A woman drives during very hot weather in Hà Nội.— VNA/VNS Photo Thành Đạt

According to data from the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, a heat wave has hit the northwest region and the provinces from Thanh Hóa to Phú Yên since Thursday.

The highest temperatures recorded were 41.7  degrees Celsius (°C in Tương Dương District, Nghệ An Province; 41.3°C in Hòa Bình Province; 40.8°C in Quỳ Châu District, Nghệ An Province; 40.4°C in Phù Yên District, Sơn La Province; and 40.2°C in Mường La District, Sơn La Province.

The centre also warned that on Friday and Saturday, provinces from Thanh Hóa to Phú Yên face temperatures from 36 to over 40 degrees Celsius between 10am to 6pm.

Nguyễn Ngọc Huy, an expert on climate change and disaster prevention, said Saturday would be the hottest day of the heat wave.

He said the temperature in the midland areas of Nghệ An and Hà Tĩnh provinces is predicted to reach 41-42 degrees Celsius on Saturday.

To prevent heat shock, people should avoid going outdoors from midday to 4pm, he added.

During the heat wave, cities including Đà Nẵng, Hội An, Huế, Đồng Hà, Đồng Hới, Hà Tĩnh, Vinh and Thanh Hoá are forecast to suffer high solar radiation and high ultraviolet rays, he said.

On Saturday, he said the inland wind, which is predicted to decrease, will increase the feeling of sweltering heat in urban areas.

“The midland areas of Hà Tĩnh Province and Nghệ An Province will suffer the hottest weather during the heat wave,” he said.

The centre added that due to the influence of the extremely hot weather and the low humidity in the air, causing the Foehn winds, there is a risk of fires and explosions in residential areas because of increased demand for electricity and the danger of forest fires.

Heat stroke warnings

Besides, the centre also warned that the extremely hot weather could cause dehydration, exhaustion and heat stroke due to heat shock to the human body when exposed to high temperatures for a long time.

People are recommended to limit going out during the hours of 11am-2pm daily during the heat wave to protect their health, medical experts said.

If it is necessary to go out, people must wear long-sleeved and long-legged clothes and use a hat to cover their head and face to protect their skin as much as possible, the medical experts said.

People must drink fully filtered water, fruit juice or green vegetable juice to prevent water loss during the heat wave. This is an easy-to-implement and effective way to prevent water loss.

Huy said that next Monday, a cold spell, bringing showers, will cool down the temperature of the north and north-central provinces for several days. The lowest temperature at night is forecasted to drop to 22 degrees Celsius.

The temperature difference in a relatively short period will make it difficult for the body to adapt. The elderly and children in particular might easily get sick. — VNS