VietNamNet Bridge - According to weather forecast agencies, this year the temperature may be a record high in the summer and the North will no longer have severe cold spells.


According to the National Hydro-meteorology Center, from now until the summer there will not have any deep cold spells in Vietnam (cold spells last for 3 days or more, with temperature below 15 degrees Celsius).

"However, in March, there will be 1-2 cold days with mild intensity. The temperature will not get as low as recently, and the cold spells will concentrate mainly in the northern mountain provinces," said Mr. Bui Minh Tang, the center’s director.

In April, the North will almost have no cold spell. From May, the North may suffer from the unusual heat waves.

Tang warned of the extreme weather events in 2014 such as snow, ice, strong storms with stronger intensity than last year, with new records of the intense heat waves, higher temperatures in summer and lower temperatures in winter compared to the previous years, and the risk of widespread heavy rainfalls.

"Almost every year Vietnam suffered from extreme weather events that were difficult to predict, so this year we still take precautions against the phenomena like super-storms," Tang said.

Thu Ly