ADB Country Director in Vietnam Eric Sidgwick expressed his belief that the project will help develop the four provinces, especially in trade, agriculture and tourism. 

The targeted province are expected to become trade hubs thanks to proximity to China, Hanoi, Hai Phong port and the ADB-supported Greater Mekong Subregion North-South Economic Corridor. 

However, the gross domestic product per capita hits only 1,160 USD, nearly half of the country’s average 2,036 USD. 

The project will clear barriers via developing basic infrastructure in the key fields of trade, transport, health care and agriculture while improving road connectivity by upgrading around 121km of provincial roads and 144km of district roads, supplying water to 42,300 rural people and improving infrastructure in agricultural value chain in Lang Son. 

At the same time, it will also enhance capacity of provincial authorities, especially in public asset management. 

The total cost of the project is estimated at 195.9 million USD, 45.9 million USD of which was from the Vietnamese government. It is scheduled for completion by the first quarter of 2023.

Vietnam completes 95 pct of martyr remains recovery plan

The national steering committee for search and gathering of martyr remains held a meeting on December 18 to review the implementation of a plan on searching and gathering martyr remains (also called Plan 1237) this year.

Vice Chairman of the Genera Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’s Army Lt Gen. Do Can, who is also a member of the steering committee, said strong efforts have been made in 2017 to complete the list of and dossiers on martyrs, draw maps for the work, and build a database. 

The Defence Ministry handed over more than 500,000 dossiers to the Ministry of Information and Communications to build a national database, serve the seeking and recovery of martyr remains, and identify unknown martyrs.

As many as 2,368 sets of remains were founded and repatriated, including 1,156 sets retrieved in Vietnam, 338 others from Laos, and 874 from Cambodia, equivalent to almost 95 percent of the set target, he noted.

Cooperation with foreign partners in the work has been expanded, Can said, adding that the steering committee’s office coordinated with the Agency for Missing in Action Recovery and Identification under the Defence Ministry of the Republic of Korea to organise a programme on Vietnam veterans of America. This programme aims to receive information, exchange experience in seeking missing servicemen, and assist the identification of martyr remains.

In 2018, the committee targets about 2,000 sets of remains to be recovered, including 1,200 in Vietnam and 800 in other countries. It will also strive to draw maps for the search and gathering in 50 percent of the communes in Vietnam.

At the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, head of the steering committee, asked relevant agencies to capitalise on every channel and measure to collect information while synchronising the collected data to locate martyr remains.

Meanwhile, provincial-level administrations need to order local relevant agencies to pay due attention to the work, he added.

At the meeting, the national steering committee also opened a website on martyr-related information at .

President Tran Dai Quang visits Military Region 1

President Tran Dai Quang has requested the Military Region 1 armed forces to raise vigilance and constantly improve their combat readiness and strength as hostile forces are taking advantage of ethnic and religious issues to undermine the great national unity and sabotage the Party and State.

The Military Region 1, established on October 16, 1945, encompasses six northeastern provinces of Cao Bang, Bac Kan, Thai Nguyen, Bac Ninh, Bac Giang and Lang Son, with a combined population of nearly 6 million belonging to 25 ethnic groups. Among these localities, Cao Bang and Lang Son share the borderline of 564km with China, with 1,108 border markers, 27 border guard stations, and seven border gates.

Visiting the Military Region 1 on December 18 on the occasion of the 73rd founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army, the President applauded efforts as well as victories and achievements of the Military Region 1 over the past 73 years.

He stressed the strategic position of the region, and required the Military Region 1 to keep close watch of the situation in order to timely give advice to the Central Military Commission and Defence Ministry on military and defence tasks in the region. The military region should also coordinate with ministries and agencies in crime prevention, and contribute to protecting the national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

He also required the Military Region 1 to pay attention to building strong Party organisation and armed forces, while working together with local Party committees and authorities to strengthen the grassroots political system.

On this occasion, the President offered incense at the President Ho Chi Minh Monument House at the Thai Nguyen province Party Committee’s headquarters, and the Monument dedicated to Company 915 Voluntary Youths in Thai Nguyen city.

Cyber security more difficult to be controlled

Cyber security will be difficult to maintain next year as hackers use smarter and more sophisticated technology to make attacks, Nguyen Thanh Hung, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications, has said.

This was revealed at the second regional forum on cyber security held by the Vietnam Computer Emergency Response Team (VNCERT), the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Korea Internet and Security Agency.

At the forum, participants discussed regional and global issues on strategies, policies and laws to achieve security by sharing mechanisms for reliable information and effective ways of managing operations.

In his opening speech, Hung said no nation could defend against cyber attacks by itself. For example, this year, nearly 200 countries have been hit hard by malware attacks, such as WannaCry and Petya.

The quoted Lee Miyeon from the Republic of Korean Embassy in Vietnam as saying that the development of IT was bringing unlimited potential to many areas, but also bringing many challenges and threats.

These threats would be greater as the industrial revolution progressed. Cyber security, including data protection, networking and information systems, will become essential factors to ensure prosperity, she said.

According to Lee Miyeon, due to the characteristics of cyberspace, when attacks occur, it is easy to misidentify sources of the attack or misunderstand the intention and behaviour of the attackers. This could result in increased damage and create distrust among nations, she added.-

Quang Ninh prepares for National Tourism Year 2018

The National Tourism Year 2018 is an opportunity for the northern province of Quang Ninh to promote its image to international friends, said Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Long.

The province, which is home to the World Heritage site of Ha Long Bay, will host the National Tourism Year 2018 themed “Ha Long-Heritage, Wonder, Friendly Destination”. About 100 events will be held during the year by Quang Ninh province, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and other localities.

Deputy Director of the Quang Ninh Tourism Department Trinh Dang Thanh said that as the host, the province will arrange a series of cultural, sports and tourism programmes.

Highlights of the event will include the opening ceremony and Carnaval Ha Long 2018 in Ha Long city, which is scheduled for April 28 next year.

Meanwhile, the closing programme will be held in January 2019 in combination with the opening of the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2019 and the Ha Long - FLC 2019 open golf tournament.

Quang Ninh will accelerate procedures for the early launch of a hydro plane service to Co To Island in summer 2018. The province will also review accommodation facilities across the province to meet tourists’ demand in summer.

As the main venue of many activities during the National Tourism Year, Ha Long City has stepped up various projects such as improving urban infrastructure and lighting system. The city is working hard to complete the construction of several drainage systems and road upgrade by early of 2018 to serve the national tourism event.

The province attracted more than 8.6 million tourists in the first ten months of 2017, including nearly 3.4 million foreigners, year-on-year jumps of 18 percent and 21 percent, respectively.

By 2020, Quang Ninh aims to welcome 15-16 million tourists, including seven million foreigners, and rake in 30-40 trillion VND (1.3-1.7 billion USD) in revenue. The tourism sector is expected to contribute 14-15 percent to the gross regional domestic product (GRDP).

More rural households in Tra Vinh access clean water

A clean water supply plant has been inaugurated in the Mekong Delta province of Tra Vinh, benefiting 1,550 households in An Truong commune, Cang Long district.

