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FPT President Truong Gia Binh.

Andrew Ng, a scientist and one of the top 100 AI experts in the world, said he is optimistic about the future of Vietnam in general and the development of AI in Vietnam.

He believes that Landing AI, the firm he founded, has great potential to cooperate with Vietnamese firms to develop AI applications in many fields, including technology and education.

The expert said the educational system is a strong point of Vietnam, while the current demographic shifting trend will help Vietnam become an attractive intellectual investment destination in many fields.

“The AI market is large with enough opportunities for all, from well known businesses to startups. AI apps are expected to be even more successful and common in the future, thus bringing more revenue sources to businesses in the future,” Andrew Ng said.

He said that in the next few years, the AI revolution will bring great achievements which change the way that human live and work. The future of AI development in Vietnam is bright.

Meanwhile, FPT President Truong Gia Binh noted that AI is the heart of the fourth industrial revolution.

“We sometimes daydream about the future. However, we understand that the heart of the fourth industrial revolution is AI. The basic difference between today and tomorrow is AI,” Binh commented.

He also thinks there will be a boom in Computer Vision, saying that FPT is lucky as it has bet on computer vision and Landing AI.

In the educational sector, Landing AI will cooperate with FPT’s education establishment to develop training curricula in AI for students from first to 12th grade. IAndrew Ng and his co workers who will compile the curricula and become an AI advisor to FPT’s education organization.

FPT and Landing AI will cooperate to develop AI projects, such as developing computer vision apps for industries, healthcare, education and other fields.

Vu Anh Tu, FPT’s CTO, said some experts have called to stop developing AI for fear of its dark side. However, companies will continue the next generations of AI.

“AI is present in all aspects of the human life, including mobile phones, watches, refrigerators and vacuum cleaners,” he said.

“The AI role can be seen in enriching personal experience, acting as supporting technology, and enhancing intelligence," he said.

Trong Dat