Two among three Vietnamese teachers, who participated in the 2015 Microsoft Global Education Forum under theme “Global Educator Exchange” was held at Redmond, Washington state in the United State from April 28 to May 1, were excellently selected as  the first Pitch winner and the second Overall Challenge winner.


Vietnamese teacher delegation participates in the 2015 Microsoft Global Education Forum.


The forum included six awards in caterogies: Product Innovation, Mind shift, Overall Challenge, Learning activity, project plan and the Pitch.

The organizational board awarded the first global Pitch prize for the group of teacher Nguyen Thi Lieu; and the second global prize “Overall Challenge” for the group of teacher Ngo Thanh Nam.

Within in the forum, all Vietnamese teachers collaborated with 300 teachers from Germany, South Africa, Canada and Republic of Czech to conduct a study project for students worldwide.

The Microsoft in Education Global Forum recognizes and celebrates the achievements of the world's most innovative school leaders and educators who are leveraging technology to help students realize their potential and graduate with skills they can take into the workforce.