The plant, which has a designed capacity of 40 cubic meters of clean water per hour, was built at a cost of 7.5 billion VND (329,250 USD). The East Meets West organisation, provided 3.3 billion VND in non-refundable aid for the project and the remaining 4.2 billion VND was sourced by the provincial budget. 

Director of the provincial centre for clean water and rural environmental hygiene Bui Van Mung said Tra Vinh has 163 water supply stations in rural areas supplying clean water meeting the standards of the Ministry of Health.

The proportion of residents having access to clean water in rural areas is 58 percent at present.

In 2018, the province aims to have 61 percent of the rural population use clean water.

The provincial People’s Committee has decided to spend 200 billion VND (8.7 million USD) from now to 2020 to upgrade 10 clean water supply stations and dredge the canal network to address the shortage of clean water for daily use and irrigational water in rural areas due to droughts and saltwater intrusion.

Vietnamese students’ association set up in Thailand

The Vietnamese Students’ Association in Thailand was set up at its first congress held in Bangkok in mid-December.  

Nguyen Dang Hoa Nghiem, a postgraduate student at Chulalongkorn University was elected as President of the association for the 2017-2019 tenure. The association is a member of the Vietnam Students’ Association. 

Addressing the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Nguyen Hai Bang lauded the dynamism and creativity of nearly 700 Vietnamese students in the Southeast Asian country. 

The ambassador said he hopes the association will be a reliable destination for Vietnamese students to meet, share experience and support each other. He also expressed belief that the students will preserve good image of Vietnamese people in the eyes of Thai people, while helping fostering friendship between the two nations.-

Set 2018 plans for finding martyrs remains: official

Deputy Prime Minister Vũ Đức Đam called on agencies involved in the search for martyrs’ remains to set forth plans to fulfill targets set for 2018.

Đam, also head of the National Steering Committee for Search and Collection of Martyrs’ Remains, said on Monday at a conference to review tasks for 2017 and define tasks for 2018 that all channels and sources of information should be used to bring fallen soldiers to their final resting places.

A database should be completed in order to find the martyr’s remains accurately, he said.

He urged provinces and cities to pay attention to search and collection work.

At the conference, Deputy Prime Minister Vũ Đức Đam praised the efforts of the defence ministry, the steering committee and other concerned agencies, especially officials and soldiers directly involved in the search and collection of remains.

The pilot implementation of a search map, the collection of martyr’s remains as well as the database of martyrs and martyr’s graves were deployed actively this year, he said.

Lieutenant General Đỗ Căn, Deputy Chairman of the General Political Department of the Việt Nam People’s Army, also a member of the Steering Committee, said in 2017, as many as 2,368 martyrs’ sets of remains were found, 95 per cent of this year’s target.

Of the figure, 1,156 sets of remains were recovered in Việt Nam, 338 were found in Laos and the rest in Cambodia.

The Ministry of Defence has handed over more than 500,000 records of martyrs to the Ministry of Information and Communications to integrate into a national database.

International co-operation in the search for and repatriation of martyrs’ remains continues to expand, he said.

Next year, the Steering Committee aims to complete the list of martyrs, integrate the national database of martyrs and martyrs’ graves and collect about 2,000 sets of remains, including about 1,200 sets in Việt Nam.

At the event, the Steering Committee also launched a website at to enhance the management of martyrs’ information.

The website is expected to facilitate the searching for martyrs’ information and the exchange of information between the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs. It also allows martyrs’ relatives to send requests and provide information to agencies.

Spring in the Far Island programme collects over $660,000 in donations

Organisations and individuals at the third Xuân nơi đảo xa (Spring in the Far Island) programme held in HCM City on Sunday donated more than VNĐ15 billion (US$660) to support residents and soldiers who are protecting the country’s sovereignty in the East Sea.

South African Honourary Consul Đỗ Thị Kim Liên donated VNĐ700 million to build 10 gratitude houses for soldiers from families who receive preferential treatment from the government and members of the Việt Nam People’s Navy.

The programme was organised by Vừ A Dính Scholarship Fund, the Club for Beloved Hoàng Sa and Trường Sa, the HCM City Television and the HCM Communist Youth Union. Former Vice President Trương Mỹ Hoa is the chairwoman of the fund and the club.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice President Đặng Thị Ngọc Thịnh praised the programme, saying that over the past three years the Club for Beloved Hoàng Sa and Trường Sa had attracted more than 80 organisations and more than 3,000 individuals, collecting tens of billions of đồng.

Together with the Vừ A Dính Scholarship Fund, the club has carried out many meaningful activities to support fishermen and soldiers on Hoàng Sa - Trường Sa, including donation of charity houses and scholarships and healthcare support for children of soldiers.

Working women may up productivity

An increase in the number of jobs for seniors and women as well as higher labour productivity among youth could speed up Việt Nam’s economic growth, an official of the United Nation’s Population Fund has said.

Speaking at a conference on population policies held in HCM City yesterday, Dr Nguyễn Ngọc Quỳnh of the UN Population Fund in Việt Nam said the country’s total gross national income and total expenditures had been experiencing a downward trend, with the former expected to be equal to the latter in 2018.

In 2019, however, gross income is expected to fall under gross expenditures, Quỳnh added.

Currently, the number of people who are part of the so-called golden population (people of working age between 15 and 64 years old) accounts for 70 per cent of the country’s total population.

However, the number of people in this group will start to decline in 2042.

To prolong economic benefits, labour productivity should be raised at a time when a huge proportion of the population is of working age, Quỳnh said.

Improved education and health care services for seniors could also help spur productivity, she added.

Dr Nguyễn Văn Tiên, former deputy head of the National Assembly’s Committee for Social Affairs, said the Government should develop a new plan to increase the retirement age, especially for women, and offer more vocational training for seniors.

Tiên said the health of seniors, who make significant contributions to socio-economic development, should be ensured and that social insurance should be reformed to ensure quality of life for older citizens.

Quỳnh said that everyone, including the disadvantaged and disabled, should have a right to quality services.

Nguyễn Thị Hoài Thu, former head of the National Assembly’s Committee for Social Affairs, urged the Government to develop new policies to address these issues.

Boy goes missing after bridge cable breaks

A boy went missing on Monday morning after a suspension bridge broke and he fell into the Trường River in the central province of Quảng Nam, according to local police.

The 9-year-old boy was crossing the bridge in Phước Sơn District’s Phước Hiệp Commune at around 6.30am, when a cable of the bridge broke and he fell into the river.

Local authorities are conducting search operations to look for the boy.

The bridge was put into operation in 2005 and had maintenance work done in mid-2017.

U21 beat U19 4-1 in international tournament

Việt Nam defeated their junior U19s 4-1 in their match of the Thanh Niên newspaper’s International U21 Football Tournament yesterday in Cần Thơ Province.

Substitute striker Thanh Bình scored a double in the second half after his teammates Ngọc Sơn and Triệu Việt Hưng netted one each in the first 45 minutes.

The only goal for the U-19s went to Việt Cường who was on the field after the interval.

