VietNamNet Bridge – A system of 114 tunnels and the tunnel village of Vinh Linh in Quang Tri province in central Vietnam has been recognized a special national monument.

When building up to the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964, expanding its attack on North Vietnam by air and naval forces, the US paid special attention to Vinh Linh District, aiming to turn this area into a white belt to prevent the North from assisting the South.

More than half a million tons of bombs were dropped onto this land. With iron will, the local people created a system of tunnels deep in the ground.

From 1965 to 1968, Vinh Linh people built 114 tunnels in 70 villages of 15 communes and towns. The tunnel system was used until 1972.

To date, the Vinh Moc Tunnel in Vinh Thach commune is the most intact. This tunnel consists of three floors, 1,701 m long with 13 gates. To make this system, local people had to dig and remove more than 6,000 m3 of rock and soil. It is called the tunnel village because the tunnel has a hall, apartments, maternity hospital, message boards, wells, toilets, and surgical station. In 2,000 days of existence, 17 babies were born here.


However, many tunnels were not strong enough against bombs. On June 20, 1967, Tan Ly tunnel in Vinh Quang commune collapsed in bombing, causing 61 deaths. Local people built a joint grave for the victims at the tunnel door and called it "Tunnel 61".

With the tremendous value of history, in 1976 the Ministry of Culture and Information recognized the Vinh Moc tunnels a national-level historical and cultural site. The site welcomes around 70,000 visitors, mainly international visitors each year.  

Vinh Moc Tunnel is being restored in phase two.  

In addition to the Vinh Moc Tunnel, which has been opened for tourists, there are many tunnels in Vinh Linh that could become tourist sites, such as Mui Sy, Rooc, Troong Mon – Cua Hang, Hai Quan, Huong Nam, and Tunnel 61.

Currently, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has proposed to the government to recognize the tunnel system in Vinh Linh, including Vinh Moc tunnel, as a special national-level historical site.