It extends from the constellation Cassiopeia in the north to the constellation Crux in the south, and is at its brightest in the constellation Sagittarius - the center of the Milky Way.

Normally, the Milky Way appears year-round in the sky. However, in Vietnam, the most favorable time to admire and take a photo of it is from March to October, on days when the sky is clear without moon, and with no clouds and no rain. The Milky Way will rise in the southeast between 1-3am.

The places where you can see the Milky Way must be far away from light pollution such as suburbs, seas, high mountains. 

To take good pictures of the Milky Way, a relatively high-quality camera is required.

Many people have to stay up all night to hunt for the brightest, most sparkling moments.

Ke Ga lighthouse on Ba - the most beautiful island in the central province of Binh Thuan - is "the most beautiful sunrise spot in Vietnam" but also an ideal place to take pictures of the Milky Way. Photo: Chu Thien Son

Ganh Den in Tuy An, Phu Yen province. Photo: Bui Xuan Viet

The pink grass hill in Da Lat at 3 am. Photo: Bui Xuan Viet

Tan Thanh Beach in Go Cong Dong, Tien Giang province is a perfect location to take photo of the Milky Way when there is low light. Photo: Phan Nhat Dang Thu
The heart-shaped tea hill in Moc Chau, Son La province at night is also a good place. Photo: Tran Van Linh
En cave waterfall (or K50 waterfall) at Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve, K'Bang district, Gia Lai province becomes more mysterious and magical with the Milky Way behind it. Photo: Nguyen Trong Doi

Sang Nhu in Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai province is one of the places with the most beautiful terraced fields in the Northwest region, a good place to admire the Milky Way. Photo: Hoang Minh Hieu
Dong Chau beach, Thai Binh province, one of the most pristine beaches in the North. Photo: Tran Anh Tuan

Tan Thanh Beach, Tien Giang province. Photo: Chu Thien Son
Long Coc tea hill, an ideal place to both camp overnight and look for the Milky Way. Photo: Tran Van Linh

Thuy Chi