The win pushed Việt Nam to second place in the ranking with seven points and ensured them a berth in the final ignoring their last round robin format match against Yokohama FC tomorrow.

Yokohama continued their winning streak beating Myanmar 5-0 in an earlier match yesterday.

In previous games, they beat Việt Nam’s U19s 3-1 and Thailand 2-0.

The Japanese side forced Myanmar squad to follow their pace and easily beat them with goals by Hashimoto Kento, Kamiyama Kyousuke, a double from Matsuoka Rimu in the second half and Maejima Yota 10 minutes before the end.

Yokohama, topping the table with nine points, earned a berth in the final with one game in hand.

VTV Bình Điền Long An win volleyball event

VTV Bình Điền Long An triumphed at the National Women’s Volleyball Championship on Sunday.

The team beat LienVietPostBank 25-22, 25-18, 25-16 in the final held in the southern province of Tây Ninh.

With key players Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hoa and Trần Thị Thanh Thúy on song, Bình Điền Long An dominated the opponent.

Earlier, the team beat defending champions Vietinbank in the semi-finals.

Meanwhile, Sanest Khánh Hòa defeated Thể Công 3-2 to take the National Men’s Volleyball Championship.

Sanest Khánh Hòa were runners-up for the last two years, losing to HCM City in 2015 and Thể Công in 2016.

Vietnam, Laos successful in education and training cooperation

Over the last 55 years, Vietnam and Laos have constantly developed their special solidarity as a foundation for effective cooperation in all fields.

Education and training are a typical example of successful cooperation between the two countries. Every year hundreds of Lao students pursue their study in Vietnam while many Vietnamese students receive scholarships from the Lao government. Meanwhile, the two countries have implemented many projects to improve the quality of education and training establishments across Laos.

The Vietnamese Language Department in the Language School under the National University of Laos is a successful cooperative project between the two governments. It has been put into operation after two-year construction at a cost of nearly VND41 billion from the Vietnamese non-refundable aid. It can teach Vietnamese to 200 students and make research on the Vietnamese language and culture. 

Since 1995 Vietnam and Laos governments have built education and training schools at all levels in Lao provinces and cities based on bilateral cooperation agreements signed annually.

Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Ba Hung said more than 10 schools have been built in Laos so far, offering education and training for 300-500 students, contributing to improving the cultural life of Lao people, especially those in remote areas.

Joining hands with the two governments, Vietnamese businesses which are operating in Laos have offered much support to developing schools in remote areas. A kindergarten in Do village, Phongsaly Province, put into operation in November last year was built by the Vietnamese Embassy and PetroVietnam Oil Corporation at a cost of US$100,000.

In order to foster bilateral cooperation, the two governments signed a protocol on training cooperation in the 2017-2020 period in April this year to help Laos improve the quality of human resources, making important contributions to national development, construction and defence.

It is estimated that more than 14,000 Lao students are studying at 147 Vietnamese schools. 

Exhibition marks 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Cambodia diplomatic ties

An exhibition on Vietnam, its land and people was held in Phnom Penh on December 18 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Cambodia.

Nearly 300 photos and over 100 featured documents have been selected to help visitors gain more insights into Vietnam, its potential, time-honoured culture and history on the track of development and integration.

This is one of the largest promotional events ever held in Cambodia to give an overview of Vietnam-Cambodia political, economic, cultural and diplomatic relations since the two nations established diplomatic ties in 1967.

Addressing the opening the ceremony, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Hoang Vinh Bao said the event has contributed to introducing the image of Vietnam to the Cambodian people, fostering traditional friendship, multifaceted cooperation and mutual understanding between the two countries.

For his part, Cambodian Minister of Culture and Fine Art Khim Sarith said so far this year the two nations have co-ordinated in organising diverse activities to mark the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic ties, contributing to strengthening connectivity and people-to-people exchange activities between the two countries.

The event will close on December 19.

Dong Thap – bright star in investment environment: PM

Dong Thap has for many years been a bright star in investment and business environment, and a role model for other localities in supplying good administrative services for locals and businesses, stated Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

Addressing the Dong Thap Investment Promotion Conference in Cao Lanh city on December 19, the Government leader noted that the accompanying spirit is a strength of the local government at all levels, which helps the province initiate many effective measures to attract investment and deal with businesses’ obstacles.

Dong Thap is a Mekong Delta region’s hub in rice production with over 3.3 million tonnes per year, along with nearly 400,000 tonnes of tra fish.

The province is well-known for its hundred-year-old Sa Dec flower village, Cham Chim National Park, and Go Thap historical relic site.

For many years, it is among top localities with high Provincial Competitiveness Index and Public Administrative Performance Index, and effective administrative reform.

In the past three years, Dong Thap has risen as a model of the country in restructuring the agriculture sector.

PM Phuc held that good connectivity is key for the province’s success.

The province has well performed in connectivity between production and the market, as well as between material area, technology application and farmers, he noted, adding that Dong Thap has showed its creativity in supporting startup.

He asked the locality to work harder to fill gaps in investment attraction and further boost economic growth.

Dong Thap should concentrate on developing agriculture towards green and transparency by drawing more large investors in the field, while designing effective strategy to cope with climate change to ensure sustainable development.

At the conference, the PM lauded investors’ interest in Dong Thap by investing nearly 24 trillion VND (1.05 billion USD) to the locality, and their support to vulnerable groups in the province by providing over 90 billion VND to local social welfare activities.

Investors should consider Dong Thap as their second homeland, thus making stronger, continuous and more effective investment in the province, he stated.

The PM requested investors not to damage the living environment of local people, while increasing the production of highly valued products amidst the 4.0 revolution.

He pledged that the Government will maintain macro-economic stability and national competitiveness to support businesses.

At the conference, Dong Thap handed over investment licences to 21 projects, and signed memoranda of understanding with investors on cooperation in 16 projects, with combined investment of 23.88 trillion VND.

On the occasion, the PM also press the button to launch Dong Thap’s one-door electronic service, and online public service at levels three and four. 

Earlier, PM Phuc visited the Military Headquarters of Dong Thap to extend greetings to officers and soldiers on the 73th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army.

He also offered incense and flowers to Nguyen Sinh Sac, the farther of late President Ho Chi Minh, at the Nguyen Sinh Sac historical relic site in Cao Lanh city.

Over 660,000 USD collected for islanders, soldiers

Organisations and individuals at the third Xuan noi đao xa (Spring in the Far Island) programme held in HCM City on December 17 donated more than 15 billion VND (660,000 USD) to support island residents and soldiers who are protecting the country’s sovereignty in the East Sea.

South African Honourary Consul Do Thi Kim Lien donated 700 million VND to build 10 gratitude houses for soldiers from families who receive preferential treatment from the government and members of the Vietnam People’s Navy.

The programme was organised by Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund, the Club for Beloved Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, the HCM City Television and the HCM Communist Youth Union. Former Vice President Truong My Hoa is the chairwoman of the fund and the club.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh praised the programme, saying that over the past three years the Club for Beloved Hoang Sa and Truong Sa had attracted more than 80 organisations and more than 3,000 individuals, collecting tens of billions of dong.

