Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra
The ministry’s proposal to cut 17 certificates for professional titles required of civil servants and 87 certificates for public employees has been applauded by millions of state officers, especially teachers.
Local newspapers have written about the repeated complaints from civil servants and public employees about the regulation on required certificates for professional titles and other training certificates.
In order to reform training and retraining of civil servants and public employees, the PM has asked the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to coordinate with relevant ministries to check the regulations on certificates required of civil servants and public employees.
The ministry, after collecting opinions from ministries and analyzing public opinions, found some shortcomings, including an overlap in content and training programs for teachers set by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET).
MOET proposed amending some regulations on required certificates to simplify administrative procedures. The aim is to improve the qualification of teaching staff but also to ease pressure on them.
More cuts will be made because of the same requirements for professional activities among professional title ranks in the same education majors.
Asked about the response of the PM and Government members to the proposal by MHA, Tra said the PM emphasized the principle of "real study, real examination and real talents", which means that there is no room for "achievement disease", and state officers have to work effectively.
The head of the cabinet showed his concern about the issue and requested the ministry to make a daring proposal on improving the contingent of officers in a substantial way.
However, Tra said checking the regulations on required certificates takes time and requires a lot of care.
Some ministries have recently also checked the regulations on certificates for professional titles and eased the requirements.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, for example, has released Circular 18, under which certificates on foreign language and informatics skills are not required.
The Ministry of Information and Communications is also collecting opinions to amend the regulations on required content, exam form and career promotion for editors and reporters.
MHA is compiling a circular on the standards, conditions, content and form of examinations for professional title promotions for public employees majoring in Archives.
Tra affirmed that her ministry has not met any barrier to the proposal on cutting certificate requirements, though the cuts will affect "sources of income" for training establishments.
Thu Hang

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