
Update news tuberculosis

Majority of communal doctors misdiagnose: study

VietNamNet Bridge – Only 3 per cent of doctors in local health facilities correctly diagnose the five most common diseases in Viet Nam, a recent study reveals. 

WHO revises global tuberculosis estimate up by 500,000

The World Health Organization has revised up its estimate of how many people have tuberculosis by almost 500,000. 

Home vegetable gardening gains traction in Hanoi

Many people in Hanoi have started growing vegetables inside their homes as concerns about the additives on food products grow among the population.

TB rates in children 'much higher than WHO estimates'

 More than 650,000 children worldwide develop tuberculosis each year, research in the journal Lancet Global Health suggests.

Tuberculosis poses serious threat in Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge – Every year nearly 200,000 newly infected tuberculosis patients are recorded in Vietnam, and around 30,000 succumb to the disease,