Together with the Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund, the club has carried out many meaningful activities to support fishermen and soldiers on Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes, including donation of charity houses and scholarships and health care support for children of soldiers.

Tuyen Quang destroys 337kg bomb left from war

The Military Command of the northern province of Tuyen Quang on December 19 successfully destroyed a 337kg bomb left from the war in the Lo River at An Loc A commune, An Khang commune, Tuyen Quang city.

According to the Tuyen Quang Military Command, the bomb was dropped down in Tuyen Quang during the US’s second bombing campaign against the northern region of Vietnam (1972-1973). 

It was extremely dangerous due to its large size.

The locals in An Khang commune discovered the bomb on December 11.

Fire at Cầu Giấy District house kills one

A man died after a fire broke out at a house in Cầu Giấy District on Wednesday morning.

The fire was believed to have started at around 8am at the house situated in a small alley on Trung Kính Street.

It took the local firefighters only a few minutes to extinguish the fire, but the 45-year-old man was trapped inside the house and died.

The case is under investigation. 

Workshop spotlights environmental risk assessment

An international workshop on environmental risk assessment and human health opened in the central province of Binh Dinh on December 19, aiming to seek solutions to environmental management in Vietnam.  

Scientists from the US, Australia, Japan, Singapore and Vietnam have been focusing discussions on 20 topics during the thee-day event, which was arranged by the International Center of Interdisciplinary Science Education (ICISE) and the Meet Vietnam Association. 

Prof. Ross Smith, Chairman of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, said the workshop looked into solutions to environmental issues and human resources development to serve future environmental management. 

The workshop heard that Vietnam is facing environmental issues, especially in industrial parks and urban areas. The slow development of sciences for environmental impact assessment has restrained understanding about the effects of pollutants on the environment, making it difficult to develop standards and manage the environment.

Dr. Kuan Chun Lee, from the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry in Asia Pacific, underlined the need to promote scientific researches on and application of research results in environmental management.

The event has provided a good chance for Vietnam to learn environmental management experiences shared by representatives from leading universities in the world, Japan, the US Department of Environment, and the Australian Ministry of Energy and Environment.

The Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Education (IFIRSE) under the International Center of Interdisciplinary Science Education (ICISE) has planned to build a cooperation programme on research and training with Vietnam in a bid to help the country better manage the environment.

Conference praises NGOs contributions to Vietnam’s development

Programmes and projects funded by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have actively contributed to poverty reduction and socio-economic development in Vietnam, heard a conference in Hanoi on December 19. 

Speaking at the conference which aimed to review the national programme on calling for foreign non-governmental assistance in 2013-2017, deputy head of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO)’s People’s Aid Coordinating Committee (PACCOM) Nguyen Ngoc Hung said the programme has been a success.

He said the value of assistance has been maintained with improved quality and the number of NGOs operating in Vietnam remains high. 

According to reports from ministries, sectors, localities and mass organisations, the programme was implemented effectively, basically achieving the set targets. 

Many legal documents related to foreign non-governmental work were issued, while others have been revised, towards facilitating NGOs’ activities in the country. 

Cooperation between State management agencies and NGOs has been also strengthened. 

Based on the evaluation of the programme, the VUFO will chair the building of a plan for the work in the next phase, for the targets of poverty reduction and sustainable development in Vietnam, Hung noted. 

Representatives from provinces and cities benefiting from NGOs-assisted projects shared experience and gave proposals on how to effectively promote cooperation and attract more foreign non-governmental assistance resources.

Vietnamese, Chinese localities work on border management

The Border Guard Command of Vietnam’s northern Lao Cai province and Honghe county border police of China’s Yunnan province have agreed to set up a liaison officer mechanism and hotline between their equivalent units. 

The two sides reached consensus during their talks in Lao Cai city on December 19. The move aims to help them swiftly exchange information regarding the management and protection of the common border and border gates, controlling export-import activities and combating cross-border law violations. 

This is the first time an information exchange mechanism has been launched at the provincial level along the Vietnam-China land borderline. 

During the talks, the two sides also agreed to multiply the model of twinning relations between Vietnamese and Chinese posts in order to join hands in building a peaceful border. 

Thanks to concerted efforts of Vietnam and China to effectively deploy their signed mechanisms, the number of violations of border-related laws has decreased in 2017. 

Apart from increasing communication campaigns, the two sides have conducted joint patrols to prevent cross-border crimes. 

This year, Vietnam handed over 24 suspects who involved in nine cases to the Chinese side while China returned 272 suspects of 64 cases to Vietnamese authorities. 

At the end of the talks, the two sides inked several minutes which will serve as a foundation for the implementation of their tasks in 2018.-

Vietnam–Myanmar friendship associations seal cooperative pact

The Vietnam-Myanmar and Myanmar-Vietnam Friendship Associations signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation as part of their talks in Hanoi on December 19.

According to the pact, the two associations agreed to coordinate celebrations of the countries’ major anniversaries, and the organisation of trade – investment fairs and conferences, and business exchanges. They planned to introduce businessmen to public agencies and organisations, and provide the business community with market information. 

The two sides pledged to work together to help connect Vietnamese and Myanmar tourism sectors. Their cooperation also covered delegation exchanges and regular liaison.

At the talks, Chairman of the Vietnam-Myanmar Friendship Association Chu Cong Phung lauded the role of its Myanmar counterpart in boosting the two nations’ people-to-people diplomacy across all sectors.

Phung said the Myanmar association delegation’s current visit to Vietnam is a chance for the sides to discuss cooperative plans and for Vietnamese and Myanmar enterprises to seek partnerships.

Chairman of the Myanmar-Vietnam Friendship Association U Tint Swai said his association is willing to collaborate with Vietnam in all socio-economic spheres.

Upcoming joint activities should focus more on education to boost awareness of the younger generation on the importance of Vietnam – Myanmar ties, he noted.

As part of the function, U Tint Swai and representatives from Myanmar firms fielded questions on Myanmar’s preferential policies for foreign investors, including those from Vietnam.

Environmental photography contest honours 19 winners

The Vietnam Environment Administration under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on December 19 honoured winners of the environmental photography contest, which was held under the patronage of the Vietnam Photographers Association.

The competition, themed “Desire of nature”, received more than 2,600 entries from contestants across the country. 

A photo by Nguyen Thanh Hai from central Ha Tinh province, namely “Tea hills”, won the first prize. The jury also presented two second, three third and eight consolation prizes while five others were voted as favourite works.

The winning photos are truly meaningful works which do not only reflect the current pollution in Vietnam but also depicting some beautiful moments of life, outstanding people who have strived to protect the environment and solutions for waste recycling, said Pham Tien Dung, a representative of the jury.

They have helped raise public awareness of the significance of environmental protection, he added.

HCM City’s leaders visit Catholics ahead of Christmas

Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan and municipal leaders on December 19 visited the Headquarter of the HCM City Archdiocese and the Office of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Vietnam ahead of the Christmas 2017 and New Year 2018.

On behalf of the city’s leaders, Nhan extended greetings to and wished Catholic dignitaries and followers nationwide a merry Christmas and happy New Year.

