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Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai. Photo: Hoang Ha

Since September 2021, Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai has been overseeing and directing several key areas of responsibility. These include:

- Trade, specifically import and export activities

- Management of petroleum reserves and supply

- Oversight of logistics services

- Development of general mechanisms and policies concerning public asset management

- Approval of investment policies for projects falling under his jurisdiction within the designated sectors

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai provides direction to several ministries and organizations. These include the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance, State Bank of Vietnam, Government Inspectorate, Government Office, State Capital Management Committee at Enterprises, Vietnam Social Security, National Financial Supervisory Commission, Vietnam Development Bank, Vietnam Bank for Social Policies, and Deposit Insurance.

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Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha. Photo: Hoang Ha

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has been entrusted with oversight and direction over several critical areas since assuming responsibilities. These include:

- Industry

- Construction

- Transport

- Natural Resources and Environment

- Development and implementation of the national master plan, regional planning, and provincial planning

- Ensuring energy security, promoting energy conservation, and efficient energy use

Additionally, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha oversees and directs:

- Formulating and implementing strategies for climate change response

- Management and development of economic zones, industrial parks, and export processing zones

- Supervision of national key projects and essential construction investment projects

- Oversight of bidding processes and related activities

In executing his duties, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha provides guidance to the following ministries and institutions:

- Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Ministry of Transport

- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

- Ministry of Construction

- Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences

- National University - Hanoi

- National University - Ho Chi Minh City

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang. Photo: Hoang Ha

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang has been assigned extensive responsibilities encompassing various critical areas since his appointment. These include:

- Diplomacy and foreign relations

- Management of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and mobilization of preferential loans

- Coordination of foreign non-governmental aid and oversight of foreign non-governmental organizations operating in Vietnam

Additionally, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang directs:

- Matters pertaining to Vietnam's international integration efforts

- Negotiation and implementation of bilateral and multilateral international commitments

- Management of ASEAN single window mechanism, national single window mechanism, and trade facilitation initiatives

- Promotion and regulation of foreign direct investment (FDI) and management of Vietnam's investments abroad

- Enhancement of Vietnam's relations with international and regional organizations

- Oversight of border affairs and management of issues related to the East Sea and islands

- Affairs concerning Overseas Vietnamese communities and matters related to foreigners residing in Vietnam

- Supervision of human rights issues

In carrying out these responsibilities, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang provides guidance and direction to the following ministries and institutions:

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs

- Ministry of Home Affairs

- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

- Ministry of Science and Technology

- Ministry of Information and Communications

- National Committee for Ethnic Minorities

- Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long. Photo: Pham Thang

Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long holds a comprehensive portfolio encompassing a wide array of responsibilities across various sectors. His assigned areas of monitoring and direction include:

- Institutional development and reform

- Management of international disputes and complaints

- Oversight of amnesty processes

- Advancement of education, training, and vocational education

- Management of labor, employment, and social issues

- Promotion of cultural activities, tourism, physical education, and sports

- Enhancement of health services, population policies, family welfare, and children's issues

- Coordination between the Government and the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuracy

In addition to these duties, Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long also serves as the Minister of Justice until the appointment of a new Minister of Justice for the 2021-2026 term, as per regulatory requirements.

He provides direct supervision and guidance to the following ministries:

- Ministry of Justice

- Ministry of Education and Training

- Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

- Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

- Ministry of Health

Tran Thuong