Nguyen Viet Cong Thanh.

Graduating from the University of Arts in Hue City, Thanh chose to make murals and decorations for coffee shops and restaurants around the city to earn his living. Three years ago, when wandering along a stream full of pebbles with his friends, an idea suddenly came to him: to draw paintings on such beautiful pebbles.

Thanh began to pick pebbles of different sizes and colors from streams, washed them and thought of what paintings he could draw on them. After some initial failure, he could finally turn out many lovely 2D and 3D paintings of sceneries, animals and birds, or calligraphy, on pebbles.

A painting by Thanh.

Thanh posted his pebble paintings on social media, and he has received more and more clients, many of them came from Hanoi, Haiphong and HCMC. His artworks are sold for hundreds of thousands of to millions of dong each.

Thanh has also opened a drawing class for local children. He said that he would like to open a showroom to display his pebble paintings in the near future.