National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has called upon the Vietnamese Party, people and army to unite and fulfil the set 2015 tasks to generate rapid and sustainable development.

In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency in the beginning of 2015, the top legislator said the Vietnamese economy saw a recovery over the past year but it was unstable due to complicated issues in the region and around the world. He cited China’s illegal placement of the Haiyang Shiyou-981 oil rig in Vietnamese waters as a serious threat to the country’s peace, stability and development.

The National Assembly held in-depth discussions on the situation and put forth specific measures involving collaboration between the Government, business community and people to remove difficulties, bringing about encouraging outcomes, he said.

He noted that the 2014 economic growth of 5.98 percent surpassed the target of 5.8 percent set by the NA, while the macro-economy stabilised and improvements were made in the culture, society, environment and administrative reform.

The NA Chairman went on to say that the people-based national defence and security continued to be consolidated and enhanced, while national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity were secured. Achievements were also seen in foreign affairs, social welfare, hunger elimination, poverty alleviation, rural modernisation, judicial affairs, social order and safety, and corruption prevention, he added.

The enforcement of the 2013 Constitution was a key task in 2014 and following years in order to complete the institutions and develop the law-governed socialist State, creating the momentum for the comprehensive renovation cause both politically and economically, he said.

The leader of the legislative body noted that the National Assembly approved 29 laws, 18 resolutions and debated 12 other draft laws – the largest number of laws and resolutions to be considered and approved in a year. The NA’s supervision was intensified via many reforms and produced positive outcomes.

The NA leader conceded that the global political-economic situation in 2015 is unpredictable, especially with complicated sea and island sovereignty disputes.

“The country’s deeper and wider global integration will bring about numerous opportunities for development but competition will also become fiercer. This is also the last year to fulfil the 2011-2015 socio-economic development plans, and the maintenance of macro-economic stability and growth recovery will be significant for the next development stage,” he said.

He went on to say, “The NA has defined the overall 2015 targets as follows: strengthening macro-economic stability, removing barriers to production and business; drastically implementing strategic breakthroughs; restructuring the economy in tandem with shifting the growth model; improving competitive capacity and efficiency; and striving for a growth rate exceeding that of 2014; pushing forward with social, cultural, educational, scientific and technological development and environmental protection to improve the living conditions of the people; stepping up administrative and judicial reform, corruption prevention and control, thrift practice, and waste prevention; fortifying defence and security works; firmly safeguarding national sovereignty; and ensuring political security, social order and safety.”

The NA Chairman said Vietnam was chosen to host the 132nd General Assembly of the Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU-132) in the spring of 2015. He emphasised that this is the first time the Vietnamese legislature has ever organised a big multilateral parliamentary diplomatic activity at this scale.

“I believe that with thorough preparations of the NA and support from compatriots and voters nationwide, the IPU-132 under the theme ‘The Sustainable Development Goals: Turning words into action’ will be successful, thus contributing to the world’s post-2015 sustainable development agenda and marking the comprehensive and intensive international integration of Vietnam”, he said.

The top legislator added at present, the entire Party and people are working to enhance implementation of “doi moi” (renewal), industrialisation and modernisation, exerting all efforts to build a peaceful and stable environment, developing the economy, consolidating defence and security, reforming the legal system, and preparing for Party congresses at local levels and the 12th National Party Congress.

“More than ever, we have to closely unite, unify our will and action, continue the renewal process, make the best use of opportunities and advantages, and surmount difficulties and challenges to develop the country rapidly and sustainably”, Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung concluded.