
Update news Spacecraft

Vietnam considers licensing first made-in-Vietnam spacecraft

VietNamNet Bridge - The first Vietnamese-made spacecraft created by a group of young engineers headed by Pham Gia Vinh has recently received a license for manned test flights in the country. 

Vietnam engineers create spacecraft

VietNamNet Bridge - A group of aerospace engineers led by Pham Gia Vinh has successfully built an aircraft which can fly into space.

Billionaire Yuri Milner bids another $100 million to explore the cosmos

Billionaire Internet investor Yuri Milner announced another $100 million initiative on Tuesday to better understand the cosmos, this time by deploying thousands of tiny spacecraft to travel

Virgin Galactic crash: Company defends safety record

 Virgin Galactic insists safety has always been central to its operations, following the crash of its experimental spacecraft in the US on Friday.