He briefed HCM City’s socio-economic development in 2017 and orientations for 2018, saying that the city is actively implementing the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 54/2017/QH14 on pilot implementation of special mechanisms and policies for its faster and more sustainable development and a project to building HCM City into a smart city.

Nhan highlighted the contributions made by the municipal archdiocese and followers to the city’s education, health and social charity, thus helping the city to realize its socio-economic development targets.

The official expressed his hope that the archdiocese’s dignitaries will continue joining hands with local authorities to encourage local Catholics to actively participate in national construction and protection movements.

Archbishop of the HCM City Archdiocese Bui Van Doc thanked the local authorities for continuously facilitating religious practice of local Catholics and hoped that relations between the church and administration will develop more fruitfully so that Catholic followers can contribute further to the city’s socio-economic development.

Meanwhile, Bishop Nguyen Anh Tuan, chief of the Office of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Vietnam, pledged to encourage followers to continue uniting and joining hands with the administrations at levels to fulfill their citizen obligations and lead a good religious life.

Exhibitions on Spring 1968 uprising, country’s achievements open

Exhibitions on the 50 years of the Spring 1968 uprising and Vietnam’s economic, cultural, social and national defence achievements opened in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho on December 19.

More than 250 documents, photos and objects are on display at the Can Tho Museum, featuring the Mau Than Offensive in Spring 1968 and the uprising of soldiers and people of the Mekong Delta and Can Tho city in particular. These contributed to the victory of the Ho Chi Minh campaign in 1975, liberating the South and reunifying the nation.

The exhibits included soldiers’ watches, sandals and working instruments such as binoculars and headphones, as well as an old sewing machine to make thousands of national flags that were sent to the battlefields.

The event aims to raise public awareness, especially youths, of the sacrifice and endurance of Vietnamese people for the sake of national independence.

Besides, a photo exhibition was held to introduce economic, cultural, social and national defence achievements of the country and Can Tho city in particular since 1975. 

On showcase were 120 file photos, with many of them provided by the Vietnam News Agency.

The two events are open for public until April 15, 2018.

CLV senior officials’ meeting opens in Binh Phuoc

The Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) of the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area (DTA) opened in the southern province of Binh Phuoc on December 19.

The event was jointly chaired by Nguyen The Phuong, Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment; Mao Thora, head of the Cambodian senior officials’ delegation; and Songkan Luangunithon, head of the Lao senior officials’ delegation.

Delegates spoke highly of the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the three countries in general and the 13 localities in the DTA in particular, considering the relationship an important factor for stability and development in each country and the region.

They agreed to build and maintain the sustainable and comprehensive development triangle area as committed by the three Prime Ministers at the ninth CLV Summit in Siem Riep, Cambodia, in November 2016.

At the meeting, participants appreciated the outcomes of the 11th Investment-Trade and Tourism Promotion Forum for the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam DTA on December 18 and the 7th Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam DTA Youth Forum.

The heads of the SOM delegations emphasised the importance of strengthening cooperation in conducting research on the possibility of sustainable development, sharing experience in making climate change-related policies, and transferring technology and experts in natural resources management and biodiversity preservation.

They reached a consensus on building an action plan to implement the Socio-economic Development Master Plan of the CLV Development Triangle Area during 2010-2020.

Vietnam proposed Cambodia and Laos support Vietnamese enterprises’ projects in the countries and encourage their investors to come to Vietnam to seek investment opportunities in Binh Phuoc province and the four Central Highlands provinces of Dak Nong, Dak Lak, Gia Lai and Kon Tum.

Hanoi expands international cooperation to develop tourism

Hanoi has signed several cooperation programmes with international partners to promote the capital city’s images abroad.

The cooperation programme with the American Cable News Network (CNN) in 2017-2018 with a total cost of 2 million USD is an example, which aims to build Hanoi’s tourism brand across the globe and invite foreign investors to develop tourism products in the city.

Director of the municipal Department of Tourism Tran Duc Hai said the city has also stepped up collaboration with international organisations to expand markets, focusing on key and new ones such as the US, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, Southeast Asian and Northeast Asian countries, India, Australia and New Zealand.

Hanoi’s tourism sector is an active member of the Council for Promotion of Tourism in Asia (CPAT) and the Tourism Promotion Organisation for Asian-Pacific Cities (TPO), he added.

In recent years, Hanoi has worked with diplomatic representative agencies along with global organisations in the city and Vietnamese embassies while cooperating with airlines and foreign travel companies to develop the tourism market, he noted.

With its advantages, Hanoi has become one of the most attractive destinations in the region. 

Hanoi made the top 10 on the world’s fastest growing travel destinations list with a 16.4 percent annual growth rate in 2009-2016, according to the MasterCard Global Destinations Cities Index 2017.

In 2017, Hanoi welcomed a record number of 4.95 million international tourists for the first time, up 23 percent against the previous year and surpassing the yearly target by 15 percent.

Strong growth was reported in the Northeast Asian market, including China, the Republic of Korea, and Japan, along with European, Southeast Asian, North American and Australian markets.

The capital expected to serve 5.5 million foreign holidaymakers in 2018.

Free cleft palate surgery for disadvantaged children

Around 150 children affected with cleft lips and cleft palates are to be provided with free check-ups and surgery in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City from December 18-29 under a joint program between Operation Smile and MobiFone. 

The program has selected about 150 children from northern and southern provinces. After having check-ups, approximately 100 children will undergo surgery and receive a second chance to smile.

Surgeries are being carried out by leading Vietnamese experts from the Vietnam-Cuba hospital and the National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology in Ho Chi Minh City according to Operation Smile's Global Standards of Care.

Mobifone will cover all expenses for surgery, travel, and accommodation during check-up and treatment.

Since 2009, MobiFone has provided funds of more than VND6 billion to Operation Smile Vietnam through the Journey of Miracles program.

More than 5,600 babies born via in-vitro fertilisation at Từ Dũ Obstetrics Hospital

Women have given birth to a total of 5,643 babies via in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) at Từ Dũ Obstetrics Hospital in HCM City since 1998, according to the hospital, one of the leaders in offering IVF services in the country.

Its IVF success rate, which is among the highest in the country, nearly doubled from 25 per cent in 2011 to more than 45 per cent last year.

According to Dr Lê Quang Thanh, the head of the hospital, it not only provides maternal and child care but also offers technical support for hospitals in 32 cities and provinces in the south.

The hospital, which celebrated its 80th anniversary last week, receives around 3,500 medical treatment and health-check cases and more than 200 delivery cases per day.

HCM City health department accepts licence applications online

The HCM City Department of Health has launched a system for public services in the health industry that enables online applications and notification by text messages.

Medical practitioners and businesses seeking licences or eligibility certificates for pharmaceutical services can apply online and wait for a notification via text message. They can then go to the department for the documents or even have them sent by post.

The department is working on programmes to teach medical practitioners how to use the system.

It was trialled since December last year, and more than half the applications have been submitted this way since.

Seminar spotlights Vietnam-Indonesia partnership

The Indonesian Embassy together with the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV) held a seminar on Vietnam-Indonesia cooperation in Hanoi on December 19.

