VietNamNet Bridge – Bai Dinh - the largest temple in Southeast Asia - is preparing for the opening ceremony of the Vesak 2014.

About Vesak Day

Siddhartha Gautama, also commonly known as Buddha (enlightened one), lived in Nepal between the sixth and fourth century BCE. His teachings focused on messages about compassion, peace and goodwill. Millions around the world follow the teachings of the Buddha today. The Day of Vesak commemorates Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death.

In 1999 the UN recognized internationally Vesak Day to acknowledge the contribution that Buddhism, one of the oldest religions in the world, has made for over 2500 years. This day is commemorated annually at the UN Headquarters and other UN offices and missions.




Bai Dinh Temple was built in 2003. It is located in Ninh Binh Province, in the Gia Sinh Commune of Gia Vien District. The Bai Dinh pagoda complex is situated in an area of 539 hectares, and includes 27 hectares occupied by the ancient Bai Dinh pagoda and 80 hectares devoted to the new Bai Dinh Pagoda. Many other works are under construction.






Bai Dinh is the largest temple in Southeast Asia. On May 7, the Vesak 2014 will be held here. Currently, the flags of nearly 100 participating countries are flying outside the entrance.





A 4-star hotel with 56 rooms for monks and heads of state (on the left of the main temple) is ready to welcome guests.






Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh, Ninh Binh’s Party Secretary, said the scale of Vesak 2014 is much larger than that of the Vesak 2008 in Hanoi, in terms of participants, participating countries and duration (4 days).






The opening ceremony will have the participation of many leaders, heads of state, ambassadors and senior monks from many countries.







The opening ceremony will have the participation of many leaders, heads of state, ambassadors and senior monks from many countries.






Chosen as the place to host the world's largest Vesak in May 2014, Ninh Binh is rushing to complete the last steps to welcome delegations.






During the celebration, many cultural activities will be organized here. Many other cultural activities will also be held in Hanoi, Ha Nam and Thanh Hoa.






Vesak 2014 is an opportunity to promote the image of Ninh Binh in particular and Vietnam in general.






 A meeting hall with 3,500 seats was built in one month.

