VietNamNet Bridge – A team calling itself "Three Idiots" was named the winner of the first Wonderful Da Nang tourism experience contest at an awards ceremony in the central city yesterday. 


Creativity: A photo of a Da Nang beach shown at the award ceremony of the tourism experience contest. — VNS Photos Cong Thanh

The contest, which included writing about impressions of various city landmarks and photographing them, was aimed at promoting creativity among young adventurers and explorers, as well as tourism.

The team’s writing, video clip and photos of the city’s landscape and destinations during their a four-day visit to the city beat the other nine finalists and brought it VND100 million (US$4,400), including VND60 million ($2,600) in cash and a trip to South Korea.

The B-Waves team won a prize of VND 30 million ($1,300), while the Speed Up team was awarded a prize worth VND20 million ($885).

According to the city’s Department of Tourism, the contest received more than 300 written submissions and 3,100 photos from thousands of contestants.


Winners of the tourism experience Wonderful Da Nang contest are announced at a ceremony in the city yesterday. 

Phone app

Last year, the department launched a mobile phone software application, Danang FantastiCity, to help plan tours and find tourist information in Vietnamese and English.

The department also introduced tourism information on its website, to help tourists explore services and destinations and find accommodations in connection with social networking platforms – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube – where wireless or 3G service are not available.

The department plans to update the Chinese, Korean and Japanese versions of the city’s tourism website.

According to the city’s tourism promotion centre, the Danang FantastiCity fanpage has attracted over 10,000 followers since 2014.

Da Nang hosted 3.3 million tourists, of which 1.2 million were foreigners, in the first half this year.

Some 15,000 tourists, journalists, businesses people from 21 member economies will take part in the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) Summit in Da Nang on November 5-11. 


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