Duong Thuy Linh left Hanoi on June 20 to represent Vietnam at the Mrs Worldwide 2018 pageant in Singapore.


Thuy Linh departed for Singapore at 8am on June 20 to take part in Mrs Worldwide 2018. Her husband, businessman Viet Thang, drove Linh to the airport.


Linh receives great encouragement from her husband to compete at the world pageant.

At Noi Bai International Airport, she wears a white T-shirt, jeans and simple make-up. She impresses everyone she meets with her bright and friendly smile.


When she received the invitation letter from Mrs Worldwide 2018, Linh said she hesitated because she did not want to join any beauty contest at the age of 35. Her husband advised her to challenge herself so that she did not regret it in future.


Mrs Worldwide 2018 takes place on June 20-24. Vietnamese representative Thuy Linh brought 2 suitcases of clothes to the event. She asked the designers Audrey Nguyen and Kenny Thai to prepare evening gowns and a national costume. Fashion brand Duan Bridal has provided her other outfits. 


The pageant gathers 25 contestants from all around the world. Contestants join different activities in Singapore and Malaysia during the four-day competition. The grand finale is slated for June 24 in Singapore, contestants will compete in national costume and evening gown events and a Q&A session.


Duong Thuy Linh, 35, is from Hanoi. In 2004, she won the bronze medal in the Vietnam Supermodel contest and represented Vietnam at Miss Tourism International. In 2008, she finished in the top 5 and was given the Miss Friendly title at Miss Universe Vietnam.


She now works as a TV show host and runs her own business.