VietNamNet Bridge – The State will continue to recall land for economic development projects despite many opinions urging elimination of this regulation in the draft revised Land Law being discussed by National Assembly deputies.



At a session on the revised Land Law held on Monday, Nguyen Van Giau, chairman of the National Assembly Economic Committee, said that land would continue to be recalled to ensure the progress of economic and social development projects.

According to Giau, land is to be recalled to implement important projects approved by the National Assembly, and to construct industrial parks, export processing zones, hi-tech parks, economic zones and other projects approved by the Prime Minister.

Land can also be recalled to develop new urban areas, new residential areas, rural residential areas, industrial zones and other projects approved by provincial authorities.

However, Giau admitted that many people and organizations during the process of collecting public opinions about the draft law have voiced their concerns about the legal provisions in the draft Land Law, saying land should not be recalled by the State for economic projects. Instead, land should by purchased via negotiations between the project owners and land users.

At a recent session discussing the revised Constitution 1992, many deputies have requested to remove the regulation on land recall for economic purpose to avoid escalating social conflicts.

Speaking at the session on Monday, Giau said that the recall of land aims to ensure harmonious benefits of the State, land owners and investors.

By recalling land, the State will be able to create a land fund so as to allocate land for projects mainly via auctions. Via this method, the State will be able to regulate the added value of land which is not created by land users, Giau explained.

Deputy Nguyen Thanh Thuy from Hau Giang Province said that there should be stricter regulations to prevent authorities from abusing the regulation to recall land for their gains.

Thuy also suggested that the State needs to buy houses and properties on those land sites that are recalled as they are properties under the ownership of citizens.

Echoing the opinion, deputy Tran Ngoc Vinh from Haiphong City said that properties associated with land like houses and architectural structures were owned by citizens, not by the State.

On Sunday, as many as 18 social and trade organizations sent an official petition to the National Assembly, proposing the law-making body not to pass the revised Land Law at this session, saying that amendments in the draft law have yet to fully reflect true aspirations of citizens.

Source: SGT