NA Chairman discusses ties with leading Czech politician

Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Nguyen Sinh Hung suggested that the Vietnamese NA and Senate of the Czech Republic continue bolstering mutual co-operation and support at multilateral forums.



National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung receives Vice President of the Czech Senate Miluse Horska in Ha Noi yesterday.


At a reception for visiting Vice President of the Czech Senate Miluse Horska in Ha Noi yesterday (Oct 29), Chairman Hung expressed his belief that the guest's trip would contribute greatly to promoting ties between the two nations and legislative bodies.

He thanked the European nation for its valuable support in the course of national construction and protection of the Vietnamese people.

He also asked the Czech Republic to continue to aid Viet Nam in furthering its ties with the European Union (EU) for the early approval of the Viet Nam - EU Partnership and Cooperation Agreement as well as more negotiations to reach a Free Trade Agreement.

Viet Nam, an active member of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN), is willing to serve as a bridge to help the Czech Republic enhance co-operation with the bloc and its member countries, he added.

For his part, Horska said the community of overseas Vietnamese in the Czech Republic was recognised as an ethnic minority group, marking a milestone in the two sides' co-operation and friendship ties.

She also voiced her wish that the two countries would continue the sharing of experience in lawmaking to further intensify co-operation between the two peoples.

The same day, Chairman Hung also met with a visiting European Parliamentarian delegation, led by its Committee for Southeast Asia and ASEAN Relations Chairman Werner Largen.

Hung said the Vietnamese legislative body gives special priority to developing the friendship with the European Parliament (EP).

He told his guest that he hoped the bilateral meetings between the EP delegation and Vietnamese agencies would help deepen mutual understanding and strengthen relations between the Vietnamese legislature and the EP and EU.

In response, Chairman Werner Largen affirmed that the EP attached importance to boosting ties with the Vietnamese NA.

The two sides have exchanged delegations and collaborated in multilateral forums in addition to sharing experience in legislation, according to Largen.

He added that he hoped the two sides would continue to strengthen co-operation activities, especially in law building and international integration.

Hung also briefed his guest on the Constitution revision process in Viet Nam.

Public Security Minister visits India

Vietnamese Minister of Public Security General Tran Dai Quang is paying a working visit to India at an invitation of Minister of Home Affairs Sushilkumar Shinde.

At a meeting with Indian Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid on October 29, Minister Quang affirmed that the Vietnamese people are thankful for the valuable support of the Indian Government and people during the country’s past struggle for liberation and its national construction, defence and development. He stated Vietnam always defines India as a great and faithful friend.

Quang said the Vietnamese Government treasures India’s “Look East” policy, which considers ASEAN an extremely important pillar and strongly supports the bloc’s central role, adding that he highly valued the country’s positive and effective contributions to helping build an ASEAN Community by 2015, implementing the ASEAN Connectivity Initiative and developing the Mekong sub-region cooperation.

He declared that Vietnam is willing to strengthen its comprehensive partnership with India and will create all possible conditions for Indian businesses to invest in Vietnam, especially in the fields where they are strongest.

The guest also expressed his hope that Minister Salman Khurshid will pay attention to developing the two ministries’ ties to a new height, contributing to deepening the traditional friendship and strategic partnership between Vietnam and India for the peace, stability and interests of the two peoples.

Minister Khurshid thanked Vietnam for creating favourable conditions for Indian investors recently, especially in oil and gas exploration and exploitation, and solar energy.

He said he hoped that the two countries continue intensifying cooperation in software production technology, information security and safety, banking, and transport infrastructure, as well as opening more direct air routes. Vietnamese Minister of Public Security General Tran Dai Quang is paying a working visit to India at an invitation of Minister of Home Affairs Sushilkumar Shinde.

At a meeting with Indian Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid on October 29, Minister Quang affirmed that the Vietnamese people are thankful for the valuable support of the Indian Government and people during the country’s past struggle for liberation and its national construction, defence and development. He stated Vietnam always defines India as a great and faithful friend.

Quang said the Vietnamese Government treasures India’s “Look East” policy, which considers ASEAN an extremely important pillar and strongly supports the bloc’s central role, adding that he highly valued the country’s positive and effective contributions to helping build an ASEAN Community by 2015, implementing the ASEAN Connectivity Initiative and developing the Mekong sub-region cooperation.

He declared that Vietnam is willing to strengthen its comprehensive partnership with India and will create all possible conditions for Indian businesses to invest in Vietnam, especially in the fields where they are strongest.

The guest also expressed his hope that Minister Salman Khurshid will pay attention to developing the two ministries’ ties to a new height, contributing to deepening the traditional friendship and strategic partnership between Vietnam and India for the peace, stability and interests of the two peoples.

