tiger bone glue

Update news tiger bone glue

Wildlife trafficking: the animal market in Laos

Reporters travelled 2,000 kilometers in Laos recently to discover how wildlife are carried to Vietnam. Departing from Hanoi, they crossed the Long Sap border gate in the northern province of Son La to Laos. 

Wildlife trafficking: how are tigers transported to Vietnam?

VietNamNet Bridge - Tigers, weighing up to hundreds of kilograms, are brought to Vietnam from other countries, especially Laos, and go through customs agencies’ examinations.

Wildlife trafficking: The ring that provides tigers soaked in alcohol

Snake, wild cat and tiger cubs kept in alcohol have been selling well because of increasingly high demand. 

Wildlife trafficking world – Demand for animal bone glue

The demand for animal bone glue, especially tiger bone glue, is high as people believe the glue can help improve health. More and more tigers have been killed and traffickers are earning big money from glue sales.

The largest vault of wildlife skulls and horns in Hanoi

A group of reporters from Tap chi Bao ve Rung va Moi Truong (Forest and Environment Journal) have been able to penetrate a large-scale wildlife trafficking ring which carries out both domestic and cross-border affairs.

Tiger bone glue available on online market

Tiger bone glue has been advertised on many websites at VND3 million per 0.1 kilo.