VietNamNet Bridge – Transport departments and agents across the country have been asked to remove all 50km per hour (kmph) speed limit signs on national highways by the end of January.



A part of the An Phu Highway in HCM City. All 50km per hour speed limit signs on national highways will be removed by the end of this month following instructions from the Directorate for Roads of Viet Nam.



Under instructions from Nguyen Van Huyen, general director of Directorate for Roads of Viet Nam (DRVN), localities which still want to apply the speed limit sign for special technical conditions such as a weak bridge or an accident-prone spot, should submit a document to the directorate for approval.

If necessary, slow speed signs or signs with speed limit above 50kmph or other warning road signs would be installed.

The DRVN has ordered localities to review the road signs with speed limit of 50kmph or higher and see whether it was necessary to replace them with higher speed limits or other warning signs.

Localities were also asked to examine road signs at crowded residential areas in accordance with circular 91 of the transport ministry on speed regulations and distance among vehicles when travelling on roads to ensure a suitable adjustment.

The DRVN requested its subordinate agents to co-ordinate with local authorities to detect and deal with challenges like road signs concealed by trees or destroyed by the weather, and also determine inconsistencies between road signs and zebra crossings.

The review and replacement of the 50kmph or over speed-limit signs and other signs should be completed before March 1, the DRVN said.

At a meeting to review the inspection on the transport sector held on Tuesday, Minister of Transport, Dinh La Thang, has also asked the DRVN to dismantle under 40kmph speed limit signs within two months.

"With the current road conditions and facilities, travelling at speeds below 40kmph poses the potential risk of traffic accidents," Thang said.

He said the Ministry of Transport had requested that only slow speed signs, instead of speed limits, be applied for roads which are under construction.

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