solar system

Update news solar system

Researchers create first map of largest solar system moon

 U.S. researchers said Wednesday they have completed the first global geological map of Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon and the largest in the solar system.

Voyager 1 becomes first man-made object to leave solar system: NASA

 U.S. space agency NASA said Thursday that its Voyager 1 spacecraft has become the first human-made object to venture into interstellar space.

Newly-discovered comet on way to inner solar system

 U.S. astronomers said on Tuesday that a recently-discovered, highly active comet will skim 1.2 million kilometers above the Sun's surface on Nov. 28 and has the potential to be readily visible from the Earth.

Voyager discovers 'magnetic highway'

 NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has encountered a "magnetic highway" at the edge of the solar system, a surprising discovery 35 years after its launch, the experts behind the pioneering craft said Monday.