Minister Khurshid thanked Vietnam for creating favourable conditions for Indian investors recently, especially in oil and gas exploration and exploitation, and solar energy.

He said he hoped that the two countries continue intensifying cooperation in software production technology, information security and safety, banking, and transport infrastructure, as well as opening more direct air routes.

European Parliament delegation welcomed to Hanoi

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung received a visiting European Parliamentarian delegation in Hanoi on October 29, led by its Committee for Southeast Asia and ASEAN Relations Chairman Werner Largen.

The NA chief legislator told the reception of his hopes the bilateral meetings scheduled for the visit will help deepen mutual understanding and strengthen relations between the Vietnamese legislature and the EP and wider European Union.

Boosting the ties of friendship and cooperation with the EU is one of Vietnam’s foreign policy priorities, Hung said. He noted the steady expansion of the two sides’ cooperation in politics, economics, trade, investment, and parliamentary activities.

NA Chairman Hung asked the EP delegation to assist with accelerating the adoption of the EU-Vietnam Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) and support the ongoing EU-Vietnam FTA negotiations. Both diplomatic initiatives will serve as important legal foundations for developing cooperation in a meaningful manner.

The Vietnamese host also discussed ways of building voter confidence with his guests.

Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Nguyen Sinh Hung suggested that the Vietnamese NA and Senate of the Czech Republic continue bolstering mutual co-operation and support at multilateral forums.

At a reception for visiting Vice President of the Czech Senate Miluse Horska the same day, Hung expressed his belief that her visit will contribute to promoting ties between the two nations and legislative bodies.

Hung suggested the Vietnamese NA and Senate of the Czech Republic continue bolstering mutual co-operation and support at multilateral forums.

He thanked the European nation for its valuable support in the course of national construction and protection of the Vietnamese people and asked it to continue helping Vietnam further strengthen relations with the EU for the early approval of the Vietnam - EU Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) as well as more negotiations to reach a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

As an active ASEAN member, Vietnam is willing to act as a bridge for helping the Czech Republic enhance co-operation with the regional grouping and its member countries, he said

Horska said the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic was recognized as an ethnic minority group, marking a milestone in the two sides' co-operation and friendship ties.

She said she hopes the two countries will continue sharing law-making experience to increase co-operation between the two peoples.

President honours former Japanese PM

President Truong Tan Sang presented the Friendship Order to former Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio in Ha Noi yesterday, Oct 29.

Sang attributed the fruitful relationship between Viet Nam and Japan to the former PM's great contributions.

Sang said he believed Hatoyama's initiative to establish a Japan - Viet Nam University at the Hoa Lac high-tech zone in Ha Noi would come to fruition in the next few years.

For his part, Hatoyama thanked Sang for his contributions to strengthening the Japan – Viet Nam relationship. He presented an initiative to establish health and education centres for Japanese experts and businesses in Viet Nam.

Japanese ambassador greets PM Dung

Japanese Ambassador Hiroshi Fukada has paid a courtesy visit to Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung upon assuming his new tasks in Vietnam.

At an October 29 reception for the Japanese guest, PM Dung highlighted the fine traditional friendship between Vietnam and Japan, cultural similarities, potential and advantages in which they can exploit for common development.

Since the two countries upgraded their relations to a strategic partnership, bilateral ties have seen strong developments, delivering practical benefits to the two peoples, Dung said.

Dung thanked Japan for providing its ODA for Vietnam, noting that Japanese ODA has contributed to boosting Vietnam’s socio-economic development.

Vietnam will do all it can to work together with Japan on strengthening their strategic partnership for long-term sustainability and prosperity as well as for the sake of peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region, he added

Ambassador Fukada affirmed his tireless efforts to act as a bridge fostering Vietnam-Japan cooperation in economics, trade, investment, ODA, education and culture.    

Defence Minister receives former Soviet Union veterans

Defence Minister General Phung Quang Thanh on October 29 received a delegation of war veterans from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, who assisted Vietnam during the war for national salvation.

The Vietnamese Defence Minister thanked the people of the former Soviet Union, including those from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus for their support for Vietnamese people during the war.

During the country’s construction cause, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus have helped educate many Vietnamese managers and scientists, he said.

The Vietnamese people and military always respect the wholehearted and efficient support and assistance from international friends, especially from these three countries, Thanh told his guests.

He said he hopes the veterans from these countries will continue to share their experience with Vietnamese military officers, contributing to increasing mutual understanding and boosting the traditional friendship and cooperation between their people and armies.

