Representatives of Tây Hồ District's authority receive the certificate recognizing the craft of cooking sticky rice in Phú Thượng Village as a national intangible cultural heritage. — VNA/VNS Photo Hoàng HIếu

The People’s Committee of Tây Hồ District, Hà Nội, has organised a sticky rice festival and a ceremony to announce the craft of cooking sticky rice in Phú Thượng Village as a national intangible cultural heritage.

Phú Thượng, formally known as Gạ Village, is famous for its flavoursome, delicious steamed sticky rice. The craft of cooking sticky rice in the village does not have a clear origin but thanks to the water of the Hồng River and its fertile silt, the village is endowed with vast fields of premium quality sticky rice - the main ingredient for its culinary specialty.

To make a delicious sticky rice dish, Phú Thượng villagers put in a great deal of effort and dedication.

Currently, there are three master artisans and around 600 households engaged in the craft in Phú Thượng. The villagers have established their brand, introduced their sticky rice in various markets, festivals and events throughout the country.

Phú Thượng sticky rice is famous for its distinctive flavour. — VNA/VNS Photo Hoàng HIếu

The Phú Thượng Sticky Rice Festival annually takes place for three days on the 8th, 9th, and 10th days of the first lunar month, which falls on February 17, 18 and 19 this year.

During the festival, local residents hold the New Rice Ceremony, offering their homemade sticky rice dishes to the village's patron saint as a gesture of gratitude and seeking blessings for a bountiful harvest. Families also prepare chè bà cốt (a traditional sweet rice cake) to offer on the ancestral altar at home, expressing gratitude to their ancestors and wishing for good health and prosperity.

A sticky-rice-cooking contest and display are held afterwards, showcasing various kinds of sticky rice for visitors from all over the country to enjoy.

According to Bùi Thị Lan Phương, deputy chairwoman of the People's Committee of Tây Hồ, the district has created favourable conditions to support the development of Phú Thượng Village in recent years with the aim to preserve the traditional craft and improve local livelihood.

The village was officially recognized by the city's People's Committee as the traditional sticky rice village on December 30, 2016. Phú Thượng sticky rice was selected as one of the 12 speciality dishes served at the Media Centre during the US-North Korea Summit in Hà Nội in 2018.

The variety of sticky rice dishes displayed in a cookery contest at the Phú Thượng Sticky Rice Festival. — VNA/VNS Photo Hoàng HIếu

The district has also focused on upgrading the infrastructure of the village.

“In the near future, Phú Thượng sticky rice will not only be a famous culinary delight enjoyed throughout the country, but the village will also become an attractive destination for visitors from both within and outside the country. This will contribute to improving the material and spiritual lives of the local residents," Phương said.

“Additionally, it will actively promote the image of Tây Hồ District, its captivating tourist destinations, traditional festivals, intangible cultural heritage, and culinary cultural products." — VNS