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Defendant Trinh Van Quyet in court. Photo: CTV

On July 23rd, the court proceedings for the FLC case continued with the interrogation phase. Former Chairman of FLC Group, Trinh Van Quyet, and his sister, Trinh Thi Minh Hue, admitted to the charges as outlined in the indictment. Quyet expressed his willingness to accept the court's verdict.

During the court's questioning, Trinh Van Quyet acknowledged all actions described in the indictment, confirming their accuracy and stating he would accept the court's decision without objection. When asked about the nature of his crimes and the illicit profits involved, Quyet consistently affirmed that the indictment's description was accurate.

Quyet clarified that he never intended to defraud investors. The intention behind acquiring the company was to expand into the construction sector and manage investments and construction activities within the FLC Group. He also aimed to extend operations beyond the group. Before his arrest, he had already begun implementing these plans.

He emphasized that his statements were made voluntarily and had no objections to the testimony of other defendants.

According to the indictment, Trinh Van Quyet is accused of masterminding and directing the acquisition of Faros Company, orchestrating fraudulent capital contributions to inflate Faros' registered capital from 1.5 billion VND to 4,300 billion VND, and listing the company's stock on the HOSE exchange. He is accused of selling over 391 million ROS shares, fraudulently raising over 3,621 billion VND from 30,403 investors.

Quyet is also alleged to have overseen the opening, management, and use of stock accounts, and directed the allocation of funds to accounts managed by his sister, Trinh Thi Minh Hue. Hue is accused of manipulating five stock codes to illegally gain over 723 billion VND, with Quyet held criminally responsible for four of these codes, amounting to a profit of over 684 billion VND.

Trinh Thi Minh Hue admitted to carrying out all actions under her brother's instructions and confirmed all details described in the indictment. Regarding the capital increase at Faros, Hue stated that she followed Quyet's orders to withdraw money from the bank and deposit it into the company. Hue maintained her statements from the investigation and claimed not to have personally benefited from the crimes directed by her brother.

T. Nhung