
Update news threatens

Cyber attack eases, hacking group threatens to sell code

Governments turned their attention to a possible new wave of cyber threats on Tuesday after the group that leaked U.S. hacking tools used to launch the global WannaCry "ransomware" attack warned it would release more malicious code.

Climate change threatens to worsen U.S. ozone pollution: study

 The United States may face a 70 percent increase in unhealthy summertime ozone levels by 2050 as the climate warms, according to a government-funded study released on Monday.

Puppeteer shortage threatens survival of traditional art form

VietNamNet Bridge – A lack of puppeteers is threatening the survival of traditional puppetry, according to the chairman of Viet Nam Theatre Artists' Association, Le Tien Tho.

Free trade threatens local producers

 VietNamNet Bridge – The local livestock production sector is predicted to suffer after the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement takes effect.