VietNamNet Bridge – Stiffer penalties for more than 100 traffic violations take effect this month, generating much public attention.



A HCM City police officer stops traffic violators. A new Government decree regarding fines for traffic violations, which took effect yesterday, issues stiffer penalties for more than 100 types of violations. — VNA/VNS Photo Manh Linh


Under the new Government decree, drivers with alcohol levels exceeding 80mg per 100ml of blood or 0.4mg per liter of breath will be fined VND16-18 million (US$720-810), instead of VND10-15 million as previously.

Those who speed, swerve their vehicles recklessly or steer with their feet will incur a fine of VND7-8 million.

Violators who fail to obey a police order to stop, or those who cause traffic accidents, will face a fine of VND18-20 million. The decree significantly increases the fines for “those who use umbrellas, earphones or mobile phones while riding motorbikes or electric bikes,” from the current VND60,000-80,000 (about $2.71-$3.62) to VND100,000-200,000 (about $4.52-$9.04). Those who use hand-held phones when driving will be fined VND600,000-800,000 and have their driving licences revoked for one to three months.

Deputy Chairman of the National Traffic Safety Committee Khuat Viet Hung said the higher fines are directed at violations that are major causes of traffic accidents or threaten road safety.

“Decree No 46 deals with offences that the two previous decrees did not, such as using mobile phones when driving or driving on pavements or disturbing traffic at toll road booths and causing congestion with at least 100 vehicles queuing,” he said.

Under the decree, vehicles that run yellow traffic lights will receive a fine similar to one imposed for running red signals. Readers replying to Viet Nam News’s Your Say last week applauded the new regulation.

More assistance to labourers

Under another Government decree taking effect this month, State employees, military officers and commune-level officers who started receiving retirement pensions and allowances from January 1, 2015 to May 1, 2016 will get an increase of eight per cent.

A circular jointly issued by the ministries of Finance, and Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs facilitates Government assistance to Vietnamese workers sent to work overseas, covering the costs of travel, meals and procedures for working abroad.

Each could receive up to VND3 million ($135) for a foreign language course and VND750,000 ($33) for a medical check-up.

The labour ministry also issued a circular adding categories of work that require strict labour safety and hygiene. They include working at a height of two metres or more, exposure to ionizing radiation or electromagnetic fields from 30GHz to 300 GHz.

The production, use, operation and maintenance of works, equipment and chemicals in mining, oil and gas exploration are also required to meet strict labour safety and hygiene regulations.

A new circular by the construction ministry effective from the middle of this month stipulates minimum areas for apartments in housing projects, particularly for low-income earners - at least 25sq.m and a ceiling height of at least 2.7m.

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