An N2O tank hooked to a balloon called a "funkyball". Photo courtesy of Hà Nam Police Department

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has issued a document on using Nitrous Oxide (N2O) on patients.

The document was sent to the Directorate of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defence as well as the Directory of Health, Ministry of Public Security, in addition to all hospitals, local departments of health under the MoH.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O), more commonly known as "laughing gas" is being misused, which led to serious health hazards according to the MoH.

A report from the Drug Administration of Việt Nam said that N2O is not legally cleared to be recognised as a treatment in Việt Nam. Therefore, the MoH ordered medical facilities not to use N2O on patients without clearance from the MoH.

Facilities that store N2O must properly manage the reserve. Any loss or misusage of the gas, if found, will make the facilities' leader legally responsible.

According to the MoH, Nitrous Oxide (or Dinitrogen monoxide) with the chemical formula N2O is a chemical compound used in industries such as solar cell manufacturing, welding and cutting, etc.

It is also used in the production and processing of food and is being researched for dental anaesthesia and pain reduction.

However, the misuse and improper use of N2O can have negative effects on human health, especially among young people.

Its stimulation of the nervous system can lead to excitement and laughter, prolonged use can result in autism, headaches, fatigue, and physical weakness, and high doses can cause hallucinations. This misuse can also have negative social consequences. VNS