In his opening speech, Indonesian Ambassador to Vietnam Ibnu Hadi said the seminar aimed to review bilateral ties, challenges facing the two countries and the role of regional organisations in developing their cooperation.

DAV Deputy Director Le Hai Binh highlighted a visit to Indonesia by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong in August this year, saying it helped reinforce the strategic partnership between the two countries and promote new development steps in bilateral relations.

Vietnam-Indonesia trade increased to 5.6 billion USD in 2016 from 4.6 billion USD in 2012, with growth averaging five percent yearly. The two nations aim to reach 10 billion USD in bilateral trade in 2018.

Ethnic minority people honoured

More than 500 outstanding individuals from ethnic minority groups nationwide were honoured for their achievements and contributions to the country in a ceremony yesterday.

The 512 honourees include intellectuals, businessmen and leaders and former leaders from the 53 ethnic minority groups in 52 provinces and cities nationwide.

Each attained considerable achievements in socio-economic development and the building of new-style rural areas.

The oldest is Mùa A Pao of the Mông ethnic group, born in 1930, while the youngest is Khmer woman Thạch Thị Kim Danh, born in 1992. 

Addressing the ceremony, Đỗ Văn Chiến, minister-chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Affairs, the organiser, called the honourees “the most beautiful flowers in the flamboyant and colourful garden of Việt Nam’s ethnic community.”

He emphasised that ethnic minority groups are the “flesh and blood” of the Vietnamese nation, and an indispensable part of the nation.

“We have always stood shoulder to shoulder, and therefore no force can sow division among our nation’s great unity,” he said.

Deputy Prime Minister Trương Hoà Bình said the Party and State have always attached importance to ethnic minority affairs.

He praised the tremendous contributions of ethnic minority groups, including the sacrifice of blood, throughout national struggles and revolutionary courses to gain independence and the current modernisation process.

However, he also admitted that there remain problems that minority ethnic groups face. They include low living standards, low-quality education and health care services, slow settlement of their problems and other security and political issues which risk social disorder.

He hoped that the honourees would act as a bridge between their communities with State and local authorities to spread national unity, and as an information channel to disseminate the Party and State’s policies and guidelines. 

He asked them to work with local authorities and State agencies to boost the development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas, eradicate poverty and narrow development gaps between ethnic groups.

Also on this occasion, 72 outstanding persons were awarded the Certificate of Merit from Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc and from Minister Chiến.

Students in Bắc Cạn infected with dissociation

Nine female primary school students who acted abnormally last week in the northern mountainous province of Bắc Cạn have symptoms of dissociative disorder, said Associate Professor Trần Minh Điển, deputy director of the National Pediatric Hospital.

The students of Nà Bản school in Xuân Lạc Commune, Chợ Đồn District were reportedly physically exhausted, fainted and aggressive.

Doctor Điển said that initial check-ups conducted by the hospital’s experts showed the students had symptoms of dissociative disorder (formerly known as hysteria).

“The doctors will continue to conduct testing to have a final conclusion,” he said.

The students are now in a stable condition and without the symptoms, but need further treatment to ensure the symptoms don’t return.

Doctor Trần Thị Hồng Thu, deputy director of Mai Hương Daycare Psychiatric Hospital, said that dissociative disorders usually affect adults or adolescents and not children aged seven to 10.

“Those students infected with the disease might be under pressure due to their studies. Dissociative disorders are caused by trauma, strong emotional pain such as fear, anger or disappointment,” she said.

Patients may develop symptoms of physical and psychological disorders, disorder of the senses and even temporary loss of consciousness, according to experts.

Associate Professor Cao Tiến Đức, head of Psychiatric Department of Hospital 103, told that this is not a strange disease in Việt Nam, being common during war time and in high schools.

The number of the afflicted accounts for 0.3 to 0.5 per cent of the total population, he said.

Đức said “The disorder is not an infectious disease. However, in unfavourable physical and psychological conditions, the disorder may spread within a group.”

According to Lao Động (Labor) newspaper, in 2015, two students of Nà Bản school showed similar symptoms.

An outbreak of mass dissociative disorder reportedly occurred at a high school of Châu Đức District, Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu Province. Ten female students aged 16 had symptoms of dizziness, headache, breathing difficulty, convulsion, screaming and fainting after being injected with a tetanus vaccine.

Several other cases were recorded in Quảng Ngãi, Khánh Hòa, Bình Định, An Giang, Vĩnh Long, Trà Vinh provinces between 2000 and 2003.

Work on Cửa Đại Bridge begins

Work on Cửa Đại Bridge over the Trà Khúc River in the central province of Quảng Ngãi began on Monday.

The 1.3km bridge, once completed, will shorten the distance between two communes – Tịnh Khê and Nghĩa Phú – in Quảng Ngãi City from 20km to 2.5km.

The bridge is part of a road project worth VNĐ2.25 trillion (around US$99 million) that stretches about 3.7km.

In order to make room for the project, some 300 local families had their houses relocated, while 800 graves were also moved.

Chairman of the province People’s Committee Trần Ngọc Căng said that the project was one of the key projects in the province, which aims to make a breakthrough in infrastructure development, particularly in transport infrastructure.

He said that the Cửa Đại Bridge was part of the planned coastal road Dung Quất – Sa Huỳnh Project approved by the then Prime Minister in 2010.

The bridge was expected to help boost the expansion of the urban area of the province, towards the sea.

Kiosks at Hanoi hospitals for patients’ comments

Hà Nội plans to put up kiosks at hospitals for people to lodge complains or their dissatisfaction about health check-ups and treatment quality via a software.

These complaints and opinions will then be sent to the municipal Department of Health, according to deputy director of the department, Trần Thị Nhị Hà.

People will use the software installed at these kiosks and tick on what they feel satisfied or dissatisfied with, relating to health check-ups and treatment services at hospitals in the city, and the department can know immediately how many complaints each hospital receives from patients each day, she said.

For example, patients can assess the time they have to wait for a health examination, the payment method, fees charged and the attitude of medical workers towards patients.

The move is aimed at improving the quality of health services, thus helping to increase patients’ satisfaction, she said. Increased satisfaction from patients means the hospitals would have more patients and more income, she added.

According to a survey by the health department, up to 96 per cent of surveyed patients were satisfied with the services of local health establishments and attitudes of medical workers in 2017.

However, Hà said the figure did not reflect the reality of the whole picture of the city’s health sector.

Therefore, the department will install kiosks equipped with software to provide more opportunities for patients to review or comment on health services at hospitals more objectively and proactively. The move will be seriously implemented to force hospitals to renew and improve the quality of their health services, Hà said.

The Ministry of Health in 2016 issued a set of criteria to assess hospitals on improving services and increasing patient satisfaction. The 83 criteria were tested over a three-year basis.

Nineteen of the criteria were related to patient care, 14 to work force development, 38 to professional quality, eight to quality improvement and four to professional knowledge. 

Programme in support of ethnic minority development launched

A programme of cooperation in support of ethnic minority development for the period 2017-20 was launched on Wednesday.

