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The infrastructure system serving people's lives has been constantly improved and newly built.

Effective integration of investment policy

According to the latest data, the population of Tuyen Quang province is 784,000, and 56.7% of them are ethnic minority people.

Implementing the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period of 2021 - 2025, 121/138 communes in Tuyen Quang have benefited from many social projects.

To continue to effectively implement national target programs, the People's Council of Tuyen Quang province recently Resolution No. 10/2023/NQ-HDND dated July 7, 2023 to support the implementation of production development projects based on the value chain, community-based production development projects under national target programs in Tuyen Quang province in the period of 2021 - 2025.

Accordingly, supported contents include: training, disseminating knowledge, transferring technical advances to project participants; giving support to production development projects linked to the value chain in terms of consultation, surveying and assessing value chain development potential; consulting on developing production and business plans, technical processes, market assessments, and market development plans; providing funds for training in management skills, value chain management, search capacity, expanding consumer markets...

Subjects to this resolution are agencies, businesses, cooperatives, cooperative unions, cooperative groups, community groups, individuals, households participating or related in the management and organization of the development projects based on the value chain, community production development projects under national target programs in Tuyen Quang province in the period of 2021 - 2025.

In the coming time, Tuyen Quang province will continue to promote propaganda of the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies, and disseminate legal education to ethnic minority people, creating high consensus in the implementation of ethnic works.

The province's focused and sustainable investment in ethnic minority communes with many difficulties will contribute to ensuring social security and gradually improving the material and spiritual life of the community.

Promoting the construction of essential infrastructure

Along with sustainable solutions in socio-economic development and integration of investment policies, Tuyen Quang province also focuses on allocating capital resources to invest in essential infrastructure, serving production and life in ethnic minority and mountainous areas; takes advantage of all resources to invest in building essential infrastructure for communes and villages with special difficulties, and regional transport works; focuses on synchronous implementation and maximum mobilization of investment resources to integrate and effectively implement the proposed plan.

The province has strengthened solutions and diversified forms of resource mobilization for implementation; accelerating the disbursement of capital sources, carrying out payments and settlement of capital sources according to the State Budget Law...

Tuyen Quang province has focused on disbursing capital from the National Target Program for ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021 - 2025 in the province. Thereby, the infrastructure system is constantly improved and new investments are made, significantly contributing to promoting economic growth, ensuring social security, improving people's lives, and completing socio-economic development goals set by the province.

Currently, many transport infrastructure projects under component projects of the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas are being built, contributing to perfecting the essential infrastructure system, thereby helping people have more motivation and conditions to develop production and escape poverty.

One of the important component projects being urgently implemented by Tuyen Quang province is Project 4 "Investment in essential infrastructure, serving production and life in ethnic minority and mountainous areas and public service units of the ethnic sector" under the National Target Program for socio-economic development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

In 2022, the province allocated 234 billion VND, including over 225 billion VND from the central budget, to 264 essential infrastructure projects, serving production and life in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

Hop Hoa commune, Son Duong district has nearly 40% of the population being ethnic minorities. In 2023, Dong Chua bridge was built with a total cost of 1.1 billion VND. This is one of 7 projects of Project 4 in the period of 2021 - 2025. Besides, 2 other projects, the combined spillway bridge of Thanh Son village and the combined spillway bridge of Dong Bao village are being implemented very soon.

In Son Duong district, the project to renovate and upgrade the irrigation lake in Dong Min village, Binh Yen commune was invested with nearly 2.8 billion VND from the capital source of the National Target Program for Socio-Economic Development in ethnic minorities and mountainous areas.

The project to renovate and upgrade Dong Min village irrigation lake started in April 2023, expected to be completed in August 2023 After being completed and put into use, the project will serve to irrigate 2 crops/year for over 25 hectares of agricultural land and serve tourism development in the commune.

The concrete road leading to the residences of over 30 households and over 10 hectares of production land of the people of Dong Bai village, Tu Quan commune, Yen Son district, Tuyen Quang province was also completed and put into use in May 2023. The road is nearly 1 km long, 3.5 m wide, and has an investment cost of 1.2 billion VND. The people of Dong Bai village are very excited. Four families whose route passes through voluntarily cleared the site and donated over 2,500 m2 of land.

In 2023, Tuyen Quang province strives to invest in 419 essential infrastructure projects, serving production and life in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, including the renovation of 13 markets; repairing infrastructure works in communes of Region III (communes with special difficulties), ATK communes and villages with special difficulties.

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