Hagupit, the fifth tropical storm to hit the East Sea this year, is likely to gather strength before it makes landfall in the south central provinces of Khanh Hoa and Ninh Thuan tonight, weather experts have cautioned.


Wind speeds could reach up to 88km/h, they said yesterday.

As of 7pm yesterday, the storm's eye was at about 250km northeast of Truong Sa (Spratly) Archipelago's Song Tu Tay Island, carrying 89-102km per hour winds.

In the next 24 hours, the typhoon is expected to move west at a speed of 20km per hour. By this evening, very rough seas can be expected near Khanh Hoa and Binh Thuan provinces.

Mountainous areas from Quang Ngai to Ninh Thuan have been put on high alert for flash floods and landslides following the advent of Hagupit and a cold front, according to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting.

The centre said yesterday that heavy rains are likely to hit localities on the south central coast this afternoon, triggered by the storm and the cold front.

Riverine provinces from Binh Dinh to Khanh Hoa have been placed on the highest alert level, while southern provinces from Ba Ria-Vung Tau to Ben Tre have also been warned of whirlwinds.

After making landfall, the storm is expected to weaken into a tropical low-pressure system, with winds falling below 39km/h.

Coastal localities from Da Nang to Khanh Hoa have informed over 46,600 vessels about the storm, according to the Central Committee for Flood and Storm Control.

At an urgent meeting yesterday evening, Colonel Pham Van Ty, deputy head of the Rescue and Relief Department under the Ministry of Defense, said the ministry had mobilised more than 37,000 soldiers, more than 3,000 vehicles of all types and 10 navy ships to stay on alert.

Minister of Agricultural, Rural and Development Cao Duc Phat has asked all provinces to be on high alert during the storm and continuously provide information about its movements to local residents.