Under the cooperation agreement signed by the Government’s Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) and the Embassy of Ireland in Việt Nam, a grant of 12 million euros (US$14.2 million) will be provided to the Programme for the Development of Extremely Difficult Communes in Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas (often called Programme 135).

This grant aims to improve infrastructure and help poor ethnic minority communities in five provinces, including Hà Giang, Hòa Bình, Quảng Trị, Kon Tum and Trà Vinh, increase their access to basic services.

The two parties also signed an agreement approving a grant of EUR600,000 ($710,100) for technical assistance for CEMA to enhance the effectiveness of development programmes and policies for poverty reduction in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in 2017-20.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Cáit Moran, Ambassador of Ireland to Việt Nam, said that the Embassy of Ireland’s Mission Strategy for Việt Nam and the Mekong Sub-region 2017-20 was set out at a meeting between Ireland’s Minister for Education, Richard Bruton, and Deputy Prime Minister of Việt Nam, Phạm Bình Minh, in November this year.

It embeds ethnic minority development as a key priority for Ireland’s engagement in Việt Nam, which has provided 60 million for work in this area since the start of Ireland’s development programme in Việt Nam in 2007.

To complement and strengthen support to Programme 135 and to CEMA, Ireland provides support to Vietnamese and international non-governmental organisations and to UN agencies to pilot and scale up new models in ethnic minority empowerment, and to share lessons and experience, with a strong emphasis on food and nutrition security, gender equality and climate-smart development.

Đỗ Văn Chiến, member of the Party Central Committee, Minister and Chairman of the CEMA, said that the signing ceremony was an important event in improving cooperation between the embassy and the CEMA.

He expressed his gratitude for the embassy’s support during the past years and hoped to continue to receive more help in the work, especially in poverty reduction.

Hundreds of Đồng Nai workers undergo health checks

Over 190 workers from a wooden furniture company in the southern province of Đồng Nai underwent health checks after eating lunch on Tuesday.

Most experienced tiredness, itching in the throat, vomiting and some reportedly had a stomachache.

After examining the food the workers ate for lunch, the province’s Food Safety Department found that improperly-processed Colocasia gigantea that was used to make soup was responsible for the symptoms. The Colocasia gigantea had not been peeled fully, which led to the itching.

Head of the department Nguyễn Văn Hữu said the workers were from Miền Quê Commercial Sevices and Production Company in Nhơn Trạch 2 Industrial Zone, employing 1,800 workers. The company provides meals to its workers.

The company will be penalised in connection with the issue, Hữu said.

Leaders congratulates Christians nationwide on Christmas

Representatives of HCM City’s administration, led by the city’s Party Secretary Nguyễn Thiện Nhân, yesterday visited the city’s Archbishop and the office of the Episcopacy of Việt Nam ahead of Christmas and the New Year.

On behalf of the city’s administrators, Nhân congratulated bishops, priests, monks and all Christians nationwide, wishing them a merry Christmas and a peaceful, prosperous New Year.

He also detailed some of the city’s recent socio-economical developments and plans for the upcoming years, with the Party, authorities and citizens set to implement the resolutions set at the 10th city’s Party Committee Congress.

Nhân expressed his delight on learning that the city’s archdiocese and Christians have significantly contributed to various fields, including education, health care and charity in recent years.

He hoped that the archbishop, bishops and priests of the city’s archdiocese would continue to assist the city’s leaders to encourage Christians to join in building and protecting the nation and building a city with better living quality.

Archbishop Bùi Văn Đọc thanked the city’s leaders for providing best conditions for Christians to fulfill their duties and contribute to development in recent years.

He expressed hope that ties between the archdiocese and the city’s administration will develop further so that the city’s Christians can continue to contribute to fulfilling the development targets of HCM City.

On the same day, the northern province of Quảng Ninh’s People’s Council Chairman Nguyễn Văn Đọc met with priests ahead of Christmas.

He sent his best wishes to all Christians in the province and expressed his expectation that they would continue to promote their Christian traditions while contributing to the development of the province.

A meeting between the representatives of Gia Lai Province’s People’s Committee and the representatives of the province’s Protestants, Thánh Tâm Church and Kon Tum Archbishop was also held yesterday.

According to Protestant pastor Huỳnh Duy Linh, religious believers and Christians in particular strongly believe in the guidance of the State and Party, therefore they will further participate in patriotic campaigns and promote national unity.

The Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee in Vĩnh Long Province also held a meeting to congratulate the Christian dignitaries and to wish them a merry Christmas.

Speaking at the event, the province’s Party Secretary Trương Văn Sáu acknowledged the contributions of the local Christian community to the development of the province. He also expressed his wish that they would continue to promote patriotism in the years to come.

Giang enters semi-finals of national tennis event

Trịnh Linh Giang won a ticket to compete in the men’s singles semi-finals at the National Best Tennis Players Tournament, Vietravel Cup 2017.

The tournament was held in the central province of Nghệ An on December 19.

Giang of Bình Dương defeated Hoàng Thành Trung of the People’s Police 6-3, 6-4 in the last qualifying round match, which lasted for one hour and 30 minutes, to reach the semi-finals.

In other games, national champion, Phạm Minh Tuấn of Đà Nẵng beat Trương Giang Thanh Alexander of Hưng Thịnh-HCM City 6-3, 6-0.

Tuấn will meet Trung, while Đỗ Minh Quân of Hưng Thịnh-HCM City will face Trịnh Linh Giang of Bình Giang in the semi-finals.

On the women’s side, No 1 seed, Sĩ Bội Ngọc of Hưng Thịnh-HCM City, easily crushed Nguyễn Minh Huyền of Kiên Giang 6-1, 6-0.

Tiffany Linh Nguyễn of Bình Dương won against Nguyễn Thị Bé Xuyên of the Military team 6-2, 6-1. Trần Thị Tâm Hảo of Hưng Thịnh-HCM City also bested Hoàng Thị Hà of Hải Dương 6-1, 6-2.

In the semi-finals, Ngọc will take on Xuyên and Hảo will meet Nguyễn.

The event will end on December 22. The winning players will be selected for the national teams, which will participate in the Davis Cup and the Fed Cup, as well as at the Asian Games next year.

This year’s tournament sees a record in bonuses for the winners. The men’s gold medalist will take home VNĐ50 million (US$2,300), while the women’s gold medalist will receive VNĐ40 million ($1,800), apart from points for their rankings.

President commends heroic Vietnam People’s Army

President Tran Dai Quang has written an article titled “The heroic People’s Army of the heroic Vietnam nation,” on the occasion of the 73rd founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army (December 22).

The President wrote that the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) was born from the people to fight for the people. It was founded and has been led, educated and trained by the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, and lovingly called “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”.

Over the past 73 years, the VPA has been developing strongly, joining hands with the entire Party and people to overcome a range of difficulties and challenges, recording many glorious feats of arms, repelling all enemies and contributing to the cause of national liberation and unification as well as national construction and protection.

The VPA also worked with the armed forces and people of Laos and Cambodia to fight against the common enemies for independence and freedom of each country.