At the reception, the veterans recalled their memories of Vietnam during the war. They said they hope to make further contributions to fostering the relations between Vietnam and Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Leaders receive US business delegation

President Truong Tan Sang said US businesses would continue to be Viet Nam's leading partners during a meeting with visiting Chairman of the US-ASEAN Business Council (USABC) Evan Greenberg and representatives of several US businesses in Ha Noi yesterday, Oct 29.

He said he was delighted to see US entrepreneurs again following their meeting earlier this month at the 21st Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Bali, Indonesia.

The President spoke highly of the USABC's role in encouraging US agencies to partner with the Vietnamese side within the frameworks of the World Trade Organisation and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.

He suggested the council continue its efforts to bring the Vietnamese market closer to US businesses, pledging to create every favourable condition for US-ASEAN businesses to invest in the country in the long term.

In response, Evan Greenberg, who is also Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ACE Ltd, said he and the council wanted to bring more businesses to Viet Nam.

The US entrepreneur said Viet Nam had made a lot of progress in improving its investment environment, though he underlined the need for the country to perform better in several fields.

He voiced hope that Viet Nam would actively engage in the TPP negotiations, saying the agreement offered a good opportunity to enhance co-operation with the US and other partners.

Thanking President Sang for his active contributions to boosting the US-Viet Nam relationship, Evan Greenberg pledged to do his utmost to encourage US businesses to invest in the Southeast Asian country.

The same day, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung also met with Vice Chairman of the US-ASEAN Business Council Keith Williams and representatives from some major US businesses in Ha Noi.

Dung said the USABC's activities had contributed to fostering co-operation between Viet Nam and the US, especially in trade and investment.

The Viet Nam - US relationship was developing fruitfully in various fields, with the rapid increase of two-way trade that brought practical benefits to both sides, he added.

The PM thanked the USABC for its efforts to promote co-operation between the two nations and asked the council to support Viet Nam in negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).

For his part, Keith Williams said that the council's first meeting in Viet Nam showed that US businesses attached importance to long-term investment in the Southeast Asian nation.

This was an important milestone in the context that the parties were preparing for the conclusion of the TPP negotiations, he said, adding that successful negotiations would boost co-operation between Viet Nam and the US, especially in trade and investment.

HCM City, Aussie Northern Territory seek trade links

Ho Chi Minh City will do all it can to strengthen cooperation with Australia’s Northern Territory in areas of mutual interest.

Chairman of the HCM City People’s Committee Le Hoang Quan made the commitment while receiving visiting Chief Minister of Australia’s Northern Territory Government Adam Granham Giles on October 29.

Quan described the guest’s visit as a contribution to fostering the multifaceted ties between Australia and Vietnam in general and HCM City in particular.

Reviewing the developing bilateral relationship over the past time, he stressed that the two sides still see great potential for cooperation in all areas.

The HCM City leader suggested both sides create favourable conditions for their businesses to strengthen investment cooperation.

For his part, Adam Granham Giles said his visit aims to determine what countries the region will promote trade ties with in the future.

Ho Chi Minh City’s strong development with improved living standards in recent time is a good chance for Australia’s Northern Territory to develop trade with the city, he noted.

He expressed his wish that the municipal authorities will facilitate Australian businesses’ operations in the city while affirming that his region will encourage and provide the best conditions for those from Vietnam.

Both host and guest agreed to entrust relevant agencies to implement specific cooperation contents between HCM City and Australia’s Northern Territory in the time to come. To start with, the Australian side will welcome HCM City delegations to share experience in fire prevention and fighting.

Congo recognises Viet Nam's full market economy status

Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Basile Ikouebe has announced his government's official recognition of Viet Nam's full market economy status.

Talking with Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh in Ha Noi yesterday, Oct 29, the Congolese diplomat also voiced hope that Congolese President Denis Sassou N'guesso would pay an official visit to Viet Nam in 2014.

He said he had high expectations for the organisation of the Viet Nam - Congo Intergovernmental Committee's meeting next year and the starting of negotiations on important bilateral co-operative agreements in economics, education, agro-forestry, oil and gas.

This is the first official visit to Viet Nam by a Congolese minister since the two countries established diplomatic ties on July 16, 1964.

For his part, Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh affirmed that Viet Nam always attached importance to boosting co-operation with African countries, including the Republic of Congo.

During the talks, host and guest reviewed the bilateral co-operation over the past time and reached consensus on concrete measures to implement the linkage in various areas.

Both held that the solidarity, traditional friendship and effective co-ordination between Viet Nam and Congo at the United Nations, Francophone and regional and international forums would serve as a firm political foundation to promote co-operative ties.

They also compared notes on several issues of regional and international concern.