After the success of the resistance war against the American imperialists, the VPA entered the fierce struggle to safeguard the country’s border and performed a noble international mission to help the Cambodia people escape the genocidal regime, leaving a beautiful image of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” among Cambodian people.

The glorious triumph of the August Revolution and the victory of the resistance wars against the French colonists and the American imperialists opened a new era for Vietnam – an era of peace, unification, national independence and socialism.

In the new period of revolution, the fine tradition of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers,” which was steeled through the resistance wars, has continued to flourish. 

Guided by the Party, the VPA has focused on building the revolutionary, regular, battle-hardened and modern people’s armed forces, while firmly protecting national independence, sovereignty, unification and territorial integrity and safeguarding the Party, State, people and socialism.

Together with maintaining preparedness for combat, the VPA has also performed well in mass mobilisation, while helping people in production, poverty reduction, natural disaster prevention and recovery, search and rescue activities and giving people access to educational and healthcare services.

The VPA has been developing political bases at grassroots levels, reinforcing the steadfast “people-based battlefield,” especially in remote, border and island areas.

Looking to the future, the nation is eyeing promising prospects, which go along with difficulties and challenges, requiring the VPA in particular and the people’s armed forces in general to uphold their revolutionary spirit, stay vigilant and work harder to build a strong army with high combat capacity.

Foreign journalists laud Vietnam’s development

Journalists from the Foreign Press Association in Switzerland and Liechtenstein (APES) praised Vietnam’s development after their recent week-long trip to the country.

Attending a press conference in the Swiss Press Club in Geneva on December 18, APES President Jean Musy said the delegation comprised seven journalists from Swiss, French, German, Belgian, Haitian and Portuguese news agencies. During the stay from November 27 – December 3, they held 25 working sessions and met more than 50 representatives from departments and agencies in the fields of politics, socio-economy, culture, press and tourism in Hanoi and the northern provinces of Bac Ninh, Thai Nguyen and Quang Ninh. 

The delegation also met Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, Swiss and Haitian representatives in Vietnam, leaders of Thai Nguyen and Quang Ninh provinces, the Vietnam Journalists’ Association, Vietnam News Agency, Radio the Voice of Vietnam and People’s Army paper. They also visited Vingroup, Vinamilk, Credit Suisse bank and garment companies. 

They also met with representatives from the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange (AO)/Dioxin, AO victims, family of the late General Vo Nguyen Giap, and veteran photographer Le Vuong.

The group also enjoyed a surprise meeting with two US war veterans who were jailed in Hoa Lo prison during the war at a photo exhibition on the 45th anniversary of the “Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory. 

Haitian journalist Jean Edouardd Rigaud lauded Vietnam’s business climate, saying that with more than 24,000 foreign-invested projects, total foreign direct investment in Vietnam has surpassed 310 billion USD. 

Rui Martins, a journalist working for Brazilian and Portuguese news agencies, said he was impressed by the transport and economic changes in Vietnam since his first visit in 1994. With the presence of investors from 120 countries, Vietnam’s economy has grown 6-7 percent annually on average over the past two decades. 

He expressed his hope to visit Vietnam in the future to see more positive changes. 

German photojournalist Pierre Virot introduced an album with hundreds of photos he took during the trip, depicting Ha Long Bay, meetings with Vietnamese, Swiss and Haitian politicians in Hanoi and cultural establishments in Vietnam. 

The APES was founded in 1928 in Geneva with more than 120 members representing news and press agencies worldwide, most of them work in Geneva where the United Nations and international organisations are headquartered.-

SDG Challenge 2017 competition names four winners

The United Nations Development Programme in Vietnam (UNDP) in collaboration with HATCH! VENTURES held a ceremony in Hanoi on December 19 to present awards to the top four teams of the SDG Challenge 2017, a competition to devise business solutions to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The four winning teams are Imagtor, which provides videos and image editor services for disabled people, the Ocean, which sets up smart water providers to reduce the use of plastic bottles, Sign Language Interpreting Service Company, which offers translation for deaf people through video calls and similar technologies; and 1516 Green Architecture, which supplies power for impoverished households in remote areas through wind turbines and solar panels.

SDG Challenge 2017 aims to find innovative business ideas with global scalability and social impact to realise the SDGs. The competition was held in Vietnam for the first time to seek social projects targeting the SDGs.

The winners of the competition will have chance to attend the Social Impact Incubator Programme from December 2017 to June 2018.  Accordingly, they will be provided with initial working capital of 85,000 USD and a business development consultancy package. 

Congratulating the winners, Caitlin Wiesen, UNDP Country Director in Vietnam, noted that they know how to utilise advanced technology to help society.

Their projects respect the environment, empower and support disadvantaged people and optimise resources to ensure no one is left behind, she added.

Meanwhile, Pham Quoc Dat, Founder and CEO of HATCH! VENTURE, highlighted that Vietnam’s start-up ecosystem is developing well, creating ideal conditions for start-ups to seek resources.

Cooperation between the UNDP and HATCH! VENTURE is a manifestation of how the start-up ecosystem work for development, Dat said, underlining that cooperation opportunities will open for private firms and domestic and foreign social organisations to support start-ups.

Early diagnosis can save patients with immune disorders

Early diagnosis can help save the lives of children with primary immunodeficiency, doctors said in HCM City last week at a meeting with parents of patients with the disorder.

PTD, a seven-year-old resident of Duc Hoa district in the Mekong Delta province of Long An, was normal until he reached three. His mother told the online newspaper that they noticed a tumor growing on his right leg. A year after it was surgically removed, PTD kept falling sick and losing weight.

A bone marrow examination done at Children’s Hospital No 1 showed that he had primary immunodeficiency.

PTD’s limbs have been shrinking as the disorder worsens. Within this year, the disease has spread to his middle ears, causing hearing loss and making him partially deaf.

“We spend 12 to 15 million VND (528 – 660 USD) every month on his medicines and treatment. When my son could no longer enjoy free health care for children under six, the local authorities supported us in getting insurance for people with disabilities. Otherwise, we could not be able to afford the treatment,” said PTD’s mother.

Le Thi Minh Huong, Deputy Director of the National Children’s Hospital, said that from 2010 to 2016, their immune-allergy-joint department received 10 to 15 cases of primary immunodeficiency every year.

She said that the disease was caused by hereditary or genetic defects wherein not enough immune cells are being generated.

It is estimated that one in 2000 people suffer from different types of immune system disorders. Although some disorders are present at childhood, the disease can affect anyone at any age. Patients with immunodeficiency are more susceptible to infections that can lead to serious complications and even death.

Speaking at the meeting, Huong called for more favourable public health policies for patients with primary immunodeficiency.

“Patients suffering immune system disorders need lifelong treatment to maintain their health. Therefore, it is urgent that policymakers adopt policies and insurance packages for those patients who are above 16, in order to ease their financial burden,” she said. 

Doctors say parents should bring their children to medical facilities for diagnosis when any of the following symptoms are seen: severe and persistent infections, full body response to live virus vaccines, especially tuberculosis vaccines, serious eczema, persistent diarrhea, delayed cord clamping (over 30 days), congenital heart disease, need for strong antibiotics for infection treatment, and other autoimmune inflammation.